MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 5 bloom

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There was silence in the vicinity of the mountain, and there was no sound.

The three creatures did not pay attention to Chu Feng, as if he had ignored him.

Chu Feng understands that he is now far from the top of the mountain, and they may feel that he is not threatened, so he does not care, let him stand below.

This is an extraordinary creature with three heads.

"Hey, let's go now!"

Chu Feng decided to go down the mountain, although he was very curious about the small tree rooted in the bronze hill, eager to understand, but it is too dangerous for him, he will lose his life at any time.

The aroma became rich and it was uploaded from Bronze Hill.

The head was swaying, lightning fast, and a few of the ups and downs passed through the rock pile, and then ran straight up the mountain along the steep mountain.

A black yak with a long length, the whole body is black and bright, and the large horns on the head are very horrible. It opens its hoof and follows the back without delay.

It walked very steady, along the side with the earth and stone, actually climbed the steep bronze mountain.

The fierce bird in midair is like gold casting, the wings are more and more smashed, the pupils flash golden light, it lowers the height, near the cliff, watching the small tree.

When Chu Feng was ready to retreat, the aroma was several times more intense, and the flower buds were about to bloom.


Although there is a distance between them, Chu Feng clearly heard the sound of flowers, and the big silver-white flower bones at the top of the small tree bloomed.

The flowers are open!

The floral scent hits people, and it is much richer than it was just now. It seems to have a special demon and is fascinating.

For a moment, the three creatures rushed to the edge of the cliff, and when they came near, they watched nervously, and began to smother the flowers, as if they were swallowing fragrance.

Chu Feng turned back and just saw this scene, and their weird moves made him horrified.

The three creatures can't help but want to attack each other and will show terrible wildness.

The successive sounds of the sound came, the silver-white petals continued to bloom, with the white mist, and the bursts of crystal, the flowers blossomed, the fragrance was ten times more intense!

Chu Feng was really scared. What kind of flower is this? This fragrance is so tempting that he can't help but want to turn back and rush to the top of the mountain.

At the top of the three-foot-tall tree, the large silver-white flowers of the fists are completely bloomed, and the white mist is scattered. It is filled with bronze cliffs, making it like a fairyland.

The petals are covered with golden spots, and they are all glowing at this time. In the white mist, the golden light particles are shining like stars and shining.

This scene is somewhat magnificent and charming.

The three-headed creature is waiting for this moment, let it mature!

They vie for, violently hit, claws and empties, this is the release of the primitive wildness, very crazy, want to monopolize that flower.

When the black yak stepped on the foot, the top of the earthquake was trembled and powerful.


In midair, the golden murderer opened his big claws and slammed into the rough horns.

The head was low and the voice was dull, like a thunder.

Three creatures are killing each other, attacking each other and vying for blooming flowers.

In the process, they are also screaming, desperate to take flowers.

The white hills of the bronze hills are smoky, and the golden spots are shaking, like a small piece of Xinghai shining in the mist, which is extremely mysterious and beautiful.


They touched the green tree, and the big claw on the head wiped the flowers.

The wind swayed, the golden savage bird swooped, and the hard cockroach licked, the sharp claws fell, and I wanted to tear the cockroach.

Earlier they didn't do each other, because they were jealous of each other, and now that the flowers are blooming, they will fight for it, regardless of their desperation!

When the golden savage bird flapped its wings, a few petals fell from the big claws of the cockroach, and as the wind fell to the Bronze Hill.

The place was extremely steep, and the petals wrapped in white fog quickly fell to the Chu wind.

He lifted his hand and caught it. The aroma was so strong that he was almost drunk and looked at it. Looking closely, there was a layer of crystal on the inner wall of the petal with golden spots.


A layer of pollen was glued on it and it was shiny.

Chu Feng reached out and handed four petals into his hands. Two of the aromas were slightly lighter, because only a little pollen was stuck, and the other two were fragrant and fragrant. The top was crystal-clear and the aroma was not strong.

The three creatures on the top of the bronze had a look down, their eyes cold, and then they began to fight fiercely, fighting for the petals that had not fallen.

The Chu wind sees the shape and tightens the petals.

However, he soon found the abnormality, the petals of the palm of his hand were no longer warm, and there was a sense of withering. He spread his palm and found that the crystal on the four petals disappeared and the petals dried up!

For a moment, they lost their luster, they were not active, and they became yellow.

How is this going?

With a little effort, one of the petals turned into debris.

Chu Feng was shocked. He threw the remaining three dried petals and shouted at the top of the mountain: "Return to you."

Later, he turned decisively, ignored the situation, and rushed down the mountain.

Although he was eager to escape, he couldn’t help thinking about it all the way. Why did the four petals wilted in his hands? This change is very weird!

When passing through the copper house and the bronze monument, he did not stop, and he wanted to quickly go down the mountain. The distance behind the mountain gradually became flat and the speed could be accelerated.

It took a long time, when the Chu wind rushed to the foot of the mountain, the red sun has fallen.

Fortunately, the three unidentified creatures did not catch up and struggled on the top of the mountain.

Chu Feng is full of sweat, doing such a vigorous exercise on such a high mountain, even if his physical fitness is good, he feels exhausted.

It was too tired. He sat at the foot of the mountain and gasped for a long time. After a long time, he could hear the sound of his heart pounding. He poured water into his mouth.

Looking back at the mountains behind me, it really seems like a fan.

The West King bronze monument, the mysterious copper house, and the Tongshan Mountain. Is the interior of the Dashan Mountain really copper?

If possible, he really wants to strip the soil of this mountain and take a closer look at what is going on inside.

This mountain is only one of the Kunlun Mountains. What secrets are there in this area?

"You have to leave quickly. If the three creatures rush down, it will be extremely dangerous."

A few days ago, there was an earthquake, and there were many large cracks in the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, it was no exception. When the wind fell, it was carefully avoided.

Inadvertently, he saw a stone in a seam, three inches high, square and square, actually has a very regular shape, but it is rare.

Chu Feng picked up and continued on the road.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Chu Feng always feels that the body is a little different, very subtle, and occasionally touches a warm stream, flowing in flesh and blood.

Carefully go to experience, it disappears again, and if you don't care about it, it will appear inadvertently.

Illusion, or physical allergies?

He suspected for a while that his perception was disordered?

"It started from this hand."

He spread his left hand, and when he first noticed it, it was the left palm part, but there was nothing there.

"The four petals have been inexplicably dried in my left hand."

Chu Feng was on the road while pondering this matter. He felt that it was not so simple. It was a bit weird and he was very uneasy.

The petals have been white mist, and there are streaks of light, no matter how you look.

The bronze Kunlun Mountain behind him actually shocked his original concept and was subversive, which made him have to think more.

"The three creatures are not ordinary. They are fighting for the flower on the tree. It should be harmless."

Although there are concerns, Chu Feng feels that this flower should be harmless to the body. Otherwise, how can it trigger a rare beast to kill and fight for it.

He shook his head and didn't want to do this for the time being. He strode to the area where the herdsmen lived.

Under the night, the innocent plateau is extraordinarily quiet, and occasionally a beast is heard from a distance, which adds a sense of openness and desolation.

Chu Feng spent the night in the herdsmen’s home, and he decided to embark on the return journey tomorrow.

In the night, he quietly read the book, while realizing the warmth of the earlier, but unpredictable, seemingly nothing, do not know if there will be any change.

For a long time, he sighed: "Let's go with the flow."

Because, in every attempt, he found that the more he cares, the more attention he pays, the more he is not aware of it. On the contrary, he can realize it instead of being obscured.

"Pollen, catalyst." Chu Feng gently read these words, he suddenly thought of one thing.

When she left school, Lin Nuyi’s family sent a car to pick her up. The words were mentioned in the vagueness, but it was a little far away. He could not hear clearly.

Although he broke up, he still wanted to send her to her, but I saw that the Lin family was slightly indifferent and looked at him plainly. Chu Feng only waved and left.

Slightly fascinated, he inadvertently saw a stone around him.

"The shape of this stone is so regular."

He measured the stone in the tent. Although it was a cube, the edge was not angular, slightly smooth, like polished and somewhat rounded.

Look closely, there is a fuzzy texture on the stone. Is this naturally formed?

The texture is very dim, and it is easy to ignore it if you don't look at it.

"Is it a trace of man-made?"

At the foot of the Kunlun Mountains, he didn't care at all. He just thought that it was very regular. He picked it up and thought about the things of Tongshan along the way. He was absent-minded and thrown back in his hands.

Now, he suddenly found out that the stone was a bit special.

Chu Feng washed the stones and observed them carefully under the light.

The stone is three inches high and grayish brown. There are some very fuzzy lines surrounding it, like vines, and like natural marks, very old.

Is it the old stoneware left by the ancient tribes? He guessed like this.

Chu Feng turned over and looked at the past, stroking the traces, and suddenly, a squeaking sound, slightly harsh in this quiet night.