MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1612 Old friend sees old friend again

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   Suddenly when we met, Chu Feng woke up and realized that she had indeed seen this woman and knew who she was!

   "Is that your black beauty?!" He almost blurted out without thinking.

  This undoubtedly made the pale-skinned, very young and beautiful woman on the other side even more angry, and her eyebrows were erected.

  Other "beauty" members, such as Ouyang Weird Dragon, are also very speechless. What are these words, right? !

  Sure enough, this woman who walked out of the restricted area slapped it with one palm. With one blow, the fairy energy overflowed, and the order was intertwined in the void, she was a superb figure in the Hunyuan, a great power of constant character level!

  This is very rare. In addition to Chu Feng in Yangjian, did the Zhongqing generation actually produce such a creature?

   However, even if it is Hengzi-level power, it is hard to beat Chu Feng.

With a bang, Chu Feng raised his hand and blocked it. He possesses double Dao Fruits, and he is pressing against the Dao Zi of the heavens. Who is fighting against him now in the Middle Qing Dynasty?

   "You!" The woman was taken aback. When she said goodbye, how long has it passed? She was actually lost.

  Instructions, that day, if Chu Feng, Lao Gu, and Dong Dahu hadn't escaped in advance, she would be able to kill three people by stretching out her finger.

   "The Great Evil Spirit?!" After realizing that, Dong Dahu looked like a tiger with a tiger's head and brain, and he had just reacted.

"Brother Tiger, who is this girl? You really have a good temper. How old are these years, and you dare to do something with Chu Mo. Isn't it a cut off from the world? I wonder if the world has come to the era of Chu Wudi?" Lu Bohu's reincarnation spoke up, with the same temperament as before, flattering.

  Now he has a folding fan in his hand, and he looks like a handsome young man, which is very different from the way he was in the underworld with big fangs and long ears.

  Don't say anything, Dong Dahu slapped him directly on the back of the head, turning the old donkey three times in place.

"You old donkey who doesn't talk about credit, you said that you would reincarnate together. But I was so moved by your deceit. I gave up my body and reborn as a donkey. In the end, you turned around and became a gifted man. I really want to Kick you to death!"

  The Siberian Tiger panted as he spoke. If it weren’t for him, Chu Feng, and Lao Gu to get the blood on the overseas taboo island, he is still a donkey, and it is very difficult to transform back into a wild tiger.

   "My son, my son, my son, don't blame me, I was dizzy and a little confused at the beginning, I didn't expect you to be reincarnated as the strongest holy beast!"

   "Fuck your grandfather, the holy beast is a donkey!"

  Everyone was speechless. This was coming to level the restricted area. As a result, the two of them were fighting each other first, and they started to stand up.

  The "great evil spirit" is also speechless. What is all this mess? For a while, she was a little confused about the situation.

   "Girl, let's misunderstand." Chu Feng coughed and began to talk to the woman opposite.

  At the beginning, he and Lao Gu and Dong Dahu went to the Tongtian Waterfall to collide with each other, and once saw the great evil spirit smuggling from another world in a chariot.

  However, the avenues of the two worlds clashed against each other, and this evil spirit forcibly broke through the solid borders of the two worlds, encountered a backlash from the law, and had a major problem with itself.

   On that day, after the woman succeeded in breaking through the barrier, she escaped into the earth veins, and fainted quickly.

  Chu Feng, Lao Gu, and Dong Dahu were not high in strength at that time, even if they were facing an evil spirit that passed out, they couldn't move.

  But, what is the origin of these three people? In the spirit of the wild goose plucking their hair, they ransacked the great evil spirit directly, yelling at the big evil omen, but when they started, they were not shocked. Even the boots and even the socks were taken away, and the earrings and hairpins were not let go. , Even the battle skirt has torn away part.

  Of course, the most precious thing is the token that the great evil spirit just said, the pendant made of dark mother gold.

   "What's the misunderstanding? Grab my tokens, strip my armor, judge me, and tell me what is a big evil omen!" The great evil spirit was too angry, and he slammed again.

  However, letting her rule three thousand, she was extremely skillful, and she was still resisted by Chu Feng, and she was suppressed with one hand!

  Chu Feng’s palm glowed like a sky falling, pressing on the top of the woman’s head. The runes were densely packed and intertwined in order, causing the space to burst and collapse in an all-round way.

  The big evil spirit is supported by his hands, his body is trembling, and a large white mist rises from the white body, which is the result of the co-transpiration of fairy light and sweat.

  She was really shocked, but she was no match for this young man.

  Instructions, she is already regarded as the most powerful person in the same generation, otherwise, why dare to break into the sun alone?

  Furthermore, she has now adjusted her own state and adapted to the rules of this world, not in a period of weakness, but at her peak.

   "Chu Feng, have you taken off the girl's war skirt?!" Girl Xi asked, her eyes moving, staring at Chu Feng and not relaxing.

   After Chu Feng heard it, he was very serious and said: "Old Gutuo, he saw that his armor was high in rank, and he refused to leave. As a result, he had this cause and effect. I am a disaster!"

  Lao Gu straightened his teeth when he heard it. What's up with him? Isn't this a man of the back?

   "This unreliable tiger took it off. He has to looting other people's battle clothes. It's too bad!" Lao Gu also threw the pot and pushed Dong Dahu out.

  Dong Dahu grinds his teeth, is it all to blame on him? Who is unreliable? This is a typical big fish eating small fish and small fish eating dried shrimps!

   Then... he slapped Lu Bohu's head with a slap, and said, "I blame you!"

"我#%……" The old donkey wanted to scold his mother, you are too simple and rude, you don't even bother to think about the reasons, just push me directly, but, I didn't go, this...who will judge me? !

  The old donkey fooled the Siberian tiger to reincarnate as a donkey, but now he sees him with a guilty conscience. For a while, he is speechless, and I am embarrassed to refute it directly.

   Then, he saw the silvery little unicorn, the reincarnation of the scalper, and the old donkey bared his teeth and said, "I think, should I blame you?"

"What are you doing, bullying?" Da Hei Niu stepped forward. He is still a cow in this life and a royal family. Although he is still a young man, he is taller than an adult. He wears thick horns and wears sunglasses. Cigars are still the habit when they were in the underworld.

   "Suppress!" Huang Milky said milkyly, and started directly, stretched out a unicorn arm, and suppressed the old donkey.

  Looking at these people, the girl Xi flashed her big eyes, her tears almost slipped, and finally she only said softly: "It's great!"

  Back then, it was life and death. I thought that those people would pass away and never see them again. To be able to meet again in this life and get together again, she thinks this is a blessing and the greatest blessing.

  The same group of teenagers in the past, vaguely, as if they were back in the little underworld, with the same sect, the same babbling, full of laughter and laughter.

  Chu Feng also felt a bit of emotion. After many years, he can still come together. This is really surprising and sad.

  It’s just that some people, such as those great monsters in Kunlun, such as the old master of Wudang, have been separated and reincarnated. There is no news again. I don’t know if they can still find a trace in this life.

  And his parents, so far no trace.

   Cherish the people in front of him, Chu Feng firmly believes that he must become stronger and not allow tragedies to happen again.

   However, when he thinks of reincarnation, he naturally has a few more doubts, is it true? Are these people in front of me the carriers of memory, or are they really coming back?

  Don’t think too much, he doesn’t accept pessimism, he just wants to keep everything in front of him.

  Obviously, the great evil spirit was not Chu Feng’s opponent, so he gave up the struggle.

  Chu Feng returned the black gold pendant to her, making her happy and reducing hostility.

   "I come from the fallen fairy royal family." She said her identity.

  The so-called great evil spirit comes from the big world where the fallen fairy king is.

  Not long ago, in front of the battlefield of the two worlds, the fallen fairy royal family really showed their terrifying strength. Moreover, this time the world barrier was opened, it was their family who penetrated the sun.

  The real fallen fairy king shot, naturally can easily open the passage, and will not let the younger generations encounter the backlash of the Yangjian Dao law.

  "Are all the great evil spirits in this restricted area, no, they are all smugglers from the fallen fairy royal family?!" Chu Feng asked.

   "Yes, this is the dojo opened by the fallen immortal royal family in Yangjian." The great evil spirit replied, her real name is Liu Guang, she has been in retreat, and was shocked just now.

   "Liuguang, our people are here and have already returned to the new emperor. Don't have any hostility. You are friends and not enemies with the few friends outside." The old monster in the restricted area said.

  Chu Feng said: "This can't be better, thank you seniors for understanding, now that the heavens are unified, it is better to be unified to the outside world!"

  In fact, he dared to come to the restricted area, how could he be unprepared, he was carrying an immortal king-level killer, and he was not afraid of accidents.

  In general, everything is going well. The old monsters in this restricted area clearly stated that they would obey the dispatch and they would get in touch with the fallen fairy royal family.

   "Senior, I wonder if the people on Tianxian Island overseas are also related to the fallen fairy royal family?" Zhou Xi asked.

   "Yes, that is also our tribe. In fact, even the ancestors of the Yaxian tribe are related to us." The old monster in the restricted area said.

The   Yaxian race is the race that Ying Xiaoxiao belongs to, but they have long been naturalized, and even the evolutionary route is as good as that of Yang, and they have set foot on the pollen road.

  Chu Feng said: "Could you please send someone to Tianxian Island to explain the situation, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings when I wait to land on the island."

   "Yes, Liu Guang, you take my letterhead and walk around."

  In addition to the Taoism that Chu Feng is responsible for suppressing, there is also an overseas Tianxian Island.

  Once a great evil spirit, now Fairy Liuguang and Chu Feng are on the road together.

   "Look, who is that?"

   "Chu Mo!"

   "Sell something demon, you don't want to live anymore, that's my uncle, the killer of the gods, the real supreme seed!"

  On the way, when someone saw Chu Feng and his group, they were very surprised.

  "Uncle Chu, it’s me. Your name is engraved on my soul. I want to turn to] Give you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Friends Base Camp] to receive it!

  Someone came after him and directly recognized his relatives.

   "Uncle Chu, where do you open a mansion, we will go to take refuge in you at that time, and now there are thousands of colleagues ready to go on the road."

  Chu Feng's eyes are dizzy, are these people really getting together? The game of reincarnation back then produced such "fruits."

   "The King Mo's family is in front!" Ouyang Dalong gritted his teeth, but he and Chu Feng were chased and killed by this clan.

   To be precise, it was the strange dragon himself who was chased and killed miserably, after all, for a long time, Chu Feng had been in the dark.


  Chu Feng slapped the past, and directly knocked down the gate of that majestic mansion and flattened the gate of the mountain.

  The reason why they flew on their way and didn't use the field to cross the space. They just wanted to pass by here and vent their anger.

  Swish swish swish!

  Many figures rushed from the mansion of Wang Mo's family, and their complexion suddenly changed when they saw that it was Chu Feng.

   "It turned out to be the King of Chu!" An old man said, and soon smiled, saying: "I am waiting to obey the edict of the Emperor of Heaven, always ready to fight for the human race!"

   "King Chu, there were some misunderstandings in the past, and I really can't help it. We are willing to take the blame, and hope you don't care about it and raise your hand." Another famous Mo family said.

  Chu Feng was speechless. Originally, he wanted to find an excuse to clean up the Mo family. He didn't expect their attitude to be so low.

  Now he is going to be unanimous to the outside world. If he seeks revenge again and troubles the Mo family, it seems a little bit difficult.

   "You guys are doing it for yourself, don't let me find that you are hooked up with the weird, and what is involved with the ominous!" After Chu Feng finished, he led everyone away.

  Ouyang Weird Dragon was very unhappy. He had fled for a long time at the beginning. Today, I really want to settle here.


  The blue sea is boundless, the waves beat the sky, and the overseas Tianxian Island has arrived.

  Things are going well, even if they are overseas, the Celestial Clan already knew what happened in the battlefield between the two worlds.

  Furthermore, there are also people of the same tribe, Liuguang Fairy, who came from the restricted area to send them more accurate news. Therefore, the people of Tianxian Island overseas expressed their return to the Emperor of Heaven, and they were willing to unanimously go abroad.

  Receiving Chu Feng They are Sheng Yuxian, a woman who cleans up the dust, and had a pleasant talk with Chu Feng and Zhou Xi.

  In addition, there are also Chu Feng’s deceased Jiang Luoshen and Xia Qianyu, the two of them actually lived on the overseas Tianxian Island.

  This is the deceased of the little underworld, and Chu Feng has a complicated relationship with them.

  In the past, his first blind date was with Xia Qianyu. At that time, Jiang Luoshen accompanied his friends, which caused a series of ridicules.

  I want to come so far, as if just yesterday.

  Being able to see the two deceased people of Xiaoyinjian in Yangjian, Chu Feng also had endless emotion.

  Actually, this is not the first time he has seen Jiang Luoshen. The last time he refined a golden body in the forbidden area of ​​the Taishang Bagua Furnace, Chu Feng actually saw her when Jiang Luoshen was standing with Sheng Yuxian.

  At this moment, both Jiang Luoshen and Xia Qianyu's expressions are complex, thinking of everything in the past and the current experience, their feelings are difficult to calm.

  In addition, the two of them were also very surprised. They had already learned of Chu Feng's experience in Yangjian, and their hearts were shocked.

  They felt that it was a little unimaginable that this old man in the little underworld could stir up the boundless wind and clouds in the sun, and even the way of God could sweep and suppress it at the same time.

  At the same time, thinking that they originally lived in a modern city, but unexpectedly encountered changes in the world and embarked on the path of evolution, even more lamented that fate is impermanent.

   "Chu Feng!" Xia Qianyu was more fragile, so he rushed over, hugged one of Chu Feng's arm, and cried: "I want to go home, can you send me back?!"

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