MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1594 Heaven and earth long for a rival

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   "Is there no one? It's not enough to fight!" Chu Feng's long hair was scattered, and the blood all over his body was like thunder and surging, and his blood rose like a real dragon, crushing the sky.

  On the ground around him, there was enemy blood and spots. All the big-character young masters who participated in the battle were blown by him, and there was no one nearby.

  He glanced at the evolutionary in the distance, making the heart of the young generation in the heavens throbbed, and even his body trembled.

  At this time, Chu Feng was sitting on the back of the Hengzi-level female Tianjiao, really acting as a Ma Zha. He looked all around and made people afraid to look at him.

  In the eyes of the people of the Qing Dynasty in the heavens, Chu Feng is like a great demon, fierce flames, and the breath that is almost suffocating, bringing incomparable pressure!

  The blond man covered with thunder runes continued to cough up blood in the distance. The scars on his body healed and cracked, constantly repaired, and cracks continued to appear.

  He just suffered from Chu Feng's ultimate punch, and the residual energy rune impacted in his body, which was indelible, causing his body to burst open from time to time.

  On the other side, the young man with eyes like a golden lamp was even more tragic. He was cut off by an oblique shoulder, and the lower half of his body fell to the ground, only held above the shoulders and abdomen, suspended in the air, and blood dripped.

  The two of them have rich experience in fighting, and their speed is amazing. After the defeat, they fled the battlefield as soon as possible and stood not far from the heavenly king, otherwise they would be dangerous.

  According to Chu Feng's character, if it weren't for the immortal king's breath that loomed over the two, he would definitely catch up to suppress them.

  The most difficult, and most angry, nature was the fairy who was bowed by Chu Feng as Mazha sitting underneath. He failed to escape and was imprisoned on the ground.

  At this time, her beautiful face was already blushing, she was really embarrassed and angry, but unfortunately, her whole body lost the ability to move, and she was frozen by the five-color light wheel behind Chu Feng, unable to move.

Chu Feng Dama Jindao sat there, with a disheveled head and sharp eyes, and asked again: "Is there no one in God? Don't you want to pick peaches and win the world? Isn't there anyone who can stand up to me? !"

  He is holding a large long knife in his hand, and the sharp tip of the knife is poking on the ground, his breath is pressing, and one person has to challenge all the heavenly creatures of God.

However, he said: "Don’t be arrogant, God is so vast and vast. It is difficult for me and other teachers to reach the end. There are countless masters, and there are even some path-level creatures who are overwhelming ancient and modern times. How could it be that you wait for the filth of the lower realm? Can the creatures of the earth talk nonsense?!"

  Although they lost just now, the middle-green generation of God cannot bow their heads. A group of people are showing upset, always feeling that the natives of the lower realm are too arrogant.

   However, they also had to sigh in their hearts that the creatures in the lower realm were indeed too tyrannical. Even if they were placed in the heavens, they were probably a natural creature.

  Even, someone gave Chu Feng a higher evaluation, thinking that he might be able to compare with a path of evolution and civilization.

  This is terrific. This is not a heir to an orthodoxy, but a successor to an entire evolutionary civilization, all creatures that are destined to overwhelm the world.

   "Objectively speaking, he can be ranked in the top fifty of the young people's potential list of God, even higher!" Someone whispered, although he was unwilling to accept it, he had to admit it.

  "I don’t believe it. Don’t you know what kind of roots and feet are the first fifty creatures? Some of the great figures in the ancient era should be reincarnated. He... how can a native of the lower realm be comparable?"

"Yeah, in the top fifty, don't even think about it. It's hard to expect that they are all monsters among the strongest monsters. Except for a few young normal creatures, some are clearly Taoist reincarnations, and they even seem to exist at the end of the road. Shadow!"

  The young generation in the heavens is not irritated, whispers and talks, but also reveals a series of terrible truths.

  This made the evolutionaries of the various races of the heavens change their colors when they heard the words, the water of God was too deep, and even the ancestor-level creatures were lost, and the previous life was inexplicably suppressed, so they can only recover and reincarnate with difficulty? !

  Chu Feng said: "What's the use of saying so many, letting a few monsters among your so-called monsters come, I think I can fight ten or a hundred!"

  Such blatant words, as well as his posture of sitting with a knife, really shocked a group of people.

   "Indigenous people, too arrogant!" Someone couldn't help shouting.

  Chu Feng heard the words, his eyes shot out a dazzling beam of light, runes tore the void, like a fairy sword out of its sheath, clanging!

  The young man who denounced him as an aboriginal yelled immediately, fell to the sky, blood gurgled from his eyebrows, and the soul was beheaded!

  Everyone was shocked and sucked in air-conditioning. Everyone felt a sense of horror. So far apart, Chu Feng killed one of them with his eyes!

  At that moment, it was as if a fairy sword broke through the air, taking the enemy's life straight!

  After achieving this kind of result, Chu Feng was very calm, and he took it as a matter of course, because in his eyes that kind of person was not a rival at all.

  He mentioned other people, and said: "For example, the so-called Hengzi rank is also regarded as the so-called arrogant of your God, but it is just that, coughing up blood, breaking the body, oh, there is a prisoner!"

  He even clicked the state of three people, which made a group of people angry, but helpless.

  The blond man with the thunder rune densely covered his body, spit out the last mouthful of blood, finally stabilized his injury, his body was not cracked, but his face was a little pale.

  The young man with eyes like golden lights and full of avenue runes in his eyes used a great medicine from God to fix it

  Good broken body.

  The most embarrassing situation is naturally the woman who wants to go crazy but can't move. She is imprisoned and becomes Mazza there. Who can bear it in full view?

  Especially on weekdays, she was revered as a generation of celestial beings, but she ended up like this, which made her feel ashamed.

  "Let go of Fairy Zhao Lin!" Someone roared.

  In fact, everyone was a little self-doubt at this time. Why did they ignore this matter? Fairy Zhao Lin was still sitting under that person!

  "It is the light wheel, it seems to be able to cut perception, and can cut the sense of the gods, making me ignore everything. My eyes, minds, touch, somatosensory, etc., seem to be shielded." Someone sucked in air-conditioning.

  Hearing what he said, people felt terrified, and they realized that it was so.

  There are some living beings who are at the end of the road, which can make the world have no thoughts about him and do it easily.

   But this Chu Feng, what method did he use just now?

  Chu Feng was indeed caught in a certain special situation. This time he used the Seven Treasure Magic Technique to transform into a five-color light wheel, and then carved the golden text on the stone jar on it. He actually understood the essence of the magic technique during the battle and realized it!

   "The essence of the Seven Treasures Magical Art does not have to be based on seven kinds of heaven and earth rare substances. Each substance can be replaced by an evolutionary civilization road, which will be stronger!"

He not only comprehended the fundamentals, but also carried out some kind of sublimation, whether he could do it or not, but this kind of insight is an instant sympathy between the heavens and the earth. Therefore, the five-color light wheel is prosperous, covering everything, quite whether or not he misses it. Potential!

   "Let go of Zhao Lin!"

   A woman yelled softly, and stood up, raising her hand, the order was like a rainbow, running through the sky, like a flying fairy beam slashing towards Chu Feng.

  She and Zhao Lin come from the same orthodoxy, and they are both under the door of the middle-aged woman riding on the back of the white lion, and this woman has already looked into the realm of real immortals.

  She and Zhao Lin are called the double arrogance of this family, but they have a higher realm than Zhao Lin, so the combat power is naturally not equal.


  At the critical moment, the demon made a move, and the slender hands lightly slapped out. The white palms looked beautiful and dazzling, but they were so powerful.

  The flying fairy-like beam was directly shaken away, and at the same time, the demon demon stepped off the field and resisted the woman.


Rainbows bloom one after another, and the chain of order is like a galaxy intertwined, covering this battlefield. The vast expanses of flying fairy light and rain are extremely splendid. The two women are both invincible existences of the same level of their own orthodoxy. They meet together and fought fiercely. .

   "Well, suppress the provocateurs of the lower realms!"

  "Show them with color, let them understand that the gap with God is like a sky, and Fairy Qi Yu has not met an opponent since his debut!"

  Behind, the young evolutionary in God growled.

The main reason is that Chu Feng's momentum was too strong just now, and a group of people could not hold their heads up. Now Qi Yu, a rising arrogant on the path of evolution and civilization, has gone down, which boosted their morale and felt that they should be able to breathe out a bad breath. There was a clamor.

However, what all of them did not expect was that in the fierce confrontation, the fairy Qi Yu, who was full of feathered fairy light, actually flew out, and was almost pierced by the palm of the demon. The damage was severe and almost killed directly.

Behind the scene, a real fairy came off and caught her, and the middle-aged woman sitting on the white lion was a peerless fairy king. She also gave a surprised look at the demon demon. She didn't even think that the other party actually Such as the means to reach the sky, the fighting talent is too strong, this is not many moves, and almost killed his most promising disciple.

  Not to mention such people in the lower realm, they are rare in the heavens, even some old monsters who have lived for several epochs will rush to accept them as disciples.


  Extremely far away, there are violent residual energy fluctuations, and the blood halo dyes the sky. Is this a fairy king who has been completely killed?

   "People, I can't help but fight, where are we going, one more!" It was the old brother of Jiudaoyi, the lame veteran.

  Several collisions, he finally used the secret technique of emperor fist, knocking people away with one punch!


  Even the evolution of God has many old guys who can't help but want to swear, this master is too cruel, and has killed a powerful fairy king? !

  Is this a complete fight? What kind of secret technique is that, doesn't it mean it is difficult for the fairy kings to kill each other?

  Furthermore, this lame old guy is still looking for someone there, groping around, shameful and terrible!

  In fact, the other two veterans are also unambiguous. The veteran with the halberd in his hand has the blood of the fairy king flowing on its sharp halberd blade!

   "Can't move, this kind of monster has been baptized by the emperor's blood, and has also learned the secret of the immortal emperor!" someone trembled.

  It's not that they can't do it, it's that these three veterans are too weird, the imperial spirit is dormant in the body, and the normal fairy king can't touch them at all!

"Ah, invincible poor way!" The carrion yelled, fighting fiercely with opponents. In general, he was incomplete, even if the little Taoist returned and added a part, he still lacks, because the most powerful The main soul is not there at all!

  So, he was a little hard to fight, but he didn't fall under the wind, and he fought with the immortal king to a fever pitch.

   "Pan Dao seriously doubts, if my main soul is here, can I kill the ancestor of the Cang Dao?" The carrion emboldened and cheered for itself, which made many people's cheeks twitched. This master was too dare to say.

  The three veterans are looking for opponents again, and they are going to fight to the end. However, although the second group of God has more than a hundred strong people, few people are willing to face the three of them.

  In addition, there are other immortal kings in the heavens. They have a big duel with the power of God. In the deepest part of the outside world, a piece of terrifying energy rune burst out, shaking the rules of the road.

   "Come on, who will fight me?!"

  God, a true fairy came off, with a particularly terrifying aura, staring at a group of superhuman figures who came to the end in the ultimate realm of the heavens.

   "I'm coming!" Emperor Yu comes out and wants to fight one.

  Next, other true celestial beings of God came to an end, trying to surpass all the evolutionists of the same level in the heavens.

   "It's really lively, I also come to the lower realm to join in the fun and have a long experience."

  At the portal of the heaven, there was a figure flashing, clouds and mist filled, an ancient beast was white all over, stepping on the fairy light, mighty and intimidating, surrounded by ghosts.

  This turned out to be a white tiger, guarded by gods and ghosts as slaves.

  The most important thing is that the white tiger is just a mount. What he said just now was a young man on its back. His face was calm and ordinary, but if you look closely, there are endless road runes deep in his eyes.

  This made Chu Feng stunned and surprised. This person's mount was a true celestial-level white tiger. This was a bit abnormal, because this person himself had not reached that level.

  According to Chu Feng's estimation, his realm is similar to his.

   However, this level of evolver uses real immortals as mounts, which is enough to explain the problem.

  Obviously, there has been an incredible creature, whose master's background is probably terrifying!

  You should know that many big figures come from the lower realm without much pomp and no mounts.

   "The road of pure flesh, the evolutionary civilization that took body refining to the highest realm, has the Daozi of the world come?!"

  People were shocked and shocked.

   Then, many people were overjoyed and shouted.

  "Dao Zi Zhen Teng, please take action, surrender this demon, and prosper to the heavens in the name of the orthodoxy of my God!"

   "Please Daozi's shot to suppress this, he is too arrogant!"

  A group of people yelled and pointed at Chu Feng.

  Obviously, this is a young monster with a great background from God, who is actually the path of a certain evolutionary civilization, and it will stir the world no matter where it goes!

  He is very young. It is not that the so-called face retains youth, but the bones, flesh and blood, etc. exude real vigor.

  He can get to this point, not because of accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years.

  Chu Feng nodded, this person really has extraordinary roots and feet, it is not simple!

   "Come on, let's fight!" Chu Feng said.

   "Okay, itchy hands, let me take a look at your methods!" Zhen Teng sitting on the true fairy-level white tiger said, his appearance is ordinary, but he is an evolutionary civilization, and his strength is naturally unpredictable.

  The next moment, he directly volleyed into the air, left the True Immortal White Tiger mount, rushed towards Chu Feng, crushed the void with his flesh, and countless blasts sounded behind him, and the void was cut apart by his body!

  Who deserves to be a person who walks the route of the flesh, this appearance alone is amazing enough!

  "Daozi, don't punch him to death, stay as a prisoner, otherwise there will be no suspense, let him slowly experience the gap in failure!" someone shouted from behind.

"Dao Zi Zhen Teng has been promoted to the forty-fifth place in the ranking of the potential of the young generation in the gods not many years after his debut. He is a truly peerless creature. In the future, he is destined to have rare rivals, and may be able to reach them. The end of an evolutionary civilization road!"

"Does this demon of Chu dare to be assertive and domineering? He finally met my God’s Daoist. He will soon understand that there can be no real dragons in this dirty land. They are all earth dragons. It will appear in its original form soon, and it will be a big defeat!"

  There are some people in the young generation of God who are very excited and eagerly hope that Chu Feng will be suppressed in an instant. The main reason is that they have just defeated thoroughly and even embarrassingly. They need a big victory to justify God.

  In fact, before the battlefield of the two realms, there were many young and middle-aged generations in the Yang, and even young evolutionaries from the heavens.

   "Shut up all of you, Chu Mo's record is smashed, wait and see!"

  Even if he was a little hostile to Chu Feng earlier, the evolutionary outsiders who were in a competitive position are all in solidarity at this moment, hoping that Chu Feng can defeat Daozi.

  Although I know, this may be extremely difficult, or even impossible.

After all, God is high above, and it has been an unattainable myth since ancient times. The psychological pressure it brings to people is too great. The heavens and all races are extremely jealous, psychologically speaking, they are a little unconfident and feel that they are in a weak position. .

   "What are you afraid of? You don't know. Back then, the ‘that’ was made on his own. Whoever dares to refuse to accept it, just suppress it!" Someone yelled.

  In fact, when everyone was talking, the two people in the field had already collided together, bursting out dazzling avenue symbol beams, and energy fluctuations shocked many evolvers.

  People’s discussions, even the transmission of divine thoughts, can’t match the speed of the two. They are so fast that people can’t react at all.

   Obviously, Chu Feng let go of the humanoid Maza Zhao Lin. After sitting for so long, he did not kill her in the end and let her go.

  The main reason is that he feels that if it is not necessary, he will not kill him.


  At this moment, he and Zhen Teng are fighting together, which can be called a battle between dragons and tigers. This is indeed an outrageous opponent.

  Chu Feng has always attached great importance to the physical body for so many years, and cultivated his Dao body to a level of solidity and immortality, flesh and blood like a King Kong. This is the first time he has encountered a strong opponent in a physical competition, and the opponent is even more evil.

  Because, in the fierce collision, Zhen Teng actually dared to use any part of his body to harden his fist mark, which is really abnormal.

  If Chu Feng's physical body dared to be the second among the young generation of the heavens, no one would dare to be the first. As a result, he now encountered this kind of monster that made him feel tricky.

Before the match, he was not overconfident because he had the Shuangheng Wangdao Fruit. He believed that the true invincible monsters in the Qing Dynasty must have their own cards and methods to increase their ultimate combat power. Someone may even be the same as him. Cultivate one more Tao fruit.


  The sky and the earth are cracked, the mountains are broken like weeds, the collapsed and collapsed by the powerful energy between the two, and the roots are uprooted, and the wind blows to the distance.

   "It's really like an unbreakable stone!" Chu Feng whispered, this Daozi's body is too strong.

  In fact, it is more than an untouchable stone that can be described. This is simply a collection of smelted master gold.

when! when! when!

  Chu Feng fought with him and collided with his physical body. Every time the opponent’s flesh and blood burst out of various avenue symbols, it was simply immortal, immortal, and immortal!

  Even so, he didn't break this person's physical defense for a while, but he also stunned the Qing Dynasty in the sky.

  What they saw, after the Demon of Chu Feng went all out, he was able to kill the Daozi in the top 50 of God's ranking so fiercely, it is inextricable.

  In their perception, Chu Feng should be quickly suppressed!

   "I don't believe in evil, I can't break you!" Chu Feng shouted.

  For a time, the five-color light wheel behind him prospered, the runes are densely packed, and the world's precious materials are blended, refining the origin of the avenue for personal use, illuminating the sky and the earth.

  It is precisely because of the light wheel protecting his body that he can have an equally amazing defensive power, and it is not invaded by all means.

  At this time, the white mist was transpiring between Chu Feng's mouth and nose. He urged the Pirate Breathing Method to the extreme, and he was performing a special ultimate punch!

  Ultimate Fist itself is already terrifying and powerful enough, and now Chu Feng has carved the golden text that had been shown on the stone jar on both fists, and blasted the person.

  咚! Boom!

   Amid the deafening impact, Zhen Teng’s external body was splashed with sparks, and the skin was torn and blood flowed out.

   "What, Daozi is bleeding, how is this possible? The physical body is his strongest support. Even if his soul is damaged, the treasure body will not be injured!"

  God, the young generations were all shocked!

"I hope you don't let me down!" Chu Feng roared. At this time, he ran the Pirate Breathing Technique to the extreme. His whole body became brighter, and his fists seemed to be able to blast through the sky, and the golden symbols became denser. , Spread from the fists to the arm, and then even the upper body!

   "Which is weak and strong, it depends on my physical fight against the emperor!" Zhen Teng yelled, his whole body glowed, and the wounds he had healed immediately, and his breath rose again.

  Chu Feng ignored it, and the upper half of his body was fully covered by golden runes. This was the first time that he combined various secret arts to this level!


  His long hair was scattered, his blood rose to the sky, his fist prints pierced the sky, the ultimate fist opened and closed, as if offering the real ultimate light, he staggered back, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with seven colors of real blood.

   "Come on! Don't let me down, walk with me a few more tricks, let me experience how to become an immortal body!" Chu Feng shouted.

  The mid-green dynasty, whether it is the people of the heavens or the evolutionaries of the heavens, are all shocked. This Chu Feng demon is crazy!

  He actually shocked a certain bright evolving civilization of God, and he was still coveting the opponent's Supreme Secret Art of Body Refining, this lunatic.

  Even some of the older characters of God were shocked, and lost their voice: "How can an aboriginal be so powerful?!"

   "Grandpa Tu also, if you refuse to accept it, you also come off the court, someone from Chu suppresses you together!" At this time, Chu Feng was rebellious, and even the old fellows of God were all targeted together.

  Because, he has taken a fancy to one way of evolving civilization, he wants to observe and learn!


  He once again turned the Taoist Zhen Tengzhen back, causing the seven-color blood to drip from the corners of his mouth.

  "Heaven and earth, I yearn for a rival!" Chu Feng shouted.

Everyone’s complexion changed as soon as he said this. It was not just a stigma, but people felt it. In fact, he wanted to watch each splendid evolutionary path. He was a true madman, or just a madman. Fanatic? !

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