MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1570 Scramble

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The three groups of light shattered into the void, coming from outside the sky, in a daze, giving people a feeling that they came from... God? !

It was too bright, the three groups of light bloomed like billions of trillions of universe, and they would collide with each other, reflecting the heavens and the world, making people unable to open their eyes.

At the same time, there is a vast breath, magnificent and majestic, just like reopening the world, deducing the original atmosphere of all things, everything must be overthrown and rebuilt.

"What the hell? That's enough!" The Emperor Dog murmured, not daring to shout loudly.

The others were also shocked. Too many things happened in the battlefield of the two realms. First, the founder of the Chronicles of Time, the small old man appeared, and the Kungfu reached the fairy king realm.

Then, the fallen fairy king, the four robbers, and the Yuan clan fairy king all descended.

The King of Dogs, Carrion Corpses, and Nine Ways also showed great power.

And when God’s messengers arrived, some were killed and some slipped away.

The Supreme Decree once appeared, but it fell apart.

The heavenly emperor in the copper coffin was shining brightly.

Afterwards, the priest and the female emperor competed, turning the past, the present, and the future!

Before the empress left for the last time, her peerless demeanor shook the world and shocked people's hearts. Until now, people have not recovered.

Now, what has God descended on again?

All tribes are a little apprehensive. The leader of a tribe and the originator of a religion all tremble, agreeing that most of those who dare to appear now have a lot of background!

Now, in the heavens and in the ten thousand realms, the principals of the great races are almost suffocated, and their minds are tense. The more they know, the more fear they are.

This kind of old patriarch and ancestor-level creatures all looked up at this time, looking at the three groups of lights shining on the sky.


"Sure enough, to the battlefield of the two worlds!"

No accident, San Tuan Guang came straight into the battlefield of the two worlds, and soon revealed his true body.

People were surprised that there was one person in each of the three lights. All of them were sacred and transcendent. It was impossible to look directly at them. Looking at the three of them, they couldn't help but bow their heads and worship the ground.

Even the immortal king is no exception, his body is shaking, uncontrollable, and he wants to surrender to the ground.

For a time, people's heads were as big as a fight, and indeed, a great creature came!

Is it a dead-end creature again?

However, those who are at the end of the road are hailed as the supreme beings, running through one ancient history after another, and there are few epochs that have passed!

Now, how could there be three of them all at once? This is not realistic!

In the first group of light, there is an old man with white eyebrows a foot long, feet on the chaotic fog, the whole person is very ethereal, but also with a hidden edge.

However, on his chest, there is a fist mark that penetrates him, and the front and back are transparent. The creature of his level is absolutely powerful, but the wound can't heal?

The fist mark seems to be still radiating, and the remaining prestige remains!

In the second light group, there was a woman with purple hair scattered, dignified and beautiful, and 108 halos appeared behind her head, showing her nobleness and sacredness.

At the same time, what is deeply weird is that there is a blood hole in the center of her forehead, spreading from the white forehead into the hair, the crack is terrifying!

In the third group of light, there is a middle-aged man, who is very faint and unfathomable. There is a lamp on his shoulder, flickering and glowing, as if illuminating the entire misty and chaotic historical sky.

What is astonishing is that he has wounds on the left half of his body, and half of his face and half of his body are almost torn.

On the tattered half of his body, there is a faint red hair, which is ominous and surprising. How did this happen?

People sucked in cold air. These were creatures beyond the level of the Immortal King, with such a breathtaking breath, but how did they suffer such severe injuries and who caused it?

If they are from God, what identity do they have, and why do they come?

Many people were horrified, panicked, and felt tremendous pressure, and their bodies and souls were trembling.

Some ancestors couldn't bear it, their bodies betrayed their consciousness, fell on the ground, and bowed their heads uncontrollably!

The evolution level of these three definitely surpassed the fairy king!

However, people are also awakened, they seem to be inferior to the priest, and even less able to compare with the empress.

Before everyone could think about it, one of the three spoke first and directly stated his intentions.

"A new era is about to begin. I am waiting for this era of great destruction to come for the first rays of life in these heavens."

And, they have registered their own numbers.

"Old Chaos!"

"I'm so old!"

"A certain reincarnation!"

At the same time, they have reduced their own breath, without the coercion that oppresses people, but they have added some kind of indescribable rhyme.

In a daze, they became the carrier of the Tao, the embodiment of the source of the order of the heavens and the world!

The origin of all Taoism, the beginning of everything, and the creation of the world, seem to originate from them!

At this time, all the orders and fragments of the avenues in the heavens and worlds were manifested, all intertwined into tangible bodies, resonating with these three people, really shocking the world.

"they are……?!"

Some people are extremely sensitive. When they hear their names, they immediately have associations.

Chaos, Ten Thousand Tribulations, and Reincarnation, the three names appear together, it is really impossible for people not to think about it. Some true immortals and old people are extremely moved, and the three artifacts are immediately thought of.

The owner of the three imperial weapons once scattered their weapons in the days.

The three weapons are named: Chaos Mace, Wanjie Mirror, and Reincarnation Lamp!

"We are the spirit of the three imperial artifacts!"

They were very calm and explained the situation further.

In fact, when the world was contending for hegemony, the Undefeated Feather Emperor had mastered two imperial artifacts one after another.

But even then, the aura of avenue fragments emitted by that magical weapon still shocked the world.

In fact, the integration of the three weapons and the integration of the three weapons into one furnace will only become a weapon. That is the weapon of the road end-level master!

Now, where do they call it?

Is it for that supreme creature?

"In order to ensure the first line of life, I will transform the Tao and guard the heavens. Everyone, the unification will accelerate. Time is running out, and the first line of life is fleeting!"

After they finished speaking, they were no longer in human form, but turned into auras, like chaos mace, miraculous mirror, and reincarnation lamp.

There are fist marks on their bodies, and they were smashed back then!

And there are red hairs on the lamp of reincarnation

Even this kind of weapon spirit has been eroded, and it is ominous? !


In the next moment, they dispersed, transformed into the realm, merged into the heavens and the world, and disappeared!


Above the heavens, in the no man's land, that is the strangling land of the torrent of time, that is the terrifying land that truly transcends everything and is far away from all beings.

That place is separated from God by an endless terrifying ocean!

At this time, someone was driving a flat boat, struggling to ferry, and walking alone on the vast sea. He seemed to feel something and sneered: "Heh, I seem to feel it, and some people can't wait and want to get ahead."

"So what, even I, a strong man who came back from the emperor's bones, dare not care, how dare you fight for the first place?"

"Oh, that's the hometown of the murderous man. I really thought he was gone and there will be eternal silence? I'm not afraid that he suddenly jumped out alive and beat you to death!"

This is his words, with coldness, ruthlessness, mockery, and deep jealousy.

In the old days, he had spoken and returned, stepping on the ancient bones of the emperor, to enter the heavens and the world!

Today, he felt once again, showing a ray of inspiration above God.


Before the battlefield of the two worlds, the dog king, the nine ways of one, the carrion, etc. all have a sense of urgency. No matter what, it is indeed an urgent task to gather all the power of the heavens together.

"Everyone, from now on, Ten Thousand Realms Guiyi will have a charter, don't internalize it!" Jiudao said.

"I push Senior Yushang as the Emperor of Heaven!" Chu Feng shouted for the first time.

"Haha, who do you think you are, a junior? What you recommend is just an evolutionary at the Hunyuan level who dares to covet the emperor's status?" Someone sneered in the sky.

"Who, have you forgotten that the Yuan clan, the Four Tribulation Sparrows, etc. were so ashamed not long ago?" Chu Feng raised his head and sneered: "He is the descendant of the Heavenly Emperor in the copper coffin. I think he is very suitable!"

When this kind of words came out, many people's faces changed.

"Hey, I can't wait, the emperor's position is not introduced like this!"

In the distance, the cycle of rebirth was opened, and creatures came out, but this time they were not confused and could speak normally.

"Senior, borrow a weapon for a use!" Chu Feng was very tiger, and he directly opened his mouth to Jiu Daoyi, and stretched out his hand to take the rusty war spear.

With a bang, he threw it out without saying anything!

Jiu Daoyi was in a daze and was shocked. He didn't expect that Chu Feng would actually be able to hold this war spear and throw it out. It was a bit hell!

The person on the opposite side did not expect that this kid was so bold, so decisive, and murderous, he would kill him as soon as he met!

This war spear has a great origin, it was taken from the enemy and refined and left for future generations!

Now, when the war spear flew out, with a bang, the spear blasted the circuit of reincarnation open, and directly pierced some people...nothing!

The impact of this incident is really too great, a cycle of rebirth and some masters let the war spear... disappear without a trace!

In the process, Chu Feng was in a daze. He quickly calmed down. He shouted: "Don't ask who I am. I will push the Invincible Hand of the Universe. One day, ancient, modern and future will be chanted to me. The name-Emperor Chu!"

One commercial, an animation of the same name adapted from Ergen's "One Thought Eternity" was officially launched.

At 10:00 on August 12, the first three episodes will be broadcast. Tencent Video is exclusively broadcasted every Wednesday.

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