MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1 The other side of the desert

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The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

An innocent desert, empty and high, magnificent and majestic, when the red day falls, the horizon is full of red, and there is also a sense of desolateness in the majestic.

The ancient smog had already passed away in the years, and although the Yellow River Trail has changed, it is still there.

Chu Feng is traveling alone, very tired. He is lying on the yellow sand and watching the **** sunset. I don't know how long it will take to leave this desert.

He graduated a few days ago, and he said goodbye to the goddess on campus. Maybe he couldn't see it. After all, he was euphemistically informed that from this day, the parties should break up.

After leaving the college, he traveled.

The setting sun is very red, hanging at the end of the desert, there is a quiet beauty in the air.

Chu Feng sat up and drank some water, feeling that his energy had recovered a lot. His body was of a type that was slender and strong, his body was very good, and his fatigue gradually subsided.

Standing up and looking around, he felt that he was about to leave the desert. If he walked for a while, he might see the herdsmen’s tent. He decided to move on.

All the way west, he left a long, far-reaching footprint in the desert.

It’s silent, it’s foggy, and it’s very rare in the desert.

Chu Feng was surprised, and the fog turned out to be blue, giving a cool feeling in this autumn season.

Unconsciously, the smog gradually became heavy, and the blue lingering, lingering, enveloped the desert.

At the end of the desert, the setting sun is a bit strange, gradually turning into a round of blue days, there is a kind of magical beauty, and the fire cloud is also dyed blue.

Chu Feng frowned, although he knew that the weather in the desert is the most variable, but it is not normal.

Silence, he stopped.

Before entering the desert, he had heard from the local old herdsmen that one person walked in the desert, sometimes heard some strange sounds, and saw some strange things, be extra cautious.

He didn't care at the time.

Still quiet, there is a layer of blue mist in the desert, and no other accidents happen. Chu Feng speeds up his pace. He wants to leave here as soon as possible.

At the end of the desert, the blue sky of the sunset, dyed the blue sky, but it will soon disappear on the horizon.

Chu Feng is getting faster and faster and starts to run. He doesn't want to stay in this strange and full of uncertainty.

In the desert, the spectacle of the mirage is mostly happening under the scorching sun, and it doesn't match at the moment. This is not like a scene.

Suddenly, there was a soft noise in front, like something broke out of the sand, and the sound was very dense, one after another.

Chu Feng slammed down and stared at the desert. The blue light in front of the ground was a little bit like a blue diamond scattered in the ground. It was crystal clear and shining, shining in the afterglow of the setting sun.

It is a tender seedling, one inch tall, less than one inch high, broken out of the desert, with a beautiful luster, clear and demon, all over the place.

After a short stagnation, the rustling sounds into pieces, the blue color is shining, and all the tender seedlings are quickly pulled up and grow up in a flash.

The horizon, the blue sun sinks, is about to disappear, the fog is filled, the vast desert is like a layer of strange blue tulle.


The sound of the flower blooms, and the desert is blue. At the moment when the sunset is about to disappear, these plants begin to bloom into pieces.

A lot of blue flowers, crystal little, just like dreams, some intoxicating, all over the desert, very unreal.

This kind of plant is more than a foot high, the whole body is translucent like a blue coral, and the petals are strips, glamorous and charming, just like being placed in another country, with a devil and an attractive mind.

Chu Feng stepped back, however, behind the plant is full of this kind of plant, blue light flowing, can not see the side.

He was very surprised. He looked carefully and tried to identify it. It was like a flower on the other side. The petals were unfolding and bent backwards, which was extremely beautiful.

However, the other side of the flower is bright, but it is blue, and I have never heard of blue flowers.

The other side of the flower is real, with a strong religious color. There are too many legends about it, but Chu Feng does not believe this, only to be surprised by the sight.

The desert is dry and lacks water, and only extremely rare drought-tolerant plants are occasionally visible and scattered. The other side of the flower likes a gloomy, humid environment, and it should not appear here anyway, and it is so glamorous.

It’s all over the place, and you can’t see it at the end.

The vast desert, the mist dyed the blue sky, soaked the horizon, and the entire open and innocent desert gave birth to the blue shore flowers, the strange and mysterious!

A touch of fragrant and ethereal, addictive.

Chu Feng shook his head hard, carefully striding, avoiding these flowers, he found that only one area without such plants, that is --- the Yellow River Trail.

In the years changed many times, after several diversions, it runs through this desert, and now it is near dry, and the blue shore spreads across the banks and embraces it.

Spend the two sides and see each other.

Finally, the sun sank, and it was at this time that these plants were blooming, and the flowers blossomed to the extreme, turning into a blue ocean, shining.

Although the twilight came, but the blue luster here, the ultimate dazzling, gorgeous and surprising.

Chu Feng stood on the ancient road of the Yellow River, and his heart could not be quiet, but he did not stop and marched quickly along the river.

The sky is getting darker and the last sunset is gone.

The blue desert was a little bit radiant, and then suddenly, with a bang, all the blue flowers on the other side of the shore were dying in an instant.

The fascinating petals withered, and then the whole plant began to dry up, they lost color, depleted of vitality, quickly yellowed, and then shattered, as if lost in a moment for decades.


At the last moment, the dry blue shore of the field broke and became a powder.

This strange sight is hard to explain.

They are like fireworks, short-lived, beautiful to the extreme, and then withered, become ashes.

The yellow powder falls in the sand and is difficult to distinguish in the twilight. At this time, the blue fog has long since disappeared, and the desert has recovered as it is, no matter what happened before, and it is quiet again.

Chu Feng did not stop, striding forward, in the twilight, he turned over many sand dunes, finally saw the mountain shadow on the horizon, to leave the desert.

The sky was getting dark, and he finally came out, clearly saw the mountains, and also saw the tents of the herdsmen at the foot of the mountain.

When I look back, the desert behind me is very quiet, very quiet, no different from weekdays.

In front of the mountain, the lights swayed, and when I was far from the foot of the mountain, I heard some noises, and it was not calm, as if something was happening.

In addition, there are cows and sheep and other animals screaming, as well as the dull and low voice of Tibetan mastiffs.

Is there something unusual? Chu Feng speeded up his footsteps and rushed to the foot of the mountain, near the herdsmen's habitat.

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