MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 7 Addicted [Dawn in the morning, continue to support]

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"Can you lend it to me?" Zhang Yang put the book in his heart and looked up at the girl.


Zhang Yang clearly saw the girl's face, and her whole body jumped up like a spring. Before the girl did not respond, his figure had disappeared at the entrance of the stairs ...

"My book, my book ... Damn publicity, perversion, voyeurism ..."

When Zhang Yang climbed to the fifth floor, holding the violently beating heart with his hands, he heard the girl's shout below, and then remembered that the math book was still covering his heart.

Zhang Yang naturally did not dare to go back downstairs to return the book, because the girl was his worst enemy at school. Among the hundreds of photos uploaded, the picture of the girl alone accounted for more than half, and that photo Among them, there are a few more exposed ...

It is said that the girl has released a ruthless word, as long as you catch the publicity and let it go to death!

The background of the girl who can make Zhang Yang afraid is not simple. The girl's surname is Xiao, and her name is Yiran. The girl has no parents, and only one brother lives on the other side. City c. It is said that the girl's brother has a considerable status in the underground forces in city c. She does not know what she is doing. Anyway, the classmates all said so, and he was not interested in knowing. It was a social circle that was out of touch with him. He was concerned about whether the girl's brother would find a school ...


After climbing up the fifth floor swiftly, Zhang Yang closed the door tightly. The dormitory was still quiet, and several roommates slept soundly.

Lying on the bed, the heart rang. It took a long time for Zhang Yang to recover from the panic. The girl's brother put too much pressure on him. The legend is often more frightening. All the information told him that Xiao Yiran's brother was a cold heart. Ruthless guy.

"***, I won't leave the school, I don't believe you can still kill the school ..." After regaining sedation, Zhang's spirit of Ah Q came again, and a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

Zhang Yang's thinking is back to the mathematics book. The book is still held in his hand, exuding a faint scent of ink. This is a new book. When you open the title page, you can see Xiao Yiran's signature and the date of purchase.

"It was a new book that I bought only in August! Regard her, this uncle will look first."

Seeing this book, all of Zhang Yang's fears were suddenly thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun. It seemed that reading Yu Yu intensely would make all his troubles far away from him.

Soon, Zhang Yang was obsessed with the wonderful mathematical world, and had to say that it was a good science popular book, which explained the basic concepts and methods in the entire field of mathematics deeply and vividly.

Time is slowly passing by. Zhang Yang started reading and couldn't help but picked up a pen and started to write and draw on the book. Some important places were marked with surnames. Occasionally, the pages were still blank. Writing his own ideas and some other calculation methods, he has completely forgotten the owner of this book ...

Time began to flow at an alarming rate. Zhang Yang didn't notice the roommates coming in and out. He had completely fallen into the world of numbers. In that world, he was the master and he was the existence of God!


"Zhang Yang, what novel did you read, have you eaten?" A roommate came in with a lunch box.


Amazingly, a feeling of extreme tiredness and hunger hit my heart, and the scent overflowing from the lunch box suddenly pulled out Zhang Yang who was addicted to the mathematical world. Zhang Yang felt as though he was going to faint.

"When is it? I haven't had breakfast yet." Zhang Yang remembered that, after meeting Xiao Yi, he actually forgot to have breakfast.

"Breakfast?" The roommate said with a look of surprise. "What time is it, still having breakfast? I'm already having dinner."

"Ah ... supper?"

Zhang Yang jumped up from the bed like a spring. Picking up the lunch box was like rushing out of the cafeteria. He unknowingly lay in bed and read a whole day of books. He didn't eat breakfast, lunch or dinner. ***, when Did you love learning so much?

"Look at what pornographic novels our **** princes read ... say! Basic research on ideas and methods ... when did this boy love to learn so much, and even such advanced math books can be read all day long?"

As soon as Zhang Yang went out, the roommate picked up Zhang Yang's book on the bed and read it.

"Let me see." Another roommate lying in bed took the book and turned a page and said, "I rely on it, you are too indifferent, people are studying hair, they are picking up girls, you have not seen , The book's signature is Xiao Yiran, and it was bought in August ... strange, strange ... "

"What's weird?"

"The nag and Xiao Yiran were deadly opponents. When did they come together? Also, this book was bought at the end of August, and now it is in Zhang Yang's hands. You said, isn't this strange? Besides, Zhang Yang spends his entire summer vacation Disappeared, but in the summer vacation for the past three years, he has been working in city C and living in school ... "

"Eun, it's weird ..."

"Muffy, Muffy ... They went from their enemies to their in-laws, and Zhang Yang wasn't afraid that Xiao Yiran's brother would cut off his ** ?! In the past three years, I haven't seen anyone dare to chase Xiao Yiran ..."


All the gossip people have simply moved the problem of mathematics books to the relationship between Zhang Yang and Xiao Yiran.

When a group of gossip vilified Zhang Yang in every way, Zhang Yang was rushing to the cafeteria with a lunch box, but only after he ran halfway, he stopped abruptly, and then he remembered that his wallet was gone, and the meal The card is gone, the most important thing is that his only bank card is actually in that wallet ...

Are you looking for the girl you met on the train?

Or find a relationship to solve life problems first?

After a little thought, Zhang Yang decided, at this time, wasn't she looking for the junior girl in the dormitory to die? First find Liu Biao to solve life problems.

Liu Biao is Zhang Yang's only friend in the school. He is a arrogant person and a city person. He likes to hang out with some little **** outside the school. In addition to fighting, he is a pick-up girl. What makes everyone dazzle is that Zhang Yang is silent and weak A timid person can mix with such an orangutan.

Zhang Yang's surname is lonely and usually likes to be alone. Although he can borrow the money for a dinner as long as he speaks, he prefers to talk to Liu Biao rather than to those roommates and classmates.

In the three years of university, if it wasn't for Zhang Yang who did a shocking **** event that shocked the whole country, I believe that the entire **** liberal arts college will not know more than 50 people, but in fact, there are more than 40 people in the Zhang Yang class. How small Zhang Yang ’s social circle is. In the past three years, Zhang Yang worked in addition to normal school. Even on Saturdays and Sundays, he would cut his head and find some part-time jobs in City C. It really hangs out on campus when there is nothing to do, and indulge in network, which is one of the reasons why he has dealt with the janitor Wang Bo well.

"Wang Wang, borrow a phone from me to make a call." Zhang Yang slipped into the guard room and sneered. There were only a few of them in the whole school, and Zhang Yang was just one of them.

[Oh, rushing to the list in the early morning, domineering needs the support of brothers. The book of domineering is called the Road of Tushen. Look at the power of domination. Brothers, lift up the **** and slaughter all who block the **** and become the god. Way people! 】

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