MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 490 Billionaires are standing on the ring!

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The power of this punch caused Nana, who flew out obliquely, to sweat coldly. Between her body flying away to avoid this deadly electric light flint, Nana had understood that Zhang Yang had saved her.

Nana's body flew to the side of the cable, and bounced on it, falling very gently, without injury.


"Oh, God!"

"Oh my God, is this true ?!"


A fist sounded in the boxing field. Just now Nana suddenly flew out obliquely, and she has lost her physical concept. People do n’t know the reason for being splayed away from a few ten meters away. In their eyes, Nana seems to be flying suddenly. When I went out, I avoided it, and it was a terrible punch.

However, Nana avoided this thrilling punch. Everyone can see that if this punch hits Nana's head, Tianna's beautiful Nana is definitely a good match. There is no suspense. As a result, the power of that punch was enough to kill even an elephant, not to mention Nana's tender and weak body.

Just when everyone moved their eyes from Nana to Alberta, the crowd made a sound of surprise again. At this moment, it was not clear when a young man appeared on the ring. It was very sudden. appear.

The young man has short hair and casual clothes. It looks nothing special except for his spirit. Of course, everyone is not surprised by Zhang Yang ’s ordinary appearance, but by his sudden appearance. So wide open platform, Zhang Yang actually appears stiffly. On the ring, like a ghost, as if he had been standing on the ring ...

Not only was the audience unexpected, but Elberta was also very surprised. The moment Zhang Yang jumped onto the ring, he didn't feel the slightest. Moreover, Zhang Yang jumped to the center of the ring behind him. Alberta believes that if it is not Zhang Yang, With a deliberate sound, he could not find Zhang's presence.

Alberta's face became serious, and the evil smirk disappeared, replaced by solemnity and solemnity.


The referee ran to the ring and shouted, and immediately his voice was cut off, just like the screaming duck was suddenly twisted off his neck.

At this time, the referee's eyes were raised, his mouth opened wide, his tongue was almost spit out, and saliva dripped, and he could not speak anymore, because a young man with strong facial features and evil looks lifted him up in one hand. In the air, the hand was large and powerful. He felt his life was being lost, and he could only helplessly and helplessly struggling with his legs.

The owner of that hand was the arrogant Liu Biao.


Liu Biao put his left hand on his mouth and shook it gently, making a motion of silence, and then slowly lowered the referee. The huge palm was gently patted on the referee's body, just like touching his pet Gentle, let go people goosebumps ...

"Cough ... cough ..."

Where did the referee speak, he coughed desperately covering his throat with both hands, and a face turned into a liver color.

He did n’t say that the referee could n’t speak. He could n’t say if he could say it. People who can be referees here have a few brushes. Two or three ordinary people are really not their opponents. Now, the power of this young man with an evil smile on his face is terrible, just like the iron clamp. The referee is fully convinced that with just a pinch of this hand, his neck will become two sections, so that his head Out of the body, now that fear has taken over every cell of him, where is the mind to control things on the ring.

Looking at the referee's embarrassing look, the host standing inside a railing in the air opened his mouth and didn't speak. He recognized Liu Biao long ago. It was this guy who made trouble on the first day and put a dozen security guards. All thrown out, but he stood tallest and saw clearly.

At this time, the security guards in the fist arena were tense, one by one nervous, listening to the headset, they seemed to be waiting for the news, and to their depression, they didn't get any orders.

In fact, Liu Biao publicized a group that had been the focus of this organizer's attention. They all looked at Cara's face. They had long given a death order and tried to tolerate Cara's group of people. After all, Cara was one of the underworld godfathers in the US Camels are bigger than horses, and no one dares to despise Carla's existence.

"This is out of order!" This was the first sentence on the platform of Alberta. The voice was low and full of the magnetic surname of the male surname. There was no such rough voice as people imagined.

Alberta gazed at the young man across from him, with a raging war in his eyes. His short moment of disappointment soon disappeared, and his strong mental power put him back in that peak of momentum. In his memory cells, there is no word "fear".

In fact, it is very simple to say, no matter how powerful the publicity is, there are a few discounts for people with biochemical genes. After all, there may be very few human genes in biochemical human bodies, and the human spirit Force mainly affects human beings themselves. For a bird, there is no difference in the degree of danger between a strong human and a thin human. If there is a difference, it is to see who has a gun in their hands ...

"She lost!" Zhang Yang had no expression on his face.

"She lost?" Alberta set her eyes on Nana, who was still standing on the ring.

"..." Nana glanced openly, silent for two seconds, and said softly: "I lost!"

The audience watched Nana lowering her head slowly down the platform. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it. In fact, no one knew how difficult it was to say the word "losing" from Nana's mouth. Now, in Zhang Yang, In front of her, Nana could easily say it.

Of course, the main thing is that Nana needs to complete the task, and she is obviously unable to complete the task, because she is not an opponent of this top-level biochemical person, and she is proud of her vertigo. Without the slightest effect, she could only choose to give up and let Zhang Yang come. As for the means by which Zhang Yang adopted to achieve the goal, this was no longer her consideration. All she wanted was the result.

"I know the rules, Mr. Carla told me." Zhang Yang still looked indifferent.

"Mr. Carla ?!" Alberta's pupils tightened, apparently, he had heard Cara's reputation.


"He promises?" Alberta's face became cautious.

"No, we just know each other."

"This ..." Alberta frowned.

"50 million dollars. If I lose, 50 million dollars is yours. If you lose, you only need to pay 5 million dollars!"


Amazingly, the whole fist field fell into a period of extreme silence.

Fifty million dollars is not a small number. Don't watch the stories in movies and televisions, which are hundreds of millions or billions. In fact, whether in developed countries in the West or poor countries, the fifty million dollars is definitely not a small number.

Not only were the audiences surprised, but Carla and Qiang were shocked. They found that they once again underestimated Zhang Yang and looked at Zhang Yang's indifferent expression. It seemed that there was no US $ 50 million in his heart. The calm and calm expression made the old Kara building feel ashamed. Even with the wealth of his family, he would hesitate for a long time to bet $ 50 million.

As for the strong brother, it is basically a dumpling. No matter whether it is a Vietnamese gang before or now, it has never been really rich.

It is worth mentioning here that there is a clear rule in the underground black market boxing. If someone wants to challenge the champion, he will have to pay six times the price. In other words, Elberta puts 500 bets on himself. Ten thousand dollars, if anyone challenges him, he must bet 30 million to win the five million. Now, Zhang Yang is opening 50 million, which is ten times, which is what surprises everyone.

There is no doubt that six betting is an unfair betting rule. Therefore, in underground boxing arenas, most people will choose a level one promotion, rather than spending money to buy the qualification for the challenge, let alone, even if someone has this kind of Ideas don't necessarily have the money to take action.

Gaining the maximum reward with the least money is the unchanging truth of the gaming industry!

"Money ..." Although the blood of all kinds of animals was flowing in Alberta's veins, he was undoubtedly a very careful person, which was a bit out of step with his tall and mighty figure.

Perhaps this is the cunning and suspicious surname of some ancient creatures.

"Little plums, let the people inside the casino check their accounts."

"Yes!" Little Plum opened her laptop computer, connected wirelessly, and connected to the Swiss Bank's portal station. After entering the password, a casino professional came to Little Plum and started reviewing and inquiring to see them. There is no ability to pay.

"Billions of dollars!"

The staff member opened his mouth and opened his eyes and looked at the series of horrible figures. He almost fell to the ground and quickly checked the station. After making a series of phone inquiries, he took a long breath and sighed high. The host made a fist gesture and shook it very forcefully.

This is a very simple action, and the meaning is also very simple. He is telling the host that this is a big client, a real top rich man.

Immediately after this staff member made this gesture, the staff of the entire fist field immediately received a very concise password in their headsets. After the crowd received this password, all staff members looked at Zhang Yang's eyes intentionally or unintentionally. Full of awe.

No matter where they are, the super rich will get the dignity and status that match their wealth, and this underground boxing are no exception.

This is the law of human survival!

Undoubtedly, the publicity of one billion dollars has stood on top of the human pyramid!

Now, it is a billionaire super rich standing on the ring to challenge a killing machine!

(To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion