MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 473 Li Chun

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Zhang Yang didn't answer, just smiled, but Nana simply relied on Zhang Yang's body, looking like a bird.

"Why are they bothering you?" The Amur Tiger continued to ask.

"You do your own thing, don't care about us." Zhang Yang finally spoke. He didn't intend to speak, but he felt that the tiger brother was still a man, so he spoke.


Zhang Yang ’s answer made the Northeast Tiger look blank, opened his mouth and did n’t speak, and there was a long silence. At the time of silence, the Vietnamese had slowly pushed over, holding an arc in his hand. Scimitar, the scimitar flickers a heartbreaking metallic light under the exposed light.

The scene suddenly slumped.

This Vietnamese exudes a depressing breath, and every step is like stepping on people's hearts.

The tiny eyes of the Vietnamese fell on Zhang Yang like a blade. He didn't want to waste time in this place. Killing a master of a firearm without a gun was not a worthwhile thing for him. He only Want to complete the task early and leave here early.

Finally, the Vietnamese approached the Siberian Tiger. Instead of approaching the Siberian Tiger, he avoided the Siberian Tiger and kept a safe distance from him. Obviously, the Siberian Tiger's mighty guy also knew that he would rather give up. The site did not conflict with him.


The Siberian Tiger's pensive body turned abruptly, and the long knife in his hand suddenly chopped down in the air, making a "brush" sound of breaking the air, which was extremely horrifying.

"Siberian tiger, our Vietnamese gang is enough fun, you don't go too far!" Then the Vietnamese body slammed and then retreated, hiding from the sharp edge of the Siberian tiger, his face was red and black, how ugly and ugly he started, and he started with the Northeast. Keeping the distance between the tigers is afraid of the Northeast tiger violently hurting people. I didn't expect that the gangster actually shot. Fortunately, it was prepared, otherwise, it would be very embarrassing even if it avoided it.

"No, they are Chinese. If you chop a Chinese in front of my Amur Tiger, then I am still a fart, and aside from now, I don't care." The Amur Tiger said with a loud voice.

"You are cruel, I see how long you can protect them, I will wait for him by the square!"

The Vietnamese still do n’t want to entangle with the Siberian tiger, and waved the machete fiercely in the air. In fact, the Siberian tiger did not know him, but he knew the Siberian tiger very well. He did not have the slightest grasp to defeat the Siberian tiger. Besides, now, The Siberian Tiger has more than several times the manpower.

"Anyway, as long as you don't make trouble on my site." Siberian Tiger sneered.


The Vietnamese stepped back and walked outside, and a group of Vietnamese puppets followed closely. From now on, the Vietnamese with a machete has replaced the leading position of the Vietnamese puppets.

Under the eyes of everyone, a group of Vietnamese people really stood on the edge of the square and looked at this side. It seemed that Tie Xinxin would kill the publicity today.

In fact, at this time, the Vietnamese with a machete was anxious. His assassination task has now become a killing on the table, which is not consistent with his style, but he had no choice, because the strong brother explained that he only had no gun on the other side. At that time, he had a chance, and the information showed that it might be his only chance now. If he didn't grasp the opportunity, he would be defeated. The next chance is unknown.

As an assassin naturally understands that there are few times when a super gun expert leaves his gun in his life.

Today, now, will be his only chance!

Of course, there are many methods to assassinate a gunman, such as sniping, ambush, and hunting. There are countless various methods, but these methods require a long preparation process. For example, you must know the other person's living habits. Planning the retreat route, so killing a person is not as simple as the movie. According to information, this young man is likely to leave recently, and no one knows where he will go.

In addition to the use of firearms and heavy weapons in the early battle for the territory, the Dagang Gang and the Vietnamese Gang have not fired guns for decades. The reason is very simple. Once the firearms are used, they will usher in a [***] sweep. For the gang, this is a worthless event.

When the gangs are not destroyed, most of the gangs will use cold weapons to deal with them. Guns are only a deterrent to the other party, and they are also the last weapon. Even the mafia try to abide by this unwritten rule.

"What are you doing?"

Just after the Vietnamese gang left, the Siberian tiger was surprised to find that the two gentle-looking lovers actually snuggled out and seemed to be unaware that a group of fierce Vietnamese outside was staring at each other.

"Thank you, we will deal with it." Zhang Yang stood back and politely addressed the Northeast Tiger Road. This Northeast man deserves his respect. If the Chinese have his mentality, no matter in any country, the Chinese will not be bullied.

"But they are out there. It ’s better to stay here. We have many brothers here to cool off at night. You leave when there is a patrol after dawn. I do n’t dare to cut people in front of the police." Kindly persuade, after all, everyone is a Chinese, and watching a fellow being hacked by a Vietnamese makes him unacceptable.

"No, of course, we still thank you very much, I will come to you, and I will introduce two worthy friends to you." Zhang Yang was meaningful.


The Siberian tiger opened his mouth and looked at the back of the two men for a while. He had no reason to follow up to protect two strangers. He just said something. What's more, if he followed, the group of Vietnamese would surely get revenge in shame.

Obviously, these two people are very important to the Vietnamese, and even so important that they would rather abandon this square to hunt them down.

What kind of people are they?


When the Siberian Tiger was in a daze, Zhang Yang and Nana had approached the group of Vietnamese Shi Shiran.

Looking at a man and a woman walking by, the savvy Vietnamese with a machete suddenly felt a pressure. He thought that the membership fee was a setback, and he knew that the other party was delivered generously. Obviously, the other party was not what he imagined Weakness

"You want to kill me?" Zhang Yang looked at the Vietnamese with a machete in his bright eyes.


Holding the machete tightly in the hands of the Vietnamese, he found that he was sweating and his legs were shaking.

The young man who walked across from him exuded a tremendous amount of mental pressure. He felt that his body was floating in the ocean and could not find the edge.

"Flop!" With a sound, a relatively thin Vietnamese, who could not bear the pressure of Zhang Yang, suddenly knelt down heavily, and immediately fell to the ground after kneeling.

(To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion