MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 469 Challenge

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Zhang Yang wiped his eyes, he couldn't believe how lucky he was to encounter Nana in such a place.

Yes, it's Nana!

That long hair flutters, that skin wins snow, especially those indifferent eyes ... In this world, no second person will have the cold temperament like Nana.

Zhang Yang had an impulse to surge in blood.


Just as Zhang Yang stepped in the first step, two black men like iron towers blocked him.

"Let's go!" Zhang Yang's eyes became cold. There was an unstoppable pressure on the body.

Amazingly, the air seemed to be getting colder. The two black men fought a cold war, but the two of them just held on and didn't move, because that was their responsibility.

"Little brother, this is a rule, as long as people who come here must surrender their weapons." Cara, who had already reached the front, quickly walked over and said, "You see, their weapons were handed over."

Only then did Zhang Yang discover that just when he saw Nana God, a group of Vietnamese people put their guns in a metal plate, and a black man in work clothes sealed it in a metal box and put it in a numbered locker. ...

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, and put his firearm into the tray with a cold face.




The metal detector swept crazy tweets on Zhang Yang's body.

"Also!" The black tower-like body of the black man did not let go, and looked blankly at Zhang Yang.



A series of metal bumps.

"Is that okay?" Zhang Yang calmly took out all the weapons on his body and smashed them onto the metal tray. Three serrated daggers, a military stab, and five flying knives were all placed on the tray.

In fact, Zhang Yang does not need weapons at all, and it is completely a habit to carry these weapons on his body.

Human beings have many inexplicable habits. These weapons can not bring security to Zhang Yang, but they can also give Zhang Yang a psychological sense of security.

Looking at the various flashes of Han Mang on the tray, Kara and Qiangge, and Su Dafeng and Wenwu were all sluggish. No one expected that Zhang Yang would have so many weapons.

An idea floated in almost everyone's mind: It seems that Zhang Yang doesn't just shoot with guns!

Inexplicably, both Kara and Qiang felt a pressure.

No one wants their opponent to be almighty.


When following the flow of people into the huge workshop of thousands of square meters, Zhang Yang, who wanted to meet Nana immediately, suddenly restrained herself.

Obviously, Nana can't come here to play black punches for no reason. As a member of the dragon group, everything she does will have a clear purpose, rather than blindly looking for clues.

Any clues here?

Zhang Yang discarded distractions and began to frantically calculate what kind of clues there would be in such a place.

Underground black fist, underground black fist!

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly flashed. He thought about the issue of a radical surname. Last time, Nana said that the Life Code Institute had no records in some confidential documents of the American political axe. This was totally unreasonable. In addition, the monk has repeatedly entered some archives in the United States and found no trace of it.

This is absolutely unreasonable. You must know that research institutes such as the Life Code absolutely need huge financial support. As long as you get funds from political axe, you must leave clues. No matter how hidden, political axe will have records, because Every axe's expenses are budgeted, and even unannounced budgets will have original records.

Now, even the little monk who can't find human beings can't find clues. Then, there is only one possibility. This research institute has the funding channel for reading, and does not need political axe funding at all.

Undoubtedly, participating in this kind of underground boxing match is the best channel for funding the Life Cryptography Institute, because the Institute has countless powerful biochemical genes ...

Apparently, Nana had found a clue.

Biochemical person!

Thinking is just between light and flint, almost subconscious, Zhang Yang fixed his thinking on the boxer facing Nana.

This is a very strong black man, and the skin is not completely black, but with a chestnut color, it should be a mixed race.

Almost immediately, Zhang Yang had confirmed that although this black man was very tough, there was still a big gap compared with the biochemical genetic person. Of course, the most important thing was that this black person did not have the violent feeling of a genetic person ...

Just when Zhang Yang cast her eyes on the black man, Nana launched an attack.

Nana's soft body was tense, a pair of slender legs kicked out numerous afterimages in the air ...

Nana's black clothes are like curtains, and her large practice clothes make Rui Bing look like a black butterfly, flying lightly on the ring, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Is this Nana?

Looking at Nana dancing on the ring, it was not Nana's style, because Nana's fighting style was direct and effective, and there would never be so many tricks in one hit.

The fighting between the two seemed to be in a state of stalemate, and the black pair of fists was spitting wind, interspersed in the dark shadows, and the two were like acting ...

Of course, this is just a perception, and only the blacks know the risks.

He felt that his fists were like hitting in the soft air. Each group let him go all out, but each punch returned without success ...

This woman is as soft as without bones and without weight. The light body can dance with her fist style, which is incredible.

The black man was named Wag. Although he did not win a hundred battles in the underground boxing match, he was definitely a strong boxer. His anti-strike ability was even more vocal. He once set a record of seventeen battles and twelve wins. Among the underground black punches known for their cruelty is very rare.

Many boxers participating in the underground boxing match have survived five matches and it is not easy to survive, let alone achieve such brilliant results.

Shouting frantically below the ring, obviously, the blacks and Nana have a considerable number of fans here, and the host did not miss the opportunity to incite the audience's emotions.

The two sides formed two camps to cheer each other for their favorite players, and the scene was extremely hot.

Why is Nana delaying time?

Zhang Yang clearly felt that Nana was now at her ease. Zhang Yang believed that as long as Nana was willing, she could end the battle at any time.


While he was thinking, the black man had been kicked into the face by Nana and his strong body fell off the ring. However, anyone can see that although the black man lost, he was not fatally injured.

Nana wins!

"Twelfth victory!"

With a look of indifference, Nana raised her hand to declare victory. She could not see the slightest mood of anger and sorrow. The cold atmosphere made this huge space feel a choking pressure.

"Mr. Zhang, are you interested?" Cara didn't know when he came to Zhang Yang.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang's gaze didn't move, he kept watching the back of Nao on the platform disappearing in the background.

"The competition here is very interesting, anyone can participate, and this is the challenge. If anyone can win the previous championship, he can get a huge prize."

"How much?" Zhang Yang said lightly.

"US $ 10 million!" Cara's eyes had a weird smile.

"Well, what are the rules of the game?"

"The rule is that there are no rules. However, if you want to challenge, you must register for the first few rounds of the competition. Only the last one has the opportunity to challenge the previous champion."

"Is this fair?" Zhang Yang immediately thought of the key point. You must know that when a player defeated all opponents and faced the previous championship, he must have been exhausted and injured.

"Oh, this needn't be considered. Although it is impossible to achieve fairness in the strict sense, each player will have enough time to recover his strength after winning a victory."

"Oh." Zhang Yang said nothing, all his mind was on Nana.

"Are you interested?"

"No." Zhang Yang shook his head.

"Oh, that's a pity, I'm going to bet on you." Carla looked disappointed.

"Oh, how much are you going to bet?" Zhang Yang smiled with a retreat.

"Well ... twenty million, I win you!"

"Do you have such confidence in me?" Zhang Yang smiled playfully.

"I believe in my intuition!" Carla smiled awkwardly.

"Well, you can arrange it. At the last time, I will fight the last champion!"

"Ah ... this ... a little irregular ..."

"You can do it!" Zhang Yang patted Cara's shoulder and said, "I believe you can do it. You are the respectable Mr. Cara. And, you are the American godfather, you are the one who makes the rules!"


Carla opened her mouth and said nothing, and kept watching Zhang Yang disappear into the crowd.

It seems that success is too easy.

In fact, Carla had the idea of ​​flickering to participate in the competition from the beginning. It was undoubtedly the best way to kill the public on the platform. Moreover, Cara had reason to believe that the Vietnamese gang would also send masters to participate.

It is much cheaper to kill Zhang Yang on the ring than to assassinate Zhang Yang. After all, the horror of Zhang Yang's marksmanship has been rooted in their hearts. No one will be stupid enough to kill Zhang Yang with a gun. The consequences are no one can afford.

For them, Zhang Yang is more terrible than an army. No one is willing to take risks. Without a certainty, no one would think of revenge against Zhang Yang, a near-skilled gunman. Winning or losing is all on the bright side. Even if it is unsuccessful, it will not avenge Zhang Yang.

Of course, Zhang Yang doesn't care about Cara and Qiang's thoughts at all. No matter what kind of thoughts, Zhang Yang won't take his heart, just like humans don't care about the thought of an ant.

Now, Zhang Yang just wanted to see Nana, and Nana's body attracted him as if with magic ...

(To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion