MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 447 traitor

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"Are you strong?" The old man's eyes became extremely sharp.

"Yes!" Zhang Yang did not deny.

"I think we can exchange a condition." The old man's eyes became extremely bright.

"Oh, do you want to use me?" Zhang Yang laughed.

"Cough ..." The old man didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so straightforward, and suddenly coughed awkwardly.

"Let's talk and see if your conditions can move me?" Zhang Yang smiled lightly.

"I opened the safe immediately. No matter what it is inside, you have the right to take it away or dispose of it, of course, provided that you help me kill someone ..."

"Why do they kill them? I can ..." Standing next to Kong, the second child was in a hurry. He didn't understand why the simple thing of killing had to be passed on to an outsider. He was completely capable of doing so. To.


The old man sang coldly, and the air became extremely depressing, and the old man's gray beard was actually open. His eyes were like the cold stars of the night, and they looked extremely mighty, scaring Kong's second child backing back and forth. Dare to speak out.

It's so bad!

So powerful!

Good authority!

Seeing the power of this old man, Zhang Yang can imagine how powerful and domineering the old man was when he was young. It is no wonder that this old man is still in charge of his age. Obviously, his authority is a long accumulation process, even if it is a hole This second generation of the second child does not dare to offend its power.

"Do you think your three-legged cat can get on the table?" The old man snorted heavily.

"..." Kong's second son Zhang Zhang seemed to be a little dissatisfied, but after all, he resisted not to challenge the authority of the elderly.

The old man glared at Kong Kong secondly and snorted heavily. At this time, several other sleepy old men also seemed to be awakened by the old man's murderous look, staring blankly at them.

"Let you laugh, hey, this expeditionary force is not as good as one generation ..." The old man shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, that's good." Zhang Yang glanced at the disappointed Kong second.

"If you are as good as I am, I don't need to worry about my age." The old man drank a dry cigarette and spit out a thick smoke. Fortunately, this room has a lot of space. Otherwise, Liu Biao's group of smokers will be smoked. Smoked to death.

"I want to know, who do you want me to kill?" Zhang Yang asked openly.

"A Han!" The old man's face suddenly turned red and black, and he smashed his cigarette bag **** the table.

"Han Jian?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but hesitated. This was incredible. Now it has been nearly a century after World War II, and there is still Han Jian.

"Yes, that's Han Jian who killed General Qi! It's that he assassinated General Qi in the prison!" The old man's chaotic eyes were discouraged.

"The boy is born unfamiliar, and died when he was buried in a barbaric area!" The old man who was a murderous man suddenly and excitedly read two poems and burst into tears.

Under the old man and old tears, Zhang Yang finally understood a general idea of ​​what happened.

In May 1942, General Qi Xueqi was ordered to move into the cover of Casa [***]. On May 9th, Casa was in a hurry, and General Qi went to the front line of Casa to command. On the 11th, General Qi was ordered to return to the division. When leaving Casa, he went to the Fifth Army Headquarters and requested that the vehicle be transported to the wounded due to delays. Time. General Qi lost contact with the division and then moved in with the Fifth Army. Encountering 18 officers and men injured in the new 38th Division in Casa on the way, General Qi, who loved his soldiers as a child, saw that they were crying with hunger and suffering, and decided to go with them to the west to find the way and pursue the division.

On May 23, General Qi Xueqi was found twenty miles upstream of Homerin, and was found to be pursued by the cavalry cavalry. General Qi faced a bad situation and ordered the officers and soldiers: "The past was successful, the present is Cheng Ren. Under the attack of Kou ’s light and heavy machine guns, except for one of the eighteen people who escaped into the water to escape, the rest were sacrificed severely. General Qi was wounded and unconscious, and was seriously wounded and captured.

The old man who escaped the water was trying to lead the chase. In fact, the old man did not belong to the eighteen people, but one of General Qi ’s two close guards, and the other was shot dead by random guns.

After General Qi Xueqi was captured, the army learned that he was a 38 division commander and deputy commander who had a good reputation among the allies. If he was awarded the treasure, he would wound up General Qi. General Zhi Qi was very respectful on the surface. , Scolded and scolded the enemy. The enemy brigade commander asked him about the Chinese Expeditionary Forces, and General Qi shouted, "China [***] people can be killed without humiliation, and shot fast, don't say more!" The enemy brigade commander deliberately pulled out his sword. General Qi, General Qi grabbed the knife forward and stabbed himself, and shouted, "Begging for benevolence and benevolence, what a grudge!" Gui Qiang, who was poor in technical skills, rushed back to the knife.

Among Chinese prisoners of war, there were ensign platoon leader Cai Zongfu, lieutenant platoon leader Du Xuetong, and soldier Zhang Jixiang. These scums originally wanted to enjoy prosperity and riches. After listening to the incitement of the Han annihilation, they even held their hatred against the general. In 1945, the Chinese [***] team counterattacked, and the Kou defeated each other. Cai Zongfu and others saw that Kou would lose. They were afraid that once they were sent back to China, their usual behavior of betrayal would be severely punished. On March 7th, he said that the last time Kou had persuaded the general to descend, and he was scolded by General Qi again. The next night, under the direction of Kou, the scum Zhang Jixiang took a sudden stab at General Qi when he went to the toilet, and pierced General Qi's abdomen with a knife.

At that time, a British colonel [***] medical doctor wanted to do everything possible to find as many medicines as possible, and asked the Kou to perform surgery for General Qi, and the Kou, the bereavement, stopped them. Many Allied prisoners of war had to pray to God on behalf of General Qi every day. Due to the hot weather and no treatment, General Qi's wound was inflamed and ulcerated. He died at 10:30 pm on March 13, 1945 ...

"Cai Zongfu?" Zhang Yang asked.

The old man shook his head with agitated hands, apparently, the memory was a huge pain.

"Du Xuetong?"

The old man still shook his head.

"Zhang Jixiang?"

"Yes, that beast!"

The old man slammed the table fiercely, filled with indignation, and the other four old men seemed to be suddenly healthy because they heard the name "Zhang Jixiang", and their faces were angry.

"Is he an ordinary soldier so powerful?" Zhang Yang swept away the dust of the old man with his vitality. He didn't understand that the army had been defeated. It should be impossible for the expeditionary forces in Myanmar to be lucky. No way.

"Wrong. He is not an ordinary soldier, but a martial arts family. After martial arts, he has very high ambitions. He wanted to build a career in troubled times. He knew that he was captured not long after he joined the army. At that time, Qi Xueqi was captured. The news soon spread to Nanjing Wang's Puppet Political Axe. In May 1944, Nanjing Puppet Political Axe sent Army Minister Ye Peng and a group of 12 people to Burma to persuade him, and were met with the outrage of Qi Xueqi. He also enticed Qi Xueqi with a large number of valuable items, which was also severely rejected by him. This repeated two months, bribery by senior officials, and no effect. Ye Peng and others were so talented that they provoked Chinese prisoners of war to vent. Zhe Xueqi's unwavering resentment. Ye Peng said to Chinese prisoners of war: 'The reason why you can't go to Nanjing to enjoy high-ranking officials is because the deputy commander Qi is not willing to cooperate with us.' Among the Chinese prisoners of war, there are a few scums, such as Cai Zongfu, Zhang Jixiang, Wang Qinghua, etc., who listened to Ye Peng and other rumors, and Qi Xueqi was heroic and unyielding, affecting them. To achieve the purpose of seeking honor for the funeral festival, Zhizhi Xueqi hated it. At that time, General Qi was still protected by experts, and among these Han annihilation, Zhang Jixiang martial arts was the highest. If so, this task fell into his hands. ... "

"He's alive?"

Zhang Yang asked with a word, the air of Xiao Xiao was pervasive in the air, and the temperature seemed to drop a lot. In this hot day, Kong's second son actually felt a chill.

"Cai Zongfu, Wang Qinghua and others have not escaped the pursuit of the expeditionary force, but Zhang Jixiang martial arts has been high in strength. In recent decades, martial arts has made rapid progress. We have broken countless masters and can not cause him to death ... … It is said that Han Jian ’s martial arts are getting stronger and stronger, I heard… I heard… ”The old man seemed to hesitate between words.


"It is said that the realm of the strong has been reached ..."

"Gambari is also a strong man," Zhang Yang said lightly.

"Yes, yes, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot be more powerful than Gambari!" The old man's spirit was refreshed, even the old old eyes were dizzy and his eyes were bright, and a few pairs of muddy eyes were filled with Greek wings' eyes. For them, Zhang Jixiang is the shame of their life. If Zhang Jixiang is not dead, they will not stare.

Not letting Zhang Jixiang end well is a lifetime wish for them!

"Where is he?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Then Han Jian later turned to Yuejun and disappeared for some time. However, after the defeat of Yuejun, we traced his whereabouts. It turned out that after Yuejun retreated, he stayed in Myanmar with an incognito name and changed his name to Zhang Ying. He once served the Burmese military. Later, the expeditionary army kept assassinating him and he disappeared. Although we later found his trace, he was escaped every time. The last time was twenty years ago ... … "Every time the old man mentioned Zhang Jixiang, he was full of expression.

"Twenty years ago?" Zhang Yang frowned, and this time was too long.

"Well, it was 20 years ago, after that we lost his news, but I believe that he is always in Myanmar, he dare not return to China, there are too many strong men in China, and they all know he is such a character As long as he returns to China, all the strong men will flock to attack him, even if he is even more powerful, he will not escape. Only in Burma, which he is familiar with, can he live incognito ... "

"The key is, how do we find him?" Zhang Yang sighed. He didn't have the slightest grasp on finding someone who had been missing for 20 years. This was an impossible task. Besides, it was also possible that this person had already died. .

"Somebody knows," said the old man.


"General Ruidan!"

"General Redan?"

"Yes, General Ruidan, it is he who protects this Han annihilation." There was a helpless expression in the old man's murderous face. In Myanmar, General Ruidan was a man standing at the pinnacle of power. Means, if not for the protection of the Chinese political axe, General Rui Dan has the absolute advantage to eliminate the expeditionary force at any time.

"They should be enemies. Why did General Ruidan protect him?" Zhang Yang was puzzled.

"Because of his high martial arts strength, it is said that shortly after he returned to the army, he met a strong man named Dahe and got a lot of help from Dahe. His martial arts soon entered the realm of the strong!"


A strong man!

Zhang Yang no longer needs any reason. For a small country such as Myanmar with a military and political dictatorship, owning a strong person is almost equivalent to owning an atomic bomb. Naturally, General Redan will not consider any chapters. Auspicious background, not to mention, Zhang Jixiang killed a Chinese general. There is no moral obstacle for a military and political axe in Myanmar.

"Okay, the deal!" Zhang Yang smiled slightly. As long as there was a channel to know where the other party was, Zhang Yang had a way.

"Deal, Kong second, entertain the guests well, we have some rest areas for the old guys!"

The old man stood up with a big laugh and laughed, one of the skinny palms, threw the key of the safe to Zhang Yang and walked out, while another group of old men followed the old man with a smirk and left ...

Watching a group of old old men leave, Zhang Yang looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and they felt a sense of being fooled.

Why don't several old men see what's in the safe?


Did they already know what was inside?

Well, this is very likely. This old man is General Qi's personal guard. You should know what's in this safe ...

Zhang Yang looked at the key in his hand, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. It seemed that this time he was fooled.

"open to take a look!"

When the four of Zhang Yang's interests were lacking, Kong's second child looked at Zhang Yang's keys and the safe on the table with anticipation, apparently, he didn't know the secret of the safe.

"You look at it!" Zhang Yang threw the key to Kong second child.

"Hey, I drive, I drive, this is the relic of General Qi ..."

Mr. Kong flipped the safe with a look of excitement, and the keyhole was placed on the side. Fortunately, although the safe has become distorted, the side of the keyhole has been kept intact. Presumably, the previous battles in this safe Both of them deliberately noticed that the keyhole would not be damaged, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

This safe is very small. The 20 cm square, although small, is very heavy. If the keyhole is damaged, it is definitely a big trouble. Because the safe is too small, it makes it difficult to cut. If it is cut, no one can guarantee it. Will it damage the contents inside.

Mr. Kong carefully wiped and wiped the key, and then slowly drew it in, turning it gently two times, first heard the sound of mechanical friction inside, and then "click" again, the door of the safe The lock was opened, but the door just opened a little gap and remained tightly closed. Obviously, the fight still destroyed the structure of the safe.

"Ka!" Kong's second child's brute force was astonishing. He pulled out the old-style long saber in his waist and slammed the door open.

Almost at the same time, all four heads came together. After all, this was a stuff they had worked so hard to get. Although the attitude of the old men showed that the things inside were not valuable, but curiosity Everyone has it, and four are no exception.

What will it be?

A lot of lives were lost on this thing, and this morning, a super powerhouse died.

A few eyes stared nervously at Kong's second arm.


Everyone's eyes were fixed on Kong's second child. He had a scroll in his hand, just like a scroll, but it was very short.

"Give me!" Liu Biao grabbed the reel from Kong Lao Second Hand.

"You ..." Kong's second child was angry.

"Yi Di, not convinced?" Liu Biao sneered with a sneer.

"I'm ... persuaded, it's yours ..." Mr. Kong's face looked depressed and downcast.

"If you are not convinced, you will challenge me. I can take a chance to slap you for a meal. Grandpa has long seen you as displeased, ***, I really thought that I was very powerful, relying on ..." Liu Biao arrogantly said.

"You, you ..." Kong seconder vomited blood and shivered.

"You, a bird, you are obviously not convinced by those old men, do you know? If they were not covered, you would have died."


Liu Biao glared at Kong's second child fiercely and didn't bother to care about him. He carefully observed the roll on the dust-covered Baxian table.

"Give me your dagger." Liu Biao raised his hand, not looking at Kong.

"... Here you ..." Kong's second child bit his blood out of his teeth and smashed a dagger on the table with a fierce waist.

Although Kong's second dagger is said to be a dagger, it is more suitable to use a dagger to describe it. It is more than three times longer than an ordinary dagger. This was also the standard configuration of the US military at that time.

"Nice ... but it's long and inconvenient ..."

Liu Biao took the dagger with radiance and couldn't help but admire it. Suddenly, he slammed the dagger on a small steel cannon next to him, and "Boom!" , Pick up the sharp edge of the dagger on the ground.

"Ah ... ah ... my dagger ..." Kong second leaped sharply from the chair and squatted to the ground to pick up the truncated handle.

"Isn't it just a broken dagger?" Liu Biao scorned, he naturally didn't know that in Myanmar, the manufacturing process was quite poor, and the quality of this military material during World War II was excellent, with a good steel dagger. How many expeditionary young people envy.

"I'm going to challenge you!" Kong's second child was angry.

"Uh-huh, I've been waiting for this sentence for you, wait a minute, let's see what baby is in it, and I'll satisfy you ..."

"..." The second eye of Kong spurted flames, and his hand touched his waist from time to time. Obviously, he was forcibly controlling his anger.

Zhang Yang and Aze Xiaoli looked at each other and sighed at the same time

Liu Biao didn't even look at the second child of the violent hole. He intently used the sharp edge of the dagger to pry open a layer of wax seal on the outside of the roll. Obviously, this wax seal was for moisture and water resistance.

Looking at Liu Biao's thick hands carefully picking up layers of wax paper, Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the safe inside the vault. The only difference was that this was a layer of wax paper wrapped in layers, and Baiyun The group underground vault is a safe with a safe ...

Finally, while everyone was holding their breath, the last layer of white wax paper was picked up by the sharp dagger tip, and it was a thin yellowed sheepskin roll.


It's baby!

Must be baby

Almost subconsciously, the trio raised the idea at the same time.

From the preservation process and ancient color analysis of the sheepskin roll, there must be some secrets in this sheepskin roll.

(To be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion