MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 446 Container situation

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The people in the entire container looked at the young man with black eyes with contempt. The angry eyes shot from some women's eyes seemed to burn the four-eyed dog to ashes, and the young man seemed to feel Going to the angry eyes around, staring down at his toes, his face looked stubborn.

Even Zhang Yang is sighing, how fragile love is in the face of the threat of power and the choice of life.

In fact, Zhang Yang sympathizes with this man. In this case, insisting that he can't change his destiny, but the glasses man should not push the woman away. Zhang Yang believes that what makes the woman really sad is that the man pushes her away, or even, Zhang Yang also believes that if the man with glasses is in danger, the woman is likely to use his body to save the man's life ...

At the moment when everyone looked away from the four-eyed man, India ’s Ah San had approached the steel stairs step by step, and under the stairs was where the two Vietnamese stayed. This is a must pass. Ground.

In fact, the place where Zhang Yang and the two Vietnamese are staying is the best location except the middle floor of the building, the farthest distance from the large plastic toilet, and the closest to the vent above the middle floor. However, when Zhang Yang came in, it was weird. There was no one sitting in such a good position. Now, Zhang Yang finally understands. Obviously, everyone doesn't want to approach the staircase entrance of this building. This is a Very dangerous place ...

So murderous!

Zhang Yang felt the immense murderous power of the Vietnamese young man. It seemed that this young man was like a sharp-edged sword.

Zhang Yang stared tightly at the knife-holding hand. He wanted to see how fast the young man's hand was. Unfortunately, Zhang Yang was disappointed because the 30-year-old Vietnamese man held tightly With the hand holding the knife, the muscled arm was full of strength, leaving the young man motionless.

The young man stared at the middle-aged man with an angry look, as if there was a flame in his eyes.

The middle-aged Vietnamese ignored the anger of the young man and turned their mouth upwards. The young man's flaming eyes almost looked up subconsciously at the middle floor of the building. Immediately, the pupils tightened, like pinholes.

I saw that the guardrail upstairs was relying on a lazy-looking man. On the thigh of his jeans, there was a row of sharp and sharp flying knives. At first glance, they were flying knives, because the streamlined shape and ordinary The dagger is different. It is heavy and light. Most importantly, there is a red silk at the end of the knife.

The big man leaned lazily on the iron railing, but his eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the young man tightly. One of his hands drooped, faintly touching the dark red flying sword wood. handle……


Just as the young man looked at the big man upstairs, suddenly, the sound of the blast of "calling", Rao was the young man dodging fast, and the huge dagger in the hands of the Indian still rubbed on the young man's side brain, immediately, The skin was fleshy, and blood spilled.

"Hey ..." The Indian man looked at the young man with a grin on his face with a disapproval.

"You ..." The young man's eyes shot fiercely like a beast, his body stood up, unfortunately, his hand was still in the hands of the middle-aged Vietnamese, was pulled by the middle-aged Vietnamese, and his body fell. On the ground.

"Uncle!" The young man was bleeding with blood on his forehead, and looked at the middle-aged Vietnamese fiercely. The middle-aged Vietnamese still did not speak, and shook his head firmly, his muscled arms were tight. Catch the young and don't let go.

The young man sat on the ground, regardless of the blood left on his forehead, and bowed his head silently. The sharp fruit knife made a fierce frictional sound on the ground of the container, which made people palpitated. Obviously, young people are venting their psychological hatred.

The Indian grinned a few times and followed the beautiful young woman up the stairs ...

"Hey, this is the sixth woman." Su Dafeng sighed.

"Why didn't anyone resist?" Zhang Yangqiang held back the violent mood and asked with a long sigh of relief.

"Rebellion? How to resist? They are many and there are more than a dozen people, and most of the people in this container are people from many countries, and most of them are women, even if there are men, they are honest people. People like me have already killed that group of people, ***, where can they tolerate their arrogance? "Su Dafeng was indignant.

"That's true." Zhang Yang nodded thoughtfully.

"Hahaha ..."

"Haha ..."


While Zhang Yang and Su Dafeng were chatting, there was a sound of torn clothes and laughter from the floor, followed by a sound of humiliation and crying from a woman ...

There was a sorrowful atmosphere inside the container, and anyone wanted the young women upstairs to be insulted by a group of beast-like men.

"No!" Zhang Yang stood up suddenly.

"Brother, you are not too young, will you still be a passionate youth? People are Vietnamese, their men are not moving, what are we anxious for?" The young man sneered at Zhang Yang who stood up.

"..." Zhang Yang sat down and sat down. Indeed, he didn't need to control. In this world, there are too many unfair things. Weak things and strong food happen every day. He can't manage, and he can't manage.

At this time, the young Vietnamese seemed to understand Su Dafeng's words, his teeth were clenched tightly, and a little blood was spilled from the corners of his mouth. Obviously, he was desperately suppressing the flame of anger, and the middle-aged Vietnamese He kept clapping at the back of the young man's hand and comforting him.

"Unless you are sure to kill them all in one breath, otherwise, you will have big trouble later." Su Dafeng whispered.


"Because they all have underworld backgrounds, they are not criminals. This line of smuggling has been controlled by them. Even the fierce Vietnamese gang has no way to control them, because they have money and potential, and, in several The country also has a political background. Their boss is Srivastava, India's infamous gangster ... "

"Srivastava?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but hesitated. Although he was unfamiliar with the underground forces of various countries, he heard it somewhat, and he never heard the name.

"Srivastava is not a simple figure in India. He has been charged with murder, abduction, extortion and other charges in 40 cases. However, he has never pleaded guilty to one count since his arrest in 1995. Delhi police in India have accused Srivastava of collaborating with businessman Shah in 1992 to kill Sunega. Sunega is an employee of Shah, who was soon murdered due to financial disputes and disputes in Shah. Police allege it was Srivas Tawa hired people, but the judge ruled that Srivastava had nothing to do with it. There are currently 6 cases in Srivastava pending trial. According to Indian law, he is not eligible to run for election until convicted by the court. Courts often convict crimes years or even decades after the suspect's arrest. Uttar Pradesh ’s current 403 members have 106 charges of murder, abduction, and other pending charges. State Assembly member Yadav is also in prison. Won parliamentary elections. Indian media reported that Srivastava was remotely controlling the blackmail business outside the bars in the prison, but lawyers said he was innocent ... "

"It really is a personal thing!" Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing about the wonders of this world. He continued to direct crimes in prison. He still wanted to run for parliament. Of course, this can only happen in India, a magical country.

"He is the most powerful because he is influential. He has close ties with the Indonesian gang, the Philippine gang, and the Japanese Yamaguchi formation, which is the main reason why he can monopolize this illegal crossing."

"This shipping line doesn't pass through India. Why can he control it?" Zhang Yang was a bit puzzled. If it is not strange to control this route, it is not strange to have a gang in the Philippines and a gang in Vietnam. Strange.

"There's no reason. I can only say that Vietnamese helpers are too crap. There is no other explanation ..." Su Dafeng glared at the two Vietnamese.

"Who do you say is garbage?"

Amazingly, the young man stood up sharply and actually spoke fluent Chinese. Of course, Zhang Yang and Su Dafeng were not surprised. In Vietnam, there are not a few people who know Chinese, such as those who make money with women all over the world. It is not unusual for chicken heads to master the Chinese language.

"You, aren't you trash? Watching your fellow people being bullied and indifferent, and still at your doorstep, hey, who don't you trash ..."


The sharp fruit knife in the young man's hand turned into a cold mang, just like a meteor fell on Su Dafeng's stout neck. At this time, Su Dafeng sat on the ground in amazement, apparently, he did not expect the young man to attack suddenly , And the young man half-knelt on the ground, showing an attack.

"You say it again!" The eyes of the young Vietnamese seemed to burn.

"You ... you ... you dare ... I'm in the big circle ... If you are not afraid of the Vietnamese and the big circle fighting, you kill ..." Su Dafeng's flushed face turned pale and still Strong self-sedation.

"As long as you dare to say it, I dare." The young man's eyes were red, and the fruit knife in his hand remained motionless.

"Put down the knife." The low voice of the middle-aged Vietnamese was full of pressure.

"Uncle!" The young man looked angry, and seemed to be intolerable.

"Put down the knife!" The voice of the middle-aged Vietnamese aggravated.

"Oh!" The young man slammed into the ground with a fist, closed the knife resentfully, and sat on the ground again.

The crisis disappeared, and Zhang Yang's huge energy gathered on his arm slowly spread to his limbs.

Zhang Yang suddenly found out that this journey was very interesting, strange things, strange people ...


In addition to the gasping and tearing sounds upstairs, there was a sudden silence inside the container. Su Dafeng seemed a little shocked. With a long breath, Zhang Yang could feel his heart beating fiercely. Zhang Yang found that this young man was not as good as him. The surface looks strong.

"Why do you know so many secrets?" Zhang Yang suddenly couldn't understand Su Dafeng. Obviously, this man was holding the feather feather arrow of the big circle, but it was just such a foolish humor He actually knew some secrets of the big circle gang and the Indian gang. From his performance, he should have some understanding of the Vietnamese gang.

"Because Lao Mao is my idol, knowing myself and knowing one another, winning every battle!"

"..." Zhang Yang was speechless.

"Do you think I'm afraid of death?" Su Dafeng asked suddenly.

"This ..." Zhang Yang was speechless again. He couldn't think that this guy actually took the initiative to say it, and he didn't have the slightest shame.

"I ask you a question." Su Dafeng stared at Zhang Yang's eyes.


"Old Mao is not afraid of death?" Su Dafeng said solemnly.

"Afraid ..."

Zhang Yang hesitated and spit out two words. In this world, it is not easy to find out who is not afraid of death. After all, human life is only once.

"Yes, the big man like Lao Mao is also afraid of death. I am afraid of death. What's the point of being afraid of death? There is no conflict between fear of death and doing big business, and fear of death is not the same as fear of death. For example, if I die for my career, It is natural to die well. If I were killed by a Vietnamese little sister-in-law, it would be a real grievance ... "

Su Dafeng said as he watched the young Vietnamese with a fruit knife graffiti on the ground. Obviously, he was still afraid that the Vietnamese suddenly exploded.

"Ahem ... it makes sense, what big career are you going to do?"

"I started talking."

"A unified big circle?"

"Yes, I'm going to twist a large circle of loose sand into a rope!" Su Dafeng's eyes were full of frantic expressions. Anyone could see that he was not just talking, but to take action.

"Do you have any honor?" Zhang Yang asked with interest.

"No, I have no money, I have no potential, but I have a brain. For two years, I have cultivated and raised a family name in China. I have collected data from the top 100 gangs in the world. I have a complete plan. ... "The young man lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard. However, the voice actually made Zhang Yang bewitched. This is a young man who is not simple. Zhang Yang doubts that this guy has done MLM work.

"Plan ..." Zhang Yang always felt that this guy was a big-hearted guy, "Do you know anything about Yamaguchi?"

Subconsciously, Zhang Yang had a meaning to test the young man.

"Yamaguchi group!" Su Dafeng lip snarled: "If I don't even know one of the biggest enemies of the big circle, Yamaguchi group, then I'm going to be a fart!"

"Oh, talk about it." Zhang Yang looked at this guy with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, I think you are no more than two years older than me. Look at your little arms and legs, white and tender, and a quiet look. I am Chinese and I say so much to you, if it ’s someone else , I will never disclose the news. "Su Dafeng said mysteriously.

"Ahem ..." Zhang Yang looked at his Bai Nen's arm and was sweating. With the improvement of "Fairy Road", his muscles have lost his previous bodybuilding, appearing well-balanced, and there is no such thing as a look. The feeling of strength gives a very weak feeling.

"Tell you a secret, Yamaguchi has recently been hit by global surnames."

"Well, how?" Zhang Yang faltered. He couldn't think of it. Su Dafeng knew the secret.

"I do n’t know the inside story either. I do n’t know who the Yamaguchi enemies are. However, I inferred from some criminal organizations to re-search for partners. In addition, several drug dealers I know also said He Yueben ’s master. I ca n’t contact anymore. Through comprehensive speculation, I believe that the Yamaguchi Formation should have encountered the biggest disaster ever. Now, it is the best time to shoot down the water dog. I must grasp this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ... "



Sure enough!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but admire secretly that although this guy was terribly ambitious, he was not alone. He was able to analyze that Yamaguchi had encountered a crisis through only a little bit of information. I have to say that he was very careful.

"Do you know why I am in the United States now?" Su Dafeng looked around and whispered.


"I just saw that the Yamaguchi team encountered a problem, so I will rush to the United States to entangle ordinary people to compete for the Yamaguchi team's territory. This is my only chance. If I can't grasp this opportunity, I will never be very good again in my life. There is no such opportunity ... "Su Dafeng suddenly became darkened.

"If you don't have a chance, what are you going to do?"

"Being a chef ..." Su Dafeng despondently said: "I was originally a chef, but my cooking skills are so bad that I ca n’t mix in the country, even if I coax a group of foreigners abroad. I am a chef. Apart from building a muscle, there is no benefit anymore, and I hate being a chef, I hate ... "

"The chef is also good, right, are you really a big circle helper?" Looking at Su Dafeng with a look of depression, Zhang Yang held back a smile. He suddenly remembered Brother Dao, who was also a chef and was a halfway monk. Humiliated, I did not expect to meet another guy like Daoge today. Of course, Su Dafeng and Daoge are so different from each other that Daoge can be regarded as a real lunatic.

"No ..." Su Dafeng said in a low voice. "Don't tell anyone. I don't think you are connected to the underworld. In fact, I only work in a restaurant in Chinatown. The owner of that restaurant. It is the boss of the Big Circle Gang, so when I returned to China, I was called the Big Circle Gang. However, two years ago, I helped the boss to carry a life case. I think that this time when I return to Chinatown, I should be able to officially join the Big Circle. The circle helped ... "

"Rest assured, I won't tell anyone ..."


Just before Zhang Yang's words were still falling, suddenly, the container was extremely quiet for a while, Zhang Yang looked up, and saw the glamorous young woman holding the stair railing stumbled and bumping down, rags, blockbuster Large areas of snow-white skin were exposed, and some striking scratches were visible.

The crowd sitting on the ground consciously gave way to her, and the young woman walking down the stairs glanced dullly inside the container, and suddenly collapsed on the edge of the stairs, crying as she bowed her head.

"Li ..." The man with black-rimmed glasses crawled up to the woman and shouted in a low voice.


"Li, I ..."

"Get off, I don't know you!" The beautiful young woman suddenly pushed away the man and looked at the man with a blank expression.

"I ..." the man tried to justify.

"Let you go!" The Vietnamese young man holding a fruit knife raised his head suddenly, a pair of small eyes shot thrilling light.

Looking at the fierce gaze of the Vietnamese, the spectacled man scrambled.





For a while, the footsteps were repressed, and I saw two big men coming downstairs, an old guy with curly hair, the upper body of ** is all fat, and another big man with a beard, at least two meters, from the floor When I got up and down, my head hit the top of the container.

The inside of the container was once again in extreme silence, and an atmosphere of fear spread madly. Some women hugged each other tightly, buried their heads in their chests, trying to avoid the naked eyes of the two men.

(To be continued)

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