MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 340 General Than Shwe

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The top and bottom of the ring once again fell into a weird silence, and all eyes fell on the sturdy and sturdy body. At this time, Kong's second child had already kneeled on both knees, with his hands up, and a pair of leopard eyes lifted ...

Amazingly, the atmosphere became tense.

stand up!

stand up!

stand up!

Everyone was screaming in their hearts, the blue tendons were raised, their necks were red, and they were desperately fighting for Kong's second child.

The blood is boiling!

Finally, in the eyes of everyone's expectations, Kong Er second stood up tremblingly, and his legs trembled.

"Second, second, second ..."

"Pap ..."

"Pap ..."

The thunderous applause and applause sounded below the ring.

Kong second raised his right hand, applause and shouts stopped.

"Biao ... Biao ... I ... I lost ..."


Suddenly, it became strange and weird under the ring. Hundreds of people opened their mouths and looked at Kong's second child, all with incredible expressions. This was beyond all expectations. Of course, it was in publicizing their expectations. Zhang Yang had long felt that the second child of Kong was completely lost in combat power by Liu Biao's fierce and powerful blow. Being able to stand up was entirely by amazing willpower, not physical strength.


When everyone was surprised, Kong Er second fell heavily on the platform and fell a slap in the mud. Everyone finally understood why Kong Er was calling Liu Biao as "Biao" because He knows very well that he is running out of oil and running out of energy, and he can't fight anymore.

"Hey, good to say, call me Biao, Biao naturally won't let you suffer." Liu Biao laughed quaintly.


This battle made Liu Biao famous among the descendants of the expedition.

In the next two days, the four Zhang Yang received warm hospitality from Kong ’s second child. The younger generation of the expeditionary army, especially some martial arts masters, gathered around Liu Biao and hoped for Liu Biao ’s advice. Yes, I not only gave verbal instructions, but also personally taught me, and I was addicted to teachers.

And these two days, those old guys never appeared again, which made Zhang feel a little weird.

In the past two days, Kong ’s second child has achieved a lot. Liu Biao used his awkward big hands to draw a few crudely crafted ancient boxing notes. This made Kong ’s second child a treasure, and he held the childlike cartoon all day long. The boxing spectrum looks like crazy, it looks strange.

Kong's second child was a master, and Liu Biao's fist spectrum gave him a glimpse of its value, which made him even more convinced of Liu Biao.

In these two days, Zhang Yang was not doing nothing, but waiting for Zhang Jixiang's whereabouts through the information provided by Kong Laoer.

In fact, the Expeditionary Force could not grasp the whereabouts of Zhang Jixiang, and the only hope was to rest on General Dan Ruiqi.

General Than Shwe, the military and axe leader of Myanmar, wanted to know his whereabouts seemed very simple. In fact, it was very difficult. After all, the whereabouts of the top leader of a country were very hidden.

Many people mistakenly believe that the leaders of a country can easily find their traces. In fact, in addition to fixed office locations such as the Presidential Office and the State Council, state leaders can conduct state visits according to schedules. It's not easy to find, it is very likely that when the news released their news, they were probably already far away ...

While Zhang Yang was waiting for information from the expedition's intelligence system, Liu Biao encountered a big trouble, and this trouble came from the underground black boxer godfather of the United States, Reg.

When that battle was over, Legg stayed, thinking about how to approach Liu Biao every day.

Now Liu Biao is a gold mine, a gold mine waiting for people to dig, and he is the man who came to dig this gold mine.

These days, Reggie's three-inch tongue is making Liu Biao flutter, as if he has stood on the throne of black fist underground in the United States, sitting on billions of wealth ...

Of course, Regal failed in the end.

The reason for the failure was not that Liu Biao didn't want it, but that Liu Biao had more important things. After Liu Biao had memorized the phone number of Regg, Regg left suddenly.

During this time, Regge also tried to contact the second child of Kong. After the second child of Liu Biao obtained the ancient boxing spectrum of Liu Biao, he rarely appeared in public places. Regal had a lot of strength and had no use.

When the four Zhang Yang members got the news and left the expeditionary base, Reg still refused to leave in the scenic area. As for whether Rege and the second child had met in the end, Zhang Yang did n’t know because they had left the expeditionary base. The clues show that General Than Shwe will visit a retired general three days later.

The old general retired in a town less than 30 kilometers from Naypyidaw, the capital of Myanmar. Because the news was in the capital, the news was not intentionally kept secret. The official media also carried out follow-up reports. It is estimated that there will be A large number of dignitaries followed.

Naypyidaw, who used the name Bin Mana, has a population of about 800,000.

Naypyidaw was a county-level city in central Myanmar, located 390 kilometers north of Yangon and about 300 kilometers from Mandalay, the second largest city in northern Myanmar. It is located in a small basin in the Sidang Valley in central Myanmar. It's a jungle mountain, it's an easy place to defend. There are 3 universities in agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. On November 6, 2005, Myanmar's political axe department began to move to Naypyidaw in batches. In March 2006, Burma's political axe named the new capital of the Myanmar Federation "Naypyidaw."

Choosing here as the capital mainly considers military reasons that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

After getting this news, Zhang Yang did not go to the town where the old general lived in seclusion, but went directly to the capital of Myanmar.

The reason is very simple.

Since General Than Shwe has not concealed it, and the media has also followed up the report, it is said that General Than Shwe will definitely depart from the capital's mansion and go to the general's mansion, which will almost never fail ...

For a strong man like Zhang Yang, Nubuat was like an undefended castle, but in less than a day, Zhang Yang confirmed the whereabouts of General Than Shwe.

General Than Shwe.

The key surname in the turbulent situation in Myanmar is General Than Shwe, who is indulgent in politics and power. However, the outside world does not know much about him. Only 70-year-old Than Shwe is a specialist in psychological warfare. He is currently the chairman of the National Peace and Development Commission, the Minister of National Defense and the commander-in-chief of the 400,000 Army. .

However, due to limited outside knowledge of Than Shwe, in the eyes of the world, he is a mysterious figure, as in the case of Kim Jong-yue of North Korea, Qatarfi of Libya, and Ahmadinejad of Iran.

It was quiet at night, and General Than Shwe reviewed some documents in the study, and the room was extremely quiet.

When Zhang Yang appeared in his study, the iron-fisted figure was as stiff as ever, and looked at Zhang Yang expressionlessly. He didn't have any excited expression and didn't try to yell.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, looking at the number one figure in Myanmar.

In appearance, the character in front of him does not look like an elderly man of 76 years old. His dark and majestic face is stiff and stiff, and his eyebrows are dark, showing a sense of evil. The slightly fat body looks very thick, giving people a A sense of security.

The study room was quiet, and you could clearly hear the "tick" and "tick" sounds of the wall clock.

Two pairs of eyes kept looking at each other.

Except that the general began to take a sip of tea to adjust his mood, a pair of deep eyes always looked at Zhang Yang, as if to see through Zhang Yang's internal organs.


Sure enough, it is not worse than the legend.

Zhang Yang secretly praised that this old man has all the conditions necessary for a superior, calm, quiet, stable, wise, full of power between raising his hands ...

Finally, General Than Shwe talked first. He was a wise man. He was very clear. Now, he is not a general with sole power, but a hunting target for assassins. Moreover, this is not an ordinary killer, even a fool. I also want to know that people who can go in and out of this heavily guarded place are definitely not able to deal with his security forces.

"Is my security force alive?" General Than Shwe looked at Zhang Yang lightly, although he asked whether his security force was still alive, but there was a detachment from life in his tone, as if life and death were to him It doesn't matter at all, all he wants to know is the result.

"Temporarily alive." Zhang Yang walked to the wooden sofa and sat down slowly, his face lightly pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, and a happy expression on his face.

Looking at Zhang Yang's unhurried face, General Than Shwe stunned, this was a very difficult person to deal with.

It should be said that this is a young man with very strong willpower!

General Than Shwe has been in power in Myanmar for decades, and he has reached a point of control over power. He knows very well how much authority the authority he has cultivated in his long term formed for ordinary people, but this young man is not affected by him at all. Impact.

He knew there that although Zhang Yang had no power, Zhang Yang was a strong man, a strong man who regarded Cangsheng as a ants, and the authority of General Dan Rui was just a joke in his eyes.

If you want to form a mental pressure on people like Zhang Yang, you must first make no difference between Wu Gong and Zhang Yang, and then add monstrous power. Obviously, this kind of possible surname is very small. In the human world, few strong people have a monstrous power, because the strong people are mainly practicing martial arts and state of mind, but they are less optimistic about power. For a strong person, Having martial arts is equivalent to having power and money. Therefore, the strong will ignore power and prefer to rely on power for their own convenience.

Of course, there is a more important reason. The strong does not have time to deal with some human affairs, and the power of a powerful person is amazing. Such people have no possibility to cultivate to the strong state. ...

In fact, this is also why the people who became emperors in history are not the people with the highest martial arts. The real people who martial arts are the first in the world do not have enough time to cultivate. Where else can they compete for the world?

There was another long silence between the two.

Now, it is a psychological contest, and it is not anxious.

"Are you threatening me?" General Dan Rui looked at Zhang Yang coldly.

"Well, I'm threatening you. If I can't achieve my purpose, I will kill all the people in the general's mansion, and then kill all the military figures who are loyal to the general. I believe that as long as the general's power is eliminated Half of it, the entire Burma was immediately at war, and Thailand alone was enough to make you perish, let alone a strong China. At that time, the people of Burma will be in deep water ... "

Zhang Yang looked at General Dan Rui with a dull look.

"you dare!"

The darkened face of General Than Shwe suddenly changed into purple, and suddenly stood up. His words made the city government feel like the sea, and he was very angry.

"I have nothing to dare, as long as you yell now, I will immediately start the slaughter. I will let you see with your own eyes every killing of your subordinates. Besides, since you dare to cover a Chinese Han, I have nothing to do Dare? "Zhang Yang sneered.

"Are you from China's political axe?" General Dan Rui heard Zhang Yang mention Han Han. His stiff body suddenly became weak and sat in a chair.

"Does it matter who I send it to?" Zhang Yang said indiscriminately.

"Not important." General Than Shwe shook his head and said, "You killed Gambari." In fact, when General Than Shwe first saw Zhang Yang, he thought of Gambari.

"Although he committed suicide, he died because of me. You can count this account on my head." Zhang Yang slowly said.

"Say your purpose."

Suddenly, General Than Shwe was ten years old. He was supported by Gambari in one hand. Everything he gave was given by Gambari. Without Gambari, there would be no General Than Shwe, although he had guessed from the phone Gambari was killed, but when he really confirmed the news, he suddenly felt a kind of emptiness, heavyness, loss, as if he had lost his backbone.

In fact, General Than Shwe ’s strength has always been built on Gambari ’s support. He has been able to control Myanmar for decades, and it is precisely because he is backed by the super strong Gambari. This leaves him with no worries. ...

"I want Zhang Jixiang's whereabouts, well, now he should be called Zhang Ying!"

"Zhang wins!"

"Zhang wins!"


General Than Rui muttered.

"You can choose not to say." Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly became cold and sharp, and the temperature in the room seemed to be cold.

"Why not say, huh, huh, without the suppression of Gambari, Zhang Ying has become my heart trouble, why don't I say it?" General Dan Rui laughed suddenly.

"The general is really smart!" Zhang Yang sighed.

"In the temple on the top of Mandalay Hill in Mandalay, now he is not a chapter winner, but a monk."

"Monk ?!" Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little surprised, it was difficult to imagine that a Han annihilation would become a monk without emotion.

"Yes!" General Than Shwe affirmed.

"Well, thank you, General, for your advice." Zhang Yang smiled indifferently.

"Say!" The general frowned.

"Myanmar is very small, so small that it can be eliminated with just one finger. To be a human, first of all, you must put yourself in the right place. When people's ambitions expand beyond their abilities, they will do some incredible stupid things. Zhang Jixiang It was the murderer who killed General Qi. You actually put your country at risk for your personal interests. Isn't this what smart people should do? "


"Well, that's the end of it. Don't think that what you do is not known. If you don't know it, don't know it! I regret the death of Gambari. Of course, this is not a bad thing for you. Good thing, without him, your brain will always stay awake, yes, finally, if I rushed to that temple and did n’t see Zhang Ying, or if someone notified Zhang Ying, then I will come back ,gone……"

General Than Shwe felt that his eyes were just a flower, and the young people in the room had disappeared without a trace, except that the open door was blowing in a cool cold wind, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the open door, General Than Shwe waited for five minutes before he stood up and walked out slowly. His straight waist seemed a bit sloppy, and he walked without his previous fitness, old, really old!

Zhang Yang didn't know. His words had caused great psychological pressure on General Dan Rui. For the rest of his life, he always thought that Zhang Yang was a Chinese political axe to warn him.

In the next two years, General Than Shwe vigorously cultivated the new generation, and some powerful old men also gradually retired in his planning, and the new generation is more pro-Chinese ...


In fact, Zhang Yang did not leave immediately, and he fully monitored General Than Shwe for six hours before leaving.

Zhang Yang's thoughts are so meticulous that he never believes that he can yield to the leaders of a country with a few threats.

He needs to observe. What he needs is 100% safety. The slightest omission will bring a fatal blow to himself. After seeing the power of the sniper rifle, Zhang Yang did not dare to care about it at any time. The general ’s power in Myanmar, if he retaliates for Gambari regardless of the consequences, then the publicity that leaked his whereabouts has almost no chance of winning. You must know that although the strong can assassinate the leader of a country, it cannot fight against a country, even It is a pitifully small country.

If General Than Shwe wants to take an ambush, or if Comrade Zhang is auspicious, then in the next six hours he will arrange ...

Six hours later, Zhang Yang heard a series of personnel arrangements, but General Dan Rui did not mention Zhang Jixiang.

Obviously, General Than Shwe never thought of challenging the authority of a strong man for the sake of Han annihilation, or the authority of China's political axe.

General Dan Rui always believed that only the Chinese axe had the ability to hunt down Zhang Jixiang.

Six hours later, the four Zhang Yang immediately rented an off-road vehicle to Mandalay at a high price, including the guide arranged by the expeditionary army.

Mandalay is the capital of Mandalay Province, the second largest city in Myanmar, and the capital of Myanmar's last dynasty. It is named after Mandalay Mountain. Mandalay's Pali name is "Rothana Penny Insert Capital", meaning "City of Treasures", named after King Mingdong in 1857. In addition, because the famous ancient capital of Myanmar in the history of Myanmar is near its suburbs, overseas Chinese in Myanmar call it "Wacheng". Mandalay is the capital of Mandalay Province, the famous capital, the second largest city in Myanmar, with a population of about 800,000. It is the political, economic and cultural center of Myanmar.

Although the road conditions in Myanmar are much better than those in Somalia, because of the lack of a highway, the speed cannot run, and it took the two people and two guides to feel Mandalay for two days. China is simply incredible.

When we arrived in Mandalay, it was exactly in the afternoon. It would soon be dark after a casual visit to the world-famous Buddhist shrine.

Moon black wind high night, it is time to kill!

The four were too lazy to rest and headed straight to Mandalay Hill under the guidance of the guide.

Two and a half kilometers away from the east gate of the Imperial City is Mandalay Mountain, at an altitude of 326 meters. There is a standing Buddha on the mountain, surrounded by countless white pagodas. It is a world-renowned Buddhist shrine.

The three came to the foot of the mountain, the ancient Tao Tuo Jing Jingyuan is located at the foot of the Mandalay Mountain, there are 7) small white pavilions in the courtyard, dense and dense, spectacular!

Zhang Yang and Xiao Li looked at the stone monument in the pavilion, and they were shocked. They could not help but look at each other. They almost understood the reason why Zhang Jixiang wanted to be a monk here.

This is almost a treasure trove of ancient martial arts!

The complete set of the three Tibetan sutras was engraved and constructed by King Mindong during the fifth Buddhist scriptures' assembly in 1873. It is called "the largest book in the world".

Looking at the ancient man's words, the two felt like they were rushing with blood ...

(To be continued)

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