MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 1 Dying boy

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Zhang Yang, male, twenty-one years old, a quiet student in the City of Arts and Sciences College in c, h province, who is timid as a mouse, has a timid heart, but is occasionally capable of doing earth-shattering events.

More than a month ago, Zhang Yang encountered a terrorist attack that shocked the country while working as a summer worker in a hotel cafe. Zhang Yang was also seriously injured and was sent to the provincial capital for treatment. No one knew about the confidential treatment for more than a month. Including Zhang Yang's relatives and friends, when Zhang Yang opened his eyes, people with different identities came to ask about the situation almost every few hours.

Except for the sentence "I don't know anything, I don't remember anything." Zhang Yang has remained silent for more than a month without saying a word. Whether facing the police or the doctor, he has a straight look, and the sentence "I don't know anything ... "

In the end, the doctor and police came to the conclusion that the student did not know anything, and was frightened.

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't know everything, but he knew a lot. After the bombing, he encroached on the memory of countless people. For more than a month, he has been thinking about firearms, machinery, calculations, fighting ... … This is an area he never thought of. He is just a student who is too ordinary to be ordinary, and now he has countless profound knowledge and some obscure professional words in his mind ...

He didn't dare to say anything, he didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid to become a lab mouse.

The dusk was thick outside, and the train moved forward in the night without knowing tiredness. In the middle of the seventh carriage, there was a pale-looking teenager with short hair and a pair of eyes looking dullly out of the dark window. , Holding a newspaper in his hand.

This young man is Zhang Yang. The newspaper in his hand has the death list of the terrorist attack. He has read this list more than a hundred times, and it is this list that makes him sure he has inherited their memories. However, he still did not understand why the elites from all over the world would go to the hotels in city C to drink coffee. Moreover, the industries involved by these elites were completely incompatible.

He couldn't think of any reason for a singer to sit and chat with a combat champion, and even more so that a firearms expert would have a common language with a psychology expert. The most outrageous thing is that the elites of these industries all sit together to drink coffee.

This became an unbreakable secret, because these people were dead and Zhang Yang could not know. Although he inherited their memory, in fact, it should be said that they had inherited their knowledge and some incomplete knowledge. It is also these incomplete and incomplete knowledge that makes Zhang Yang depressed in the hospital for more than a month ...

Zhang Yang sighed. He had been physically inactive for several hours. He had thought about it for more than a month, and it seemed that he couldn't figure it out. He folded the newspaper carefully into his pocket, and glanced at the students and sisters around him. Until now, I found out that the sister around was actually very very beautiful, Zhang Yang could not help but have a little annoyance, such a good opportunity was actually wasted by himself, nothing happened ...

Of course, even if Zhang Yang was not in a daze, he would never dare to take the initiative to associate with the girl, nor would he dare to borrow ten of his courage.

Zhang Yang mired her eyes, pretended to be extremely tired, leaned slightly towards the girl, he could smell the virgin fragrance of the girl's hair, and Zhang Yang liked the smell, and he also felt female The skin on the child's arm is very slippery ...

Although Zhang Yang is courageous, but he does n’t know each other like this, he will never let go of oil. It is not a school or city C. Here is a train. Zhang Yang is not worried about his ugly behavior. It was found that, of course, his color gallbladder was merely bringing his body closer to the girl.

I ’ve already reached s county, and I can go to city c in about an hour. In the whole car, except for the publicity, it ’s cheap and most of them are sleeping. Even those who do n’t sleep are sleepy, the worst. It was the girl next to Zhang Yang, and she didn't know whether she was asleep or a fake slug. She was squeezed into a ball and leaned inside. With her eyes closed tightly, long eyelashes kept trembling, a pathetic and disgusting look.

In fact, Zhang Guang's eyes, Yu Guang, already saw the disgust expression, but he didn't care. He got off the train and didn't know anyone. He could win with oil. Hey, little sister, what are you afraid of? !!

Suddenly, I was experiencing the delicate skin, the ears of my ears full of evil thoughts suddenly jumped, the hairs erected, and a dangerous feeling spread throughout the body, soaking up every cell.

in danger!

Zhang Yang's body leaning on the girl's arm was sitting upright. Zhang Yang's sudden movement startled the girl and opened her eyes ...

For a moment, Zhang Yang's dull eyes suddenly became sharp. The whole person was like a sword out of the sheath, showing his sharp edge. At this time, Zhang Yang felt that he was no longer the former Zhang Yang, and he had completely become another one. People, although thinking are still their own, but neither hearing nor response is not their former self ...

Zhang Yang squeezed his fist fiercely, then slowly released, grasping, releasing, and finally, his trembling fingers restored to calmness, eyes looked at the source of danger.

Sure enough, Zhang Yang's judgment was not wrong. The five upper-body men smirked and pushed open the door of the compartment. The five men were sturdy muscles, each holding a jagged dagger. The chilling mang flashed under the lights.

The robbery has begun!

The people in the carriage seemed to feel the danger, most of them woke up, and no one dared to speak in the face of the jagged dagger flashing cold.

The robbery of five people was very professional. One by one, the passengers searched, and at the beginning they cut through a thorny face and suppressed the throbbing of the crowd. The flowing blood, the ridiculous smirk and the sharp swordmang made all passengers swallow.

As he got closer and closer, Zhang Yang's heart beat again fiercely, and he couldn't control his fear.

"Calm, calm, take a deep breath."

Although Zhang Yang constantly reminded herself that the weakness of his surname did not become courageous because of a few incomplete memories, those jagged daggers that flashed with cold light began to accumulate a little courage in a moment A little bit of deprivation, and more importantly, the girl's trembling soft body seemed to be able to infect fear, which made Zhang Yang's already sharp eyes return to a timid look, and her hands and feet trembled again.

"No ... no ... don't be afraid ..."

As a man, Zhang Yang believes it is the responsibility to comfort the girls around her, not to mention the lack of oiliness at first, so it should be comforted by reason and reason, or it will be a beautiful encounter.

Zhang Yang patted the back of the girl's hand with his hand gently. He didn't find that his hand was shaking more than the girl's.

The girl's hand is very soft and warm, and Zhang Yang would like to hold it carefully to realize the feeling of ice muscle and jade bone.

It is a pity that the girl was not touched at all. The back of Zhang ’s slap was as if acupunctured and hid behind her. The whole body shrank into a ball. The girl ’s movement made Zhang Yang very embarrassed. Photographed on the horse leg ...

Of course, Zhang Yang's embarrassment was only a moment, and he didn't have time to spend his embarrassment on it, because the robbers with the upper body robbed quickly and had squeezed out of the crowd into his presence, among them The snakeskin bag in a man's hand had been drummed, and apparently, it was full of their loot.

"Give me your money!"

A man gently patted Zhang Yang's face with a zigzag dagger. His face was brutal. Zhang Yang felt the cold blade. He even saw a few drops of blood on the zigzag. Obviously, that was the beginning of a Blood on traveler's face.

Zhang Yang didn't say a word, his face was dull, and no one could think of it. Zhang Yang's thoughts were in a fierce struggle at this time. He was thinking about whether he could shoot, and he was 100% sure to knock down the robbers in a few seconds. However, Li's surname told him that he didn't really have such a big grasp at all, and that his grasp was just his own judgment.

"Hey, little brother, don't be afraid, we just ask for money."

The big man took back the jagged dagger with a smirk, and the child was frightened. He understood that he had touched this kind of things a lot.

"I ... I give you ..."

Finally, fear overcame thinking. Zhang Yang believed that although he had first-class fighting skills in his head, his weak body couldn't beat these five sturdy men. It was called "eye master and low master" in the technical terms of drawing. .

"Hey, yes, yes, very good, is this your girl?"

The big man took the magnificent wallet and looked into the woven bag without looking at it. There was an evil light in his eyes. The dagger reached out on the girl's chin and raised the girl's face high. Female The child was frightened but did not dare to say a word, and looked at Zhang Yang for help.


"Yes, I'm his girlfriend ..."

Before Zhang Yang answered, the girl hugged Zhang Yang's arm tightly with one hand. Zhang Yang's head became hot for a while, and his arm felt a soft plumpness. The girl clung to Zhang Yang's arm tightly, and her well-developed chest pressed tightly against Zhang Yang's arm.

"Is that so?" Han asked, looking at Zhang Yang suspiciously.


ps: The new book opens, and collections and recommendation tickets are urgently needed!

Read The Duke's Passion