MTL - The Road Home-~ Works related

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"Return" author: non-precious calligraphy


Life is foolish, and walks hard.

Chen Xiao, return home.

This story is for you.

Keywords: first love / explosive

Content tag: Urban love breaks through the mirror

Search Keyword: Protagonist: Gui Xiao, Lu Yanchen┃ Supporting Character: ┃Other:


It was eight or nine years after I met my first love again, and I was at a gas station, just watching him come out of the supermarket.

I looked at him and couldn't believe it. I tried to ask, do you remember who I am? He held the mineral water bottle in his hand, looked at me, and said calmly, remember, I remember you in the dust.

Think of the lyrics: "This appointment, owe a good-bye, the scar will never recover."

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It was not a chance encounter that day, it was a junior high school class reunion.

Gui Xiao heard that his old classmate Bai Tao mentioned his name, saying that he was taking a short rest at a gas station not far away. After hearing this name, she began to be unconscious and said she wanted to see no one. Old friend. "

The old classmate didn't think much, took her by bike.

Five minutes away, a century long. Bai Tao's car hasn't braked yet. She jumped down from the back seat of the bicycle and looked anxiously.

Eyes narrowed.

Until I saw him wearing a white shirt and khaki sports shorts, and stood side by side with a few comrades in the same casual clothes. She walked up like sleepwalking.


Until he said that--

Gui Xiao froze, rubbing her right forearm, and said nothing.

Bai Tao is stupid, what's going on? Love debt?

But look at Chen Ge's calm face, but not like the unforgettable love debt, it is like a joke. The two parties did not laugh? Whether it is true or not, Bai Tao, an outsider, does not understand it, but after all, he has been in the society for a long time. He has the ability to round the field: "Why has Chen Chen been at the gas station and has a task?"

Lu Yanchen stretched out his hand and scratched the back of Bai Tao's head: "What tasks can the gas station have, wait for someone. Let your brother come to see me at night."

Bai Taosong said, "My brother is in Laogou. Let him pass in two days."

"That's it, I'll be back to Inner Mongolia in two days."

After speaking, he unscrewed the bottle cap and filled two mouthfuls of mineral water.

After hearing the words Inner Mongolia, Gui Xiao woke up.

So he lost his heart and looked at him shamelessly, even the details of his throat knots sliding slightly up and down as he swallowed mineral water.

Almost unchanged.

He has a larger proportion of black eyes than ordinary people, plus the corners of his eyes, and his face is thin. The neck line that was exposed when he wore a school uniform shirt was smooth. But the corners of the mouth are soft, always smiling.

Now it's the same.

From the time I met him at the age of thirteen, someone asked Gui Xiao, what kind of boys do you like?

She can always blurt out "What about the eyes ..." As if her memories are so deep-rooted that men look good, they have to look good. It is estimated that in ten or twenty years, thirty or forty years, this is still the view.

Bai Tao originally came to see the "old friends" with Guixiao. I didn't expect the two to make trouble. They had to talk to Lu Yanchen and talk to each other.

Lu Yanchen occasionally answered a few words.

He used to be secret, but he could save.

Soon, there were military off-road vehicles coming in, two parked close to a few people. Under the scorching sun, the exhaust gas of the car has a bad smell of burnt smell, which makes people want to avoid.

The driver asked them to get in the car, and Lu Yanchen patted Bai Tao's back: "I'm gone."

He jumped into the co-driver's seat of the jeep, and several people kept up, never looking at her from beginning to end. When the two jeep cars drove out of the gas station, Bai Tao's back was soaked, and he whispered, "Have you ever been with Chen?"

Gui Xiao shook her head.

In the evening, she felt uneasy at the second aunt's house and was restless.

After ten o'clock, I still picked up the landline and asked the bus to call Huang's phone.

"Have you seen my cousin ?!" Huang Ting completely exclaimed when she heard her talk about the afternoon, "My mother didn't know he was back, how did you meet ?!"

Huang Ting was so excited that her son was awakened and cried.

"Wait a while, I coax the young ancestor," she took the receiver, and came back for a long time. "I don't know how to tell you, after all, what are you looking for him for? How many times did he ask you to reconcile, You forgot? Do you know how hard you are? He managed to come back for a while, but you refused to meet. Guixiao ... Hey, Guixiao, what do you want him to do? "