MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 93] plant flowers, raw dolls

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Meditation is probably the first ancient **** to be bombarded.

The movement is very big, almost all of the islands have been seen, but they do not know that this is the demon statue in the bombardment, only the top of the galaxy wonders are good-looking, the golden red staggered fire is like thousands of fire dragons On the other hand, a blast of glimpses, like a colorful pimple, is like a colorful phoenix [Note 1]. They have lived for so long and never felt that the dragons were so smashed.

The native gods and dragons have never seen the fireworks in the world. On the contrary, those who have risen and rised, the lower the status, the more they have been in the world, they can boast about the "fireworks" of this sky.

"Across the holidays, Tanabata, New Year's Eve, Shangyuan, people will put this thing, it is really beautiful!"

A dragon that has been experienced in the human world said proudly.

Where did he actually see it before? The narrow river of the moat, let alone hide a dragon, it is not enough to hide a raft.

He is in the mountains, and he has come to the world, and the words are illustrated in the picture, detailing the prosperous feast of the capital.

But pity this group of dragons, even the words have never seen.

This "fireworks" is really beautiful, and the beautiful dragons are beginning to envy the scenery of the world. The original demon in the sea said that some people would like to remove the bones and destroy the fetuses. They all sneered at the nose, but this kind of meeting seems to have some letters. It is.

Even the heavy snow that floated in the sky stopped, and the beauty of the dome became a fireworks on earth.

Of course, this fireworks has a price.

When the meditation was hit by the sky, it was an individual. When it fell to the ground, it became a charcoal, a dark, ugly little milk repairing charcoal.

The small milk repaired anthrax fell into the sea.

The sea smoked lightly.

After a quarter of an hour, the wet little milk repaired charcoal, smoky black smoke, black smoke in his mouth, and limped to the shore...

"Auntie, beautiful?" The demon statue asked the "fireworks" of the sky.

The real people in Shimizu looked at the clouds that gradually dispersed away from the dome. I still said: "Beauty, even more beautiful than I thought."

Demon Lord once again took out the bombardment: "Against one?"

It’s hard to get back to the small milk in the palace: “...”

Can you still have a head? Can you? !

Of course, the last bomber could not be sent out, because the island of the dragon suddenly began to shake, and there was a strong tsunami on all sides. The tsunami with terrible power distorted the whole space.

The last time this kind of abnormality happened was two months ago. The demon statue is being cultivated in Longquan. The huge stone of the mountain is rolling down. She is still someone who wants to attack the dragon and is going out. Fighting, but suddenly, Shimizu lived down from the sky and fell into her dragon spring.

The person who had been cherished for two hundred years, then appeared in front of her. She thought that she had dazzled her eyes until she pressed the man on her body and bullied it. She ate all over and outside, listening. He was so low and breathless that he couldn't bear the joy, she was sure that he really came to her side.

Could someone come over this time?

Ji Xiaoxiu closed his eyes and shed the **** of the gods and seals: "...someone opened the channel of the gods."

The demon statue also closed his eyes and felt it: "There is magic."

"Is there?" Shimizu is not aware of it.

He is a six-border ice lotus. His sense of breath is reasonably very sensitive. Under the sun, only one kind of magical magic can escape his induction.

"Fate." Demon statues open their eyes and look at the direction of the magic, faintly said.

"How come there is a demon?" The face of Shimizu’s real man passed a trace of confusion. "The deity of God is dead, where is the second such powerful demon? Is the person who opens the channel a demons?" ”

Demon statue is said: "It is a demon."

A demon who can open the channel of the gods is not an ordinary demons. Its power is likely to be above the deity of God.

The demon statue calls the dragon to use it: "Go and see what happened."

"Yes!" Long Wei turned into a dragon shape, and went to the clouds.

Not long after he left, Ni Chang rushed to the fire.

Earlier on the Scorpio, she was dismissed by King Kong Bawanglian. After the meditation, she used the power of the King of God to restore half of her cultivation. The remaining half of her can choose to recover on her own. This will require For a long time, you can also choose to work for the meditation, and after the completion of the work, help her recover.

She cleverly chose the latter.

Therefore, when she was sent to her with a melody, she was rushed to Yunfu without stopping her heart.

She wanted to meet with Yunxiao, but when she entered the yard, she did not see the shadow of the sky, but found two rows of semi-dry blood on the ground, and a cloud of jade.

That piece of jade is sent to Yunfu Shenjun by God, and Yunfu Shenjun is transferred to Yunxiao.

Yunxiao has always regarded it as a treasure and never left.

Ni Chang saw a glimpse of blood and jade, and knew that the big things were not good. The notes were not used anymore. I personally sent Yu Pei to the meditation.

However, she found a half-day, and did not find the shadow of the gods, she asked strangely: "Hey? God? Is not to return to Long Island?"

"I am here."

Ji Xiaoxiu stood tall and stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a majestic face.

Ni Chang looked at the three-headed black charcoal that appeared out of thin air, and instantly felt a group of crows flying over the head...

In a short time, Hu Sihai and the brawny man carrying the sea hurriedly rushed to the island.

The atmosphere of the three people was somewhat disordered. Hu Sihai and the strong man were slightly injured, but all of them were self-healed. Haikongzi was seriously injured. They could not cure him, and he took him back to find the idea of ​​God.

What surprised them was how did the gods change back to the children? Also became a coal baby!

"What happened?" asked the little coal baby.

Hu Sihai: At this moment of urgency, he must not laugh!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." The brawny smiled.

Hu Sihai: "..."

The brawny was miserable.

Hu Sihai told Ji Xiaoxiu the story of the incident: "...We looked for the place in the blue sky mirror and found the cave. But when we arrived at the cave, the people in the cave were gone, and the fire was still on the campfire. With the rabbit, we guess, the Ganoderma lucidum girl may not have gone far, we rushed to find her, but a woman who met a human snake tail halfway up and stunned us. Haikongzi had two tricks with her, let her play It became a serious injury, the blue mirror... The blue mirror was also taken away by her..."

"A woman with a snaketail?" The meditation restored the true body and whispered, "Is it Snowy?"

Thinking of what, Hu Sihai said again: "Right, there is something that has always forgotten to tell God."

"What?" asked the meditation.

Hu Sihai glanced at the nose and face, like a little wife and a **** in the corner of the corner, and coughed a sigh: "This place we have been to, the last time the second son was chased by the demon of the town demon tower, Zeng It fell like a smoldering forest. That was the case. At that time, we split up and acted together. Da Zhuang and Hai Zizi all the way. Haikongzi said that he had seen two sons."

Meditation: "He told me about this."

"Shen Jun knows?" Hu Sihai.

Ji Xiaoxiu pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "What do the women you see today look like?"

"This..." Hu Sihai felt that if she saw her again, she should be able to recognize her, so that he could meticulously recall her appearance in his mind, and he could not recall it.

At this time, Long Wei, who went to explore the road, came back: "The enlightenment of the demon, the channel of the gods is indeed opened, and three people have gone out, one of them is Yunfu Ergong."

"The other two, but they?" The meditation technique paints the whole picture of Ganoderma Lucidum and Selangor.

Qiao Weiwei flew over and looked at the girl in the phantom and said eagerly: "Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum!"

Long Weidao: "There is her."

Said is the Ganoderma lucidum.

Subsequently, Long Wei’s eyes fell on the snowy tail of the human snake: “The face is not this face.”

What suddenly flashed in Shimizu’s mind, the use of the technique to remove Selangy’s face and replace it with the face of the Tianlingen girl.

Long Wei and Hu Sihai said in unison: "It is her!"

The person who opened the channel is demon, and Ganoderma lucidum and Yunxiao can't be the devil. When Qingshui first met Qin Linger, she had the spirit of the demon, but because of the pure Yin body, she barely took a breath, after Shimizu really removes the spirit of the demon and plantes her roots, hoping that she can keep this life.

To say that she once again broke into the demon road, Shimizu is true, but devil...

The real Mozu is no demons. They were originally demons. How come they split a demonic? They will only be demonized, become irrational, lose themselves, and end their tragic life in murder and murder.

The spirit of Qin Linger is heavier than the magic. Compared to her demonization, demonization should come faster.

"What happened?" Shimizu is really puzzled.

Demon Lord said faintly: "She was taken over by her heart."

The demons took away the Ganoderma lucidum and the clouds, and took away the blue mirror. Ganoderma lucidum is the root of chaos that never happened. She can integrate any kind of aura and power of the six worlds, as long as she gets the spiritual root of Ganoderma lucidum. Absorb the power of Pangu sealed in the blue mirror.

The demons want to use the power of Pangu to destroy the six realms, and then use the power of the Emperor of the Clouds to create their own race and world.


After the demons seized the body of the Tianlingen girl, she quickly recovered most of her strength. She tore up the channel of the gods, used the power of the gods to open an enchantment, and wrapped the bodies of the three people to rush toward the passage. The past.

Below the passage, the fairyland was filled with fairy tales, and Xianzun completed the final deity. He covered the last glazed tile on the roof of the fairy palace.

At this point, the destroyed Imperial Palace was finally repaired more beautifully than before.

Xianzunmei looked at his new fairy palace and took out the mirror. He sent a message to Bixia Fairy. Although the fairy palace has been built, it is empty, and if the fairy is free, can you give me two Laurel?

Let's raise flowers together and have a baby!

The last sentence is too shameless, and Xianzun coughs and decisively erases it.

Just as Xianzun was happily waiting for the reply of Bixia Fairy, the sky screamed loudly, flying a golden and black staggered light, and banging two times, it was not easy to build the fairy tales according to the preferences of Bixia Fairy. The fairy palace has been relentlessly smashed into slag!

When Xian Zun was on fire, he said: "Which is stinking -"


The golden light also reached him.

The phoenix's body was a little bit stunned. With a blink of an eye, the mighty and domineering Jinfeng disappeared, leaving only a baked chicken.

The little fairy chicken did not have to be blown up, and only a pair of fragrant grilled wings, screaming in the same place, roaring: "Hey!"


The golden light that exuded the black air did not stop because of this. After the fairy palace of Xianzun was smashed and a large hole was drawn from the fairy world, it was like a meteor, and it cut through the sky in the middle.

Today is the celebration ceremony of the other vice-presidents of the League of Nations. All the sects of the Central Region have been invited to the regional alliance.

The old vice-president has been dethroned by the joint sects, and the new deputy ally is the Xu Yongzong who has the strength of half a sage.

On the strength, Xu Zong is not the most powerful, but on the background, no one can do it right.

The lord was the vice-president, and all the thousands of patriarchs were honored and dressed up, and they went to witness the glory of the millennium.

Lei Zun arrived early. While waiting for him, he took out the comb and combed the long hair that was finally thickened again.

He combed a beautiful mid-point.

But at this moment, a strong light flashed past the top of his head, and the speed was so incredible that the spark was wiped out in the air.

Lei Zun only felt a hot head. When he came back, a thick long hair turned into a smooth Mediterranean...

The golden light was still falling, and after crossing the middle field, he fell into the next session and fell into a deep mountain.

The weedy valley, the light group dispersed, and the three fell sharply.

This shock is too big, but the heart can't stand it and is unconscious.

Yunxiao and Ganoderma lucidum have never been awake since they have to say it.

The demons fell into the grass, and the blue mirror fell out.

Ganoderma lucidum fell into the arms of Yunxiao.

Good evening.

A little cow with a cow passed by, and looked at the tail under the cloud for a while, picked up the mirror on the ground, and stumbled away.

------Off topic ------

The difference is 5 votes, and the small friends with the ticket will help me to make it together!

Breaking one hundred and two more~

P. S. Don't forget to bring the red ticket to the moon ticket, love you~


[Note 1] The original sentence - Baizhiran fire dragon title candle, Qi Cailuo Fengfeng Tuhua.

Source: Ming Liu painted "Yuan Xitong Miscellaneous Zhongguan Fireworks"

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