MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 36] The priest drove, Nanhai monks

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The cold here will greatly reduce the vigilance of the monks. When the two men burned a pot of water and prepared to take two drinks for the two children, they found that the children in the carriage did not know when they were missing.

The young monk is discolored: "The Lord! The child is gone!"

Qin Xuan’s face sank: “Not looking for it!”

"Yes!" The young monk turned into a two-tailed red eagle and searched on the innocent ice sheet.

Ji Xiaoxiu and Qiao Weiwei hid in an ice cave.

"Induction stone!" Qin Xuan said to the young monk.

The young monk took out a Mozu's induction stone from the Qiankun bag. This stone is not as good as the Dragon Ball, but it can also sense a hint of dragon.

When Jiao Weiwei did not form a little magic dragon, there was no dragon overflow. Only the gods of the Fujun adults who had been marked by her showed a trace of dragons, and after the monarchs took Qiao Weiwei into the underworld, this silk dragon The gas is gone.

The induction stone did not respond.

“Did they have gone far?” asked the young monk.

Qin Xuan coldly said: "Impossible, they must have used what way to avoid the induction stone."

The mortal body can't enter the underworld. This is a violation of the laws of heaven. Once it enters, it will be destroyed by the heavenly laws of the underworld. Therefore, although the Yuanshen and Qiao Weiwei of the Fujun are entering the underworld, Ji Xiaoxiu is still in the cave. Lying down.

There is no way for Fujun adults to let Qiao Weiwei hold a "dead" Ji Xiaoxiu in the snow, which is a very cruel thing.

Fujun adults made the worst plan - to abandon the flesh, but that is a last resort choice. At the moment, he still does not want to do this. After all, it is not easy to find a body that fits his god, but it must be compatible. It is even harder to be able to go freely in the Millennium.

At the beginning, this body was so close that it was the most appropriate.


Qiao Weiwei’s stomach was called.

Fujun adults support: "Would you like to eat?"

Qiao Weiwei nodded, holding a pair of innocent big eyes, like a little milk dragon to be fed.

In fact, Fujun adults can't leave the body for too long. Once the body is completely cold, it is difficult for the Yuanshen to return.

One is hungry, one wants to return to the Yuanshen, and it seems that no one can continue to stay in the underworld.

Fu Jun adults hold Qiao Weiwei back to the cave.

At this time, Qin Xuan also let the young monks receive the induction stone: "Let's find it again."

The young monk once again turned into a two-tailed red eagle, hovering in the sky.

Ji Xiaoxiu took the hand of Qiao Weiwei and ran out of the cave.

The two-tailed red eagle saw the small figure moving on the ground and screamed and swooped down toward the two.

Seeing that he was about to catch the two, Ji Xiaoxiu suddenly pulled out a Lei Lingdan from his arms and smashed it toward the two-tailed red eagle!

Only heard a loud noise, the two-tailed red hawk screamed and fell to the ground.

Qiao Weiwei drooled.

Ji Xiaoxiu took her hand: "The bird is not good, go away!"

Qiao Weiwei walked away.

Qin Xuan heard a loud noise, Yu Jian flew over, and saw the two-tailed red eagle lying in the snow, one of the wings was fried.

Qin Xuan fed it a healing remedy and chased the past in the direction of the two.

Ji Xiaoxiu threw out a Lei Lingdan.

Qin Xuan’s figure flashed and he avoided it.

Ji Xiaoxiu took out five pieces and smashed it toward Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan escaped four, but did not escape the fifth, the fifth one hit his flying sword, the flying sword slammed open!

Qin Xuan abandoned the sword in time and opened the enchantment to block the aftermath of Lei Lingli.

Ji Xiaoxiu continued to pull Qiao Weiwei forward and ran across the canyon in front to reach the destination of the Millennium. Xu Zongzhu and others should be on the way.

Qin Xuan does not think that two children of three or four years old will have such a mind. He only thinks that they are squatting into a dead mouse and happen to go to the destination of the Millennium. Qin Xuan will not give them escape. chance.

Just as Ji Xiaoxiu and Qiao Weiwei were about to rush into the canyon, Qin Xuan violently ruined the mountains on both sides, and the mountain collapsed and smashed the canyon.

Ji Xiaoxiu looked at the height of the canyon and said to Qiao Weiwei: "Formation!"


The little magic dragon came out.

Ji Xiaoxiu hugged her neck: "Fly over!"

The little magic dragon flew a few times and could not fly.

Qin Xuan first saw the body of the little magic dragon. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful. The dragon scales with black light, new and bright, coupled with the symbolic noble body, is the most perfect and precious existence of the six worlds. .

Qin Xuan’s eyes were red.

Ji Xiaoxiu felt the unscrupulous feeling of Qin Xuan, and his eyes locked Qin Xuandao: "Fire!"

The little magic dragon opened his mouth: "Huh ~"

But only spit out a small smog.

Qin Xuan sneered at the smile, took out the dragon scorpion, pointed at the head of the little dragon, and slammed it over!

Ji Xiaoxiu held the little magic dragon and rolled, and hula cheered to the side.

Qin Xuan rushed to the air, his eyes were cold, and he rushed to kill the two.

Suo Ji Xiaoxiu is not given a little lord... well, stealing it... Lei Lingdan.

Ji Xiaoxiu took Lei Lingdan out of money.

Xu Zong, who is preparing to enter the transmission array in the middle of the field: Inexplicably some meat hurts, I don't know why!

Lei Lingdan resisted for a while, Ji Xiaoxiu grabbed the human form, and Qiao Weiwei quickly ran toward the other cave.

Qin Xuan flew in the air and watched it catch up, but was blocked by an unknown force at the hole.

Ji Xiaoxiu turned his head in confusion and saw that Qin Xuan kept hitting and banging, but he could never hit it.

"Is there a enchantment in this cave?" Ji Xiaoxiu looked at the little hand that was pulled with Qiao Weiwei. The eyeballs slid a little, and I loosened the hand of Qiao Weiwei, went to the hole, raised her hand and touched it, and really touched a cold ice. Barrier.

The scorpion of Ji Xiaoxiu was rounded up.

Qin Xuan looked coldly at Ji Xiaoxiu, who was close at hand.

Ji Xiaoxiu smiled smugly.

Qin Xuan couldn't hear the voice of Ji Xiaoxiu. He could see his mouth shape. He said, "You come in, you come in!"

Qin Xuan was so angry that his chest hurts!

He is not happy, Ji Xiaoxiu is happy.

Ji Xiaoxiu blew his whistle, his hands behind his back, raised his chin, and swayed away.

But he didn't take a few steps, and his smile froze.

What about dragons?

Where did the dragon go? !

Ji Xiaoxiu ran to the depths of the cave. The more he went, the more he was surprised. After passing the narrow hole, he seemed to be coming to a brand new place, although it was still a cave, but Surprisingly, ice blue and lavender ice hangs from the top of the cave. The light of the ice is mapped on the stone wall, and it is also projected on the stream running through the entire cave.

With the deepening of Ji Xiaoxiu, the stream gradually became wider.

Ji Xiaoxiu went down the stream and entered another cave. This cave is more exquisite, not only with ice glazing, ice sculpture, ice trees, ice fruit...

At first glance, like a natural crystal palace.

In the center of this natural crystal palace, there is a hanging cage. Qiao Weiwei is sitting in a cage with a small fishing rod in her arms. She is holding fresh and juicy small ice fish and sending them one by one.

This little stupid dragon, do you know that you have been arrested? !

Wait, she shouldn’t be in her own cage...

Ji Xiaoxiu is simply messy in the wind.


Outside the cave, Qin Xuan tried his best to break the enchantment. At this moment, a woman dressed in white fell from the sky.

The woman's skin is like snow, and the face is exquisite. The facial features are carefully carved by God, and every place is beautiful.

The glimpse of her landing, like a glacial ice lotus, blooms in the snow.

Every time Qin Xuan saw her, she could find that she was more amazing than ever. He took back his sight and bowed his hand: "Master."

The young monk also came with a wounded body: "Priest!"

The Yao priest lightly lifted the jade hand and used his fingertips to create a spiritual force that instantly repaired the wounds of the young monks.

The young monk likes to say: "Thank you for the priest!"

The woman said faintly: "What happened? Xiaolong?"

Qin Xuan’s eyebrows said: “The dragon has gone in. I don’t know who set up the enchantment here. I can’t even go in.”

The woman's sleeves waved, and a transparent barrier appeared vaguely. Her hand was attached to the barrier, but she heard a bang, and her palm seemed to be burned, and a light smoke emerged.

Qin Xuan changed his face: "Master!"

Yao priest faintly pulled back his hand, and the palm of his hand was burned, but he had to recover as usual: "I am fine."

Qin Xuan asked: "Master, this enchantment is so good, who set it?"

The woman's thin lips lightly said: "The South China Sea."


On the other hand, Ji Xiaoxiu met with the “residents” of Dongfu. He did not expect that it was a large group of cold-skinned Nanhai monks.

The monks are a strange race, human tails, male and beautiful, they have the perfect appearance between heaven and earth, and every monk seems to walk down from the murals, their songs are as beautiful as the sky. It is rumored that their songs have the power of confusing people. When they hear the singing of the monks, they will involuntarily hand over their souls.

There are even rumors that the strong soul of the Yi people is engulfed by the souls of many fans.

Ji Xiaoxiu thinks that the rumors are fake.

Because the voices of these monks are not good at all, they are all fierce!

A male monk floated in the water and poked the hair of Ji Xiaoxiu with a spear in his hand: "Boy, are you a Mozu?!"

Ji Xiaoxiu said: "I am not a Mozu. We just accidentally broke in. We have no intention of offending you. Let us go."

The male monk sniffed at him, determined that he was just a simple human, and said to him: "You can go, she can't! She is a dragon, we want to kill her!"

His voice fell, and Ji Xiaoxiu's eyes cooled down.

The next second, the monks who were still in the cave, all fell into a dark lacquered place.

It’s foggy, and there’s only a glimmer of light in the distant sky.

The gods of Fujun are suspended in the air, looking at them with their condescending powers. The powerful pressure, such as Mount Tai, crushes the gods of the monks.

The people were shocked. They didn't understand what it was. How could they suddenly leave the cave? Is it that the enchantment is broken?

The indifference of Fujun’s voice rang suddenly on the heads of the crowd: “She is dead, and all of you have to be buried with her.”

"Do you also include yourself?"

A gentle and awkward voice came from behind everyone.

This voice is extremely nice, like a soft cloud, like a clear wind, with a sense of indescribable, listening to people well.

This is a female monk who has already developed her legs. Her taller woman is taller and taller, with an ice-blue long hair, delicate face and ethereal temperament.

The group of monks who were suppressed from moving could see the past like a savior: "Queen!"

Fujun’s thin lips slightly evoked: “It turned out to be the queen of the Yi people.”

The Queen of the Terran slowly smiled and smiled. The wave of the sleeves flashed a white figure. This figure is not someone else. It is the priest of the Mozu: "Now, the monarch will kill my people? ?"

Fujun adults smiled faintly: "Don't kill, can you deal with her?"

The queen of the Yi people said: "At least the monks who have persisted in the millennium will come over."

Fu Jun adults blinked.

The queen of the Yi people said: "We are not the same as the demon, but compared with the dragon in the cage, the outside is our enemy."

"Little Dragon?" This is the first person after him to see through the body of Qiao Weiwei.

The Queen of the Terran said softly: "There is no need to be surprised by the monarchs. After all, apart from this, I have nothing else."

Fujun said: "The queen is honest."

The Queen of the Terran: "Now, can I let my people?"

Fujun adults can't talk so well: "The queen has the ability to take them out. If they don't have the skills, let them stay hostage. When will the people of Qianzong come, and when will this be? Released."

The Yuanshen can't be separated for too long. Who knows when the people of the Millennium have come over. In the middle of the night, the body of the monks is cool. Even if the monarchs let their gods go, they can't return. Bit.

Queen of the Terran: "Fa Jun adults, in fact, we can cooperate. Do you know why we are trapped in the ice mountains?"

"Sleeved?" Fujun adults pick a brow.

The Queen of the Terran nodded and nodded: "Yes. We were originally a Nanhai monk who lived in the Nanhai Palace. Thousands of years ago, Xianzun lived a long life. I and my husband led some of the people to go to the fairyland for the sake of Xianzun... I never wanted to come back. On the way, there were traitors in the family. The people who joined the Mozu wanted to kill us. My husband was attacked by them and the injury was serious. However, my husband did not let them succeed. My husband tried hard to repel them... It’s just that my husband and the tribes were all greatly hurt, and there was no way to return to the South China Sea. I was worried that those people would come back and burn his **** to set this enchantment.”

The focus of Fujun’s adult is supposed to be why the Mozu attacked the Yi people. What good is it to do, but he glanced at Qiao Weiwei in the cage, and the ghost made a sudden saying: “That thing... should be with the demon It doesn't matter."

The demon lord and the celestial world have almost disappeared. In the district, a sinister family, she used to play with yin?

The Queen of the Terran shook his head: "I don't know, but even if it is related to her, her child is innocent, I will not count on Xiaolong's head."

This sentence is still very good, Fu Jun said: "Why do the Mozu have to deal with you? They want to get something from you, or -"

The Queen of the Terran clan said with a sigh: "We only give them what we want, but they want the life of our whole family."

"Life?" Fujun is a human being.

The Yi people sighed: "We are born with a powerful healing power. We can even travel in the sea of ​​death. They want to make us all spiritual."

This is very cruel.

The Queen of the Terran raised the ice blue wide sleeves and pointed it in the direction of Qiao Weiwei. A moment, Qiao Weiwei’s body appeared in a few places with faint black and red gas: “She was soaked in the sea of ​​death. There is still a breath of death in her body. Although she does not know who is living by her spiritual power, she will not remove the dead air left in her body, and she will not grow up one day."

Fu Jun said, "No wonder there are so many good things, not long."

The Queen of the Yi people smiled softly: "On the law of fighting, we can't fight the lord of the monarch, but we can treat the disease. The adult of the palace is not as good as us. If the adult of the palace agrees to cooperate with me, I will agree to the adult and cure her injury. ”

"Conditions?" Fujun adults do not like to circle.

The Queen of the Terran also likes to be refreshing: "The enchantment that my husband had set up in the past blocked the Mozu from the outside, but it also trapped us. Before his **** burned out, no tribe could leave here. I am looking forward to being able to lead the tribe back soon, while not wanting his **** to burn out."

“What do you need me to do?” Fu Jun said bluntly.

"Bring me my husband back."

If you are thinking about it, "Your husband is a fairy. After he burns, the **** of the gods will not disappear, nor will he go to the underworld. Instead, he will go to the soul tower of the fairyland in the form of a remnant soul. You hope me. Going to the soul tower to grab his soul back?"

The Queen of the Terran looked at him: "Can you?"

Fujun adults smiled a little: "The soul tower and the demons of the town, no one will choose to go to the soul tower of the town."

The Queen of the Terran is not surprised by such an answer. After all, the souls of the town are all stored in the soul of the soul, which is more important than a demon. The guards are also very powerful, not to say that you can be embarrassed.

If he is still there, he may be able to try it, but he has only one soul left. His cultivation is less than one tenth of the heyday, so there is almost no chance of winning the soul tower.

The Queen of the Terran sighed: "I know this is hard for you, but the injury of Xiaolong can only be cured by the power of my husband."

Fu Jun adults smiled profoundly: "The queen's pit can be dug."

The Queen of the Terran is determined to enter the eyes of Fujun adults: "I also know that the real body of Fujun is gone, and I want to reshape the real body. In addition to the collection of the five elements, the blood of the dragon is needed. , do not cure this little dragon, how can the monarchs come to the blood?"

Fujun adults said: "Not only can you cure."

The Queen of the Terran did not deny: "Of course, I believe that the ability of the Queen of the House will be able to find out the second doctor one day, but how long will it last? Is it a month, a year, a hundred years? Waiting for it? Even if the adults can wait, can the five elements be? Doesn’t the Grandmaster want it? Other things I don’t know if the adult has found it, but the age of Wanyin, the adult must have not.”

The prefecture did not ask her how she knew it. The soul of the apes was amazing. The queen was a middle-ranking man. Basically, he knew everything. She could almost perceive: "The fountain of Wanyin is in your family?"

The Queen of the Terran: "Yes. So adults, as long as you bring my husband back, I will not only let my husband cure the wounds of Xiaolong, but also personally give the adults a fountain of Wanyin."

"The South China Sea, I know that you are inside, and you know that you can hear the words of this priest! The priest warned you for the last time, and then you will not hand over the dragon, the priest will forcibly destroy the enchantment!"

The Queen of the Terran looked at the enchantment that became transparent at the top of the head. He said with concern: "No, the Mozu started to attack! My god's **** burned faster! Once my husband's **** burned out The remnants of the soul tower of the town will gather together. By then, he will be forced to die and will never return."

Mr. Fu Jun glanced at Qiao Weiwei in the cage and said faintly: "I can release the **** of your tribe, but you, stay here, when the king returns, she has one hair missing, and this will make You can't go out anymore."

The Queen of the Shuren closed his eyes and closed his eyes: "Well, I will stay."

Her **** is left in the underworld.

Her family wrapped her body in a stove and quilt.

After this, in addition to seriously eating the small ice fish Qiao Weiwei, everyone began an anxious and nervous wait.

------Off topic ------

Estimated mistakes, still have a chapter to scatter blood.

On the last day, the monthly ticket will be emptied~

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