MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 32] Love begins, bed is up.

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Dragon Ball is a kind of dragon's implement, which can capture the dragon's breath to the greatest extent. When Dragon Ball reaches the place where the dragon is rich, it can transform the most intense scene in the bead.

There is no doubt that the strongest dragon is at this time because there are two magic dragons at the same time.

Dragon Ball will not lie, so there was really a baby dragon last night.

Bi’s elders and Liu’s elders looked at the vice-presidents.

The mood of the vice-president is somewhat difficult to calm down: "...does Xuan Er he...has it been shaped?"

Looking at the image of the bead, Liu’s elders took a weak breath: “Is this head too small?”

The growth of the dragon is not the same as that of human beings. It requires more than time. The dragons born on the same day may be adult, and the other is young, depending on the nutrition of the dragon during its growth. With the aura, without sufficient nutrients, the dragon is difficult to grow up.

Of course, this is not to say that the dragon is not big enough to have an infinite life. If the dragon is not getting enough nutrients, then it will be a cub when it is exhausted.

Qin Xuan obviously does not have such troubles, and the vice-president has raised him very well.

In his current state of human form, the dragon that has been made should be bigger than the image.

"Maybe Xuan Er is not enough, can only make such a small dragon?"

Liu Elder nodded: "It is not without this possibility."

He said, is it his illusion to glance at the dragon in the bead? I always feel that this little dragon's belly is rolling, how can Qin Xuan's so thin people get a fat dragon?

After a long time, Bi Chang was asked the vice-president: "Can I ask the young master personally?"

The deputy leader firmly believed that this was his son. Although he found that his son was under a sycamore tree outside the cave, he could not rule out the possibility of moving his son from the hole to the tree before the gods disappeared.

After all, the fox demon has the words of the same party, and staying in the hole is a very dangerous thing.

The deputy ally has automatically supplemented the motives of the devil, and feels that everything is reasonable and reasonable, and there is no doubt about the son's transformation.

The vice-president took the two elders to the courtyard of Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan only slept, and his temperament was better. He dressed neatly and met with the two elders in Mingtang: "Bilder, Liu, elder."

Liu’s elders licked their beards, and Yan Yue said: “How can the younger body be better?”

Qin Xuan said politely: "A lot better."

His voice is very clean, just like his face, the conversation always gives people a feeling of breeze.

Liu’s elders were very good at him.

Bi Chang's ice cube said: "Is the Lord lost last night?"

Qin Xuan stunned and looked at the vice-president. When he saw the vice-president, he looked at him with a smile. He groaned in his heart, but he said quietly on the face: "Last night... I don't remember much." I fell asleep, dreamed of my mother, dreamed all night, when I woke up, my father came."

Liu Changla muttered: "Is it the shape of sleep?"

The deputy lord said: "Is it the shape of the gods who help him? After the dispelling of the gods, he can't maintain the dragon shape and turn into a human form."

For World of Warcraft, the ontology is the most spiritual, and Qin Xuan’s embarrassment is personal. Qin Xuan was born into a human form, so for him, the human form is more labor-saving.

If Qin Xuan’s sister-in-law is a magic dragon, then Qin Xuan is bound to be a magic dragon. The formation is only a matter of time. If you don’t have to confirm, you can let him inherit the Mozu; just because he is a human being, the family is worried about him. Only inheriting his pedigree, and did not inherit the dragon, so he repeatedly confirmed again and again whether he has changed shape.

If he can never be transformed, even if he is a child of the demon, he is not qualified to inherit the Mozu.

Even if they are worried about the revenge of the demon, they will not be able to break the rules set by the ancestors thousands of years ago.

Mrs. Liu said with anger: "There is no need to worry about the transformation of the Lord. We can wait for you."

Qin Xuan heart, you can wait, I can't wait.

He must rush to the devil before he returns to see his identity, and he can get the artifact that can restrain the dragon, so that even if the demon lord returns, he will be helpless.

After the two elders left, Qin Xuan called the two-tailed red eagle and wrote a letter to him: "Hands handed over to my master."

The two-tailed red eagle fluttered, and at about dusk, the two-tailed red eagle brought a reply.

Qin Xuan opened a letter to see: "Long Dan?"

The two-tailed red eagle formed a young monk and walked to Qin Xuan: "What is the Lord, what is Longdan?"

Qin Xuan smiled faintly: "It is the inner dragon of Xiao Youlong."

The young monk wondered: "Why did your master write this?"

Qin Xuan took a law, burned the letter paper, and then evoked the lips: "Master told me that as long as I got the dragon inside the dragon, she had a way to make me a dragon."


Thousands of ancestors, beautiful scenery.

The aftermath of the new disciple's Dabie has gradually passed, and everyone has invested in a tense and boring practice.

The Tianlingen girl broke through two levels in succession, and successfully entered the late stage of the building before the end of the summer.

On the same day, Ganoderma lucidum was also built later.

Tianling has to bite his teeth, she is the blood of the immortal, practice is fast, what should a countrymate compare with her? !

The Tianlingen girl began to train again. She vowed to open the ganoderma lucidum. It took less than half a month for her to step into the small perfection of the building from the late stage of building the foundation. In addition to the little son who walks the dog, no one can surpass her.

But when she was complacent, a loud bang, Ganoderma lucidum also built a small perfection.

Ganoderma lucidum's heart is not mature enough. The big law does not want too much to chase and ruin her, so the Ganoderma lucidum is a matter of chaos. Ganoderma lucidum is not a big mouth. Master does not say, she will not find someone to say. Therefore, the death of the Tianlingen girl does not understand how Lingzhi catches up with her.

She suspects that Ganoderma lucidum is cheating and taking something that can improve her cultivation.

She quietly followed Ganoderma lucidum and wanted to see if Ganoderma lucidum was in contact with some people recently. As a result, she saw Yu Jie.

"Wei Wei, is there any red fruit that you gave me last time?" Ganoderma lucidum closed the door and whispered Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei put down a portrait of a kiss for the afternoon: "Well, I am looking for it."

The portrait is made of the material of the underworld. It can't be seen by ordinary people. Only Qiao Weiwei can see it. In the view of Ganoderma lucidum, Qiao Weiwei is just a piece of rice paper. Although it is a bit strange, can children not be so strange?

Ganoderma lucidum is not much heart.

Qiao Weiwei opened her own treasure chest and pulled it for a while, deducting a fiery red eyeball from the eyes of a doll doll: "Ganoderma lucidum, give."

Ganoderma lucidum: "..."

Ganoderma lucidum carries a sense of guilty at the tenth level, and handed Jiao Weiwei’s beloved “small toy” to Yu Jie, who stood at the entrance of the hospital: “The last Qiankun bag, I haven’t thank you very much, this is for you, it’s a good thing, can Improve the cultivation."

Yu Jie smiled: "You eat it yourself."

Ganoderma lucidum's face was red and he didn't dare to look at his eyes: "I have eaten it, this is for you... I mean, Weiwei gave it to you, and Qiankun Bao Weiwei took it, she liked it very much. , just... let me thank you!"

Yu Jie smiled slightly, and his teeth were clear and the wind was clear.

Ganoderma lucidum's heartbeat is a little faster.

"This is for you." Yu Jie handed a copy of "Thousand Characters" and a "Three Character Classics" to the front of Ganoderma lucidum. "Isn't it necessary to let your sister read literacy? You take it to teach her."

Ganoderma lucidum received the book, and the fingertip accidentally touched Yu Jie. She felt that she was almost shocked, and her heart was almost numb!

Yu Jie said softly: "I am leaving first."

"Well... this, you hold it! Really can improve the cultivation!" Ganoderma lucidum put the red fruit into the hands of Yu Jie, then, then dare not look at Yu Jie, holding the book, fled into the house.

Qiao Weiwei looked over at her head and said to her: "Ganoderma lucidum, your face is red."


Next, Ganoderma lucidum began to teach Qiao Weiwei and Ji Xiaoxiu literacy.

"The heavens and the earth are yellow, the universe is flooded, the sun and the moon... is it... is it?"

Ji Xiaoxiu’s serious face: “Ying Ying.”

Ganoderma lucidum is a half-hanger, not as good as Ji Xiaoxiu. She slammed the "Thousand Characters" and half of them were wrong.

Qiao Weiwei didn't learn it. The wrong thing was to go to the heart. After bathing, I went to bed in the bed: "Niger! It is the day! It is the day..."


Bed bed...


Ganoderma lucidum teaching Qiao Weiwei literacy is to remind the Governor of the monarch, this dragon is eating and drinking all day long to give up, it is time for her to learn something, or so bad guys, she is difficult to grow up safely.

The length is not big, the dragon's blood is gone, the dragon's blood is gone, and his real body can't be molded.

I am all for myself, I am just using her, I am a very selfish prince!

The special selfish prince with a three-year-old body is very skillful to wear clothes for Qiao Weiwei, tie the ribbon, set the shoes and socks, brush the teeth, feed her a small jelly bean, and pull her soft. The little hand, jumped to the back of the mountain!

------Off topic ------

The red envelope has not yet been received, and the small partner who voted for it has come to the market.