MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fan outside 38] Father and daughter meet, slag

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The quickest way to return to the Mozu from the Ice Mountain Range is to take the transmission array, but the Mozu’s transmission is guarded by the outside of the Mozu, and the identity of the Xiaolong is exposed. Secondly, the flight is over, but the bird’s airspace is patrolled by the birds. Great to go.

Finally, the priestess decided to take a hidden road by the most clumsy method.

The priestess and Qin Xuan sat on the carriage pulled by the fierce beast. The carriage was comfortable and spacious, and the Nanhai Night Pearl hanging from the top faintly exuded the clear light of Yurun.

The priestess love the mortal tea.

Qin Xuan often greets her with new teas from all over the world. At present, Qin Xuan brews the new Longjing before the rain.

Qin Xuan soaked the tea and handed her a cup: "This time I can catch the dragon, all of them are the blessings of Master. If it is not the Master’s timely arrival, I am afraid that this little dragon has slipped."

The priestess took a sip of tea and said carelessly: "Everything is in my hands and it is impossible for her to slip away."

Qin Xuan picked up the curtain and looked at the Mozu guards who accompanied him. He put down the curtain and said to the priest: "These people... shouldn't you leak the wind?"

The priestess smiled and laughed: "Of course not, you can trust them."

Qin Xuan nodded, thought of something, and asked: "When is Master planning to take Xiaolong's Nedan?"

"When do you want to?" the priestess asked.

Qin Xuan certainly hopes that the sooner the better, but he did not say so, but smiled and said: "All by Master."

This is still used, the woman faintly held the lips: "Do you think I took her dragon Dan what?"

Qin Xuan hesitated: "Help me... shape?"

The priestess sighed: "Xuan Er, the teacher not only wants to form a dragon, but also hopes that you can become a magic dragon thoroughly."

"Can you do this?" Qin Xuan smashed his throat.

The Priestess said: "Unless you are willing to take her body."

Qin Xuan said: "Isn't that going to be a woman? Xuan children don't want to."

The priestess smiled slightly: "It’s just like saying this to the teacher. You can rest assured that you will help you shape the division. After you transform, you can inherit the Mozu, inherit the Mozu, and you can get the dragon seal. That is the only thing in the six worlds that can seal the demon."

At the end of the day, there was no smile on the face of the priestess.

Qin Xuan felt that such a master was a little scary. He knew that Master didn't like the demon, but he didn't understand why he didn't like it. In fact, when the demon was fierce and hegemonic, or a dragon, more than half of the Mozu had been smashed by her. However, there are not many people who like her, but her master’s dislike does not seem to be the same as those of the tribes.

"Xuan Er, what are you thinking about? Have you heard the teacher just now?"

The priestess interrupted Qin Xuan’s thoughts.

Qin Xuan’s consciousness came back, his eyes flashed and he said, “I’m thinking...that...that...”

The priestess said: "Are you thinking, why am I so demon-like?"

Qin Xuan was debunked, and he simply did not cover up. He whispered: "There are some doubts."

The priestess sarcastically said: "Devil and your father are the pros who have been established since childhood. Your father and her childhood have grown up. You have not been with her. I don't know how stinky her temper is. Your father can bear the temper. She is the blessing that she has cultivated in her life, but she does not cherish your father, but also escapes in the bridal chamber night, after which she has other men outside."

Qin Xuanyi said: "What? What? Other men?"

There was a hint of coldness in the priestess of the priestess: "Yes, that little dragon is her wild species."

Qin Xuan was shocked by this news. He never knew that the child of the demon statue came from this. He always thought that it was his father’s own...

"Does my father know?"

The priestess sneered and did not speak.

Qin Xuan knew that his master was not willing to go down. He then turned his head: "To Master, how is the hoe?"

The Priestess said: "What do you mean by the chaos?"

Qin Xuan nodded: "Yes, it is her!"

The priestess said: "There is a plan for the teacher."

At sunset, everyone stopped in a valley, staying here tonight, and going through the mountains tomorrow.

In the team, there are two iron cages covered with black cloth, one in a cage with a dragon, and the other in a cage.

A guard in a gold armor came over with a bowl of soup.

In the Mozu, the guards are divided into three levels—Bronze Armor, Silver Armor, and Golden Armor. The gold armor has the highest status and is equivalent to a deputy.

Seeing the gold armor guards coming over, the copper guards who guarded the iron cage rushed to say hello.

Jin Jiawei said: "Where is the girl?"

The copper armor pulled off the black cloth on a cage: "Here."

Ganoderma lucidum's hands and feet are wearing shackles, leaning against the railings of the cage, sitting on the ground.

The black cloth was taken off, and her eyes were stabbed by the fire not far away. She closed her eyes and heard a man say, "Open the cage."

The copper armor opened the cage.

Jin Jiawei took the medicine bowl and went in.

Ganoderma lucidum's spiritual power was locked by handcuffs and ankles. She is now even the same as a mortal woman.

Jin Jiawei reached out without fear and grabbed her chin.

Ganoderma lucided him coldly: "What are you doing?"

Jin Jiawei looked at her with a high look: "Oh obedient, I am good at making a difference, and you are less guilty."

When Ganoderma lucides for the second time, it has returned to the cave.

She is even more painful, and she doesn't know why.


On the other hand, Xu Zongzhuo did not know that Shimizu’s real people came to the door. He was playing with Ji Xiaoxiu and went to the entrance of the Hanbing Mountains to meet with Lei Zun and others.

Lei Zun and Da Hufa found the younger brother of the demon. The younger brother was trapped in a broken form that did not know who left it. Lei Zun rescued him. Although he was slightly injured, he was slightly injured. Nothing serious.

The magic repaired a thousand Lingshi and happily left with his brother.

When Xu Zongzhu went to pick up the Lei Zun, they could return to the Qianzong.

On the way to pick them up, Xu Zong tried to talk to Ji Xiaoxiu: "... dumb? Shibo asked you, how can you appear in the iceberg? You are not going to Weishan to find Xiaoqinglong Is it? Who brought you?"

"Hey!" Ji Xiaoxiu, a three-year-old, embraced his hands and ignored him!

Xu Zong Shen lowered his face and said seriously: "What attitude, ah? I am your teacher! Dare to give a teacher a face, you are bold! Not a teacher to save you, you have been eaten by the dragon !"

Ji Xiaoxiu is very angry: "She is Wei Wei!"

Xu Zong has to bite his teeth: "You kid, can't make sense, isn't it?"


Not far from the sky, the cries of Liu’s deacons came.

Xu Zongzhu’s heart and liver were shaking and coughing, and he was sitting in danger and looking at Liu’s deacon.

Liu’s deacon stayed in the middle of the period of 100 years, and he was never allowed to break through. But this time, Xu Zongzhu obviously felt that his breath had reached the great completion of Jie Dan, and he was only one step away from Yuan Ying.

Didn't he just go for a day? How did Liu’s deacon break through?

"The Sovereign!" Liu deacon jumped into the flying boat with excitement and saw Ji Xiaoxiu with his black face. He gave a slight glimpse. "Hey? Little teacher is also here?"

Ji Xiaoxiu: "Hey!"

Xu Zongzhu said: "Don't care about him, make a temper, I am not letting you stay in the Zongmen? How come you come? Is there something wrong with the Zongmen?"

Liu said: "A good thing, a bad thing, what you have to listen to first."

"All right." Xu Zong said.

Liu’s deacon said: “The good thing is that Shimizu is coming.”

Xu Zongzhu’s nephew shines: “Is this true?”

Liu’s deacon said: “It’s true that the reason why I will break through is to hold the blessings of Shimizu’s real people. These are all good things. The next step may be a less good thing. The apprentice of the second law, the Tianlingen disciple. Not the daughter of Shimizu."

"What?" Xu Zong asked.

Liu’s deacon said with a look: “I was like you at the time. What’s more surprising is that Shimizu’s real person said... What to say... Her daughter is Wei Wei, it’s a little dragon. We really have a Weiwei here. Wei Wei is not a dragon..."


Xu Zongzhu fainted!


The Mozu people found that the little dragon and the ganoderma were gone.

The guardian of the bronze guard and the silver armor battled in front of the priestess.

The priestess said coldly: "You can't see a young dragon, what should the priest want for you?"

Bronze armor asked for mercy: "The priest is forgiving! The subordinate did not expect that the dragon would pretend to be sick, lead me in, and stole my key..."

The priestess interrupted him: "Shut up! A dragon that is not weaned can make you play around. You are so kind to let this priest wrap you around? Drag it down!"

The copper armor was dragged down by two other Mozu guards. It is impossible to survive this felony.

The priestess looked at the silver-colored guards on the side: "And you, read that you have followed the priest's part, this priest gave you a chance to make up for it. If you can catch the dragon, the priest will Wrap you around, if not, you broke your own!"



Ganoderma lucidum was completely awake, and she found that she was no longer in the cage of the Mozu, but in a cave on a cliff.

The cave is not too small, but if there is a dragon in it, it seems very crowded.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at the dragon in front of it.

She has a light experience and has never seen the second dragon outside Xiaoqinglong, but she has read the book. She knows that this is a dragon of the Mozu!

Ganoderma lucidum is frightened.

The little magic dragon picked up an egg and walked over to Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum raised his hand and said with vigilance: "Don't come over!"

The little magic dragon stayed, smashed his head and continued to walk toward Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum licked a scorpion, and took a shot on the head of the little dragon.

The little dragon was beaten back, the egg in his mouth fell, and he smashed on the ground.

The little magic dragon looked at Ganoderma lucidum and glanced at the remaining eggs, and gently blew them through his mouth.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at the egg that was rolling toward her, and then looked at the little dragon who was shrinking in the corner and staring at her. I don't know why, she felt that Xiaolong's eyes were somewhat wronged.

The dragon scorpion is a very good cure for the holy medicine. When the little magic dragon lingzhi Ginger slumbers, she all smashed her injuries. Ganoderma lucidum has no trauma, and there is a sense of silky pain.

Ganoderma lucidum did not eat one night and one night. It was indeed hungry. She looked at the eggs on the ground and hesitated for a while and picked up one.

The little magic dragon shook his tail cheerfully.

Soon, the little demon saw a wound in his leg that was forgotten.

The little magic dragon opened his mouth and walked toward the right calf of Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum smashed a fiery fire, baked eggs, was about to eat, but found that the little magic dragon did not know when he came to his side, is opening his "blood basin" to his injured right leg, she immediately hit a Fire power!

The little dragon was turned over to the ground.

This turn, let Ganoderma lucidum see the injury on it.

Its dragon scales are missing a lot.

Every dragon scale is very important to the dragon. They are not only the outer shell that can protect themselves, but also the symbol that best reflects the identity except the dragon horn. A dragon with a perfect dragon scale is like a A person who is beautiful.

The dragon scale is gone, which is equivalent to a person being disfigured.

As for the pain of pulling out the dragon scale, it is equal to the pain of pulling out the nail.

Suddenly, Ganoderma lucidum’s heart is not a taste. This is a magic dragon. She should not sympathize with it, but her heart is very uncomfortable.

The little magic dragon hurriedly turned over and set himself up to cover the place without dragon scales.

Ganoderma lucidum has been abandoning her, ugly and ugly, and can't be seen by Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum opened his mouth: "You..."

The voice did not fall, and a powerful magical spirit came from the sky. In the cave, it was filled with a thick magic.

This magical power makes Ganoderma lucidum uncomfortable.

"They are coming..." Ganoderma lucidum turned and wanted to say, we are going, but we can't say it.

The sky flew a group of Mozu guards riding on the bone-winged birds, and a large piece of black pressure, there are hundreds of people.

Among them, some people are holding the dragon's whip, others are pulling a special iron cage, and some have opened the big net.

They have nowhere to escape.

The little magic dragon jumped to the hole, blocking the Ganoderma lucidum behind him, looking at the demon guards who were approaching, and made an angry dragon!

The bone-winged bird could not withstand the pressure of the dragon, and sighed in the sky.

Ganoderma lucidum Yu Jian flew out: "Tian Shui!"

The vast waters of the water, condensed into countless ice blades, shot toward the crying bone bird!

If in peacetime, she will be difficult to shoot, but the bone-winged bird was suppressed by Longwei, one by one, and the water blade of Ganoderma lucidum was born.

Nearly half of the bone birds made a scream.

The Mozu guards were not good, and they abandoned the bone-winged birds. Yu Jian attacked Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum is not the opponent of this magic.

The little magic dragon snarled and rushed out, and slammed the guards who attacked Ganoderma lucidum.

The guards waited for this moment, and a big net came over the little magic dragon net.

But just as the little magic dragon was caught by the net, a white light fell from the top.

The white light is too white, and the eyes of the guards are flashed.

"Awesome instrument!"

Xu Zongzhu’s ass: "..."

When Shimizu was informed that Xu Zongzhu had let the Mozu take his daughter, he immediately dropped a thunder, and Xu Zongzhu was ruined and ruined.

Xu Zongzhu yelled: "Connect - live - I -"

Ganoderma lucidum pulled back his hand.

The little dragon retracted his tail.

One person and one dragon looked at Xu Zongzhu and fell from the middle of them.

The big net continues to move toward the small magic dragon network, but it has not been netted and it has been ashes.

Soon, the dragon whip and the iron cage were turned into ashes.

All the things used to catch the dragons are turned into ashes.

Yin Jiawei was shocked: "This is, what is this?"

The little dragon in the air couldn't keep up the balance, and the cockroach fell down, but she didn't fall for a while, she settled, and she slowly floated up.


The little magic dragon rolled over and didn't fall.

I made a roll and didn't fall.

Planted a head, still not lost!

The little magic dragon found that no matter how he moved, he would not fall.

She began to swim like a swim in the water, and happily swam in the spiritual power of Shimizu.

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