MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 282 tractor beam

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Although the asteroids orbiting the sun in the asteroid belt are very fast, at least faster than the blue star, but most of the time, they are in a uniform motion orbiting the sun.

That is to say, as long as an external force is applied to it, even if the force is small enough, its orbit can be changed.

In this way, a spacecraft, relying on the driving force of its engine, can drag an asteroid weighing more than tens of millions of tons continuously.

It is also particular about dragging. It is necessary to choose the direction of the rotation axis of the asteroid to pull, so that the cable will not be stirred up.

Tie up the asteroid like a hog, then extend a long towing rope and fix it to the hook at the tail of the spacecraft.

Because this hook is a rotatable part and bears almost all the pulling force, the requirements for strength are also extremely high. For this part, Xiao Ai deliberately mixed a large amount of spirit metal.

After these tasks are completed, you can officially start changing the orbit of the asteroid and pull it to Mars.

This work is usually completed by the cooperation of two spaceships. After a suitable asteroid is selected, it can be reported to Xiao Ai, and she will calculate the orbit to reduce the possibility of collision with other asteroids.

Even including the two spaceships, how much propulsion force to exert is in Xiao Ai's calculation.

It can be said that once the asteroid is successfully stabilized, the rest of the work will be completely taken over by Xiao Ai. This is also the confidence for her to start in an all-round way. She can complete all tasks only with the robot driving the spacecraft.

In fact, if it weren't for all kinds of accidents that might happen in the universe, she wouldn't even need to equip a robot crew, because in her opinion, that spaceship is actually a large robot.

It also has its own mechanical arm, its own brain, and even because of its size, its central computer is much more powerful than ordinary robots.

Because the non-working medium engine is controlled by gravity, there is no propeller of ordinary rockets, or hot gas or plasma ejected by plasma electric propulsion.

Therefore, the two spacecraft can be easily connected in series to provide enough pulling force for the asteroid behind to change its orbit.

In fact, this kind of dragging is similar to the return capsule returning to the blue star. After many orbit changes, it can successfully land on the ground.

Before the asteroid can successfully cross the orbit of Mars, it needs to be slowed down.

Xiao Ai wants a Mars that has gained weight, and is not going to crash it directly.

According to a certain conjecture, Mars in ancient times may have encountered such an impact, which led to earth-shaking changes in Mars, where life may have appeared in ancient times.

Although Mars is inherently unviable, if there is another large impact that knocks out the mantle material, then Mars may be torn apart, just like the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

According to some speculations, between Jupiter and Mars, there may have been a large planet in the early days of the solar system, and the current asteroid belt is the product of its split.

How exactly did it split? Whether it was Jupiter's gravitational pull, whether it was the impact of a large planet, or whether it was artificially damaged, we don't know anything about it now. After all, that era is too long ago, so long that there is no observation record.

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If Xiao Ai wants to prevent Mars from facing the same fate, then slowing down the asteroid is an imperative action.

Originally, Xiao Ai planned to directly hit Mars with captured asteroids, which would not only increase the weight of Mars, the kinetic energy of the collision, but also directly increase the temperature of Mars, but after many calculations, she still had to make a change.

But slowing down asteroids, even with carbon nanotube materials, is a long process, because they orbit the sun extremely fast, at least faster than Mars.

But in this way, her workload will be much less, she only needs to control the spacecraft, and when approaching Mars, reduce the speed to a degree that is almost the same as the revolution speed of Mars, then it will naturally be attracted by the gravitational field of Mars. Capture, and then slightly modify the orbit to put the asteroid in a suitable position.

Of course, the impact is inevitable, and it will still cause geological changes throughout Mars, allowing those extinct volcanoes on Mars that have been silent for tens of millions of years to burst into life again.

The re-eruption of volcanoes can not only heat up Mars, but also bring the most scarce gas on Mars.

Also as a planet with an extremely weak magnetic field, Venus has an atmospheric pressure that can be called terrifying. It is estimated that it is the gas brought out by the active geological activities of Venus.

Because lighter gases, such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, can easily fly to the top of the atmosphere and be blown away by the solar wind, so during volcanic eruptions, a large amount of carbon dioxide gas, because of its relatively large molecular weight, naturally falls to Lowest level.

There are no green plants that can absorb carbon dioxide on Venus. As time goes by, the atmospheric pressure of Venus becomes more terrifying.

And because of the thick clouds above Venus, the sun it can receive is no more than that of the blue star. Venus is more like a burning iron ball, even if it blocks most of the sunlight it can receive. The cooling time is also calculated in hundreds of years.

Because dragging an asteroid and bringing it to Mars will take years, usually at least five years.

This time is mainly spent on decelerating the asteroid, so if you want to quickly build Mars according to Yang Qing's, then the transportation team sent at one time cannot be too small.

Fortunately, these spacecraft do not need to be manned, so the devices used to maintain human survival can be ignored.

The entire spacecraft, except for a central engine room, a fusion reactor, and two gravity control engines, does not need anything else.

Only the computer room and the fusion reactor occupy space here, so the spacecraft can be made small enough, only more than 30 meters long, and the mass will not exceed 100 tons.

This is because it needs to drag the asteroid to slow down, and it needs a certain mass, otherwise it can be less than ten tons.

Of course, there is another way to drag the asteroid, which is the speed of light due to gravity.

Having basically mastered the gravitational force, the Moon Palace Base naturally found a way to realize the gravitational field.

That is to say, in a certain area in the universe, it is covered with gravity to form a controllable gravitational anomaly area. Xiao Ai has improved it so that it can be placed on a spaceship.

When an asteroid happens to enter this area, the spacecraft can exert an influence on it, such as a force opposite to the revolution direction, and an acceleration to change the orbit.

It's just that the coverage of the current gravitational anomaly area is still very small, and it can only catch some asteroids or meteorites with a diameter of less than 500 meters.

But this kind of technology represents the future. I believe that under Xiao Ai's research, its control range will soon exceed one or two kilometers.

In the future, it can even develop in the direction of weapons. If the gravitational force of this gravitational anomaly area is strong enough, it can even become a black hole that exists for a very short time.

Although it is absolutely impossible to turn it into a black hole with the current energy supply method, at least there is hope for a reactor of the level of positive and negative matter annihilation.

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