MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 347 The top of the mountain

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Under the integration of Wu You's power, all the forces in Shancheng slowly bowed their heads. At this point, Shancheng finally fell into the control of the Frost Society. How much Chen Shao hated Wu You, but had to admire the man's wrist , IQ and courage, what he did not do, this man did it in half a year, relying on more than unmatched force. Over time, coupled with the blessing of Saitama, Wu You's ability became more and more powerful, and Chen Shao's idea of ​​turning over the market became more and more slim. Sometimes when he wakes up, he finds that he hasn't thought about anything for a long time, and hasn't done anything. The people in the Frost Club have respect for him, but he feels that those people regard him as Wu You's pillow. Other than that, he seemed to be nothing. Only a few months later, people forgot about him.

Wu You ca n’t say bad to him. Although he is moody, as long as he does n’t provoke him, Wu You is good most of the time. However, this only makes him feel ridiculous and hateful. A man ’s attitude towards him has actually become The only measure of his quality of life is how different he is from the puppet-children raised by the ancient emperor.

Wu You came back from the outside, before having time to change clothes, came over first, hugging Chen Shao, who was reading on a lounge chair, and kissed, "Baby, don't you think I'm?"

Chen Shao pushed him away. "It's blocking me."

Wu Youyi sent the gentle look of a good man at home, "Next week is your mother's birthday and I want to send her something."

Chen Shao sat up, "Do you even know my mother's birthday?"

"Of course, I even know the second anniversary of the second anniversary of marriage." Wu You glanced at him with a smile. "I know you don't remember, rest assured, I will remember it for you."

Chen Shaoleng said, "What's the point of doing these things?"

Wu You touched his cheek, and said vaguely: "Of course to please you."

Chen Shao stood up, leaned to the window, stood still for a minute, and turned back, "Can I celebrate my parents' birthday alone?"

Wu You smiled: "What do you say?"

Chen Shao pursed his lips. He knew Wu You would not agree.

Wu You came over and hugged him from behind, "I hope we are family, although this is my wishful thinking, but please cooperate with me."

Chen Shao said: "My mother likes silk."

Wu You kissed him with a smile, "No problem, I must get the best."

Chen Shao looked back at him, "Wu You, when are you going to hold me?"

"You can move around freely."

Chen Shao smiled ironically, "Everywhere I go, there are people watching you. Are you still worried about me running away? The whole mountain city is under your control, my parents are in your hands, you are worried what."

"I'm worried that you will be impulsive and do stupid things. I can see your ability, so I can only put you where I can see."

"But I don't want to be locked up here all day."

Wu Youxuan tightened him and said softly, "I don't often take you out to play."

Chen Shao gritted his teeth, "I want to be free to move around in the mountain city without you and your people. So you understand?"

Wu You smiled lowly: "Are you coquettish with me? Want to go out and play?"

Chen Shaomu said, "I feel uncomfortable."

Wu You's lips kissed gently from his eardrops to his neck. "I have a good job, or else you can go for me?"

"where to?"


Chen Shao frowned. "What to do in Beijing."

"I have been watching the developments in Beijing. Do you remember the people who brought the big cat? They have already arrived in Beijing. There are a lot of brain-domain evolutionists and natural force evolutionists gathered in Beijing. Their research on the last days is definitely the best In advance, recently, I got information about mutation advancement, and our ability can be promoted by ourselves, but this promotion comes with great danger, and according to what they said before the advancement, I just met, also That is to say, I am now in a need of advancement, and one of them can help me advance safely. "

Chen Shao froze, "advanced ..."

"They seem to have mastered a certain cultivation method, which can make people evolve faster. I have asked people in Beijing. I hope you can go to Beijing for me, and let the group meet to a place to help We advance. "


"You're about the same time as I mutated, and it should be coming soon. I won't let you go through that kind of danger. In any case, I want both of us to advance safely."

Chen Shao looked at him, "Will you let me go that far?"

"You will go with Dalin."

Dalin is a woodcarving heterogeneous person, raising nearly a hundred woodcarvings, and is the main force of Wu You Sky Team. Chen Shao said without hesitation: "Okay, I'll go."

Wu You laughed, "Don't you ask me why I don't go?"

Chen Shaodan said: "Are you afraid that the people in Beijing will hold you back?"

Wu You nodded. "I heard that Beijing now has four or five natural forces to evolve. Obviously they are convening stronger mutants everywhere to collect saitama. I will not hand over the jade in my hand, I don't want to be their puppet, so I won't go to Beijing, but I heard that they are going to Qinghai. If they are willing to help us advance, I can accompany them to Qinghai. "

Chen Shao said: "If they refuse."

"They will be willing, they will have saitama in my hand, and they will find me sooner or later." Wu You said: "You had a deeper contact with them than me at first, and it would be perfect for you to make this envoy. "

Chen Shao wanted to leave Wu You at that time, even if it was only for a period of time, he was willing to go, maybe he could find his chance to rescue his parents during this period, even if the hope was faint, he didn't want to surrender all his life like this.

Wu You's hands became more and more dishonest, and after penetrating into Chen Shao's clothes, he stroked his tight muscles back and forth, "We're going to be separated for several days, I will miss you ..."

Chen Shao is a bit stiff. The more he gets used to Wu You's touch, the heavier the burden on his heart, especially when the body has fully adapted to and even accepted this kind of sexual behavior. Being able to get pleasure made him even more afraid.

Wu You overwhelmed him on the sofa and took off his clothes skillfully. Before Wu You left in the morning, he pressed him hard and made a meal, but now it was still wet and soft, Wu You separated from Chen Shao. Legs, with little effort to push in.

Chen Shao groaned, a flush appeared on his face, and fine beads of sweat were seeping on his forehead. He squeezed his lips tightly before he could push hard at Wu You-making sure not to make himself embarrassed.

Wu You didn't let him go, he touched his lips, and smiled evilly, "Isn't it good to call out? What are you doing? I want to hear you cry out."

Chen Shao glared at him and bit his finger with his mouth open. He originally wanted to vent his anger, but after doing so, he found that the action was too ambiguous, but he was too late to release it. Wu You put his finger in He touched his mouth and teased his tongue.

"Hmm ..." Chen Shaowei narrowed his eyes, his eyes sulky, his hands pushed Wu You's chest unconsciously, but his body could not escape under Wu You's control, and he could only let Wu You hit him fiercely. His body floated with that violent movement ...

Wu You personally arranged a simple luggage for Chen Shao, and repeatedly told Da Lin to pay close attention to Chen Shao during the whole process, and then watched the Lin Diao Clan fly into the clear sky and head north.

Xiaohui said anxiously: "Boss, you really feel so assured of him? I don't think Brother Lin is his opponent."

Wu You looked at the black dots that were getting farther away from the sky. "He can't do anything in the sky anyway, there is no room for him to play in Beijing. As long as his parents are still in my hands, I can hold him."

After waiting for a few days, Wu You received the news from Beijing that Dalin agreed to help him and Chen Shao to advance. They met about Taiyuan. Wu You took someone to Taiyuan and packed up one in advance. house.

I haven't seen Chen Shao for a few days. Wu You was worried about what Chen Shao would do in Beijing, and at the same time he was worried about his personal safety. The separated days also allowed him to cool his hot head and think about the relationship between him and Chen Shao. The relationship saw the two walk into a dead end. Chen Shao has always been resentful to him. He tried his best to treat Chen Shao, and it seemed that it could not play a big role. Now he only hopes that he can suppress Chen Shao for a lifetime. This proud man will always belong to him, but from time to time, he also thinks that if Chen Shao can like him too much, as long as he obediently, he can be a very gentle lover ...

Two days later, Chen Shao brought Cheng Tianbi and Cong Xia to Taiyuan.

Seeing again, Wu You immediately felt that the energy of Cheng Tianbi was several times stronger than when he was in Shancheng. Although he was constantly evolving, in the past six months, Cheng Tianbi may have beaten him, at least Cheng Tianbi and Beijing Several natural forces have evolved, and he has already broken the second order one step ahead.

When Chen Shao saw him, he was reading a magazine on the sofa, glanced at him, and said, "Here it is."

Rarely Chen Shao took the initiative to say a word. Wu You was in a good mood and said with a smile, "This trip is hard."

Chen Shao lowered his eyes and continued to read the magazine.

Xiaohui took out a cigarette from his bag and handed it to Chen Shao, respectfully saying, "Chao Shao, your cigarette."

Chen Shao froze for a moment, glanced at Wu You, but Wu You took it for granted.

In the past few days, Chen Shao has been living in the Academy of Sciences. Although there is a proper arrangement for food, clothing and transportation, he just feels that everything is not right. The close-fitting fabrics such as towels, socks and underwear are not his favorite materials, and the food is not suitable for him. Appetite, even the temperature of sleeping at night made him uncomfortable. After living a few days like this, Chen Shao suddenly realized that Wu You's care for him had been subtly and completely integrated into his life. When he didn't notice, Wu You mastered his habit, taking care of all the details, even if he could not do without smoking, Wu You had been preparing for him, but only gradually controlled the amount of his smoking.

When he took the cigarette, his hand shook slightly. What happened to him, but he hadn't been with Wu You for a few days and actually started to compare. Who was better to him than Wu You to him in the past? It's ridiculous!

The author has something to say: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have n’t written it, but there are so many manuscripts, I will definitely write and believe me these days!