MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 338 Top of mountain city

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Wu Chen, under the stare of Chen Shao, savored the food leisurely and praised this delicious, that delicious.

Chen Shao couldn't help but sarcastically said: "President Wu has so many people that he hasn't even tasted anything decent."

Wu You smiled: "Of course, it is not as big as Chen Shao's in the mountain city. I can be satisfied if I can fill my stomach."

Chen Shao was disgusted with Wu You ’s false low-profile attitude. Although Wu You was modest on the surface, she looked nothing like a fuel-saving lamp. I ’m afraid that she was very ambitious. In any case, he could n’t sit by and watch another Zhao Jin rise. He had to Find a way to get rid of this nail. He sipped. "What did President Wu do before?"

"Doctor," Wu You said.

"Oh?" Chen Shao raised her eyebrow unexpectedly. "My father is old and usually has a headache and hot brain. I don't know if I can trouble President Wu to show it."

Wu You smiled, "I'm a surgeon. I don't have a headache and a hot brain. I can't do it with an intestine and a stomachache. Unfortunately, there is no effective antibacterial drug, and even a clever doctor can't help it. Moreover, Chen Shao should be around. Doctor. "

"There is no shortage." Chen Shao already lit a cigarette, he spit out his cigarette ring, and squinted at Wu You, "I just want to find an excuse to make a friend with President Wu, I have to say Do you understand that? "

Wu You looked at Chen Shao's proud eyes and the up and down throat, and felt that his throat was a bit dry. It took a long time for no one to let him want to get it. The conquest process was very exciting. He chuckled: "Spoiled."

"You're welcome. It's all this time. Human beings should have been united. Mountain City is my hometown. Since you have come here, and I hope you will make it your own home, we should work together to keep this last pure land. ,dont you agree."

"Of course. At this time, human beings should have been unanimous, so I really can't figure out. Whoever wanted to kill me that night when I first arrived in Shancheng." Wu You looked at Chen Shao with a smile.

The ordinary aliens in Shancheng can count them. As long as they ask, it is impossible to know who the two aliens are from, but Chen Shao does not change his face. "I can help you investigate and say There may be some misunderstandings. "

"It's possible, then Chen Shao is out of trouble."

"Since President Wu already knows my father's birthday and has given him a birthday gift, it would be rude if I did not invite you to the birthday feast. I wonder if President Wu can appreciate it?"

Wu You smiled: "This is my pleasure."

Chen Shao smiled slightly, his long fingers lighted on the cigarette butts, and the lowered eyes covered the thick murderous power in his eyes.

Wu Youdao: "I heard that Chen Shao is a Caucasian alien, don't know how you are alien?"

Chen Shao's fingers were silent for two seconds, and said, "I ate a piece of Caucasian meat." He obviously didn't want to say more, and looked up at Wu You. "Where is President Wu? You are a rare evolutionary force of nature When did you find yourself mutated? "

"One day I suddenly found that I could freeze the things on my hands." Wu You shrugged. "Before I came to Shancheng, I didn't know that there was such a big difference between the natural force evolutionist and other mutants. I only knew that no one was me. Opponent. "

"Oh." Chen Shao chuckled, "Don't say this too early, as long as you haven't defeated Zhao Jin, he will still be the first person in Shancheng. After all, no one has seen your strength, but many people have seen it. his."

Wu You nodded. "I agree, but I'm not a person who likes to provoked the incident. This disaster cost me all my family. I just hope I can live in the mountain city and start my life again. People don't commit me. I No offender. "

These words were very sincere, and Chen Shao believed for a moment, but he still couldn't let go. Wu You's existence was a sword hanging above his head, which would prevent him from destroying Zhao Jin. Commands the entire mountain city, so if Wu You does n’t know what to do, he has to remove Wu You if he has to stay here.

Chen Shao raised his glass. "President Wu sees the righteous one at a glance. Come, I respect you."

Wu You toasted, the two respected each other, and then drank.

That day, the two chatted about some topics that were not painful and itchy, and Wu You went back safely.

After returning to their place, the subordinates came together and asked Wu You how it was.

Wu You showed a chilling smile, "Xiao Hui, go and prepare a generous gift for me, practical things, food, wine, gasoline, all right."

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Let the news go out and say I'm going to meet Zhao Jin."

The meeting between Wu You and Zhao Jin was very delicate. On the one hand, Chen Shao, the biggest enemy, was standing in front of them. Neither of them wanted to fight fearlessly with each other. On the other hand, they were all curious about the same question, which is who is stronger. Zhao Jin is a rough man. Although he does n’t hide his sword in a smile like Chen Shao, but he has a shrewd instinct. Obviously, he can have a place in the mountain city without occupying any advantage. It depends on more than just strong force. His means of developing the size of the organization and pooling resources through various channels, although shameful, are indeed very effective.

Wu You feels that if Chen Shao didn't have the absolute superiority and start from the same starting point, Chen Shao would not be Zhao Jin's opponent. After all, Chen Shao's former red-breasted and respected second generation would definitely not pull his face to rely on prostitutes- The courts and casinos did not have any experience of adversity to make him a brutal personality, and he could frankly gather resources by burning and looting, but Zhao Jin could, Chen Shao was cruel and overbearing, and Zhao Jin was cruel and cold-blooded. These two people are not good for Wu You, but the more challenging things are, the more excited he is.

The meeting between the two naturally passed to Chen Shao's ears. Chen Shao became more and more confused about Wu You ’s intentions of these small movements, but the more he knew about Wu You, the more he did n’t understand, so he could n’t act lightly. He is waiting for the opportunity. His father ’s birthday is next month. As long as Wu You dares to go to a banquet, he will put a net on the Tian Luo Di net to remove this nail in one fell swoop.

The mountain city, which was originally in a delicate balance, began to rush undercurrents due to Wu You's arrival. All contradictions and killings were stirred like seawater hidden under thin ice. Only wait for something to break the layer of false ice. The seawater will Gushing out, the mountain city at that time will definitely experience a big turmoil. It is completely unknown who can settle the ship on the sea.

Just when all three parties secretly tried hard, the sudden arrival of a group of people and horses suddenly broke the current peace.

According to information, the team in an industrial park more than one hundred kilometers away from the mountain city clashed with the Hongwei gang and won a great victory. They are now carrying the Bailai people in the industrial park. Moved to Chongqing in a mighty manner. The only value of the industrial park is that it has gasoline. The Hongwei Gang has always wanted to take it down, but there is a very powerful bird returning to the ancestors in the industrial park. After the entire park, several helpers came to the industrial park and completely wiped out a unit near Hongwei ’s gang. Now they are directly in Shancheng. I do n’t know if they have offended Hongwei. Help, or the art master is really bold. In short, when these people arrived, Wu You had a hunch that the mountain city would definitely change because of them.

Wu You and Chen Shao didn't appear to be calm, but secretly probing the movements of the group, both of them naturally hoped to use others' hands to frustrate Zhao Jin.

What surprised Wu You was that the group acted faster and harder than he thought. Three days later, Wu You received a message that shocked the entire mountain city-Zhao Jin was killed.

This news stirred up a thousand waves. The appearance of this group broke all the plans of Wu You and Chen Shao, removed a Hongwei Gang, but added a group more difficult than the Hongwei Gang. No one dares to take the next move easily.

Chen Shao stepped forward, and he once again invited the group and Wu You to dinner in the restaurant.

Wu You also wanted to see the talents of the group. This time, he went alone.

There were only five people in the group, and a very beautiful big cat with purple eyes. When the cat saw him, the eyes were scared, curious, and timid, which was quite interesting. However, his attention was not on the cat, but was attracted by a young and handsome man on the cat. The moment he looked at that man, he felt that the other was a powerful opponent. According to information, this man should be a speed evolution person, but when he saw this person, he completely overthrew this information. This man cannot be a speed evolution person, but should be a heterogeneous person who can compete with him.

Chen Shao politely welcomed several people into the restaurant, and even called him a little warmly, "Brother Wu". Wu You thought it was a little funny. In fact, he wanted to tell Chen Shao that it was better not to pretend to be close or polite, because Chen Shao's face was born with arrogance and was not suitable for cooperation.

While eating, Wu You deliberately used the ability to test the so-called "speed evolution man" and found that the other party was definitely not a speed evolution man. On his way to Chongqing, he once met a man who walked many places with a big dog. When chatting, he mentioned that he had encountered a man who could control the wind. He didn't care about it at the time. Later, after knowing the mutation ability of natural force evolution man, he realized afterwards that what he said might be a natural force evolution man, and the young man in front of him was just too much in line with his guess.

Wu You's heart moved to take them as His Majesty, but he immediately denied it. This group definitely did not seem to obey him. However, he could take the opportunity to test whether this group is true. He doesn't plan to stay in Chongqing. In addition, he is really curious about the first evolutionary force of nature other than himself.

The author has something to say: I miss Abu a little ~