MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 336 The top of the mountain

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When Wu You arrived at the bathhouse, he took out a small piece of frozen meat and handed it to the boss.

The boss blinked in surprise, "Where are you going to get the ice cubes?"

Wu You glanced at him and said nothing.

The boss hurriedly collected the meat. "I'll take you to the VIP room."

The VIP room is actually a separate compartment, and a water pipe is connected from the window. In this environment, there is nothing to choose from. It is better than taking a bath in the river at the risk of being eaten by a big fish. Wu You took off his clothes and started to wash.

Washing and washing, the sun is going down, the boss handed him a small piece of wax, let him be careful not to drip the water, the wax is obviously cut, can burn for up to ten minutes, this is obviously not want to let He washed too long.

Wu You hurriedly washed and was about to get dressed. Suddenly felt that a few energy was slowly approaching him. His character was always cautious, and he immediately suspected that this was not accidental, and was about to leave. Suddenly, a plump of green branches burst out of the water pipe, and hurled towards Wu You's neck.

Wu You grabbed the water pipe, and the plastic water pipe was frozen into a sturdy stick immediately. Wu You shook it hard, and a few meters of water pipe cracked into a powder, and a muffled sound came from the window. Next time, the window was The strand was smashed and the glass fragments all flew towards Wu You. Wu You didn't blink. He erected an ice wall in front of himself to block the fragments. He grabbed his clothes and backpack and ran out naked-naked. Compartment.

Outside the cubicle was a large open bathhouse, which was empty at this time. There was only a light bulb on the ceiling of the bathhouse giving off a faint light, and a dark shadow flew towards Wu You from the position of the door. fast.

Wu You didn't see what it was. He threw his backpack on the ground and threw his right hand, and several ice cones flew straight towards the shadow while people ran to the side.

The dark shadow escaped the ice cone and flew towards Wu You without hesitation. At that moment, Wu You could see that a weasel more than three meters tall had a slender body with a large tail and eyes radiating. Stunning cold light. Wu You naturally couldn't run a four-legged mutant animal, and the bathhouse was full of water and was very slippery. He almost fell. He moved his heart and slammed his hands on the ground. The water stains on the ground were fast with the naked eye. Condensing into ice, the weasel ran too fast, making a loud noise and sliding to the ground. Wu You controlled the ice cone and slammed his neck and abdomen. The weasel yelled, the voice was clear With a little human movement.

At this point, the green plant outside the window had completely climbed in. Wu You could see the whole picture at this time. He really couldn't recognize what kind of plant it was, much like some kind of weed on the roadside, but the length of the grass It has exceeded four meters, and the entire bathroom is almost filled with it. Thousands of tentacle-like weeds are softly fluttering, ready to rush up and hang Wu You alive.

For half a year since the earthquake, Wu You has encountered many enemies. In order to survive, he has to undergo killing and fighting almost every day, but the two aliens in front of him are definitely his most powerful opponents. "I've only been here for three hours. It shouldn't hinder anyone's way."

The weasel endured the pain and grinned, "You have already blocked the way of others here."

Putting this out, Wu You can already be sure in his heart that his attack is absolutely related to his ability. Mountain City is so orderly that there must be a huge force in control, and his ability is exactly threatening this. power. Wu You showed a sneer, okay, so that the days would not be too boring.

The weasel and the weeds made the large bathhouse extremely narrow. Wu You was blocked in the corner and looked very small.

There was a voice in that weed, "If you don't want to die, leave the mountain now and never come back."

The weasel snorted, "The best way to stop him from returning is to send him to Huangquan." He yelled and rushed at Wu You again. This time he had prepared for it, and every time he grabbed the ground. Use your claws to pierce through the ice layer. Although this speed is slower, he will not fall, and no matter how slow he is, Wu You still can't escape.

Just when the weasel was immediately in front of him, the water on the ground suddenly rose up, and an ice wall was erected in front of Wu You and him. The weasel seemed to have expected this hand, but it did not end, but instead pressed hard with his shoulders. I hit the ice wall, and the thickness of the ice wall was so bad that it shattered. The weasel showed fierce light. The big claws would catch Wu You's head. Those originally cracked ice cubes had not landed yet. At that time, I suddenly changed the tendency of falling, gathered again, and turned into countless ice cones, stabbing towards the weasel body!

The weed shouted, "Be careful!" He stretched out numerous branches and leaves, blocking the Weasel's sides, slowing down the attack of the ice cone, but still several ice cones penetrated the weasel's body.

"Ah-" The weasel was crying angrily.

Wu You spun out of the corner and ran out of the corner. A huge energy burst into his body. All the water pipes in the bathhouse were frozen and cracked by water, and the water sprayed out, forming an airtight net over the bathhouse. When the water fell on the weasel and the weeds, it was frozen into ice, and the temperature of the whole bathhouse dropped suddenly, and it became an ice cave in a blink of an eye. The body of the weasel and the weed was trapped by ice. Although it was not dead, it could not move for a while.

Wu You thought about killing them for two seconds, and finally decided to keep them alive. These two people must be instructed. If there are five or six mutants of this level, he will definitely be unable to resist, so it is not suitable for manufacturing now. Hatred, as long as the other party tastes frustration, they will have some scruples. Before the other party acts again, he will build his own power at the fastest speed. No matter what great character lives in the mountain city, he will take this place as his own.

He put on his clothes, carried his backpack, and left the bathhouse without looking back. It seemed that he was already being watched, so it was useless to change places of residence. He just returned to the hotel when he came, and planned to take a good rest. He expected that the group would not dare to launch a second attack on the same day, so he slept. Very secure.

Waking up the next day, he went out to find a house, and by the way inquired about the situation in Shancheng.

I just bought some daily necessities on the side of the road. Suddenly, there was a commotion in the street, listening to someone in the crowd shouting "coming," and then the vendor automatically pulled the stall in, leaving a spacious aisle.

I saw a few tall horses walking on the street in the distance. The head of the horse was more than four meters high. The whole body was black and shiny. The hair was shining and the mane fluttered in the wind. I have also come across a lot of good horses, and at a glance you can see the pros and cons. If this horse is put before the end of the world, it has no value. The horse slightly raised its head at this time, almost completely blocking the person sitting on it. Wu You couldn't see the person's face, but could only see the slender legs that straddled the sides of the horse and was a man.

People around were discussing something low. No one dared to speak loudly. Wu You felt the atmosphere and caught up with the ancient emperor walking the street. The person riding on the dark horse should be quite the first person in Shancheng. Mutant power.

A few horses approached, Wu You lifted his neck and finally saw the man sitting on the black horse. It was a young man in his 30s, with strong thighs wrapped in suit pants, a shirt wrapped in a waistband, and a flat, thin waist. He wasn't very handsome, but he had deep features, sharp edges, and very Manly, he had a cigarette in his mouth, and he didn't look at the people watching on either side of the street, exuding a sense of pride.

Wu You narrowed her eyes. Why is this person familiar? And ... Wu Youqing couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes darkened. This man, from face to figure, was all his favorite type. I really wanted to cut off the suit and see such a masculine atmosphere. What kind of expression would a man get when he was ruthlessly fucked? Just thinking about it is delicious.

Suddenly, the man who was sitting on the black horse without squinting, seemed to feel something, and lowered his head sharply, looking in the direction of Wu You.

Wu You knew that his energy might have caught his attention. Mutants would pay more attention to mutant creatures with strong energy fluctuations.

The two met each other, one arrogant and one deep, as if there were invisible sparks in the air.

When he met Wu You's gaze, the man sitting on the horse was shocked. He couldn't see the information leaked from that gaze. He took a deep look at Wu You, then turned his head and lowered the people around him. Says: "Check this person, his energy intensity is similar to Zhao Jin."


After waiting for the few horses to go far, Wu You returned to God. He grabbed the vendor around him, "Who was that person?"

The girl caught by him was flushed with shame under his gaze, and she stuttered, "Yes ... it's Chen Shao."

Wu You narrowed her pupils and sternly said, "Who?"

"Chen, Chen Shao. Chen Shao of Qingyan Gang."

Wu You let go of her, and Nana whispered to herself, "Chen Shao, Chen Qingyan ... is it really their father and son?"

It was not surprising that Chen Qingyan was the second commander of the Chengdu Military Region and the commander of the 23 Army stationed in Chongqing. He controlled the entire mountain city in the last days. It seems that the person he saw was really Chen less.

His father and Chen Qingyan used to be comrades-in-arms and had a close relationship. He and Chen Shao didn't play together in childhood. Of course, the two were nearly four years old, and Chen Shao was bad-tempered. Chen Shao's bullying. Later, after his father died, the two rarely exchanged. He never expected that he would meet Chen Shao again in this way. He remembered the two mutants who attacked him last night, his eyes grew colder.

I do n’t know if Chen Shao still remembers him. However, when he was three years old, he knew Chen Shao. Regardless of whether he remembered himself, he would get rid of him quickly. I originally thought that when I came to Shancheng, I would live a boring life like I spent my old age, but the reality was more exciting than he thought ...

The author has something to say: I always feel that this attack on cp is very abnormal _ (: 3∠) _