MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 323 Dragon Blood

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Chu Xingzhou looked at Rong Lan's complicated expression, and his heart sank straight down. Although he didn't expect Rong Lan to be happy with him, at least ... he didn't know how he wanted Rong Lan to respond. Any response from Rong Lan will not be what he wants.

Rong Lanqiang calmed down and said softly, "Xingzhou, do you know what you are talking about,"

"No matter how clear you are, you dare to swear, have you never known, for so many years, I have been more interested in you than anyone else, do you really feel nothing?"

Rong Lan lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Chu Xingzhou pinched his chin, forcing him to raise his head and stare deeply into his eyes.

Rong Lan sighed. "I guessed, but I always treat you as my brother. The most important thing is that we are all men. Why are you ..."

"I don't know, I just like you." After spitting out words that had been lingering for twenty years, Chu Xingzhou felt an unprecedented ease. Something clogged in his chest suddenly disappeared, and his eyes suddenly opened up. He knew it was so easy to confess that he wouldn't drag it on now. He couldn't help but hold Rong Lan's waist and said softly, "Brother, stay with me and I will give you everything I can get."

Rong Lan looked flustered and leaned back. He pressed Chu Xingzhou's shoulder and said in a deep voice: "Xingzhou, calm down, let's talk."

Chu Xingzhou frowned. "You said."

"Xingzhou, I said, I only treat you as my brother, I and I are not gay, and I can't be with you ... You may have relied too much on me when you were a kid. This may be your illusion ..."

"Illusion?" Chu Xingzhou laughed. "In my life, I ca n’t be more sure about this. If I like a person and I can be mistaken for 20 years, then I am really alive. I rely on you? You I have never depended on you, and I let you chatter and educate me, let you decide many things about me, not because I fear you, but because I like you, you don't understand! "

Rong Lan took a deep breath. "I ... we all calm down. Drinking alcohol is not suitable for conversation. I'll go back first, and you should rest early."

How could Chu Xingzhou let people go? He looked at Rong Lan's move to leave, and a burst of anger went straight to his head. He slammed Rong Lan down on the sofa, bullied him, and blocked the pale color with force. Lips.

Rong Lan's eyes widened, and she desperately wanted to push Chu Xingzhou away, but her body was suppressed by a force of gravity. Chu Xingzhou could make him unable to move without any effort.

Chu Xingzhou once kissed him several times while he was sleeping, but not once, so blatantly, forcefully, or even roughly holding on to the soft lips, the taste he thought countlessly Secondly, as soft and warm and light as he imagined, he pried open Rong Lan's teeth with the tip of his tongue, and his flexible tongue penetrated unscrupulously.

Suddenly, Chu Xingzhou felt a pain in the corner of his mouth, and Rong Lan bit him!

Rong Lan flushed, his body could not move, he could only hold his neck and shouted: "Chu Xingzhou, don't go too far, let me go!"

Chu Xingzhou wiped the corners of his mouth and looked at the sharp red on his fingertips, his heart tingling, and he whispered, "Do you hate me."

Rong Lan looked at the undisguised sadness and loss in Chu Xingzhou's eyes, and his heart trembled suddenly. He suddenly softened and sighed, "You are my brother, how can I hate you, but this is not possible Xingzhou, I can't do it, you let me go. "

Chu Xingzhou gently slid his fingertips across Rong Lan's cheek with a choked voice, "Brother, I really like you. There can be no other people in this life."

Rong Lan felt the weight of his body disappeared. He shook Chu Xingzhou's hand vigorously, and whispered, "I'm sorry." After pushing away Chu Xingzhou, he turned away.

Chu Xingzhou sat on the sofa, staring blankly forward, as if the soul had been drained. The touch and taste of Rong Lan's lips echoed between the lips, so real, the moment he kissed, it seemed as if the person really belonged to him. Years of bitter love, in exchange for ruthless rejection, in fact, he should have guessed long ago, he just did not expect that the moment when the hope was broken, it would be so painful, so hopeless. He clenched his fists, and in his wet eyes, he shot a painful and cold light.

Of course, Chu Xingzhou would not give up on this, and he began a formal pursuit of Rong Lan. However, the human surrender of the entire city has grown his strength and arrogance, and Rong Lan's deliberate avoidance and indifferent attitude have also made him more and more impatient, and the anger and frustration he has sought make it more difficult for him to control his Temper, a few times, he got angry, but looked at Rong Lan's eyes, but he stiffened. Chu Xingzhou felt that the beast in his heart had been released from the gate, staring at the prey near his mouth, and sometimes he even worried that he would do something irreparable.

On this day, he took someone to the surrounding cities to subdue a small mutant organization and a group of materials in their hands. Due to Sun Qingqing's uncomfortable body, he did not take her, but before leaving, he specifically told his subordinates Looking at Sun Qingqing and Rong Lan, if there is any situation, report to him immediately.

This operation took him three days, and he himself suffered some minor injuries. When he returned to the hotel, the whole man was tired and covered with cold blood.

When he returned to the room, he cleared himself up quickly, and then went to Rong Lan. He wanted to see Rong Lan right away. Only when he saw Rong Lan could he get rid of the mad killing emotions, otherwise he could not help but want to crush everything in front of him into pieces.

He knocked on the door of Rong Lan's room for a long time, but no one answered. He was irritable, took a few steps back, stepped forward and opened the door. He rushed into the room, but it was empty!

Chu Xingzhou suddenly became nervous. When he returned, the housekeeper did not tell him that Rong Lan was out. He was not allowed to go out at will. Xining has become a monster paradise. Everywhere is a death trap. Ordinary people are exposed on the street. court death. He felt nervous for a while, but quickly calmed down. He felt that he had made a big deal and maybe Rong Lan had just gone to the restaurant or somewhere else in the hotel.

When he found the housekeeper and asked, the housekeeper's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly asked people to look around the hotel, but Rong Lan was not everywhere.

Chu Xingzhou panicked, picked up the housekeeper's clothes, and said fiercely: "I let you look at him. If you can't see him, I will twist your head off!"

The steward shook his legs in shock. "Boss, I and I have been looking at Mr. Rong. Mr. Rong has been saying to go out these days. We disagree and ask him what he wants to do. He doesn't say, he may ... ... I don't know how to go out by myself. "

"Fuck! Hurry and send someone to look for it!" Chu Xingzhou pushed him away and felt his heart pounding. If Rong Lan ran outside without permission and was injured, he wouldn't even accept anything from Rong Lan. error! He shouted, "Go and call Sun Qingqing, street by street, and start everyone to find it! Hurry!"

"Yes, yes!" The people below were all alive. Although Chu Xingzhou was not keen on killing, his character was ruthless, and he showed no mercy when he started. If he pinched his eyes, he would not blink. If Rong Lan really lost Then they are finished.

After a while, a person ran up in panic, "Boss, Miss Sun is gone!"

Chu Xingzhou only felt a buzz in his head, and the first reaction was that Rong Lan and Sun Qingqing eloped. He just felt that his heart was choked by an invisible hand, and that hand was still tightening, so painful that he couldn't even breathe. He has never suffered such humiliation in his life, tasted such sadness, he clenched his fists, yelled, all the items and people in the hotel lobby instantly lost weight, floated into the air, the next second, then cruel Falling down fiercely, the luxuriously decorated lobby was instantly shattered, like a typhoon crossing.

Chu Xingzhou stared with blood-red eyes and shouted sternly: "Go look! Live to see people, die to see corpses-"

The dispatched person found Rong Lan and Sun Qingqing within an hour, and they were on a street not far away and were quickly brought back.

The two were taken into Chu Xingzhou's room, and Chu Xingzhou's hawkish eyes fell on them, and those eyes were cold and vicious, as if they were about to eat someone. He whispered, "You go out."

All the people in the room retreated.

Sun Qingqing's body shook, and she unconsciously hid behind Rong Lan. This move completely angered Chu Xingzhou. He stared at each other, and pinched Sun Qingqing's neck in the air, and took her into the air. She The white face turned red instantly, and her legs kicked weakly.

Rong Lan hugged her waist and shouted, "Xingzhou! Are you crazy! Put her down quickly."

Chu Xingzhou smiled coldly, "Distressed? If I pressed her into meat, what would you do?"

"Xing Zhou, don't! Listen to me and explain that we came out for a very important thing, not what you think."

"Important thing? Don't you want to take her away from me? Rong Lan, how can you be so stupid, how long can you live in this city with you two? One hour? Two hours? I'll let You can't bear it so much, even if you risk death, don't you want to stay with me? "Chu Xingzhou said the more he felt the pain, his eyes became red.

Rong Lan said anxiously: "No! No! I'm not leaving, Xingzhou, you put her down, do you really want to kill her!"

Chu Xingzhou said coldly, "Yes, I want to kill her."

"Xing Zhou, don't! I beg you! Don't do things that make you regret it!"

Chu Xingzhou trembled: "You have never asked me, you are always proud, for this woman, you actually begged me?"

Rong Lan said anxiously, "I didn't have to leave when I came out. I found that I had mutated. I wanted to find something to try. Qingqing wasn't assured, so I followed it, and it was by no means what you thought." He finished With a flick, a light flashed, and a thin scratch was immediately added to the corner of the table, almost cutting off the entire table corner.

Chu Xingzhou narrowed his eyes.

Rong Lan took a deep breath. "Xingzhou, it's true, I really just want to go out and try my abilities. You let her go, things between us, don't involve innocent people, okay?"

"Things between us, she is not an innocent person." Chu Xingzhou said in a cold voice, "what did she keep?"

"Xing Zhou!" Rong Lan sternly said, "If you really kill her, it is forcing me to bear an innocent life, and I will never forgive you forever!"

Chu Xingzhou sneered: "You are really affectionate to her. You have only known each other for a few months? Within three months, how important is she to you?"

"This is not a question of her importance. Chu Xingzhou, how many people have you killed since you acquired this ability? Some people did not have to die. We have discussed the side effects of this ability, and now the side effects come out, yours My heart has completely changed, and I do not know you more and more. If you kill her, you will ruin all my knowledge of Chu Xingzhou!

Chu Xingzhou dumbly said: "You are accusing me? What qualifications do you have to accuse me? Who can you live comfortably in the last days? Who do you rely on? I bear the lives and deaths of hundreds of people. Waiting for someone to kill us, what am I doing wrong ?! "

Rong Lan Shen said: "You are not wrong, there is no right or wrong in this world, I just ... you made me too strange, just because of a moment of jealousy, you can start working on an innocent woman?"

Chu Xingzhou gritted his teeth and loosened his grip on Sun Qingqing. Sun Qingqing fell to the ground, coughing desperately, Chu Xingzhou said coldly: "Get out."

Sun Qingqing got up from the ground and ran out with trembling.

Facing the furious Chu Xingzhou, Rong Lan felt a thin sweat on his palm. He said bitterly, "Xingzhou, can we go back to the past?"

"No." Chu Xingzhou stepped towards Rong Lan step by step.

The author has something to say: Yeah, yeah, guess what tomorrow is