MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2420 Lurking Super Xueba (30)

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Qi Rou finally let go of her hand and let Yu Muyang speak.

Yu Muyang couldn't say a word at the moment.

Why act in front of her ...

This question asked him very aggressively. After all, he chased after the little daughter-in-law, it was not a day or two, or even a year or two, it is not possible. In the bones?

Yu Muyang opened his mouth, his throat was a bit obstructed, and he was cheeky and used to make a serious expression, suddenly speechless.

"Do you like me?"

Before waiting for Mu Muyang to figure out how to speak, Qi Rou already asked.

Who can bear this problem.

Yu Muyang nodded without hesitation, and was about to say anything, and saw Qi Rou exhale softly, as if satisfied with his answer, said "um", and then said: "I thought I guessed wrong. Now. "

Yu Muyang: "..."

So it was this reaction after she knew he liked her?

No surprises, just worried if I guessed wrong.

Yu Muyang has begun to wonder whether he has been unrequited in love for so many years. In fact, his daughter-in-law did not have him at all.

Yu Muyang's heart sank slightly, and the light in her eyes dimmed.

He turned to look at Qi Rou and found that Qi Rou was also watching him.

With opposite eyes, she suddenly arched her eyes, smiled, reached out one hand, and touched his face: "I like you too."

From the time he bet on him, she wanted him to win.

When she knew that he had a good grade, she was surprised, but her heart was more happy than she was deceived.

When she heard that Xuan Xuan said bad things about her, she hardly had time to think, so she went up to him and took him in front of so many people.

And ... I heard a girl say that she likes him, and her heart is sour, like eating a lemon.

She thought that this should be like it.

Yu Muyang: "..."

How long does a normal person take from **** to heaven? Yu Muyang only takes one second.

He reached out and grabbed the hand that Qi Rou placed on his face, and asked incredulously, "What did you just say, say it again!"

"I like you, I don't know what started, but I should have liked it for a long time." Qi Rou was cautious and unsure, she would not rashly say.

Now that she had said it, she was quite sure of her mind.

She likes Yu Muyang. No matter if he is studying scum or tyrant, what she likes is the one who likes to play with her in front of her ~ ~ There is never a serious boy.

Qi Rou paused and added: "But I'm still a bit angry, you have been pretending that your grades are not good enough to lie to me, and if your grades are so good, why is Uncle Yu waiting to see you ... oh!"

Qi Rou's mouth was covered by Yu Muyang: "Today we only talk to us, not others."

There is a father controlled by a daughter. He couldn't explain why he was kicked out of his house when he was young, because he wanted to abduct someone else's daughter.

"It's my fault to conceal my achievements." Yu Muyang thought for a moment, covered Qi Rou's hand, and hit his face.

"What are you doing!" Qi Rou was startled by him, and saw Yu Muyang's flawless and handsome face printed with red marks, and her brows frowned.

"I just talked casually and didn't say I'd hit you."

"So are you out of breath now?" Yu Muyang held her hand, reluctant to let it go, simply continued to hold it, and played with her pale fingers, asking a little bit.