MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2413 Lurking Super Xueba (23)

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Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Chinese Vertex), the fastest update! No ads! When Yu Muyang appeared at the entrance of the classroom, it was close to the class time, and the crowd outside the classroom was not dispersed.

Instead, because of his appearance, the atmosphere once boiled.

It has been a short time since the results were announced, and some people have posted transcripts from the financial department on the school's website.

The story of Yu Muyang's counterattack from scum to Xueba has spread throughout the whole university. The fire of stars is like a prairie fire, which has quickly attracted everyone's attention and discussion.

The voice of questioning far surpassed the voice of approval.

Most people are unwilling to believe that in such a short period of time, someone can go from failing the exam to getting the full score.

Especially after someone posted the scores of Yu Muyang's entrance exam, the voice of questioning showed an overwhelming trend.

"It's a perfect score in the whole subject. Do you dare to believe that this is a scum-scoring grade? What love can be so powerful, I also want to talk about one."

"Don't ask, ask is true love, and you don't."

"I have a reasonable doubt. Yu Muyang bought the answer, but made a mistake in the operation. He forgot to fill in a few mistakes and caused himself to show his fox tail."

"Should the school investigate this matter openly and give everyone an account?"


Compared with the doubts on the school intranet, the students who saw Yu Muyang appearing at the moment were even more excited.

"Come here, come here, see what he explains."

"Just like him, look at his calmness. If I hadn't seen his previous results, I would have believed that he was a true learner."

"As a Yan dog, I crooked the floor, Yu Muyang is so handsome!"

"The handsome doesn't prevent him from cheating in the exam. If this kind of person doesn't handle it, what will happen in the future?"

"Weakly said, did you see the selection standing there? I heard that he also likes Qi Rou and is a rival to Yu Muyang. In this exam, he passed the second major in computer science and lost to almost Keji's Fangji was ranked second, and he came here to watch Yu Muyang's show? "

Someone found a selection standing outside the crowd and muttered quietly.

After that, everyone around me also noticed the selection.

He stood blankly at the railing, staring coldly at Yu Muyang, who was not far away.

When Yu Muyang stepped forward, Xuan Tuan walked towards him.

Yu Muyang did not shy away and stood in place waiting for him to come forward.

The people around them were unconsciously separated by the gas field of the two people, giving up their standing position.

The selection is a well-known gifted student, standing upright, also has a strong temperament.

Yu Muyang didn't care about his look. He laid his hands in his pockets, raised his eyebrows lazily, and glanced at the selection.

"There is such a despicable method to win the bet with Qi Rou. Is this your confidence?" Zhen Xuan sneered at Shang Yuyang's eyes.

"No one who has a perfect score on the exam is qualified to speak to me." Yu Muyang raised his face, the handsome face with a smirk in his mouth.

Glancing at Tie Qing's complexion, he leaned forward slightly, "You posted the transcript on the school intranet. I am worried about telling Xiaorou the good news. Thank you for your help. I took my girlfriend. "


Zhen Xuan was so angry that she couldn't help but yelled: "Yu Muyang, do you think you cheated to get a full score in your subject, are you really a school bully?"