MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2401 Lurking Super Xueba (11)

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Yu Muyang asked for leave.

Those who have never missed classes before enrolling in school don't go to the classroom to sleep, but take time off.


"Brother, don't move, don't move, let me take a good look." Fang Ji held Yu Muyang's chin in one hand, turned left, turned right, and finally came to the conclusion "This fist is definitely a practice I ’ve just played just right, right in the middle of my eyes, no slight deviation, and absolutely no mercy.

"Shut up, calm me down and give me medicine." Yu Muyang pushed his hand away and glared at him angrily.

As soon as he moved, his left eye was painful again.

Could not help but whispered.

He watched TV shows after chasing girls. He did n’t all hold hands and kissed his little mouth. If he had held hands for so many years, he kissed his mouth and was struck into a one-eyed dragon.

"Brother, I tried my best, you can take a look for yourself." Fang Ji lowered the potion, raised a small mirror, and brought it to Yu Muyang.

Yu Muyang looked up.

His fair and handsome face still looks good, but his left eye is bruised, and it looks like a color palette that has been spoofed by children, how funny and how funny.

Yu Muyang reached out and pressed, and took a breath of pain.

"Is this medicine useful for a few days? Why hasn't it swelling yet?" Yu Muyang reached out and took the medicine bottle on Fangji's hand, glanced at the instructions above, and asked disgustingly.

"It's only three days. The extent of your eye injury, you want to be completely invisible. I'm afraid it won't be ten days and a half months."

"In fact, it's okay. You have a high face value, which means that your eyes are slightly injured, which is not a problem."

Yu Muyang "really touched your conscience and said."

The square machine "" couldn't say.

The more pale the skin, the more noticeable the scars are.

Yu Muyang belongs to this type.

His skin is delicate. Although he is very white, he will not look girlish. Instead, his delicate features will be more charming.

Now the eyes are blue and purple, like a flaw in the perfect jasper.

Look, how uncomfortable.

Not to mention Yu Muyang, in exchange for a square machine, he was afraid to ask for leave.

Lest we have to look at the eyes from all directions, explanations alone can't explain them.

Besides, this matter cannot be explained.

I ca n’t tell everyone that she secretly kissed the girl she likes, and then punched her

Fang Ji couldn't help laughing.

After returning to God, he quickly covered his mouth.

Make excuses to leave the hostel.

Just a few seconds after I went out, I came back again, shouting excitedly, "Yang brother, brother, hurry up, someone is looking for you"

"I don't want to see anyone, and you don't need to comfort me. I don't need comfort." Yu Muyang fell down on the bed, reaching out, holding up the mask on the bed, and covering her face.


Fang Ji froze, suddenly stepped forward, walked to Yu Muyang's bed, and stretched out his mask. "It's Qi Rou, just now a classmate came upstairs and said she was standing downstairs in our dormitory. Come to you "

"I didn't want to see who you said"

Yu Muyang stretched out her hand, trying to grab back her mask, and heard Fang Ji's words, her body froze suddenly.

The mask in my hand forgot to bring it back.

When the response came, Fang Ji said, the whole person jumped up from the bed.

Run outside the dorm in slippers

Read The Duke's Passion