MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2347 You are the best gift (53)

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"Xiao Ni, I'm here to visit Fanfan, are you at home?" Yu Liuliu followed the housekeeper, greeted Fanni first, and hesitated to ask.

Upon hearing that, Fanny was stunned.

"My brother is not here. He should go to the company with Dad. So is Mom. There is only me in the family."

Fanny saw that Yu Liuliu was in a much better mood, took her to the sofa, and the housekeeper poured tea for Yuliu Liu.

It seemed that she was not going to let her go.

"Sister Liuliu, why did you come back? Did Qiqi come back with you? Why didn't he come? You do n’t know, my dad asked me to take time off from school and there was no one at home. I was suffocated by myself, right? I am going to ask you to borrow a twelve to come back to raise, but you are here now, I will not be bored. "

Fanny talked and found that Yu Liuliu didn't listen at all.

She kept turning her head, looking at the Fan family villa.

Fanny pulled her arm. "What's wrong with you? It's weird today."

"No, nothing. If Fanfan is not at home, I will go first. Are you better? I will come to see you another day." Yu Liuliu said, ready to stand up from the sofa.

What Fanny noticed and held her arm: "What's going on? My brother?"

"... It's okay, I just want to go to Fanfan, I want to see him." Yu Liuliu barely smiled.

Fanny grew up with her from a young age. When did Yu Liuliu really laugh and when was she smirking, how could she not see it.

Fan Ni's heart sank to the bottom of the sea immediately, and then reminiscent of those words that Fan Fan said in the restaurant yesterday, her mind suddenly popped out an amazing idea, blurted out: "Sister Liuli, you and my brother should not ... he I just broke up with Zhong Ruiying. When I ate yesterday, I told my mother that he has someone he likes ... and then you have to find him now ... "

Fanny was frightened and spoke incoherently.

In the end, I don't know what I want to express.

When Yu Liuliu heard it at the end, he was also frightened: "What are you talking about, I have Qiqi, and I am worried about Fanfan's body, so come to see him, and say that the person he likes is always you, what do you have with me relationship."

Yu Liuliu's mouth was too fast, and then she said, she can't take it back.

Seeing Fanny's shocked expression that she could not take care of herself, she covered her eyes with her hands and did not look.

After going back to God to want to go, Fanny had seized her, her voice trembling: "Sister Liuliu, you said just now ... my brother he always likes ... who likes it?"

Yu Liuliu: "..."

Yu Liuliu now wants to pretend to have amnesia ~ ~ I don't know if it is too late.

"Sister Liuliu!" Fannie couldn't wait for her to speak, and stood up from the sofa: "If you don't say it, I'll ask myself."

"Wait!" Yu Liuliu held her back, hesitating, and then thought about it, Fan Fan heard that Fan Ni was about to leave the country, and immediately rushed home from the hospital. She should also be reluctant.

Fannie is so emotional now, if she is really asked to go to the company to ask Fanfan, things don't know what will happen.

Yu Liuliu couldn't escape, he could only take Fanny to sit back on the sofa, sighing: "Van Fan didn't say anything, but I accidentally heard ..."

Yu Liuliu went to Fan Fanfan with a whim and Tang Qianqi, and finally saw him ill in the **** dump, and shouted.

"Vanfan was so confused and drunk that he fell to the ground and kept yelling your name in his mouth."

Read The Duke's Passion