MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2345 You are the best gift (51)

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When this sentence came out, not only Qiao Yuanfei's eyes widened suddenly, Fan Yu couldn't help looking up at him.

Fanny's chopsticks fell directly to the ground, and she bent over to pick it up. She could not see the chopsticks in front of her, and she could not touch them.

There was a layer of mist in her eyes, she reached out and wiped her eyes to see the chopsticks in front of her, and quickly grabbed them.

As soon as he got up from under the table, he heard Qiao Yuanfei asking.

"Who's child, bring it back to the mother to see, you child, how to hide this kind of things from home, you should tell your parents earlier, or bring it back directly for us to see."

Qiao Yuanfei made a fuss about it, fearing that Fanfan had pressure, he added another sentence.

"You can rest assured that I and your dad are both enlightened people. As long as it is a girl you like, we will not be picky."


Fanfan heard this sentence, his eyes moved slightly, his expression was a little moving, he wanted to say something, but felt that the timing was not right, hesitated for a few seconds, and said.

"She hasn't promised to stay with me yet. When the relationship is confirmed, she will ask for parents' consent."

"Okay, parents do n’t urge you, as long as you and Xiao Ni can take care of yourself, you can be with anyone you want. Xiao Ni is a little younger. At this time, dating is easy to delay learning, but it is not absolute Yes, I think that the Lin family ’s child is also sensible, and maybe two people are in company, and his progress will be faster. "

After Qiao Yuanfei cared about his son, he raised his daughter again.

The words were intentionally told to Fan Yu.

Fan Yu hummed, pretending not to hear, and didn't respond.

Fannie couldn't explain it, she could only change a pair of chopsticks and lower her head to eat.

Vatican groaned for a moment, and his lips were open: "Lin Haolin is pure and harmless on the surface, in fact, he is also a dark-skinned guy. Xiaoni is with him and easily loses money."

Fanny didn't expect that he would make a serious comment on Lin Haolin, and held her back.

Qiao Yuanfei didn't answer. Fan Yu was hi.

As soon as the chopsticks were released, he almost stood up and applauded to Fanfan.

"That's right! It is indeed my son, Fanfan, that you put the words you just spoke to your sister and repeat it ten times ... No, a hundred times!"

Vatican: "..."

Fanny: "..."

"Love makes women blind, only our men are wise, like a torch." Fan Yu found an alliance, and after so long assaulted, he finally could not spit it out.

Holding Fanfan, Lin Haolin criticized thoroughly.

Fanfan just listened quietly, and looked at Fannie from time to time. When Fannie didn't answer, he was expressionless.

When Fanny maintained Lin Haolin ~ ~ he was still expressionless, but there was always an uncontrollable flash of frustration in his eyes, and his anxiety grew a little.

After a meal, the atmosphere at home returned to normal.

Fan Yu took Fan Fan to drink tea and talked about his recent work arrangements.

Fannie didn't look like she always did. When she saw Fanfan going home, she kept sticking to him. She came out of the restaurant and went straight to her room.

Fanfan saw her walking back to the room, closing the door, and Zitong tightened slightly.

Fan Yu also saw it, with a jealous cry: "This girl, I used to say that I love my dad and brother the most. Now that I have a little boyfriend, I just ignore us."

Fanfan followed with a sour heart.

After discussing with Fanyu about the work arrangements of the Fanshi Group, he returned to his room, lay on the bed, and tossed and fell asleep.

In her mind, all Fannie rushed forward to block Lin Yulin's rattan, protecting his picture.