MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 1157 Ning Wang Shizi 2 dogs?

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Fortunately, Gu Ye still listened to the persuasion, but he sighed a little regretfully, "What a down-to-earth nickname! Think about it, when the child can crawl, put him on a cute doll uniform and call him." Ergouzi', he happily crawled towards you, that scene is so cola!"

"Then, our son is older. He knows this dark history, and he still has the face to face people? Can we let him go? Although you gave birth, it can't be broken!" Ling Juechen has a son for his son. Childish mother, but very sympathetic.

The eldest princess who was holding the child outside, as well as the old man Ling, all sweated for the newborn baby. But the little guy knew nothing about his own destiny and slept dimly.

In the room, Gu Ye racked his brains and finally came up with the child’s nickname: "Let’s call Ping’er, and if there are children in the future, they’ll be called An’er, Kang’er, Tai’er... Ping An Kangtai, which represents parents to children. Good blessings. Don’t ask your children to become rich, but only ask for peace and prosperity.”

Ling Juechen saw through her at a glance, just trying to save trouble. He sat on the edge of the bed, holding his daughter-in-law, with a mixed emotion on Jun's face: "Daughter-in-law, how many do you plan to have? Actually...there are not many children, but they are fine. One is enough, what do you think? "

"What do you mean? You don't want to have a baby with me? Then which little fairy do you want to have a baby for you?" Gu Ye looked upset. What do you mean? My old lady is willing to give birth to you, so mortals like you should be grateful and worship! What do you mean now? Don't you dislike her as a yellow-faced woman?

The eldest princess heard it outside and shouted at the back room: "Chen'er, your daughter-in-law just gave birth to a child, and she is not angry. If you dare to provoke her, see if I won't cut you off!"

Her voice was a little loud, and the flat children's shoes in her arms closed her eyes and opened her mouth, exposing the small tongue in her throat, and she started crying vigorously.

The eldest princess coaxed for a while, but the little thing still cried loudly without giving face. Grandma Chang said aside: "Is the young man hungry, right?"

"Oh, we Ping'er are hungry? Where's the nurse..." The eldest princess has long invited a few nurses who are innocent and have good looks, and their character can withstand the test.

Gu Ye's voice came from the room: "Eldest princess, mother-in-law, take the child. For the child who has just gotten up and down, eating the mother's milk can increase immunity and make it less likely to get sick."

Princess Rong and the eldest came in holding the baby. Gu Ye felt that his chest was a little swollen, and he should have milk. She asked Liangchen to come over with a warm towel, ready to clean up and apply heat. Seeing Ling Juechen still standing in the room, she glared at him: "Why are you standing stupid? Don't you hurry to avoid it?"

Ling Juechen muttered, "I still use avoidance?"...

In the end, under the gaze of both his mother-in-law and his wife, he reluctantly left the back room and complained wildly in his heart: I am your man, I haven't seen it before, so why don't you avoid it!

When the little thing reached Gu Ye's arms, he suddenly stopped crying. Gu Ye unbuttoned his clothes, and the little guy accurately grabbed his food, sucking it hard without a teacher. The effect of the potion Gu Ye drank hadn't completely passed away, and he didn't feel any pain.

They all say "use the strength of breastfeeding", and a thin layer of sweat erupts on the top of the baby's head after eating. The newborn baby has a small appetite, and after taking a few bites on each side, he falls asleep again.

The eldest princess glanced at her daughter-in-law's chest-don't look at her daughter-in-law's size, the milk was quite sufficient, and the milk kept flowing out after the grandson was full.

The daughter-in-law is also a narrower, she has to put the milk flowing out of the cup with a cup, and use a soft gauze to wash the child's face, saying that it will make the skin soft and white. It is also said that the child combines the advantages of her and her husband, and he must be a handsome man in the future, who will be attracted to a bunch of little girls-she won't have to worry about his daughter-in-law!

However, Ling Juechen looked at his son with disgust: "You smelly boy, what do you want to be so pretty?"

"You can find a good daughter-in-law if you are beautiful!" Gu Ye held a bowl of pig's feet stewed with soybeans, and slurped while eating. Hearing what he said, he raised his head and stared at his handsome face, "You think, If you don’t have such a beautiful male face, which fits the beauty of this girl, can you marry a good wife like me?"

The eldest princess hugged her grandson and smiled endlessly: demo! When I was young, I didn't like people saying that he was good-looking, and I hated others pinching his face and touching his head. Growing up, whoever says he looks good will fight with people! Now his daughter-in-law was cheated by his face, and it was really unhappy to be retribution!

"Oh! Husband, haven't you paid attention to maintenance lately? Your skin is in poor condition, and you have fine lines around your eyes-here, there is some milk left in this cup. I will help you with a facial mask. Husband, you all People in their 30s will soon become old bacon if they don’t pay attention to maintenance!"

Gu Ye stuffed the finished bowl into her husband's hand, holding his handsome face and looking left and right-it was really three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, beautiful!

Ling Juechen repelled the words "old bacon" in his heart. In the previous life, a few small fresh meats that were very popular before the end of the world came to the base. After hearing the name, this girl was so excited, she ran over excitedly, and wanted to take the medicine to exchange the people back and put them on display. When the vase.

When he came back from a mission and heard the news that he wanted to catch someone back, the little girl pouted and went back empty-handed in disappointment, muttering: "Time is really a sharp pig-killing knife, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com years and sufferings forced the little fresh meat into old bacon!"

At that time, it was ten years after the end of the world, and Xiao Xianrou, who was twenty lang at the time, has all been standing after the new year. In addition, these ten years have been living in danger and fear all the time. It is difficult for people who are incapable to survive, so there is no mood and ability to take care of them. People who are only thirty years old have a face full of vicissitudes, and they look like those in their forties. Can the little girl not be disappointed!

When he sent the tableware outside, he freed up a hand to touch his face-he didn't take a good look in the mirror recently. Is it really... old? No, he has to quickly apply a whole set of men's anti-aging skin care products, and some moisturizing facial masks!

He held a handful of bitter tears for himself in his heart-Dang Ning Wang, in the hands of his daughter-in-law, was reduced to face-to-face food! Alas... this little woman who follows the five senses!

Ling Pingping's washing of children's shoes was just in time for three days to return home. Many people in Beijing are waiting for this opportunity to show their faces at the Ning Palace! Who knows that people canceled the third banquet on the grounds that the child was born prematurely.

The third banquet for external washing was cancelled, but the eldest princess still gave Xiao Ping'er a simple but not crude washing three, because the purpose of "washing three" is to wash the filth and eliminate disasters; the other is to pray. Cheung asks for blessing, and plans for auspiciousness.