MTL - The Rebirth of Han Yuxi-Chapter 2210 Extra number (140)

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Years ago, Master Meng San returned to Beijing with Zhou. The two were received letters from the old man before they came back from their hometown. As for Meng Guangpeng’s generation, he did not call it back.

I haven't seen it for three years, and I feel that Zhou has changed a lot. The most obvious performance is that the clothes are also replaced with bright colors such as big red, unlike the sullen colors such as the crow green rosewood.

If she sees her like this, she still needs to change her environment. No, Zhou has come out of the shadows of the past.

Because Meng Shangshu has retired, the posts received by the government have been reduced, and the entertainment has naturally decreased. Again, this part of the expenditure will be saved. To the Yuanxiao, there are more than two thousand silver coins on the books.

After the completion of Yuan Zhen, Meng Laotai called the principals of Meng Da and Meng Xixi and other houses to the upper house.

The three brothers of Shi Yin and his brother all fell asleep, and Meng Yuxi came back. Look, some are not very good looking.

Ru Hui asked: "What? But what is wrong?" The old lady told them to go in the past, it should only be said that the separation of the family, the specific estimate is not so fast. Argument, there should be no disputes.

"No, it was very smooth. Both the uncle and the uncle agreed to split up. Just, my heart was blocked." I was always looking forward to splitting, but it was really heavy in this step.

After Hui comforted two sentences, he asked: "What can the old lady say after the separation?" The old lady likes to be so busy, afraid that she will not let them all move out.

Well, Meng Xixi said: "The old man means to divide the family first. After the death of the two old gods, we will move out again. But after the separation, the houses are all in control." The old lady likes to be busy, if I am afraid that I will not stand it.

"The old man is most afraid of leaving, the division is not separated, this is also very good." She wants to move out, but Meng Yuxi is definitely not willing. After all, he was raised by the husband and wife of Meng Laotai, and his feelings for the two old people were very deep.

Seeing that Ruhui did not say that he would move out, Meng Xixi breathed a sigh of relief. He is very clear, if Hui does not like the big house has always wanted to move out.

It’s natural to live alone outside the house, but he can’t bear the old man and the old lady.

When the first month came out, the Meng family called everyone in the past. Ru Hui, also followed.

Meng Shangshu asked the big housekeeper to read the industry in the house and said: "This house and the sacrifice field are both ancestral and indifferent. Other industry bosses have 70%, and the remaining two rooms are divided equally with the three rooms."

The old man treats the three sons equally and does not value anyone. This industry is also fairly fair. However, the Meng family is not a wealthy family, the industry is limited, the second and third rooms are divided into a house and a shop and 500 acres of good land, there are six thousand two silver.

It looks a lot, but there are a lot of two rooms and three houses. It is rare to divide it equally on everyone's head. And this is also the reason why I don't want to fight. Instead of bothering to find a home business, it is better to spend your time on business and earn more.

Master Meng San and Meng Yuxi have no opinion on this, so the separation is also smooth.

However, Meng Xixi did not take the deed and the title deed to transfer, but found Meng Shangshu said that he wants to let the second room also divide.

There are no elders in the second room, only three brothers. But because of the events of the past, Meng Yuxi never gave Gui Hanniang and Meng Guangshu brothers a good face. Even now, he has not changed his attitude. Therefore, Meng family is separated, and he can't wait to get rid of Meng Guangshu's two families.

Meng Shangshu has never liked the Meng Guangshu brothers. Now that there are no elders in the second room, there is nothing wrong with Meng Xixi’s separation from home. Meng Shangshu nodded: "You want to divide it!" Meng Yuxi has been practicing, and many things need not be said, he also knows how to do it.

After the approval of Meng Shangshu, Meng Xixi called the two brothers Meng Gongshu and told them about the separation.

Meng Xixi said: "Today's separation, you know what industry is in the second room. Now, let's divide these things!"

Meng Guangshu said: "Three brothers, can you not divide?" Separated, everything depends on oneself.

The family did not pour any resources on their two brothers, which led Meng Guangshu to be a show until now. And his younger brother, Meng Guanghong, is still white.

After Meng Guangshu’s 18-year-old drop again, he consciously tested again and there was no result, so he went to the old lady.

The old lady is the most soft-hearted, looking at the second son of the early death, and said this with Meng Shangshu. Not long after, Meng Guangshu was doing a copy of the book in the Tianfu Tuen Mun. After doing these years, it has also risen to the next level.

The more you stay in the door, the more you know how deep the water is. If there is no background, it is said that the tricks in the door are mixed, it is difficult to keep the errands in hand.

Meng Xixi glanced at him and said: "When parents are not there, we will have three of us. Now we are all married and live a lot of things." He could not be willing to raise two brothers of Meng Guangshu.

Meng Guanghong said strangely: "Brother, what are you asking him for? He has long wanted us to get out of the way, and now I have a chance to miss it."

Meng Xixi did not take care of Meng Guanghong and said to Meng Guangshu: "In these industries, I have to get 70% and give you 30%. Houses and shops have already made prices. What do you want?"

Meng Guangshu heard this and looked up at Meng Yuxi. The Ming Dynasty was heavily scorned, so many families sent a home payment after the scorpion became a family. Like the Korean government, that's what it is. Meng Xixi divided the income of the industry into 30% for their brothers.

The results did not wait for him to speak, Meng Guanghong said: "If the third brother is really generous, it is necessary to divide these industries equally. Anyway, Sancha has money, not bad. But after our brothers, it is to rely on these industries to live."

Meng Guangshu’s face is dark: “You shut me up.”

Meng Xixi did not give Meng Guanghong a look, but said to Meng Guangshu: "You go back and think about it, think about it and come back to me."

Meng Guangshu nodded: "Good." After that, Meng Guanghong was sent out.

If Huihui is in the back room, the conversations of the three people will be heard clearly. After the two brothers left, Ruhui came out and said: "Don't be angry. It is said that Meng Guangshu is a clear person." As for Meng Guanghong, she was not in her eyes. I can't recognize my status until now, and the shelter of the Meng family will not fall sooner or later.

"I am not angry." Angry with them, can't make it. If it is not for the sake of fame, he does not want to give Meng Guanghong a penny.

Even if he is not angry, Meng Xixi will not feel good. If Huihui is happy for him, he said: "I haven’t been to Fufu Restaurant for a long time, and I’m going to the Eight Treasure Ducks and Sauce Hoof!

Meng Xixi shook his head and said: "It’s not appropriate to just finish the family. If you want to eat, I will buy two to bring back tomorrow."

Such as Hui Xiao grin: "Which is enough? One group of brothers can eat one." Half size, eat poor Laozi. Although the group is less than ten years old, the amount of food is not small.

Speaking of children, Meng Yuxi's mood is just right: "Then buy four." It is said that the sauce trotters are really expensive, and the four words have to be removed for most of the month. But now that he is separated, he is no longer worried about what he buys.

Meng Yuxi spoke and counted. On the second day, he brought four sauce trotters when he came back. The group brothers saw a joy and revealed a white tooth.

At this time, I went back and said that the two brothers of Meng Guangshu came.

Ruhui brought several children into the back room.

Meng Yuxi looked at the faces of the two brothers, but it was a bit strange. Obviously, after returning yesterday, the two of them must have done one.

"What is the decision?"

Meng Guangshu said: "Three brothers, I want the house, plus a hundred acres of good land. Third brother, I will pay you money."

In order to avoid trouble, Meng Shangshu will have to estimate the price of the industry. The industry and silver that are divided into two houses are about two thousand. In this way, each of the two brothers of Meng Guangshu can only get three thousand and two silver. And the three-entry house plus a hundred acres of paddy fields, the price combined is four thousand seven hundred two.

The reason why Meng Guangshu wants the house and the field is very simple. There is a place where the house is settled. Moreover, the location of the house is good and big, and there are children and grandchildren who can live in the future. The field produces droughts and floods, and the paddy fields in the suburbs cannot be bought with money.

Meng Xixi asked Meng Guanghong: "What about you?"

"I want to shop, plus a hundred acres of paddy fields. Poor money, I will give you."

Meng Xixi nodded and said: "Yes. You will give me the difference tomorrow morning. I will go to Tuen Mun to transfer the property with you."

In fact, this separation, he is eating a big loss. The most important thing for people who go to the officialdom is fame. He wants to go far in the career path, and he can't bear the name of a savage younger brother because of the 1800s.

If Hui asked Meng Xixi: "Can they really get such a large sum of money?"

Meng Xixi said: "I don't know. It should be able. If you can't get it, the house and the shop will naturally not give them." If there is a five-in-one house in the dowry, the house is not only very quaint, but also very quaint. Very much like Meng Xixi. In addition, the house is also close to Tuen Mun. Therefore, Meng Guangshu wanted the house, and he did not want to agree.

Early the next morning, the two brothers of Meng Guangshu and one hand held a gold spindle to Meng Xixi.

It is true that the gold is true and the quantity is correct. Meng Xixi took them to the door to handle the transfer.

Looking at these gold spindles, Hui Hui said with some emotions: "Gui Gui Niang is really hidden!" You must know that these years, the Gui Yan Niang is famous for its thrift in the house, and the clothes worn are white. I am reluctant to throw it away. I did not expect that I had such a large amount of money on hand.

Mai Sui said: "Yes! In these years, she also took her embroidered embroidery and went out to sell it! I also thought that she was really in a tight position!"

Such as Hui laughed and said: "If this is not the case, she can't keep these gold." Fortunately, Meng Er's master died early, if there is Meng Er's old man supporting the waist, with Gui Gui Niang this can tolerate her days in Mengjia So comfortable.

Ps: No one took the child in the afternoon until his father came back from work and started writing. Let everyone wait, I am sorry.