MTL - The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort-Chapter 202 Rebellious

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"Jiang Shangshu," Sun Xu said with a face: "The court is not the place where you are free to come, or the hearing of the witness."

When Jiang Quan was still able to speak in the future, the butterfly first bowed to Sun Xu and said: "Returning to the grown-up, slaves, this is to confess the guilt committed by the lady." She lowered her head, but the voice was clear and clear, just passed. Looking outside the crowds of the lively people: "When the first lady was alive, my wife was only a house mother at that time. Although the lord loved her mother and the lady, but the lady was the position of the mother. The mother was always proud and proud. From the high-ranking aristocratic family, naturally not willing to succumb to the people, although the use of food in Shangshufu is not bad, sometimes even the position is higher than the first lady, but the mother is still not satisfied."

Although the butterfly is only looking at the facts, it is very different from the other people’s ears. Who doesn't know how Xia Cheng's title came from at the beginning. If the brothers did not die, they would not be able to turn his nephew anyway. It was the title of the title after the summer study in Shangshufu. Before that, she was only the daughter of a small official, where she was called the aristocrat, and she preferred to have her face. If it is really a woman who is a nobleman's family, how can Jiang Quan blame Zhao Mei instead of Xia Yan? A daughter of a nephew still loves vanity so much, and listening to the words of the butterfly, Xia Yan’s position in Shangshufu is even higher than Zhao Mei’s. This is not a spoiled wife.

Although the people also heard the rumors of Jiang Quan's special pet Xiayan, it was thought that it was the post-Zhao Mei's death. It was not long after Zhao Mei was married to Shangshufu. Jiang Quan did so excessively. But it is not to look at the power in the house, once you find that you can not bring any benefits to your career, it reveals the true face.

The butterfly continued: "Later, later, Ms. Niang thought, the old man was the imperial officer of the court. If he couldn’t find a wife for the sake of no reason, he would have to succumb to his life, and he would want to poison the first lady. It was the grandmother who bought the exotic poison and mixed it with the daily food of the first lady. The first lady was poisoned by this bit by bit, and then the more toxins accumulated, the more they screamed. And all this, the master is also Knowing that, once, the poison of the mother was discovered by the master. The master also said to the mother that she should be careful, and she would not leave any handle." The butterfly said that she had smashed two heads: "Adult, the woman said." The sentence is true, and I dare not have a half sentence."

"A nonsense! A nonsense!" Jiang Quan pointed at the butterfly and said: "Whoever gives you this courage to confuse people here, butterflies, don't forget who you are! You are the next person in my Chiang House!" ”

The butterfly shook his head: "The lord is almost forgotten. The butterfly's selling identity is no longer there. The butterfly is not the person of Shangshufu." When she said this, although she tried to suppress what was in her eyes, there was still a hint of hatred in her eyes.

Jiang Quanyu, Sun Xu is a big hitter: "Silence!"

The butterfly squatted on the ground, and the words were amazing: "If you return to the adults, there are still evidences for the women!"

Jiang Quanyi, Sun Xu Shen said: "Where is the evidence?"

The butterfly glanced at Jiang Wei, who sat quietly on the side of the seat. The smile on the side of the lip seemed to have not been shaken by one point from the beginning to the present. The butterfly was safe in the heart and said: "It is the wife. In the house, the medicine was precious because of the fact that the lady did not know when the lady would be ill, thinking that the medicine would be useful in the future, and then the woman would be kept. The woman would embed the medicine on the same day. It was under the tree in the lady's yard. But the prescription was still there. Later, the master said that it was useful, and he received the book in the scorpion. Coincidentally, somehow, the master almost forgot the scorpion. Once a lady Let the slaves clean up the study, and the slaves will receive the scorpion in the inner wooden box. The wooden box will not be touched for many years, because it is old things."

Zhao Guangchong Sun Xu arched his hand, and the words were already indisputable: "Sun Daren, since this evidence has been put out, is it necessary to ask people to search for a search?"

"Nature." Sun Xu looked solemnly: "This official has already ordered officers and men to go to Shangshufu to search."

Jiang Quan sneered aloud: "It’s ridiculous, you think that a few words of gibberish can set my sin? Butterfly, I don’t think you are afraid of death!" He felt that he had a well-thought-out, and the officers and men were determined not to search in the house. What is it? Not to mention that when he was poisoned in the summer, he did not directly intervene at all, that is, Xiayan himself would not be stupid enough to leave evidence. Xiayan is careful and careful, and any handle will be cleaned up. Although he did not know that the butterfly accepted the benefits of Jiang Yan, he would do a false evidence. However, Jiang Quan also admitted that Shangshufu could not come in. Especially the most important study, he has to check several times a day, what wooden box, what scorpion, he has never heard of it.

The butterfly is only about lying, but the evidence is not available. If you can't get it, you can't convict. What about butterflies? He thought about it and went to see Jiang Wei’s look. But seeing Jiang Wei's correct sitting, he seemed to notice his gaze, turned his head and smiled at him. Jiang Wei’s smile is even more calm than Jiang Quan’s, and it seems that there are still some subtle flaws. When the eyes were on, the heart of Jiang Quan was awake, and he could not help but be afraid. It is not unknown that this daughter’s daughter has a wicked door. For many years, neither Xiajia nor her have ever benefited from her hand. The Chiang Kai-shek is a copper wall, and she can't help her to come up with a strange way to harm people.

At this moment, the officers and men in charge of the search had already returned, and the officers and men who had led the troops slammed into the court and snorted and said a few words with Sun Xu. Sun Xu listened and glanced at Jiang Quan, and Jiang Quan’s heart "Oh," Before he thought about his clues, Sun Xu took a shot and said: "Bold Jiang Quan! You are a court official, but you are not strict with the family, letting you take care of you, even confusing people, murdering your wife, what should be? The sin? The officers and men have found evidence from the raft in the wooden box of your house. What else do you say?: "When it is said, the official squad on the side will be presented with a scorpion, and everyone can see clearly. A shallow piece of paper floated in the guise of Xu’s hand, and it was natural to see it.

Zhao Yuanping got up and walked to Sun Xu. Please take it to his hands and watch it. After reading the ten lines, Zhao Yuanping returned the paper to Sun Xu. When he looked at Jiang Quan, the smile was full of indifference: "Jiang Shangshu really planned. Good intentions, if you don’t see it with your own eyes, this son doesn’t know that there are people in the world who have such a wolf.

Zhao Yuanping has always been accustomed to the innocent and sarcasm. When Jiang Quanyi heard this, he was angry with the face, but it was unbelievable. That is, he came out to accept the case today. Before he left, he had a good study of the study. He had never seen any wooden boxes, and he suddenly came out. What exactly is going on? He shouted: "This is by no means what I do, Sun Xu, you are the Secretary of the Division, and you must pay attention to checking out the water, it is with a small prescription, how dare you take me to the case? This is clearly Is someone deliberately framed with me? Can you not know?"

"The official has always looked at the evidence." Sun Xu is not slow. The threat in Jiang Quan’s words was not that he did not receive it, but what is the case in this case, that is Xiao Yu’s wife, and now the King of Jinying, the former Hong’an County owner personally complained. The Jinying Wangfu behind her is a force. The officialdom of the Dajin Dynasty is unknown. Xiao Yu personally greeted him, how dare he scorn. Moreover, the victim of this case is still the jewel of the generals. If she does not give an account, she will be short-sighted by Zhao Guang, fearing that the division will be dismantled, not to mention the one in the palace.

Although the Secretary's case specializes in cases that ordinary people can't manage, even if it involves many Kyungwon bureaucrats, it is because Sun Xu himself relies on the emperor to go his career, and does not need to rely on anyone's face. But if the emperor is a confidant, there is no fish in the water, and Sun Xu knows this truth. For so many years, the official duties of such a sinful person have stood up in the DPRK, and Sun Xu himself is extremely capable of being a man. Now that Xuan Pei’s status in the palace has risen, the emperor has added to his youthful eyes. The five emperors and the eight emperors only see the infighting, but whoever falls in this position will now be clear. Perhaps the future of the Dajin Dynasty, the Chu Jun is now the first appearance of the thirteenth. Xuan Pei deliberately let people come and say hello, although I don't know why, Sun Xu feels no small pressure. It is precisely because of his peers for so many years that Sun Xucai can clearly see that it is very difficult for Jiang Quan to be good at this time, because everyone who offended him has the ability to put him to death.

Zhao Yuanfeng said: "Jiang Shangshu, that Shangshufu is your residence. Naturally, only your people can go in. You don't know when the blind man was put in. You can't ask us what the outsiders are looking for. Knowing your Shangshufu, since the opening of the government, in addition to my little girl, the Zhao family has never set foot."

Zhao Yuanfeng’s words were not without irony. At the beginning, Zhao Mei and Zhao’s family broke off. Later, after Zhao Mei’s death, Jiang’s family also banned all dealings with the generals. Even secretly, the military government will be regarded as a strong enemy. Zhao and Jiang have never dealt with each other. This Zhao family has entered the Chiang Kai-shek, and there is no way to talk about it.

Jiang Quan touched a nail, but he did not have the heart to fight with Zhao Yuanfeng. Nowadays, he is also aware of the importance of the matter. In the case of evidence of the physical evidence, it is difficult to see Sun Xu’s attitude and to be offended. At this time, Jiang Quan’s heart, which has always been full of enthusiasm, has already had some panic. He desperately thought about how the scorpion would appear in the study room, and his eyes were swept in the crowd without a focal length, and he suddenly set it.

A familiar figure mixed in the crowd, it is a woman who is still young and beautiful, Jiang Yiyi, a few thoughts flashed in his mind, immediately smashed out: "Xiayue! You are a daughter-in-law, you actually hurt I!"

The figure of the woman in the crowd is Xia Yue, the mother of Shangshufu. She originally looked down at Jiang Fu’s gaze with Jiang Quan. At this moment, I heard that Jiang Quan’s loud voice could not help but be annoyed. Red face did not speak.

Jiang Quan seems to want to understand in a moment, and does not care about this occasion, loudly roared: "It is her! This is the wife who colluded with outsiders to harm me. Only in her study week, she can go in!" Only she can't help but smack things in the shortest time. Xia Yue, I am not thin, you are so vicious, murder your husband! You poison woman!"

Xia Yue in the crowd, everyone turned their eyes to her, she endured forbearance, suddenly two lines of tears came out: "Master, Moon Niang since marrying you as a wife, where is not good, you have to treat me like this, Even the crime of splashing the sky and the splash of the moon girl? How can the moon girl frame the lord, if there is anything wrong with the lord, what can a woman with a lonely and unreasonable life have a living way? Yue Niang knows the relationship between the master and the sister Like the sea, Yue Niang will not be loved by the old man after the door, but the lord, Yue Niang is also your wife, how can you wait for the moon girl?" She was a little thin and timid, so this is down She showed her tense and sadness. She squatted down and slammed a few heads toward the hall of the court: "But, lord, you and I have a husband and wife. If Yue Niang can save the lord, Yue Niang willingly save the old man." Life! That scorpion and wooden box is the right moon lady!"

When she said this, she was tearful and almost fainted. People are sympathetic to the weak. If the weak is a good woman, the sympathy will be doubled. The more Xia Yue said, the more people doubted that Jiang Quan was even framed by his new wife, and he was a selfish man. Xia Yue’s words are reasonable. Indeed, the Xia family is gone now. Why should she frame the Chiang Kai-shek? When Chiang’s house fell, she became a widow and how difficult it is to live. As for Xia Yue’s heart, Jiang Quan’s heart is still remembering the things of Xiayan. Everyone laughs in their hearts. I am afraid that only a man like Jiang Quan will be wearing a green hat for a person who is unfaithful and unclean. I don’t forget, it’s really what pot is covered.

Jiang Wei smiled and looked at the performance of Xia Yue in the crowd, only to find it interesting. The Xiajia woman seems to be born with a talent for acting, especially in the case of bloggers sympathizing with tears. The most popular thing for Jiang Quan in the past was Xiayan’s set. Nowadays, Xiayan has been replaced by Xia Yue. I don’t know that Jiang Quan can still eat it now. The woman’s lies and tears are only known to the real experience. Today, Jiang Quan is afraid that the Xia family will hate it.

Xia Yue is a wise man. Since Xia’s family has fallen, she has no role in maintaining the relationship between Xia and Jiang. Xia Yue himself knows that with the ambition of Jiang Quan, one day will make her useless. The stumbling block kicked aside. Besides, she is now the mother of the Jiang family. What is the appearance of the Jiang family? She knows well that an empty house will collapse sooner or later. Jiang Quan is not cold or hot to her, Xia Yue is a good age, how to be willing. The woman of Xiajia has always been ambitious. Even if she is a distant cousin in summer, she will not be willing to bury her life for a lifetime. Jiang Wei made a deal with her. Xia Yue did not hesitate to sell Jiang Quan for his own future.

Jiang Quan was already crazy, and the people around him looked at his eyes full of suspicion. He wanted to find someone who could help him to speak, but he finally found that those who could speak for him were not there. It is. His wife, his children, his colleagues, and even his allies, are now not around. He suddenly found himself to be the one who was abandoned, and he became a useless abandonment.

"This is what you want?" Jiang Quan stared at Jiang Wei, suddenly screamed: "You let everyone betray me, I have a good daughter, hahaha, I don't even know that I have such a Good daughter!"

"Multiple lines of injustice will be self-satisfied." Jiang Yan replied faintly: "Jiang Shangshu, there is a **** in the head. When you make this to my mother, I should think of this ending." Yes, she It is to ask Jiang Quan to taste the end of the rebellion. The father of this life was strategizing, turning all the people who were not valued by him into pieces in his hands. The stepping stone of Chiang Mai step by step paved the way for the Queen of Chiang Susu. Every step of the glory of the Jiang family is stepped on the blood of the three of their mother and son. Now Jiang Quan should also try this taste. This kind of struggle has no door, lonely despair, and suddenly found betrayed by everyone, found that he is ridiculous. Like to play chess? can! In this life, the person who plays the chess is changed. This game is written by her, and he is only the last useless piece in the game, and it is a waste!

Jiang Quan suddenly shut up, and he looked straight at Jiang Wei. Jiang Yi’s unrequited hatred and crazy eyes fell on his eyes. He suddenly felt a horror. He didn't know where Jiang Yi's hatred came from. How could a person show such a terrible look, like a beast that eats people.

"Jiang Quan, can you plead guilty?" Sun Xu looked at the noise of today is almost the same, a shot of the shocked wood.

Jiang Quan looked back at some wood, and he looked at Sun Xu in the hall. He suddenly smiled slowly. He stood in the middle and some disdain: "Sun Xu, what kind of posture do you put on? As an official, there is nothing innocent. Today, you treat me like this. I admit that power is not as good as people. I have nothing to say. I also recognize this sin! But you remember, I am merely submissive to power. Today, where my power can compete with it, I will fight for it anyway!"

When Jiang Wei heard his words, his eyes slowly bent down and smiled slightly. It is worthy of being Jiang Quan. For many years, I have seen the important point at a glance. Today's business, in fact, the human card is not the most important, the physical evidence is not the most important, look at how the case was examined. Sun Xu’s attitude is the most important. Jiang Quan’s attitude is that Sun Xu will not dare to do it in his peers. Sun Xu’s attitude can only explain one thing. Some people are for Jiang Wei. Supporting the waist, no matter who the person is, can let Sun Xu be bent over, it is bound to come. When Jiang Quan pleaded guilty, he even left a hand. He pretended to be so generous and pleaded guilty, but the last few sentences were fascinating, and people could not help but think of other things. It is to plead guilty to take a pot of dirty water on Jiang Wei and Sun Xu, and it is really sinister.

Just how does Jiang Quan do such a thing? Jiang Wei smiled slightly, and Jiang Quan would never waste time on useless things. Since I have already confessed my sin, what kind of effect can this irrelevant dirty water play? This incompetent person who is like a way of doing things is finally a random bite. In the eyes of Jiang Yan, it is only ridiculous. She slowly stood up and walked over to Jiang Quan. Everyone looked at the father and daughter silently. Jiang Quan was emotionally excited. An old face was red and distorted, and the thin cheekbone was actually somewhat It’s black, and there’s no such thing as a young official. However, Jiang Wei is just a good age, the skin of the skin is beautiful, but the look is calm, and even with a gentle smile.

These two people are ugly and beautiful, and they are mad and calm, and they smile and scream, and there is really no trace of father and daughter. Jiang Wei went to Jiang Quan, and Jiang Quan glared at her. His eyes were full of anger and resentment, and even a hint of fear, but he could not find a trace of warmth. Jiang Wei had become accustomed to it. She stopped in front of Jiang Quan and suddenly sighed and said gently: "Jiang Shangshu, who has always had ambition and ambition, will also have a moment of succumbing to power."

She said that she was full of sighs, but it was like a fierce attack on Jiang Quan’s heart. The vagueness of the eyes appeared, when the spring breeze became the new upstart of the court, even though the ambition was bigger than the sky, the encounter was thinner than paper. He has always wanted to make a clear stream that does not resemble the secular world, but now he has to take the initiative to admit that he is under the footsteps of power. This is a fatal blow to him and a shame for impatientness. And this shame still comes from his daughter who has been crushed into the earth from the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Yi’s appointment is glamorous, and the more Jiang Quan feels his humble status. He was a weak and hypocritical person from the bottom of his heart. He always valued others' eyes, so he used it for so many years to make himself a clear and honest. At this moment, this layer of skin was torn open, and Jiang Quan couldn't help it anymore. He actually felt that he couldn't lift it up in his chest and fainted straight.

The two official officials quickly took Jiang Quan down. Sun Xuyi stunned the tree and said: "The criminal prince Jiang Quan pleaded guilty to the crime, and he married the wife of Xia's conspiracy to marry his wife, maiming his children, killing the evil, and sinning the crime, thousands of people. From the perspective of the state, the state-owned country law, the family has family rules, the malignant species, the law into the dungeon, the next day to declare the case!"

The crowd watching the crowd suddenly boiled up. Zhao Guang held his fist tightly. Today he has been restrained very well. Even if he hears Jiang Quan plead guilty, he knows that he can’t run the blame. Zhao Guang can’t stop it. Out of control. Zhao Yuanjia comforted him, but Zhao Yuanping and Zhao Yuanfeng were looking at each other and their eyes were a bit heavy.

Jiang Wei stood in the air and watched Jiang Quan being towed away. He slowly lowered his throat. This is over? of course not.

------Off topic ------

I’m going to take another exam tonight, I’m worried about it, I’m looking for a personal product~(>_