MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-~ Chapter 92

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Chapter reader: This world is a novel.

Now - where is it?

Du Ze's eyes wide open, and his vision is all white without impurities. He is alone in the white and has no obedience. The deadly wounds on his body disappear as if they had never appeared before.

After a short absence, Du Ze began to look around and tried to quickly sort out the current situation. When he returned to God, he was already here. Duze’s thoughts still stayed in the picture of the **** of light in the darkness. I didn’t expect the final light **** to bring such a big “surprise” to them. In the eyes of stupid readers, the so-called final BOSS war was just a walk through the scene, but did not think that Guangming God used the ruling. Sacrifice yourself and kill someone at the place.

[You are already dead. 】

Du Ze looked at the boundless white – is this the post-mortem world?

White, white, white, except white or white. It seems to have broken into the thick milk, and it is like a white paper, only he is painted. When Du Ze looked at him for a while, he had to close his eyes. For the first time, he found that the infinite whiteness was more uncomfortable than black. Once you stared for a long time, it would not only be dazzling, but also a desire for vomiting.

"...If you know that you can meet with you in advance, I should have let the light **** kill you."

At the moment of closing his eyes, Du Ze heard someone sigh like this. The first reaction of a stupid one was happy - he heard what a wild questioning object appeared - but once he understood the meaning and meaning of the sentence, the rest was only horrified.

Du Ze took a short and sigh of relief, and his whole body was as nervous as a stone. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the person. At the moment of seeing each other, Du Ze couldn't believe his eyes. It seemed that Ray had blown up directly on his head, and he seemed to be hit by the head. The one in front of him completely exceeded his imagination.

In the pure white space, "the one" reached out and said hello to Du Ze.

"The first time I met, the high person, I am the creation of the world."

When he heard the name, Du Ze was stabbed by a sharp needle and his body was numb. The person who claimed to be a **** in the eyes had a short black hair, a white vest with black trousers, a pair of rimless glasses and a blue hearing aid. Du Ze only felt like he saw another in the world. Oneself!

"Don't care about this." It seems to be very familiar with Duze's embarrassment. The **** of the world pointed out that he said: "I don't have a fixed appearance and appearance, usually mapping your image."

- Mommy is scared to death! Du Ze’s heart was instantly filled with the screen by the “second Olympics”. He almost thought that he had anything to say with the creation god, or a little bit of blood, his father and the creation **** are sorry for the mother. The relationship, but the fact is only because of the creation. The **** is a wait, body, mirror!

Finally, my tears fell on the truth.

After the shock, a stupid discovery of the "create. God God = equal body mirror" setting is actually quite organized. As an initial **** who created the whole world, the creation of "Hybrid" is too much between the spirits. There is no **** and no temple, and the information is even less pitiful. Now that I really see the creation of the gods, Du Zeai understands what is going on. Without a fixed image, it means that it is impossible to build a statue for the creation of the god. Without the statue, it is impossible to build the temple to collect information. God's message will naturally leave only illusory legends.

How much hard work did you find in your life?

Du Zeyan stared blankly at the opposite guy who read the mirror, such as Shishen, and perhaps because of this, Du Ze felt that he was not so socially guilty - who was still cold in the mirror stand up! Because of the incomparable visual shock at the beginning, a stupid buddy was not so surprised about the emergence of the god. Compared with why he met the creation of the world god, Du Ze is more concerned about the situation at that time. The creation of the world is not the best question.

"What happened?"

When I heard Du Ze’s question, the creation **** did not answer, but instead threw the question: “What happened?”

Hey, Genesis. God does not know the situation on their side?

Chuang. Shishen saw Du Ze's slight bun, and the same face as Du Ze's face appeared a similar self-deprecating look.

"Creation. The God of God is omniscient and omnipotent." Chuang. The **** of the world said in a tone of mourning the scriptures: "Every creature - including you all think so, but I am only one now. Prisoner only."

He spread his hand, as if he was introducing his cell to Du Ze, he usually showed the surrounding white.

"I have been locked up here, I can't see anything, I can't do anything - except waiting for my death."

Intuition tells Du Zechuang. The gods did not lie, but Du Ze could not help but refute a small rebuttal: "You just said that you should let the "light god" kill me." If you don't know what happened, Why did the creation **** know that he died under the light of God, and thus uttered a sentence similar to regret?

"That's because I can't get out of here, so I can only do what I want with the help of other people's hands. Bright God is my best piece, he has my scepter, I can tell him through the artifact that I need to do something. What.” Chuang. The world is looking at Du Ze, according to Du Ze’s previous words: “Is it killed by the Light God? You just asked about the repair, and it seems that you have suffered a fatal attack together.” The **** of the world seems to be quite familiar with the style of light God's work. "I think I probably know the cause of your death - Guangming God used the ‘ruling’, right?”

Duze nodded involuntarily, listening to the creation. The gods described the ruling in an admirable tone: "The ruling is a real artifact, which can transform the user into pure attack energy. The more sacrifices, the stronger the power. When you fully sacrifice your users, you will have unparalleled power. This is the most suitable weapon for the Tianzu. Before I hand over the scepter to the Light God, if the light **** does not have a ruling, it can only become a demon **** in battle. The playful mouse can't hurt Barr."

"But this is not the most powerful place for the ruling. The real horror of the ruling is to have the rules." Genesis. God and Duze look at each other. "Do you know the 'rules'?"

Duze nodded and then shook his head again. I think a lot about the concept of rules in my mind, but when I really want to elaborate, I can't find any words to specifically describe the "rules."

"The birth and death of the souls, the alternation of day and night, so that they have been operating this way is the rule." Chuang. The world God read Du Ze's meaning, began to introduce the rules to Du Ze: "It is the order of the world, is eternal everything The law. We must abide by it. Even if we don't want it, the rules will force us to obey it. This kind of coercion is inviolable and irresistible." In order to let Du Ze better understand what he said, create a god. To give an example: "Assume that there is now a rule that you can't see me. Even if you are separated from me by a wall, you will never see me. The rule may set a small stone on the way you come to me. Let you smash your head and even lose your consciousness; if I come to you, there will be a good person passing by who will save you before I see you... In this way, we will miss it many times, always Follow the rules of 'You can't see me' - we think it's fate, but that's actually the result of the rules."

Du Zeyi listened, and the rules that the gods of the world said were not only some regulations that people obey, but also a mysterious existence. It has its own operational mechanism, like the heavens that the people of the heavens often say, the balance of Gaia, the result of the law of causality. Before that, he has seen the rules many times. The story of his spit is actually a rule. portion.

"The rule of the ruling is an absolute hit, so no one can avoid its attack." Genesis. God eyes swept over Duze. "If the sacrificer who becomes its energy is strong enough, the ruling of the ruling will result in the result of only ‘death’ for all attackers.”

In a moment, Du Ze's heart sinks like a cold lead, and the cold of fear spreads inside the body. He has always had a fluke, because the first law of the protagonist's law is "the protagonist's law of undead." For the development of the story, the protagonist can survive in all kinds of incredible ways no matter what kind of dog blood damage. But when it will be broken, one of the reasons is the end of the story. If other authors Du Ze will not have this worry at all, but the author of "Hybrid" is a page of Zhiqiu, the seller of the protagonist of the pits of a page of Zhiqiu! Du Ze really didn't know if a piece of Zhiqiu would set the end of the story so that the reader wanted to go to his house. The author's rhythm was determined to be negative when God unfolded. According to the words of Genesis God, once the rules (the plot) are set, they will always rush to the results of their reservations. Just like in the past, the story of destroying the elves and attacking the sky, the plot will always be written to the author. The direction expands.

The creation **** looked at Duze’s lost **** face. The black-haired youth in front of his eyes had no expression on his face. He could only capture the emotions of the other party through some details. The recent movement can be said to be emotional fluctuations since the meeting. The biggest one.

Not because of his own death, but because he is afraid of the death of that person. Although I have known the relationship between the two people from the Light God, when I saw it, I was still unhappy.

"You don't have to worry about repairing." Genesis said to Du Ze, "The man will not die."

He is not comforting Du Ze, just to carry on the dialogue.

"The world has already enacted the rule of 'repairing can't die.'" The creation of the **** of the world is like pity. "What is the rule of the ruling compared to the rules of the world."

The ups and downs of life are nothing more than this. Du Ze has to cry for the rare conscience of the author. The Meng master is already hard enough, and no longer have a fatal blow at the end. After learning that the protagonist's law is still behind, some kind of stupidity completely put aside the heart and began to concentrate on the creation of the god. In the previous dialogue, Chuang Shi God directly named Guangming God as his "chess." Although the conjectures about the gods of light and the gods of the world have been confirmed, Duze is simply not happy because it means that it is not just the **** of light, but more of a god.

"You want to... kill the repair."

"Yes." Chuang. The world **** calmly admitted, he looked at Du Ze, although Du Ze's expression did not change, but the careful observation of the creation of the world God is still keenly aware of Du Ze's alert, which exacerbated His unhappiness.

"You should not regard me as an enemy because you are in the same position as me."

The creation of the world **** suddenly attached very close, Du Ze saw his face like the constant enlargement in front of his eyes, the skin can even feel the cold breath of the other side.

"In this world, I am the one who has the closest relationship with you."

There is only one line difference between the two faces, and the stern eyes of the world are firmly locked in Du Ze, and the tone is full of complex emotions.

"Do you know why you came to this world?"

Du Ze subconsciously stepped back and avoided the aggressiveness of the creation. When he broke the scepter of the Light God, he had heard the same question from the same object. At that time, he didn't have time to think too much, and he had a kind of thinking inertia: need to explain and explain through this unscientific thing.

Although he retreated, Du Ze did not avoid the gaze of the god. The **** of the world hinted at the existence of the insider. Even if he vaguely smelled the snare, he must jump into the trap to make it clear.


"This is what I want to talk to you about you, about me, about repairs, about rules, about the world." Genesis. The world **** sighed: "I know that you have a lot of questions, the same, I also have questions to ask. You... from the 'above'."


Not waiting for Duze to understand the meaning, Genesis has begun his self-report: "Where should I start? Let's start from the beginning."

Chuang. The **** of the world asked Du Ze: "What do you think is 'creation of the gods?'"

"...the **** who created the world."

Because this question is a bit simplistic, Duzeton answered it after a shot. Hearing Du Ze’s answer, Chuang Shi’s **** revealed an indescribable expression.

"In the beginning, I also thought this way: I am the **** who created this world. Everything in the world is made by me. I have this belief and have no doubt about it - until one day, I witnessed a scene. Childbirth. The orc struggled in the pool of blood, exhausted the strength of the whole body and gave birth to two sons. After seeing all this, I think, compared with me, these creatures are too small, just create 寥寥A few new lives have exhausted their lives."

"Based on this pride, I intend to create a new mother for the two orc young children - this is not difficult for me who created 'everything.'" Genesis said that it stopped here. Du Zeyi, he saw the face of the **** of the world, and his mind vaguely came up with a guess: it would not be...

"I can't do it." Chuang. The world **** repressed and said: "I can resurrect the orc, but I can't create an orc in my own way. It is a **** who created everything, but now even a living being. Can't make it, is it ridiculous?"

"It made me panic. I started to go back to my memory and tried to recall how I created the world. How do you have memories of your baby... Can't think of it, right, I am the same, the more I think about the beginning The more blurred the memory, the moment I feel consciousness, I am standing in this world. This is permissible for others, but I can't, because I am the creation of the world. It is the 'source' of the world." Chuang. The world **** took a deep breath and seemed to be pressing a certain black. "At that time, I discovered that although I am a creation god, there is no process in my memory to create this world. There is only one idea that 'this world is my creation.' In order to confirm or break this contradiction, I started. Try to create the world - the reverse of the mainland is the semi-finished product I made."

The original reverse side of the trough is the masterpiece of this product! At this time, Du Ze deeply understood what was called the predecessors, and the descendants of the people were stunned. When they thought of the extreme escape in the black rain, a stupid person wanted to paste the opposite of the "predecessors".

I don't ask you to make a bird-scented Eden, but at least clean up the elements of the storm that are more destructive than the bear children! = dish =

Chuang. The gods did not find the small universe in which Du Ze was angry. He continued to speak. "Although I made the opposite of the mainland, it was not creation, but 'transportation." I just transferred some of the original elements of the chaotic continent to the destination, and then used magic to compress those elements into entities. Even an ordinary lower **** can do it. At that moment, I found out that I am actually only a relatively powerful ordinary god, not the only God who can create everything."

Genesis. God stares at Du Ze. "If it is you, what kind of feeling do you have?"

If he is in the perspective of the creation of God, Du Ze thinks that his first reaction must be that he has been brainwashed, and that the existing memories and cognitions are all false.

Chuang. The **** does not want to get an answer from Du Ze. He seems to have been suppressed for too long, only a listener who listens to him.

“I began to doubt my own consciousness. In order to get the clue of 'Real Me', I searched the Chaos Continent, but found a terrible fact: all the objects of consciousness on the Chaos continent, whether live or dead, I feel from the bottom of my heart that I am a 'world.' and I am awed."

The voice of the **** of the world is getting lighter and lighter, like saying a secret that cannot be said. Once it is loud, it will disturb a terrible existence.

"So I noticed that the world is being manipulated. There is a strong existence beyond my imagination, it is the true creator and manager of the world. In order to obey its will, the rules are born from the world. Under its will, everyone has their own positioning, and my position is 'Creation. God,' and nothing more."

Even Du Ze, who is habitually disdainful, couldn't help but move at this moment, and looked at the eyes of Chuang. The gods could not help but admire them. He is a person outside the novel who naturally knows what it is, and the creation of the world **** as a novel in the name of a novel, can actually find such a point, can only be called with a BUG.

It seems to be very much in the eyes of Du Ze, creating a smile, and continuing to explain his findings: "'It's not the only one, I also found many similarities to it, but those exist only to observe the world, Only 'it' has the management authority of the world. However, no matter which side, it is an unimaginable high-level life for this world."

Before Du Ze avoided, the **** of creation had reached out and touched the face of Du Ze. He stared at Du Ze without hesitation, and his eyes were confused and crazy about perfection. "It is obviously no different from us, even weaker than the ordinary creatures of this world, but it is a higher life than this world. You don't need to follow the rules, you can understand everything in this world, the world is caused by you." The impact can only last for one day."

Thank you for explaining the origin of the zero return for Xiaosheng, but the gentleman does not move, you have to be like this, we can still be happy friends.

"Let go."

Genesis God looked at Du Ze's cold expression, perhaps because of some kind of scruples and awe, he slowly released his fingers, and then re-reviewed the topic as if nothing had happened.

"We just said "the truth of the world" - only I found this truth. In the eyes of other creatures, they can have unknowns and limitations, because they are not the top gods in the world, and naturally they don't need to know everything. No, therefore, they will never find a higher level of existence in this world.” Genesis said: “I noticed the truth of the world. I will be able to I felt vaguely aware of it. In order to have a good relationship with it, I began to actively help it: it wanted to weaken the Mozu, so I intervened in the battle between the **** of light and the demon **** Bal; it wanted to decline the elf, so I induced the elf Throwing feelings to the tree of life; it wants to destroy the gnomes, so I gave the wheel of time to the gnome..."

Duze listened to the creation. The world shook his body and shook all the things he did. Some of them are known to him, and some are unknown to him. But behind the scenes, BOSS has a kind of vocabulary attribute, and does not explode its own black curtains. Chuang. Shishen also inherited this fine tradition very well, so Du Ze was honored to learn all the hidden plots of "Hybrid". Although some of the spoiled little sorrows, but these shady curtains also solved a doubt of Du Ze's doubts well, before he learned of some of the deeds of the gods, he always couldn't figure out, obviously the **** who created the world, created. Why did the gods use tricks to let all races go to death one by one? Everything can be said now, the creation of the world **** is only a "nominal" creation. The gods, everything he does is to please the real master of the world.

" the seventh era, I found that it began to pay attention to a person." Genesis said that in the end, see the opposite of Du Ze's eyes cast a layer of black light. "Yes, it is repair."

Is the focus finally coming? Du Ze was caught in a subtle state of excitement, both excited and uneasy about the next truth.

"He is very special, Chaozhou is the only eight-race mixed-race. I am very curious, so I have been paying attention to him, watching him grow up, watching him awaken blood... watching him board the city of the sky."

Castle in the Sky? Does it mean the plot that led the Mozu to attack the city of the sky? Duze’s heartbeat is getting faster, and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. This is the “Hybrid” chapter he saw last time before crossing.

"Even if he was attacked by a regular weapon, he was still alive and became more powerful." There was a slight change in the dull tone of Genesis. "Through the ruling, I was able to see the powerful rules it had set on that person and discover the terrible future it brewed - it wanted to be the supreme god."

"Do you know what it means?" The voice of the **** of the world is violently raised, and the voice is full of anger and sorrow. "I mean I have to die!"

The words of the creation gods blasted in the brain of Du Ze, shaking his thoughts into pieces. Du Shi, who was looking at the hair, smiled and looked filled with helpless sadness.

"The supreme god, the supreme god, if the 'creation of the world god' has always existed, the latecomers can no longer be compared with the original **** who created the world. And in this world, besides the creation of the world god, there is still A god's **** can match the status of the supreme god?"

Du Ze swallowed his throat unconsciously. He looked at such a creation. He couldn’t say anything.

"The light **** is only afraid of being captured, and what I am afraid of is being taken away." The expression of the **** of the world is returned to calm. The silence is not so angry as it is anger, but it is nothing but anger. Left. "For it, I am the best material for that person."

Chuang. Shishen said to Du Ze in a word: "Do you think I will sit still?"

No. Du Ze’s heart was bitter, and he finally knew that the **** of the world wanted to kill the repair, but he could not find any place to condemn the other.

"I don't want to die, so I have to do something. I said before, once the rules can't be violated, you must erase him from the world before it sets rules for that person. So I used time. The wheel can only return to the time when the person is being chased." The creation **** sighs: "The law of time is one of the fundamentals of the world. The rule does not allow someone to move it. Once it is discovered, it is directly obliterated. Even It’s me, I can only use the wheel of time to reverse it once.”

Even if he knew that Meng had been living well, Du Ze couldn't help but squeeze a sweat. He was almost killed before he was born.

"Even if I knew it was impossible, I still tried a lot and still couldn't kill the man under the protection of the rules. In this way, I can only watch the person grow up and pick up my godhead." The **** said: "Then I began to think, since the people of this world can't, then --"

Genesis. The gods stared straight at Du Ze, Du Ze was familiar with that kind of gaze, because the former God of Light also looked at him with such a warm eye. Obviously the other side's line of sight is very hot, but Du Ze can only feel the cold at this moment. He listened to the words of the **** of the world. A chill rose from the soles of his feet, as if he had frozen his brain.

"--you can only let people outside this world kill him."

At that moment, Du Zelian’s heartbeat stopped, and his face became pale due to the shackles of the heart. He didn't want to listen to the words of Genesis, but the other's words sneaked into his ears one word at a time, causing him to hurt.

"You know why you came to this world now?"



It has never been clearer than this moment, the reason he crossed into the "Hybrid".

Eric wants him to kill the repair, and the light **** wants him to kill the repair. In a similar way, he listened a lot, but no one said it to him more than the creation.

Du Ze closed her eyes and felt suffocated like unbearable.

Just as the Light God said, he has only one meaning in this world, that is to kill the repair.

Du Ze’s silence made the creation **** feel happy. This person finally realized his position. They were never enemies, but contractors who stood on the same front.

"You are a higher-level existence than this world. Naturally, you don't have to follow the rules of the world. So the key is how to bring you over. This is not a big problem for me - at least simpler than killing that person. I have tried to go to the high plane early when I found 'it', but it seems that because I don't have some kind of 'pass qualification', I can't enter your high position. So I changed my direction, if I can't go to the high plane, so it is okay to summon the life of the high plane. Since then, I have begun to study how to summon the life of the high plane. I have done this for hundreds of millions of years and barely completed the summoning circle, but did not expect Will come in handy in this situation."

Du Ze seems to be numb, and he can neither speak nor have strength. He can only listen to the creation. The **** of the world describes his calling process a little bit.

"The next step is to summon the object. 'It's going to make it a supreme god, naturally it can't summon 'it' to come over - and 'it' is the dominant player in the world, and the probability of summoning failure is also the greatest; even if summoned Come over, it’s also a problem to let 'it' listen to me. So I decided to summon other high-level life and complete the summoning circle when the man escaped into the lost land."

The land of loss... The familiar name made Duze a little bit back. He remembered that a teenager with a small yellow book stood in the open plain and stared at the two moons in his head. It is obviously a funny picture, but now I think it is so warm that people want to smile.

In fact, the reason for crossing is not important, at least he came to the world and then met his favorite person.

Du Ze no longer tangled with the meaning of his crossing, and listened to the story of the creation of the world.

"The summoning process went smoothly, but the result was some accident: summoning the high-level life is beyond the bottom line of the rule. At the end of the summoning, I even summoned the object - that is, your face was not seen, it was forced by the rules. Imprisoned here, and can no longer directly intervene in the chaotic continent." Bright God stared at Du Ze, his eyes complex. "At that time, I was not really worried, because before the summoning, in order to achieve my goal, I added a summoning condition to the squad: the high life summoned should have the same thoughts as me - that is hope. Repairing death."

Hey. Duze’s heart jumped a bit, and he remembered one thing and came to a very ridiculous conclusion: although he did not know what the call mechanism of the creation **** was, he inferred from the words of the god. The reason why he was selected was because he had published a black comment in the "Hybrid" article in order to make the author change his mind.

[...the protagonist of such garbage is simply dead, forget it, not as good as it was before. 】

Even though I have been annoyed with my own black powder behavior many times before, this time, Du Ze is sincerely thankful.

Fortunately, he is, fortunately, the person who is called by the gods to kill the repair is him.

"Everything is going well, you met in my temple." Chuang. The world **** unwillingly despised Du Ze: "But I did not think that you actually did not kill him!"

At that time, the creation of the gods realized that something had gone wrong. He was locked up by the rules and could only talk to the chaotic continent through his artifacts. Therefore, the creation of the world **** let the light **** to pick up Duze on his behalf, he deliberately confessed to the **** of light: as long as Du Zhe can kill the repair, no matter what the requirements of Du Ze must be satisfied - such abundance of conditions, as long as it is a Normal people will agree, but Genesis did not expect that they would miss Duze again and again. When Light God finally contacted Du Ze, Du Ze did not hesitate to reject them. Genesis. God wants to talk directly to Du Ze, but the rules limit him to death. If he says more, he will directly destroy his artifacts. He has no ability to summon a life from the high plane. Even though Du Ze and his imagination seem to be a little bit worse, he can only pin all his hopes on Du Ze.

"Why don't you kill him?" The creation **** looks calm, but when you look closely, you will notice how deep resentment is hidden under the calm. "My summoning circle is not wrong - are you not wanting that person to die in the high position? Why not kill him, but save him!?"

In the face of the question of the creation of the world god, Du Ze said with his own earphones, extremely light and extremely light: "Because... Xiaosheng is a black powder."

The author of the black, the protagonist, the reader, and the one who is as a villain.

"Black...Powder?" Chuang. The **** of the world muttered the word, and the tone was full of confusion and incomprehension.

Chuang. The **** of the world can not think of it, he recruited people in this world, not only do not hate repair, but also a social obstacles. If any normal person comes to the world, they may be touched by the conditions imposed by the creation of the gods. When they are bitten, they may be rehabilitated. When they see the benefits of being the protagonist, they may want to replace it. protagonist. However, Du Ze is an hopeless and stupid reader. His social obstacles make him unable to integrate into the world very quickly. His stupidity makes him strengthen his identity as a reader. When all this is broken, he I have already put Meng in my heart.

"There is a black powder reader. He likes a novel very much. In order to attract the author's attention, he left a comment on 'I hope the protagonist is dead.'" Duze's slow and plain voice echoed in the pure white space, as if to say A more common story. "The villain in the novel perceives that comment. In order to kill the protagonist, the villain pulled the reader into the novel."

The eyes of Chuang. The gods grew bigger and bigger. He stared at the black lips of the opposite side and opened and closed several times. The voice came like a few centuries.

"I am a reader."

No one came to stop Duze from telling the last facts, because the two people present were more or less understood by the "world truth."

"This world is a novel."

- "The world" is a novel, "it" is the author, "rules" is the plot, repair is the "protagonist", and creation. The **** is the "reverse."

As a reader, Du Ze stood opposite the creation of the world god, so that the general truth of the world is spoken.

At that moment, the whole space - no, it should be said that the world is shuddering, Du Ze's words seem to hit the roots, and the trembling can even make people feel the fear and embarrassment of the world when the outer shell is broken. disturbed. Chuang. The **** of the world froze. When he heard Du Ze’s words, his first reaction was ridiculous. However, the world of trepidation told the founder that he was the most ridiculous one!

"This world... is... a novel...?"

It is difficult to describe the expression of the **** of the world. It is a distorted smile of hope and despair, luck and misfortune. It is like finding out the biggest truth, but feeling that you don’t know the truth may be happier.

"I am... novel character...? or... villain?" Chuang. The twisted smile of the world is getting closer. "That man is the protagonist, just because of I have to be his stepping stone?"

"--I can not be reconciled!!!"

Chuang. The **** of the world clung to the hand of Du Ze, and the twins raised the light of paranoia.

"You kill him! As long as one day, the damage you receive in this world will be cleared -"

The words of the creation gods are said to have been interrupted by half. The Duze that he is holding has overflowed with a little light, and will bring away the young blacks. Seeing all this, the laughter of Genesis God is broken.

"Ha - no need to wait until zero, that person has been able to resurrect you." Even though Duze's body gradually fades as the light leaves out, the hands of the gods are still cold and firmly clamped like iron tongs. Live in Duze. "You want to have a rich and prosperous family and become a master." Genesis. The world **** said in a word: "I will satisfy you with whatever requirements and wishes, as long as you kill him!"

Du Ze said: "No..."

"Don't refuse me!" Chuang. Shishen shouted to interrupt Du Ze. "You are obviously the one I summoned to kill the repair. In this world, you should not reject me most!"

"...I only have one wish."

Haven't waited for the creation. The gods are happy, Du Ze does not open his eyes, the voice is gentle, the statement is cruel.

"I want to stay with him all the time."

"Ha...haha..." The broken laughter drifted away from the throat of the gods. The smile on the face of the gods was mixed with indescribable malice. Looking at Duze’s eyes was like going to the other side. Pull down the bottomless purgatory. "This is impossible. Have you forgotten that you were summoned by me?"

Chuang. Shishen smiled and judged Duze’s death sentence word by word.

"As long as I die, you will disappear from this world."


Du Ze's pupils slammed sharply. He was hit by the words of the gods. The uneasiness that has been neglected has always been like a dyke.

He will... disappear?

Seeing Du Ze's pale face, the voice of the **** of the world is sweet like a poison with sugar. "You don't want to disappear, right?"

"I like to repair -"

Duze’s voice was light and weak, but it made the voice of the god. Du Ze did not care about creating the eyes of the gods, and continued to confess without any concealment: "-- also like "hybrid."

"This is a novel with a main character. Even if I disappear, the novel will continue. But the repair disappears and my favorite novel will end."

The statue of the world was poked in the wood, and he looked at Du Ze, unable to understand the gentle and soft look on the face of the opposite person.

"I won't kill the repair."

Du Ze looked at the creation of the world god, seriously as if he promised the whole life.

“No matter the past, the present, or the future.”

At this point, the creation of the world God understands that what he said is useless.

The scattered light spots melted in pure white, and the gods put down their hands, and he could no longer hold Duze - just like he always did, he never really caught the opposite black hair. youth.

"...Why do you like him?"

In the end, the creation of the world **** is still not willing to ask: "For you, we are just ‘text’.”

"Do you actually fall in love with a fake novel?"

Before the disappearance, Du Ze turned back slightly, and his broken hair covered his look. He could only see the dark lips of the young blacks seem to scream.

“Readers like the protagonist, do you need a reason?”

The author has something to say: This is a reader is the reader, the protagonist is the protagonist, the author is the author, and the villain is a villain's ordinary novel.

I hope that no matter which novel, everyone can like the protagonist, I can like the author a little bit, because the goods are usually unrequited love~

Bad authors like you, need a reason? XDDDD

Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect