MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-Chapter 51

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The pope faced the glamorous and high-spirited **** of his family, and his hair was white.

That day, the Mozu really just came to pick up a person and left. When the Pope saw Du Ze’s apparently seeking to take away the group of the Mozu, he immediately stunned Du Ze and took God. Brought back to the Temple of Light. I don't know if this is the reason. God has made a cold face all day long since he woke up, and he didn't talk to anyone. In this case, it is simply impossible to please God. These days the Pope has been trying to find out what God's preferences are, and he has failed without exception.

If Du Ze knows the situation of the pope at this time, he will definitely recommend the pope to @我的司 is the best.

Du Ze now wanders in the temple of light in the faceless expression all day, and some stupidity says that this is an early route for the future to attack the Temple of Light. In the endless songs of the people of the Temple of Light, Du Ze struggled to remove the tyrannical power of the light gods that they must be ridiculous in each sentence, and the gods made the adults powerful and domineering, and God made the hairs on the heads of the adults powerful and domineering, thus obtaining a Information: Guangming God does not know when to bet yours, so you are waiting for the flop in the Temple of Light, what is the command, the slave is here.

... Xiaosheng should return a thank you Lord Ron.

After many unsuccessful escapes, Du Ze began to think about why Guangming God wanted him, and forced the reader to feel that he had become the mascot NPC of the Temple of Light. A bunch of people took different gifts and gathered in front of him to brush him. Some people even took the feed to try to please the fat on his head - do you expect to drop something here, stupid humans, the niche of Xiaosheng has long since disappeared! That fat will only drop hair and not lose the game!

Under a stupid social obstacle, no one dared to disturb the glamorous God-given adult in a few days. Du Zezheng refers to a calculation, this is the fifth day of his separation from Meng Mou. Before the repair, he used two morphological transformations, about coma for about ten days. Judging from the situation of the day, it should be the Thunder Army in the "Hybrid" that is loyal to the demon **** Bal, the leader seems to be called Rachel. The agent of the Thunder Army was Barr’s loyalty, because Xiu was the descendant of Barr, so in the original, Rachel led the Thunder Army to become followers of the repair, and then they began to prepare to attack the city of the sky.

Even if time is misplaced, the trajectory is strikingly similar.

Du Ze is a little embarrassed, has the story already progressed to this? Unknowingly, the "Hybrid" plot he knows has gone more than half, and Du Ze suddenly discovered that he actually did not know the advantages of the plot. Now, as long as he wakes up, he can get Rachel's recognition and become the king of the Mozu, so naturally he does not have to go to the mainland to attack the 72 main cities one by one. Therefore, the story of the Sky City has not yet been realized, but the repair in "Hybrid" is to save Airy to attack the city of the sky, and now the repair has no reason and need to attack the city of the sky.

- I know a lot, you can use me.

Du Ze stopped and his eyes flashed a little overwhelmed.

Did he have no use for Meng Mou?

"...God makes adults!"

A voice interrupted Duze's thoughts, and Du Ze looked up and found that two Knights of the Temple held a priest and came here. When they saw Du Ze, the two Knights of the Temple performed a respectful ceremony, and the priests who were held by him were screaming desperately. He looked at Du Ze as if he was watching the last life-saving grass.

"I want you to know, I am not guilty...!"

One of the Knights of the Temple came directly to the belly of the priest, and the priest held his stomach in pain, and could not say anything. Another shrine knight respected Du Ze: "I am bothering you, we are sending sinners to sinners."

The sinner's home is the place where the Temple of Light is used to dispose of the prisoners. When you enter that place, you can no longer leave to live. The bodies that are transported from the sinners are not complete. The priest looked a little weak, but he was very honest and honest. Du Ze didn't know what he had done before he was sent to the sinner's house. He just stared at the priest's face and almost crossed the entire bridge of the nose. Scars, the heart is jumping faster and faster.

He knew that there was a person who was one of the good friends who had been repaired. The man was rescued from the mercenary and sold to the Temple of Light, and then he was cut off by the black robe.

Seeing that Du Ze has been staring at the priest, the Knights of the Temple began to explain: "This person has committed the crime of stealing."

The priest was so upset that he still struggled to defend himself: " is filthy, I have no reason to take away the things of the saint."

The Knights of the Temple disdain the truth: "Everyone knows that your family is poor."

The priest seems to be incredulously asking: "Family poverty... means I will steal things?"

- Then become the undead, it must be evil?

Du Ze stared at the face of the priest with a knife, and the voice did not seem to be his own.

"……what's your name?"

The two knights were stunned because it was rumored that God had never been indifferent to everything and never said anything. Now that God has actually opened his mouth, he is actually asking the names of the people who were taken away by them. The priest's eyes flashed in an instant, and he struggled to kneel in front of Duze, and the voice brought a hint of excitement.

"Daniel. God makes adults, my name is Daniel." Daniel's eyes filled with prayers: "God makes the adults... Please believe that it is definitely not my steal."

Duze’s blood is cold. Sure enough, Daniel, it is this product that makes the owner no longer believe in others.

It seems that Duze intends to save Daniel. The Knights of the Temple quickly said: "God makes an adult, you don't know, this person is not a person who can enter the temple. He is here because he once raised his face to the saint. Claim."

Another shrine knight added: "Yes, in order to enter the temple, this person once sold his companion -"

"I didn't!" Daniel interrupted the Knights of the Temple and tried to explain to Du Ze: "That is not my companion, he is evil, I am looking for a saint to destroy evil!"

... It turns out that this is why you saved and repaired and sold it? Just to get a position in the Temple of Light?

Daniel looked up at Duze, and he saw the young black man lean down his body and whispered in his ear: "Daniel, sorry, you are the best in the sinner."

- Repair, sorry, you are the best when you die.

When the Knights of the Temple dragged the incredible Daniel away, Duze’s heart was not a taste.

Give hope and give again to despair, the most cruel thing in the world.

Kelly sold out the repairs, and Rodriguez and Edie gave up the repairs. Daniel betrayed the repairs, or because of arrogance, or because of jealousy, or because of greed, they wiped out the nature of repair by knife and knife.

Even if he is not even arrogant, the one who will laugh and take risks for irrelevant people will never come back.


On the eighth day, Guangming God finally turned over a stupid brand. Du Ze looked facelessly at the two wings of the bird... Cough, the Tianzu, a female and a male, both of whom are "acquaintances." The male one was the one that was first seen in the lost place, while the female was in the "Hybrid" with the love of the Lord, and finally the sister of the **** deeds, Lilia.

"God, please follow us to the city of the sky, the light **** wants to see you."

Du Ze instantly understood why the revision in the original text especially liked to oppress Lilia. This kind of arrogant attitude really makes people want to bully her to cry. Ming Ming belongs to the holy system, Vivian is relatively easy to approach, soft and hard inside; and Lilia is too proud, both inside and outside are too straight, a bright light to see you can afford your attitude.

Lilia saw Du Ze’s cold face and expressed her refusal. She picked up her good eyebrows and said that she directly crushed a crystal character. Du Ze still did not respond, he was directly transmitted. When he opened his eyes again, he had reached an extremely bright world.

Duze stood on the wall city. There was no land under the high wall city. There were only white clouds stacked in layers. The whole sky was at the foot. This is a floating city.

- Above the sky, there is a city.

This is a legend widely circulated in the Chaos continent. All living beings know that there is such a city of the sky, but no one knows where it is.

Duze suddenly feels tired and doesn't love. Now, if you want to find him, do you want to attack the city of the sky? Wait a minute, what is the feeling of this truth? You are naughty!

The main color of the Sky City is white. I don’t know if it’s above the white clouds. It’s full of light and even dazzling. Du Ze was held by two heavenly people in front of a white temple, and Lilia revered to the temple.

"My God, I have brought the people you want."

The temple was quiet for a moment, and the huge door slowly opened, revealing a road that was only accessible by one person.

Waiting for this is not scientific, bastard, niche equipment did not play well and did not practice, Meng pet is a hair group, you you let Xiaosheng to see the final boss! ?

Some stupidity was smothered into the temple. At the moment of being promoted to the temple, Du Ze did not know why he remembered. Today seems to be the last day of the appointment.

The door was closed behind Duze, and the temple was bright and bright for a moment. A light-woven human figure stood opposite Duze. He had no specific appearance. There were only two black hole-like eyes and mouths, quietly shining in the dim temple.

This is the customs clearance BOSS in the Light God, "Hybrid"?


The little phoenix felt like a strong crisis and blew up the hair group. It fanned its wings and tried to block it in front of Duze with its small body like a ball of meat. However, the light man just glanced at the little phoenix, and the fluffy ball swayed and fell directly from the air. Du Ze quickly reached out and caught the little phoenix to see its situation.

"I just let it lose consciousness." The light man opened his mouth with a vague outline, and the ethereal voice echoed in the empty temple with an indescribable majesty.

Duze stared at the light man on alert. "You are, the **** of light?"

The light man is blurry and unclear: "I am in the realm of God. What you see is my projection. Because the Chaos continent can't bear the pressure of the upper gods, I can only send believers to find you. They missed you twice. ”

Twice? Once in the gnome ruins, another time is...?

Du Ze thought of the famous male genius. He finally remembered the gnome and the celestial he had met in the light column of the lost land a long time ago. They said that they were looking for a person with dark eyes and black hair. Repair, but he?

"I have been waiting for you." Guangming said: "You are the chosen person."

Even if the face of the light man is in a group, Du Ze still sees his expression of a person who wants to fool.

Do you think that niche is the kind of awesome warrior who will be killed by God if he is said by God that "I am optimistic about you?"

"You got the wrong guy."

The light man stood opposite Duze, and the eyes of the two black holes seemed to **** all the light into it.

"No." He said: "In this world, you are special."

Du Ze's heart jumped very fast, his brain rumbling, almost instinctively asked: "You know..." I am not a person in this world?

The second half of Du Ze was swallowed up by the invisible existence, but the light **** seemed to expect that Duze would say something like a slight nod. Even if there was a faint guess before, when he learned that Guangming God really knew his identity, Du Ze was still awkward. He stared straight at the opposite person. There were many words to ask, but finally he said But it is: "I will go back?"

Bright God observed Duze’s look, but the black-haired youth’s face had no expression at all, so he asked, “Do you want to go back?”

Du Ze silent for a moment, then asked: "How can I go back?"

Bright God smiled with satisfaction, he finally found this person's *.

"You must destroy evil - you know who it is. As long as you kill evil, you can go back." A light spot is separated from the body of the light man and stagnates in front of Duze. The voice of the light **** is almost confusing: " Accept this power, it can help you achieve your wishes."


Bright God looked at Duze’s bloodless face and emphasized with one word: "If you don't kill him, you can never go back."

"……fair enough."

The light **** is stunned, he can't describe what kind of expression Du Ze is, there is relaxation, pain, decisiveness, and a kind of tenderness that is bottomless.

"I can, go with him and go on."

The voice of the Light God is full of incredible: "Do you want to go back?"

At the end of the world, there are relatives.

Du Ze pressed his headphones: "Think."

Before the light **** had not had time to be happy, he saw the black-haired youth opposite him drop his eyes. "but……"

At this end of the world, there is repair.

Du Ze's voice is very light, but it is extremely determined.

"Even if I stay here forever, I won't kill him."

He likes to repair, and from the moment he opened the "Hybrid", he liked it.

The author has something to say: Recently, a lot of things have been postponed for a day. TT The next chapter, the devil, will come to greet the bride. [Hey!

The following is the general outline of "Hybrid":

Orphanage (Humanity)→Magic Wu School→Magic Tower Trial→Inter-school Competition→Shenzhen Comers (Awakening Undead)→Mainland Hunting→Lost Land→Time Corridor→Elves (Awakening Elf)→ Mercenary Squad→Gnomes Relics (Awakening Gnomes) → Ice Crystal Grass Mission → Star Empire → Weapons Contest → Ellie's Sacrifice → Mainland Reverse (Awakening Mozu) → Sky City

Thanks to the moonlight, BLX, the cool wind, the young, the gray, the pair, the raccoon, the rice, the bell, the no name, the 喵123, the white 艽, the liu er, (╯-_-)╯╧ ╧, *小生, 陌上南飞雁(2), 苍祭苍然,越澜依,YoYi0,洛玖, non-slip banana peel, ridiculous road, stagnation patient, sputum, yoga, pig, xi, Piles, broken forests, dry summer, heroic, piles, 1191595, chubby, see you Sacra home third, squid, sang mulberry, born seven years of death, no time - (4), moonlight loneliness, Liu Xiao Seven, Yan Yan dance, Lolo, named incompetent star, ∝ listen to that sad melody, cry into the small Xiaoya, white is 喵喵, coffee, blast, Lai Lai, one flower and one world, running face Xiaoyan’s mines~

Thank you, Zi Xue.丿 是 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如 如