MTL - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love-Chapter 43

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The Windy Town is one of the towns close to the Elven Forest. It is home to a large number of adventurers visiting the Elven Forest and the gnome relics. The travellers are constantly coming and going, the most lively of which is the mercenary union set here. Department.

Receptionist Anne was a little bored to play with her nails. Today's mercenary union is much colder than usual. Recently, there seems to be a major change in the depths of the Elven Forest. Numerous Warcraft ran out and even caused some small animal tides. On the night of the week, many people witnessed the fire in the depths of the Elf Forest, and the huge fluctuations that came from them. - That is the only impact that can only be produced by the martial arts or the gods. Even if the volatility has been weakened a lot, it still makes countless people fear.

Elfs are inhabited in the Elven Forest. This beautiful race is not so good. They have at least three strong men of the Valkyrie level. This is the consensus of the Chaos continent. From the situation of the day, the elves seem to have some kind of situation. Now the task board is full of tasks about the Elf Forest, and almost all the mercenaries are running to explore the Elven Forest. The news came in a variety of ways. Some people said that they saw the traces of the curse. Some people said that he saw the empty country of the Elf, and some even said that he saw the dragon.

When I first heard the news, Annie was amused directly, but then I was very confused. Four years ago, when the legendary Mozu appeared, all the talents knew that the lost land turned out to be the "channel" of China Unicom's front and back. Although the Temple of Light has repeatedly called for a common defense against evil demons, when people really contact the Mozu Only then did they know the horror of this race. Their *naturally born for fighting and destruction. Every Mozu is at least the level of a great swordsman. The most terrible thing is the army called Thunder, where the Mozu is at least the Juggernaut - know that the entire Terran adds up, and only a hundred Juggernaut. The Mozu took away 1/5 of the land of the mainland. If they did not take the initiative to stop the aggression, the entire chaotic continent had already fallen. Now even the Elves have an accident, and Anne only feels that the world is getting more and more chaotic, and her instincts tell her that this is far from the end.

"Hey, hey."

Annie stunned, only to react. Someone was knocking on the table to remind her to return to her. There were two people on her opposite side: a black-haired youth and a silver hair... Elf?

Du Ze was very calmly watching the receptionist staring at the straight hair. He was used to it. With such a blue water disaster, will he receive fewer attentions along the way?

Du Ze knocked on the table again, and Annie only came back. She was flushed. Not that she was too fussed. She also received many elf mercenaries, but none of them would be so beautiful that she could lose her ability to think.

Annie hangs a smile and tries to hide her previous gaffe: "Hello, what business do you need to do?"

"Registered mercenaries."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Annie took out a watch from the drawer: "Please show your warrior badge."

Duze stayed, he forgot the details. Although the threshold for becoming a mercenary is very low, at least it requires force. The Warrior Badge is a proof that the warrior is separated from the civilians. It is also a proof of the professional rank. Let's not mention Du Ze, the earth man. The badge of the warrior before the repair is also left in the Magic School, and the whereabouts are unknown.

Seeing Duze’s reaction, Anne knew about the situation.

"We can apply for the warrior badge here, but we can only apply for the junior level. If you want to upgrade, you can only go to the relevant professional trade union." Annie pointed to a door inside the mercenary trade union: "After paying a silver coin, you can go there. Conduct a military review and get the badge of the warrior when the standard is reached."

What is the review, and the auditor’s combat effectiveness is negative?

Du Ze shed tears in his heart. Being a mercenary is very convenient, you can freely enter and exit some countries and cities, you can also use the magic transmission array. Du Ze learned from the original version of "Hybrid" that the current gold mercenary squad is in the Star Empire. If there is no mercenary certificate, even if he does not use the transmission array to reach the Star Empire, how should he cross the border?

One hand reached over and placed the silver coin on the counter, but it was a silent repair. Anne stared at the two silver coins and smashed it, only to react to the other side to test the soldiers. She called a young boy: "Ron, take the two gentlemen to test the force."

"Well!" the boy named Ron ran over. When he saw the repair, he said nothing. "Please come with me -"

In the test room, there was nothing in the empty room. There was only one humanoid target. Ron pointed to it and stuttered: "Attack, attack, turn red, red is qualified."

Du Ze looked at the repair and found that he had no intention of first shot. Some stupid hair circled around the target, reaching out and touching the texture, very good, he had seen the ending of the right hand fracture.

At this time, it is up to you, fat!

"啾比?啾比~" Little Phoenix opened his wings with excitement. It opened a pointed cockroach and squirted a small flame against the target. The attack ended.

Du Ze silently watched the black hair that he had drifted down, and once again smashed it with Xiaofeng.

Can't destroy the target, what do you want for Xiaosheng!

At this point, he reached out and grabbed the right hand that Du Ze tried to smash down the fluffy group and pressed it on the humanoid target.


Ron looked at the humanoid target that was smashed in amazement. It was a props specially used to test the force. It was able to withstand the full blow of the Great Swordsman. Even so, was it destroyed? Is the slender and beautiful silver-haired elf in front of me a sword saint...?

In Ron's incredible gaze, the gentleman turned back and the voice was cold: "Are we all passing?"

Under the gaze of no temperature, Ron nodded fiercely, and he felt that as long as he had a little objection, his end would be exactly the same as the humanoid target.

"I, I will give you the warrior badge!"

Du Zemu sent the boy to leave as if he had escaped. His current mood can be summed up as follows: A good student who can pass the perfect score beats the invigilator for him. At this moment, the invigilator is telling him the answer to the test paper.

Meng master, your domineering side leaked...

He calmly took the warrior's badge from Ron's trembling hands. There are six red stripes on the silver, blue and black badges. This means that the person holding the warrior badge has already had the level of a big swordsman. In "Hybrid", the low-level can not specifically perceive the high-order strength situation, the high-order can hide the strength of the low-order, and even suppress its own strength to make the low-order illusion. Therefore, in the Terran, judging a person's strength is usually to look at his warrior badge. For many people, the warrior badge is a kind of strength display. As long as it is advanced, it will definitely go to the professional union to upgrade the badge. This created the conditions for the lord to play the pig and eat the tiger. Since the application for the junior warrior badge, it has never been upgraded. Therefore, in the later star empire story, there is a junior soldier who looks at the repaired junior warrior badge. The life and death duel was put forward. At the end of that chapter, the * is still thinking about how to complete the abuse [key line] only the level of the big swordsman [/ focus line] Meng. The readers lamented: Please allow me to make a sad expression, and laugh in brackets.

When Du Ze and Xiu showed Anne the badge of the warrior, the receptionist handled everything very quickly and she handed over the new mercenary certificate.

"This is your mercenary certificate, please accept it." Annie pointed to the mercenary union's bulletin board that constantly refreshed with magic: "That is the task board, your current mercenary level is E, so you can only pick up E-level tasks or non-level tasks."

Du Ze curiously looked at the task board, and he saw the top "Exploring the Gnomes Remains" mission at a glance, and the following tasks are almost all related to the Elf Forest. Du Ze’s gaze was fixed. He saw a task of “destroying the demon”... the Mozu?

Now the Mozu has appeared on the mainland front! ?

Du Ze thought of the metal pyramid that he had opened. He subconsciously squatted to repair, but found that his eyes were staring at a certain point. The beautiful face was like a frost, and it was a chill of bones. Du Ze looked at the task board with his gaze. After he saw the task, he could only sigh: the drama, you are too hard, it is the conscience of the industry.

After the revision of the original text of "Hybrid" came out of the door of wisdom, the mercenary squad where the enemy was located had left. They left the message: If you can see this message, go to the Star Empire and look for them. At that time, Xiu had awakened four races, and he changed back to the elf form and went out from the gnome relics. Repaired in the mercenary union to pay the task, the mercenary level was raised to the A level, he wanted to follow the information to the Star Empire, but at this time was a G-point by a task.

Just like now.

[Looking for ice crystal grass: no grade task. Going to the extremely cold place to find ice crystal grass, the reward can be discussed. Client: Edie. ]

The content is not the focus, the focus is on the client - Edie, Luo Luo, do you still remember the Meng master who was abandoned by you that year?

I thought that in the past, Xiaosheng witnessed the death of the owner by the screen full of blood, including two friends of his childhood friend, Edie and Luo Luo. They and the same orphanage from the same orphaned together. Wu School. However, when Xiu was arrested and tortured by the Temple of Light, Edie and Luo Luo not only did not testify for their friends who grew up together, but were afraid that they would be implicated because they were from the same orphanage. When the undead was repaired in the graveyard and waited for not the cute girl but the temple of light, Duze’s heart was broken.

Mom, you are spiritually supportive of Meng Mou, otherwise the later repairs will be blackened like that! QAQ

Anne saw the stare on the bulletin board "Looking for ice crystal grass", she very kindly reminded: "It is recommended not to pick up this task. Although this task has no grade, it is at least the difficulty of the A-level mercenary group. This task has been For quite some time, I have already known the commissioner. He is also a mercenary. Before the mission, the companion had the fire of the black fire lizard. He must use ice crystal grass to heal.” Anne sighed: “Although Very poor, but the environment of the extremely cold land is very bad, there is a strong World of Warcraft around the ice crystal grass, only the A-level mercenary group can deal with, and he can not afford an A-level mercenary group."

Like the original plot, Luo Luo was poisoned, and Edy recruited for the picking of ice crystal grass. Du Ze looked at the cold face of the silver-haired elf. In order to avenge Edie and Luo Luo, the repair should take the task like the original text.

He noticed Du Ze’s gaze. He picked up his mercenary certificate and collected it.


Some of Duze did not believe it: "You don't pick up that mission?"

The stretcher gently stroked Du Ze's back neck, his face was still frosty, but when he looked at Du Ze, the green scorpion leaked a hint of warmth.

"You want to go to the Star Empire."

- So these are not important.

Du Ze's heart slammed tightly. He had a dizziness of hypoxia, and his thoughts were blown up.

Meng Meng, you can't do this, so go on, and this way, Xiaosheng can't hold it anymore...

Some stupid Meng put his earphones on his hands to cover his hot ears. His eyes fluttered and his voice was as strange as another person talking.

"You, you don't want to see them?"

The silver-haired elf is silent, and his whole person looks like a snow-covered volcano, cold and oppressive. Seeing such a repair, Du Ze put his mercenary certificate in front of Annie and said to her: "This task, I picked it up."

Annie also wanted to persuade, but she found that she was completely unable to get involved in their world, and the two people in the opposite had only one other.

"You said," Du Ze said seriously in the face of the slightest gaze: "Take me to see your ‘good friend’.”

In the lost place, there was a lich who said to the only person who accompanied him: After I went out, I took you to see my "good friend."

--very good friend".



[Looking for ice crystal grass: no grade task. Going to the extremely cold place to find ice crystal grass, the reward can be discussed. Client: Edie. ]

Fix your eyes and stare at the client's position.

Iraq, Di?

- I and Luo Luo are innocent, we don't know anything.

- We have nothing to do with him.

- We are more afraid of it! There has always been a dead soul to stay with us!

"...this task, I picked it up."

The receptionist saw the task just want to remind him of the repair, but she saw the whole person froze at the moment of repair.

It was like a demon who climbed out of the abyss and revenge. The receptionist was so convinced.

- "Hybrid" excerpt

Author has to say: Author: [Meng of the protagonist: non-hierarchical task. The main character of the blackening will be germinated, and the reward can be interviewed. Client: Author. ]

Reader: I picked up this task.

Author: [down Readers: non-hierarchical task. Throw down the readers of Tsundere, and the rewards can be discussed in person. Client: Author. ]

Protagonist: This task, I picked up.

Author: I say these two tasks is actually the one you believe it ⊙ ▽ ⊙


The sisters that Edie and Luolu can't remember can go to the excerpts of the first chapter, and put on the story that has appeared in "Hybrid": Orphanage (Human) → Mowu School → Magic Tower Trial → Inter-school Competition → Temple Comes (Awakening Undead) → Continental Hunting → Lost Land → Time Corridor → Elves (Awakening Elves) → Mercenary Squad → Gnomes Remains (Awakening Gnomes) → Ice Crystal Grass Mission → Star Empire →... → Weapons Contest → Ellie Sacrifice → Metal Pyramid → Converse of the Continent → Mozu Sister Flower → Seventy-two Main City → Bal City (Awakening Mozu) → City of Sky

Thanks to one flower, one world, J, mud, baking soda, chmchu, white sugar, Qingshui (3), cuttlefish (4), Long Lesheng, BLX, future far, falling clouds neon, snow night fork, cotton small淼, from this conscience is the old man, Yan Yan dance, drunk dream Xianlin, Xiaolan, Qinqin, Yun Zi, Kong Zilin, bowse, nightingale, jingge4301 The landmine that was blown out by Jun Jun~

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