MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 72

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Guo Heng, who was pouting his **** outside the door, almost laughed.

He covered his mouth hard, but still made a "puff" sound. Dad Guo heard vaguely in the room, lifted the quilt and got out of bed: "Little bastard, listen to the corner again"

Pounced over and opened the door, there was no one outside. Guo Heng's door just closed with a bang, and locked it from the inside.

The response is not slow.

Thinking that Liao Yuan is also in that room, you can't throw it to outsiders. Guo's father returned to the house angrily.

Liao Yuan was speechless as he watched his future brother-in-law fall on the bed with a cramp with laughter, and pushed him: "Hey, how's it going?" Very worried.

Guo Heng laughed enough before he sat up and said, "There's a show. My dad's attitude has loosened up, it's up to my mom to persuade him."

Liao Yuan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Guo Heng." He looked at his future brother-in-law sincerely, "If there is anything I can do for you in the future, I will do my best."

"Not in the future, there is now" Guo Heng said immediately.


"Liao Yuan~ my sister said" Guo Heng held Liao Yuan's hands and stared at him sincerely: "You are very good at flirting with girls, please teach me a few tricks"

Guo Heng is full of heartache: "I'm almost twenty-five"

Liao Yuan: ""

Guo Zhi

Don't wrong me

I only touched you

"Little bunny runs very fast" Father Guo closed the door angrily and lay back on the bed. "stop laughing"

Mother Guo couldn't hold back her laughter, so she forbeared: "Isn't Xiaoheng also worried about his sister? The two brothers and sisters have a good relationship, so wouldn't I be happy?"

Papa Guo pulled the quilt angrily.

After a while, she suddenly said, "It looks so good."


"Xiao Liao, she looks so good-looking. It's easy to be romantic." Dad said worriedly.

After all, men still understand men, and they are handsome, but they are easy to provoke bees and butterflies. Thinking back to that time, the hero does not mention the braveness of the year

"Aren't you good-looking or romantic?" Mom retorted.

Being trapped by you tigress, who dares to be romantic. Dad slandered in his heart, and said righteously: "Can he compare with me? Who am I?"

Mother spat at him with a smile.

Dad felt a little coy, and finally admitted unwillingly: "Liao Yuan, he looks too good-looking. Not good-looking, but too good-looking. Like him, he must be a peach blossom."

"Just like Xu Xiaohui, Lin Ling, and Mo Ying from your work unit." The mother smiled halfway.

Dad raised a hand: "I swear in the name of the party that I will never provoke them. It's all posted by them. I've explained it to you several times."

"It's alright, alright." Mom waved his hand away impatiently, "If you are old, who cares about this with you. Talk about Liao Yuan well."

Dad is full of joy.

When it came to his rotten peach blossoms in the past, my mother had to be jealous for a few days. He had to coax him well, buy flowers, and go out for a romantic dinner before he could coax him over.

Why now, she is not jealous anymore

The whole family looked at that Liao Yuanhao


My father was full of sourness and said indignantly: "When he grows up like this, he looks like a romantic person. Now he is young and has no courage. In the future, the society has experienced a lot, and I don't know what happened."

"As you put it, ugly people are not romantic" mother sneered, "Zheng Hu, do you remember our old house, the one in front, the son of Lao Zheng's family."

"That's the ugly boy we've grown up with since he was a child. He's been ugly all the way to the present. When he was a child, I tried to praise him twice, but I couldn't find the words. It's ugly like this, Now my daughter-in-law is pregnant, she still raises a third child outside, and the whole family knows about it, but his daughter-in-law doesn't. Last month, we had a meal with some old neighbors, and when his mother said it, she was proud of her son, and felt that her son had given her a face. Woolen cloth."

"Whether a man spends flowers or not has nothing to do with how good he looks. No matter how ugly a man is, he wants to have three wives and four concubines, and that's what he is. , the cost of cheating is high. But it is only because what you get is not as good as what you may lose, so you can control yourself.

Dad wanted to say this was a lie, but he couldn't say anything to refute it. As a man, he knew that what his wife said was actually right.

In the end, he could only say: "You are too young to be qualitative. There will be too many variables in the future."

This is what my mother has always been worried about.

Indeed, Liao Yuan is only twenty years old.

Twenty-year-olds often think that they understand everything, that one promise is a thousand gold, and one word is Jiuding. You will never regret what you do now.

The promises are all gray, and the oaths are flying with the wind.

Those you thought you would not regret, basically, you regret it.

Mother Guo sighed and said nothing.

The room was quiet.

The couple gradually fell asleep.

Liao Yuan was very depressed to find that his brother-in-law gave him wrong information.

Isn’t that the future husband-in-law has loosened up a bit? Why does he think that the husband-in-law sees him even more unpleasantly?

The first two days were considered gentle and polite, why did you start this morning with a kind of vigor of picking your nose horizontally and vertically picking your eyes?

He did nothing wrong

While thinking gloomily, he kept his hands down. Soon, a plate of scallion pancakes the size of mooncakes was served hot. He also made pimple soup.

"Hmm~~~~~~~~~~~~" Guo Heng took a bite and hummed in praise. “Hoo know hoo know it’s delicious”

"Swallow and talk" Guo Zhi tapped him with chopsticks. Promise, eat a scallion pancake to see how beautiful he is. anything, your sister can eat it whenever she wants

"This nugget soup is delicious and the nuggets are fine." Guo's mother is not stingy with praise.

In the morning, beautiful and delicious, who doesn't like it?

"Humph." Father Guo held the bowl and squeezed out a sound from his nose.

Yo, some people really don't like it. We ignore him, he is just jealous. Naked jealousy.

Liao Yuan: ""I did nothing wrong

Why does my husband look at me so badly?

"We're not at home for lunch today." Guo's mother said, "You three can eat by yourself. Don't stay with the house, this is the first time Xiao Liao comes to us, you take people out play."

"Where are you going?" Guo Zhi asked.

"Go to your cousin's house in the morning and your cousin's house in the afternoon. Are you going?"

"No" Guo Zhi answered very simply.

In the early years, my parents also liked to bring their siblings when they visited. The children are all well-born, and they are all top-notch in their relatives in terms of appearance and study. Who wouldn't want to take such a child out?

In the first two years, Guo Zhi's work in the imperial capital also went smoothly, and Guo's mother also likes to show her off everywhere.

As she got older, relatives saw her words gradually changed from praise to "Why don't you have a boyfriend", "I have to hurry up." "And so on, and now it has developed into "what if you can't get married".

To be honest, although the relatives are also kind, she listened to her heart, let alone Guo Zhi. So, if she doesn't like going to visit relatives, she shouldn't go, and she doesn't force her.

Guo Zhi didn't go, Guo Heng took the opportunity and didn't go. Young children, to be honest, don't like visiting relatives.

"Guo Zhi, your number."

Before sending my parents away and closing the door, Guo's smartphone rang. Liao Yuan stood up and handed it to her.

Guo Zhi was stunned when he saw the caller ID "Zhao Tianzhuo". Turn back to the house to answer the phone.

Liao Yuan frowned.

It's probably because of the love period, or because Liao Yuan is very delicate and sensitive. Guo Zhi's slight emotional fluctuations usually cannot escape his eyes.

Do you want him to hear this call?

Liao Yuan hesitated for a while, but couldn't help walking to the bedroom door.

"No, I'm out of town, um, I'll go home for a few days for the holidays" Guo Zhi seemed to hesitate for a moment, then suddenly said, "Who is that, I have a boyfriend now Hahahaha, I just got it, right hahahaha, you can understand it, that's what it means, ummm, if you have time, let's get in touch and have dinner together.

This guy Zhao Tianzhuo, she thought he had hinted at him last time that he already understood, but she didn't expect to still miss her. Okay, she didn't hint at this, she made it clear. It's enough to make it clear, but it's just a night of dew, and the past is gone.

Only when she thought about it, Liao Yuan looked at her by the door.

"Scared me." Guo Zhi patted his chest and said angrily, "Why did you come here without saying anything?"

Liao Yuan walked over silently and hugged her from behind.

"What's wrong?" Guo Zhi wondered if he heard the call.

Liao Yuan was silent for a while, then restrained her, and said sullenly: "It's agreed, don't cheat"

Guo Zhi couldn't help laughing and crying: "Which eye did you see that I cheated"

"Did you eavesdrop on my phone just now?" She poked his finger on his forehead, "I didn't hear me tell him, I said I have a boyfriend."

It means that they will not communicate in the future. Zhao Tianzhuo also expressed his understanding in a very graceful manner, and there is no entanglement.

"Is that the one driving the red sports car?" Liao Yuan asked.

"Well" Guo Zhilue is guilty.

Liao Yuan suddenly grabbed the phone from Guo Zhi's hand, opened the call log, and saw that the person's name was "Zhao Tianzhuo". Then call up the address book and delete "Zhao Tianzhuo" directly.

"Hello" Guo Zhi shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Don't contact him any more." Liao Yuan tightened her, so that she couldn't move, "It's agreed, I will be the only one in the future."

A little wayward, a little overbearing.

It seems that since she agreed to him as her boyfriend, he has a little bit of support.

Guo Zhi's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He probably didn't notice it himself. these subtle changes.

This change is very good Liao Yuan, don't be so obedient, it will make her feel bad.

You too, should live a good life for yourself.

It's okay to be self-willed.

Liao Yuan stared into her eyes.

Guo Zhi's mouth twitched and promised him: "Yes"

Liao Yuan's eyes were filled with a happy smile. He wrapped her in his arms and lowered his head to kiss him.

Three days, no holding hands, no hugs, no kisses, no touching, no

I really want to

The parents were not at home, so Guo Zhi simply closed his eyes and let him kiss deeply. It seems to have the feeling of secretly doing bad things behind the back of adults when I was a child, novel and interesting.

It was wet and long, and the heat ran through the body.

Unfortunately, a very inappropriate "cough cough" sounded, interrupting the hot kiss.

Guo Xiaoheng staggered from the kitchen to the living room with a cup in hand.

Covering the blind dog's eyes, dragging the blood bar in the air.



Dare to say he can't flirt

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