MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 64

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Liao Yuan was still dizzy when he took Guo Zhi's car home.

He didn't speak all the way, not because he didn't want to say it, but because he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

Can hold hands with Guo Zhi, appear in front of others with integrity, and then tell them loudly "this is my girlfriend". This is a sweet dream that Liao Yuan has imagined many times.

Suddenly realized, a little caught off guard.

I haven't even thought about it yet. Guo Zhi gave him the identity of "boyfriend" and gave him an official status.

Guo Zhi always acts resolutely.

Liao Yuan finally woke up from his excitement when he saw Guo Zhi holding the steering wheel with one hand and rubbing his stomach with the other.

"It still hurts" he asked.

"It's much better, a little. It should be fine in a while." She comforted him and asked, "Do you have a driver's license?"

"No" Liao Yuan was annoyed.

If he can drive, he can replace Guo Zhi now, so she doesn't have to drive while having a stomachache.

"It's time to learn one." Guo Zhi also said, "I can use it whenever I drive."

"Yeah." After the festival is over, after a while, you must learn to drive, he thought.

Turn off the light and lie down, he put his hand on her stomach and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Guo Zhi looked at the ceiling, a little lost.

"Guo Zhi"


"What are you thinking?" Liao Yuan asked.

Guo Zhi was thinking about her and Liao Yuan.

Speaking of which, the announcement of the relationship is what it should be. Tell my colleagues that everyone is just curious for a while, and once the curiosity is over, it is accustomed to it, in fact, it is nothing. As for those who can't see the combination of the two of them, whoever they love, she doesn't depend on them to live.

But, there is one thing she is afraid of

Guo Zhichou

Liao Yuan has always been very thoughtful.

"Is there anything in trouble?" He looked at Guo Zhi's unconsciously raised eyebrows and asked softly.

"Mmmm" Guo Zhi didn't answer.

Stare at the ceiling and bite her lip. She has a habit of biting her lip. I bite when I am happy, I bite when I am angry, and I bite when I think about things.

Liao Yuan saw her frown slightly, staring at the ceiling in a trance, knowing that she was thinking. He didn't say a word, just lay beside her and looked at her quietly.

Guo Zhi's facial features are very three-dimensional. The bridge of her nose is very straight, the tip of her nose is small and upturned, and she is very beautiful when viewed from the side.

Her eyebrows are very dark and thick, neither raised nor sagging, flat. When you don't laugh, you will feel awe-inspiring, and when you laugh, you will be very friendly.

Liao Yuan was watching when he saw Guo Zhi's brows wrinkle and spread out. Lips pursed, then released.

He understood that Guo Zhi must have made a decision on what he was thinking.

Guo Zhi puffed out his cheeks, took a breath, and was about to spit it out. Liao Yuan squeezed his two fingers, and the "poof" squirted out.

"Disgusting." She kneaded him.

"What are you thinking?" Liao Yuan touched her, hugged her and asked.

"Big deal."

"What's the big deal?"

"Life is at stake."

"Ah" Liao Yuan had a question mark on his face.

Guo Zhi sighed and asked, "How do you plan your vacation?"

"I don't have any arrangements. Listen to you." Before that, he would probably go home and disperse the money. But now, he really wanted to be with Guo Zhiku during the holidays, so she finally didn't have to be busy. But he also knew that she was definitely going home.

She's homely.

He was losing, and Guo Zhi made a big move.

"Okay." She said, "Then you can go see my parents with me."

Liao Yuan was stunned for a while.

Climb up

Guo Zhi shuddered.

"What's wrong with you" is like cheating.

"Guo, Guo Zhi, you, you" Liao Yuan felt that he must have had a sudden stutter today, "I, I"

Guo Zhi rolled his eyes, propped his head up and looked at him incoherently.

Liao Yuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath to control his emotions. But he's still nervous

"Guo Zhi, are you asking me to meet your parents?" he asked.

He understands what it means, even though he is young.

He dreamed every day that he could introduce Guo Zhi to others as his girlfriend. Who knew that Guo Zhi would be frightening once he was resolute, and he only took a big step today. Before he could stand firm, she pulled him and took another big step forward.

Liao Yuan's waist almost flashed

"Yeah, see the parents." Guo Zhi said in a spirited manner, "If you're not happy, forget it."

"Nonsense" Liao Yuan said quickly, "Don't talk nonsense, whoever is not happy, I am, I am"

He waved his hand, waved it twice, but he didn't show any reason. With the last fist clenched, the jar shattered and admitted: "I'm nervous, that's all."

Guo Zhi laughed.

"It's alright, what are you afraid of? My parents won't eat you. Let me tell you, my father is very good. Since childhood, my father has never lost his temper with me. Just my mother has a bad temper." Guo Zhi said and began to sigh, "but no matter how good she is, she won't eat people. You can rest assured. At least, I won't eat you."

Bite his lips for a long time, Guo Zhi said quietly: "Probably eat me"

"Ah" Liao Yuan was dumbfounded.

Guo Zhi lay back, clasped his fingers together, and placed his two thumbs against his chest.

Looking at the ceiling, she said, "I'm not the same as you, I'm twenty-eight. If I don't take you back to show her, she will keep forcing me to have a blind date. It's not a problem."

"If the two of us want to be together, you will have to see her sooner or later. This knife will have to be dealt with sooner or later, rather than hanging over your head and worrying about it"

It's better to die early

Liao Yuan understands.

He was frustrated again.

In the final analysis, it is because his condition is too poor.

You can put it aside even if you are young, the key is that he only has a high school education and his income is not stable.

The same is in the north of the imperial capital, Guo Zhi has a car and a house. As for him, he only has two boxes of luggage and tens of thousands of dollars in Cary. In a city like the imperial capital, it can be said to be poor and white.

In a different position, if he is the parent of a girl's family, he would not like his daughter to be with such a man

"Hey" Guo Zhi saw that his head was drooping down, and the whole person was dizzy, Hu rubbed his head, "What's wrong?"

"Guo Zhi, if your parents don't like me, what will you do?" Liao Yuan asked in a low voice.

Guo Zhi is a very filial daughter, he has already seen it. He was very afraid that her parents would force her to break up with him, and he was even more afraid that she would obey her parents.

"What can I do?" Guo Zhi fell into the pillow and said angrily, "Cold salad"

In her heart, it was actually the same.

She had no confidence, and Liao Yuan panicked even more. Baba looked at her.

Every time he looked at her like this, it made people feel pitiful, like an unwanted puppy.

Guo Zhi is known as "Master Guo", his temper is straight and explosive, but he can't bear his little eyes. It's really one thing

"It's okay." She said, "Don't bother, it's useless. You are in love with me, not with my parents. Their opinions are only for reference, not decisive role."

Guo Zhi's words don't know whether to comfort Liao Yuan or herself. Anyway, after she said that, both of them felt a little more at ease.

"By the way, where are you?" Guo Zhi asked daringly. "What's going on with your parents?"

Meeting parents cannot be unilateral. Liao Yuan was so nervous when he said he wanted to see Guo Zhi's parents.

As everyone knows, Guo Zhi feels a little nervous at the thought of seeing Liao Yuan's parents in the future.

She is eight years older than Liao Yuan, and Liao Yuan is less than twenty.

Just thinking about it, Guo Zhi's scalp tingles.

Liao Yuan was slightly startled. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Our family is a bit complicated." His eyes became obscure.

"Liao Yuan, what's the matter with your family?" Guo Zhi turned to his side and supported his head, "Tell me about it."

She knew that Liao Yuan's parents divorced when he was very young, and that he had a younger brother and a younger sister on each side. But those were all brought out in a few words and then pieced together. In fact, she didn't know his family well before.

But now, their relationship is different, and understanding each other's family is a must-do homework.

Liao Yuan's expression was obscure.

He hugged his knees and spoke slowly.

"My father, and my mother, are high school classmates. My father is the school grass, and my mother is the school flower. Later they got married. My mother never worked, our kind of small place, Unlike big cities, many people are unemployed or do odd jobs. My mother has been a housewife since a long time ago.

My dad has always been a little romantic. He is a public institution, and he is working on the preparation. In our place, it is a very good job.

My father and my mother have not divorced yet, and my brother was born, and he is four years younger than me.

My mom always knew, but she didn't want a divorce. But then the woman quit and came to the house. In the end, my parents got divorced.

I live with my dad and my mom remarried. She later gave birth to another girl. "

Guo Zhi was silent for a long time and asked, "Your father has given birth to illegitimate children, why doesn't she want a divorce?"

She really doesn't understand.

If her father dares to give birth to an illegitimate child, it is hard to say whether her mother can leave him a whole body.

Guo Zhi didn't understand, but Liao Yuan understood a little.

He was silent for a long time, and said: "She is different from you. She has no ability to support herself. She is soft-tempered, especially crying, she can't make a decision when it comes to things, and has to be helped by others. She can't make decisions. She likes to depend on others, and has always depended on my dad. So she would definitely be afraid to let her leave my dad."

Guo Zhi was silent for a while, then pinched his face: "You cry too. Little crybaby."

Liao Yuan said "um": "I look like her"

He buried his chin in his arms, a little lost.

"She's actually quite gentle," he said softly, "she just doesn't care about my father, who has a great reputation for being romantic. The man she married later did not allow her to come to see us. I don't see her very often."

Guo Zhi sighed and rubbed his head.

He buried his face in his arms, only his eyes exposed, in the dark, wet.


In the end, he still wanted to protect her in front of Guo Zhi and put the pot on the man.

It's not fair to the man. In fact, he is quite a kind person, and he is very kind to him, and he even gave him pocket money once.

Just because his biological father was too handsome and romantic, he didn't like his wife and ex-husband being too close. It's just that she doesn't like it. In fact, she is not allowed to visit the child.

He himself has children, and he is quite kind to him, who is about the same age as his children.

But when she left a husband, she relied on her new husband wholeheartedly and listened to him in everything.

Because he didn't like it, she didn't even go to see the son she had with her ex-husband.

Relying on her new husband wholeheartedly and taking care of her new husband's son wholeheartedly.

Sometimes he would have a conflict with the woman at home, the woman would point at him with his hips on his back and curse: "Don't stare at me what you stare at me, I'm not your mother, your own mother Don't want you, do you still expect me to hurt you"

The woman has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, and she can poke his tears as soon as she opens her mouth.

He felt that it was too embarrassing to cry in front of her, so every time he could only turn around.
