MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 56

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Alex took a shower, got into bed and hugged Guo Zhi gently, immediately knowing that she was pretending to be asleep.

It's weird, no evidence, just know.

Is she still angry? Alex rubbed the back of her neck and wrapped her tightly in his arms. After a while, he murmured to her: "Guo Zhi"

Guo Zhi did not move.

"Sorry" he murmured.

Guo Zhi's body stiffened for a while, and finally softened, unable to hold it any longer.

"Forget it, it's alright." She rolled over and lay down, looking at the ceiling, with a faint warning: "This is not an example."

"Hmm." He replied. Soft, cute, and clingy. Hug her tightly.

Guo Zhi sighed.

"alex" she looked sideways at him, his handsome face in front of her. She said: "You can't do that. You have to"

Considering her words, she said, "You have to figure out what's going on between us"

It's just food and drink, men and women, each takes what he needs. She thought, groaning in her heart.

Alex turned over, leaned over, and looked at her. His eyes are still clear and bright in the dark, and there is pure persistence in the bottom of his eyes.

“I know very well,” he said. Suddenly he lowered his head and pecked on her lips, wiped her lips, and whispered, "I like you, you don't like me"

Guo Zhi was caught off guard and was confessed.

There was a moment of confusion.

For half a second, my head felt hot. Fortunately, in only half a second, reason returned.

Can't help but sigh: "You, you"

"You're too young to meet few people" She stared at the ceiling, "When you meet someone who is a little nicer to you, you feel like this kind of like, not you like you want"

alex interrupted her and said seriously, "I just like you."

Guo Zhi choked, bit his lip tangled for a long time, thinking about how to explain it to him. Like this thing, if you have to explain it, it will rise from the emotional level to the philosophical level

Annoying Guo Zhi for a while.

"I can't tell you" She turned her back to him, a little **** off.

alex hugged her. kissed her ear, kissed the back of her neck, kissed her shoulder

"Sleep" she closed her eyes and shouted.

Her body tensed and resisted. Alex did not know when he was able to observe Guo Zhi's body reaction in detail. Feeling her resistance, he stopped and only held her gently from behind.

"Sister Guo" he said, "I want to change to a better agent."

Guo Zhi made a "uh" and closed his eyes: "It's time to change. Don't worry, don't look for it yourself, wait for me to find one for you. In this business, the water is deep."

Alex answered seriously, and then called her again: "Sister Guo"


"I like you. Good night."

"" Guo Zhi kicked him

Alex was stunned, hugged her tightly in his arms, rubbed the top of her head, closed his eyes quietly, and stopped making a sound.

Of course he wants to monopolize. But he didn't even get it, he didn't even own it, so what about monopoly?

You have to cheer, Liao Yuan

After the meeting on Monday morning, Guo Zhi went to the studio in the afternoon. In her busy schedule, she still remembers taking time out to call Lin Bo: "I didn't have a meal when I had time, I'm looking for you for something."

"Out of town, I won't be back until next week. What's the matter?" Limbo asked.

"Oh, then wait until you come back, don't worry. Remember to find me when you come back."

"Okay." Hang up.

Guo Zhi knows a lot of brokers, and there are quite a few who are very good. But Guo Zhi always felt that Lin Bo was the best.

This circle is like what Guo Zhi told Alex, the water is deep. People like alex who are still unknown now are actually just circling the periphery of the circle. The redder, the closer to the center of the circle. The closer you get to the center, the more you know how deep the water is.

Guo Zhi thinks that Alex will become popular sooner or later.

But this child is a little too innocent, a little silly and sincere, so she is worried about letting him out. She must have a reliable person like Limbo watching him and covering him, so that she can feel at ease.

It seems imprudent to talk on the phone about this matter, let's wait for Limbaugh to come back and have a face-to-face interview.

In view of the fact that the topic of liking or not arguing with Alex before was not clear, Guo Zhi wanted to let him cool down. In the evening, he rejected his plea.

Alex dare not force. But he fondled her tenderly and kissed her. Guo Zhi almost couldn't take it anymore, and it was his fault.

He let out a sigh of relief and gritted his teeth secretly.

Alex persevered on Tuesday night. After feeling how soft her body was, the young man also moved slightly in his heart and increased his strength.

Guo Zhi struggled slightly and resisted, but did not make a sound.

She stopped him silently, and Alex wisely did not give up. It finally made her hotter and softer, and finally turned into a spring water.

Successfully captured the city

Feeling how soft her body was and how hot it was inside, Alex finally calmed down.

He likes to look at her blurred eyes, and at this time it is only him. He likes her obsessively stroking his cheek, and the man who kisses his lips is inseparable. He liked that she was as soft and tight as a vine, embedded with him.

She was so obsessed with his face and body that she moaned like pleasure, like pain.

This made him extremely happy and truly felt the magic.

After meeting Guo Zhi, he was once indifferent, but turned into a violent storm.

Want to have.

Want to possess.

Finally, I want to be exclusive.

Guo Zhi hated himself to death. She couldn't hold on to every word in color.

Afterwards she was so angry that she wanted to beat the bed.

Guo Zhi couldn't help but fell asleep sweetly in his arms

This is too bad, Guo Zhixiang.

While thinking about it, he turned the pen with his fingers unconsciously, and his head was touched.

"Why?" She bent down to pick up the pen and complained.

"Dare to touch the fish" Xu Boss said, "Take me as a dead man"

"I'm thinking about it here. I have to think about what I don't have in my mind." Guo Zhi quibble.

"When I'm a fool" hehe. Can conceiving a plan be the same as fishing in a daze?

"Okay, I'll just touch the fish for a while. Go back quickly, such a large tonnage is in front of my eyes, and it affects my thinking." Guo Zhi said with disgust.

"Actually discriminated against me" Xu Boss said angrily, "Hurry up and work, don't touch the fish and work overtime at night"

Guo Zhi lay down on the table: "Press me again, I'll be leaving early today."

She's also playing a big name, tsk, she's a tiger general under the command of Boss Xu, and she has always been favored. When Boss Xu heard the words, he could only hold his nose and endure: "Okay, I'll let you touch the fish for a while. When you're done, quickly write a plan. I'll tell you when the communication will be outstanding."

After chatting for a while, he swayed back to his director's office with his big belly.

Guo Zhi rolled his eyes, shook his head, sat up and returned to work. She opened the schedule to confirm the schedule, and suddenly remembered that it was already September.

She didn't leave immediately after work, so she called a friend and said, "Is it time to start the autumn and winter seasons? It's already started. It's really fast."

Alex grabs the last little tail. Merchants are different from merchants. Some of them are fast-moving, and this meeting has already started shooting in autumn and winter. This time, alex can't miss it again.

Guo Zhi made a lot of phone calls. This is the second time she has asked these friends for alex. This time, there were two or three more people who asked "Who is this kid?" like Limbo.

Guo Zhi perfunctory with a haha.

People live in groups, and those who can be friends with Guo Zhi must be like Guo Zhi in some aspects.

Her friends are very efficient, and then she will miss some projects for Alex. This is just the beginning, so Alex can still make a lot of money this season.

It's too early to say anything else, it's real to make money first.

Guo Zhi thinks very optimistically, she also thinks that she has told Alex very clearly. She wanted to help him find some projects, get to know more people, make some connections, help him earn more money, and then wait for Limbaugh to come back and put him in Limbaugh's place.

She Guo Zhi, it's not worth calling him so many sisters.

She did her best to him.

It has been another week since she finally realized that something was wrong. On Wednesday night, Guo Zhi felt that he had to talk to Alex again.

"Have you seen a house recently?" she asked. She has been waiting for him to move out on his own initiative, but there is no sign that he wants to move out.

alex was silent for a while, then answered honestly: "No."


"Sister Guo." He interrupted her, looked her in the eyes and said, "You want to drive me away, I'll pack up and leave now."

Guo Zhi almost died of anger. She wanted to say you go, but seeing her shadow reflected in his clear eyes, for some reason, she couldn't say it if she drove him away.

She was so angry that she didn't speak for a long time. Shaking his hands, he went back to sleep

After a while, Alex got into bed too.

He hugged her, and she waved her arm away from him. He kisses her, she curls up and doesn't respond to him coldly.

She was really angry.

She ignored him, and Alex hugged her tightly.

He knew she was angry.

He knew even more that Sister Guo was a temperamental person. Her temper can be called hot, and everyone is a little afraid of her. He also learned her temper at work.

But she, in this house, never once got angry with him.


He is relying on her so shamelessly, she is so angry, and she won't say bad things to him.

Sister Guo is tough on the outside, but very gentle on the inside.

alex hopes that no one else can see her tenderness.

If she was so gentle, if she really opened her mouth to drive him away, he would pack up and leave immediately.

Because that means, she really hates him.

He didn't want to be hated by her.

But until then, he can count on one more day.

I feel a little crazy.

Guo Zhi received a call from Lin Bo on Thursday. He has been back for a few days, but he has been very busy and can't find time.

"I have an important dinner tonight, and I'll be fine after the dinner. But it's late. The plane is leaving tomorrow morning. Wait for me to come back if you're in a hurry." He Say.

"Urgent" Guo Zhi said decisively, "Just tonight I will wait for you."

Quick fix, quick fix for Alex

Then let him move out

Guo Zhi couldn't explain why he panicked.

Read The Duke's Passion