MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 127

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<script>On her birthday, Liao Yuan got up early. Make a fragrant breakfast early, and then go to wake up Guo Zhi, who is still sleeping with his head covered.

He was so excited last night that he couldn't sleep, and Guo Zhi couldn't sleep well, so he couldn't get up in the morning. Liao Yuan pushed her a few times and couldn't wake her up. He had no choice but to use a special calling method to conduct in-depth communication and convey the energy of life, so that Guo Zhi was completely awake.

Before going out, Liao Yuan checked it carefully, two ID cards, two household registration books, and a group photo taken in advance. After confirming that it was correct, he threw his satchel behind him, dragged Guo Zhi and went out.

Guo Zhi yawned while driving on the road and complained, "You hurry up and find time to learn how to drive."

Liao Yuan has wanted to learn to drive for a long time, but his career has just opened up for more than a year. Lin Bo can't wait for him to continue to make money for the company every day, so he has no time to learn to drive.

"Waiting for the end of the year" Liao Yuan vowed, "I must tell Brother Lin and give me time"

The Civil Affairs Bureau opened at 9:30, they came early. Liao Yuan asked Guo Zhi to doze off in the car, and lined up at the door with a mask on.

This is how the imperial capital is. You have to queue up for everything, even to get married.

Pinching and looking to open the door, she called Guo Zhi out of the car. As soon as the door opened, a pair of people who had taken their numbers in advance rushed into the hall. There are quite a lot of people, but there are 20 offices in the hall, and once they are scattered, they will not be too many. Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi waited for a few minutes before it was their turn.

Many people register with the Civil Affairs Bureau, which is a state of confusion.

Such a big event, in the hands of the indifferent clerk of the Civil Affairs Bureau, can't say three words to you.

I was worried that Liao Yuan would be recognized before, but the clerk who caught up was a middle-aged bald uncle. With a blank expression, he asked Liao Yuan to take off his mask, held up his ID card to confirm that it was him, and didn't look at him again. After the formalities were completed, the two red books threw them in front of the two of them. With a click of the button, the electronic prompt sounded to prompt the next couple to "please go to room xx".

Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi walked out of the room in a state of complete confusion, looked at the watch, five minutes

Five minutes to finish such a big life event

The two were still confused until they got into the car.

"This is married" Liao Yuan asked. It always feels different than expected.

"That's right." This is the first time for Guo Zhi, and she is no more experienced than Liao Yuan in this matter.

Liao Yuan was stunned to study the red book, 4 yuan for 5 a book, and two books for 9 yuan. He also touched the steel seal with his fingers, it was bumpy, um, it was legal if it was covered.

Guo Zhi grabbed a copy to study, and was depressed: "This photo is really ugly. Why didn't we take another photo at that time?"

Liao Yuan thought to himself, why didn't he take another photo. Lao Zhang took dozens of photos and let Guo Zhi see them after the shooting. Editor Guo took a professional eye to criticize the ID photos taken by this professional photographer, which was stricter than her previous work. In the end, Lao Zhang wanted to paste her face with photo paper, but fortunately there was finally one that she felt a little more satisfied before printing it out.

Of course, Liao Yuan would not be foolish enough to wake up Guo Zhi's selective amnesia, he said tactfully: "How ugly, see how good you laugh."

Listening to what he said, Guo Zhi looked at it again and seemed to think that he was smiling quite brightly, so he was satisfied.

The little red book was returned to Liao Yuan, watching him carefully put it in the small file bag where the account book was placed, there was a strange silence in the car.

Liao Yuan looked at Guo Zhi, Guo Zhi looked at Liao Yuan.

The two stared at each other for a while, Guo Zhixian laughed, and Liao Yuan laughed along.

The "wife" Liao Yuan was in high spirits at this moment, waved his hand, "go home"

"Okay, go home." Guo Zhi replied with a smile.

Start in gear.

"Wife, do you want me to put on the wedding dress?" As soon as he got home, Liao Yuan pestered Guo Zhi to let her put on the wedding dress.

Speaking of the wedding dress, Guo Zhi also felt itchy. Just got it a week ago, stedelibero. Sent directly from Japan.

Liao Yuan, who was born as a model, knows more about some brands that are not available in China than Guo Zhi. Hearing that he wanted to order wedding dresses from abroad, Guo Zhi still felt a little troublesome, but when Liao Yuan showed her the pictures in the magazine, Guo Zhi would be relieved in an instant.

No woman can resist the temptation of such a wedding dress, not even Mr. Guo. In the end, I ordered it several months in advance and finally got it last week.

When I got it, I tried it on once, and after I checked my beauty, I put it away very hard.

A strapless wrap dress with a deep V opening on the back and champagne-colored silk laces, which cannot be worn by one person at all.


She was looking at him with a smile in the golden autumn sunshine, so beautiful that it didn't look like a real person.

This is his bride, this is his wife.

Liao Yuan took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing that ran through his body like an electric current. He gently took her hand, tapped the ground on one knee, and knelt down slowly in front of her.

"Guo Zhi" In his dark and deep eyes, she looked like a flower, "You finally married me"

"Well." Guo Zhi smiled at him, "I married you."

Liao Yuan's eyes were full of smiles. Take her hand and kiss her gently.

In Guo Zhi's throat, a very soft voice could not help overflowing.

Liao Yuan raised his head, his eyes burning.

The next moment, Guo Zhi was pushed down on the bed, and the fluffy skirt made the bed.

"It's hard to take off." Guo Zhi bit his lip.

"Then don't take it off," Liao Yuan bit her earlobe, "You dress so beautifully"

lifted her skirt

The sun is coming from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the floating dust can be clearly seen.

Guo Zhi has been pulling his white shirt tightly.

Watching his forehead and nose gradually have fine beads of sweat

Her young husband is still looking at her at this moment. Watching her smile at him, watching her frown lightly, watching her nibbling her pink lips, and moaning uncontrollably. The porcelain-white cheeks glowed with a peach-like color, and the bright eyes became misty.

He likes to let her get out of hand.

He originally propped up his arms, trying his best not to crush her wedding dress. But once again, when he saw that she couldn't help raising her head, revealing her white and slender neck, he lost control himself, and couldn't help lowering his body to kiss her neck.

bite, suck, clasp.

Liao Yuan couldn't control the throbbing in his body as long as he thought that the woman under him was already his wife.

The fluffy silk skirt swayed like a wave, and it finally messed up the rhythm.

Any indulgence comes at a price. Afterwards, the two of them looked at the ravaged stedelibero and were speechless for a while.

Fortunately it's not tomorrow

Guo Zhi covered his face: "Call jk"

This is a mutual friend of her and Liao Yuan, a costumer.

Liao Yuan dialed jk and said deeply: "jk, Jianghu rescue"

I heard that Guo Zhi's stedelibero had a problem. Jk took his assistant and killed him in less than an hour.

Seeing the ravaged stedelibero on the sofa, he lifted his skirt and checked it, his face twisted

"This is stedelibero, and you are too" the costumer said with heartache.

"jk" Guo Zhi quickly interrupted him, "I'm counting on you"

Guo Zhi put his hands together: "please" please don't break your mouth

jk snorted twice, directed the little assistant, and the two put the wedding dress back into the box together, and carried it away with a snort.

Sure enough, she specializes in art. The next day, Meimei's wedding dress was brought back clean and flat.

"There can't be a second time." Jk warned them, "This delicate thing can't stand your bestiality."

"No." Liao Yuan hooked his neck and thanked him intimately. He said bitterly: "Next time, I must take it off first."

jk: "" wedding dress y?

I am ashamed

The marriage certificate posted by Liao Yuan on Weibo made the alphas also bewildered. In order to fear that the fans would know in advance that too much discussion would put pressure on Guo Zhi, Liao Yuan did not disclose the marriage news in advance, it was a sudden attack.

But the text that Liao Yuan posted along with the photo was "Finally waited for this day". Three "", joy and excitement seemed to blow through the screen.

As soon as the fans fried the pot, they sent Liao Yuan to the hot search again.

Keywords "get married at one age", "little fresh meat, get married", "get married at twenty-two". Anyone who searches for these will find the marriage news of Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi as soon as they come out.

In this age of late marriage, not only male stars, but also female stars, some are in their thirties and forties. Like Liao Yuan, there are very few people who rush to get a certificate as soon as they reach the age.

The company was worried before, and I don’t know whether Liao Yuan’s marriage so early will affect whether it is good or bad. The result was much better than expected, and Liao Yuan's popularity rose again.

Lin Bo came to Liao Yuan and Guo Zhi to discuss the wedding together. The three of them had already touched on this matter once before, and basically reached an agreement.

Guo Zhi still hopes to keep a low profile, mainly because he does not want his family's work and life to be affected, so only two or three media are invited to the wedding.

But things are different now. Their marriage is getting a lot of attention. Limbaugh felt that it was a pity to miss it.

Liao Yuan actually agrees with Limbo.

He is still in debt and already has his own small family. At this time, his sense of responsibility as a man is particularly strong. The only thing in mind is to make more money.

There is never enough money. As a man, I always want to give my beloved woman a better life.

Guo Zhi realized that it was impossible to keep a low profile, so he simply accepted Lin Bo's opinion. After deliberation, they decided to add two more tables to the specialized media.

If you have to do it anyway, do it well.

Lin Bo raised his eyebrows: "You are more and more like a businessman."

Guo Zhi smiled.

"In business, don't you have to talk about business? I can't live longer and go back."

No one is going back, everyone is moving forward. Guo Zhi and Liao Yuan are especially obvious.

Lin Bo still remembers that two years ago, Liao Yuan was still unknown, and Guo Zhi was still working from 9 to 5. In a blink of an eye, Liao Yuan is already a popular young student who often appears on TV, and Guo Zhi has made his career prosperous.

The three people met for the first time two years ago, and it was also such a four-person square table. He sat opposite Liao Yuan, with Guo Zhi between them.

Today is still a four-person square table, but he and Guo Zhi sat opposite, with Liao Yuan in the middle.

Two years are just a blink of an eye.

Liao Yuan is very mature, Guo Zhi never grows old.

How do you feel, it seems that I am getting old and think about it, I am thirty-five years old.

Looking at those two loving goods, the hands on the table were intertwined, and Lin Bo suddenly wanted to find someone to marry.