MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 113

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<script>Liao Yuan is much more relaxed on the phone with his mother than with his father.

Over the past year, his relationship with her has become a little closer than before with the increase in phone contact. Of course, it wasn't close enough to talk about everything, but when I heard her voice, I knew that she was living well every day, maybe there were some small troubles in life, but when things were going well, Liao Yuan would Feel relaxed.

"I called you last night, remember to check." Liao Yuan said.

“Don’t always give me money, I still have money,” she said.

The child grows up and earns money. I will give her some money from time to time. I hope she can live a better life if she has enough money. She accepted his heart.

Every time she took money from him, she felt sad and happy.

The boy who used to sit dry for half an hour without saying a word every time he came to see her is now a man. He spread his wings and protected her under him, making her feel extra dependable.

Even her husband's relatives looked at her highly.

"Then it won't come back" She wiped her eyes and asked.

"Well, I won't go back this year. Go to my girlfriend's house." Liao Yuan's voice was filled with joy.

The woman paused and wanted to say something, but in the end she just gave a long "oh" and gave up.

When she hung up the phone, she complained to her husband: "Say to go to that girl's house for the New Year. Really."

Liao Yuan made her very unhappy about this. Her son is so good-looking, and sure enough, he has now become a big star, but he has found an old girl who is eight years older than him and can't marry as his girlfriend.

"Don't worry about the child. Xiaoyuan is so old." Her husband said.

"He's only twenty-one." The woman said, and asked her husband, "You said Xiaoxuan was right, how could he find such a big one?"

On the eleventh day, when Cao Yuxuan came back from Yangcheng, he casually chatted about Liao Yuan, and casually mentioned Liao Yuan's "girlfriend who is eight years older than him". As a result, his stepmother was stunned, and he said "ouch" in his heart. He promised Liao Yuan not to talk nonsense, but he didn't expect that Liao Yuan hadn't explained it to her for so long.

When Liao Yuan's mother asked again, Cao Yuxuan said that he didn't know.

She wanted to call Liao Yuan, but was stopped by her husband.

The man disagreed: "Why are you in a hurry. How old is Liao Yuan, he is not even under the legal age for marriage. The big city is different from ours here, everything. Maybe it is just a talk. Years, young people are good today, and they will be divided tomorrow, isn’t it normal?

She thought her husband was right, so she put it aside. She had been waiting for Liao Yuan to take the initiative to tell her about it, but Liao Yuan never mentioned it.

Occasionally he would say "my girlfriend" on the phone, but he never said that the girl was eight years older than him, almost thirty. She couldn't figure out whether the "my girlfriend" he was talking about was still the old girl Cao Yuxuan mentioned.

Young people nowadays, changing boyfriends and girlfriends is too fast.

Thinking about this, she is not so worried.

But when Liao Yuan talked about going to his girlfriend's house during the Spring Festival, what was the girlfriend's name and how old he was, he didn't say anything. She became suspicious again, suspecting that this "girlfriend" was still the old girl eight years older.

It may be because of her poor condition that Xiaoyuan can't talk to her

Fortunately, Xiaoyuan is young, he is now a star again. Celebrities don't get married too early. Xiaoyuan's energy consumption, that girl is afraid that she can't afford it, so she has no choice but to find someone else to marry.

Thinking like this, her heart that was fluctuating because of her son's phone call became calm again.

Just complaining about the girl in my heart.

Her son is young, he is easily confused in big cities and gets coaxed.

This girl is almost thirty years old, how can she be so ignorant. She's eight years short, why is she so embarrassed to fall in love with her son?


When Niangen arrived, Guo Zhi released it to the company a few days in advance. She herself relaxed for two days.

Liao Yuan was busy with various year-end parties and variety shows, and was so busy that he hit the back of his head. She had no one to accompany her when she was idle, and she was actually a little lonely and empty.

Liao Yuan slowly made people feel a sense of reliability, but he put the matter of marriage on the agenda and listed them step by step, making Guo Zhi feel a little uneasy. .

She really wanted to find someone to have a drink and have a good talk about her thoughts. But after flipping through the phone address book and finding Gu Qingxia's number, she lost her mood.

She was in a moody mood and didn't want to stay at home, so she simply packed her bag and went to the mall. Let's see what to buy for parents and Guo Heng.

"Isn't Guo Zhi Guo Zhi?"

Hearing someone call her name, Guo Zhi turned around, unexpectedly: "Sister Zhang"

When she and Sister Zhang were in the office, they were good colleagues. Before she was not with Liao Yuan, Sister Zhang often helped her to introduce objects.

Speaking of which, the heart is good. It just often makes Guo Zhi feel unbearable.

"Long time no see, you look so good, Guo Zhi" Sister Zhang greeted her warmly.

After resigning from Guo Zhi, the two never met again. Looking at the other party, they seemed to be quite busy, so they were not in a hurry, so the two of them simply went to the Starbucks in the mall.

"I don't drink coffee, I just have a glass of water." Sister Zhang said with a smile.

Guo Zhi was slightly surprised. When they were in the office, four or five cups of coffee a day were normal.

Sister Zhang smiled and said, "I'm pregnant, so I can't drink these irritating things."

Guo Zhi suddenly. No wonder she felt that Sister Zhang's face was not good just now, it turned out that she didn't make up. Looking at the paper bag she was carrying, it was a brand like Mommy, probably maternity clothes or something.

Guo Zhi asked her for a cup of warm water and ordered a latte herself. The two chatted about the recent situation.

She has been urged by her in-laws to have children for several years. She has always been afraid of affecting her work, so she insisted not to. She is older than Guo Zhi, but Guo Zhi is more capable and has a higher rank than her. Guo Zhi's resignation gave her a chance to upgrade.

She finally rose to the level of senior senior editor, and after a period of stability, she immediately had a baby.

Guo Zhi felt hairy when she saw that she was about to start talking about her mother-in-law's family again. She is the least fond of listening to these parental shorthands, trivialities and intrigues.

I quickly turned the topic to the office and asked about my former colleagues.

"You don't know, at the end of the year there was a shock at the top of the company. It can't be said to be a big change, but the change is not small." Sister Zhang didn't notice it, and said along her words. Going down, "Boss Xu didn't move his nest, but Boss Jing teamed up with President Qiu and kicked Vice President Zhao away. Boss Jing went up, he is now a vp"

Compared to the trivial matters at home, Guo Zhi likes to hear more about these office affairs. The two talked for a long time.

Sister Zhang asked about her company. Knowing that the business was getting better, she couldn't help but envy.

"You're still motivated. Oh, I just remembered, in fact, I used to think about getting a studio and doing it alone in the future. I don't know what happened. Maybe it's getting old," she sighed.

Guo Zhi smiled and said nothing.

She was looking forward to seeing her go from being full of energy, to seeking stability, seeking a promotion, and then having a baby as soon as possible.

Fortunately, now she has asked for everything.

She is actually a good person, Guo Zhi is also happy for her, and congratulates her on her promotion and pregnancy.

Speaking of her pregnancy, she didn't have any makeup on her face, which made her look unhappy, as if she had a brief radiance.

It can be seen that it was not that I didn’t want to give birth before, but that I was suffering from many practical factors, so I did not dare to give birth.

I was really pregnant, and it seemed that the motherhood of my whole body was inspired, and I was especially kind and caring about Guo Zhi's emotional problems.

"I'm still with alex, I heard that you guys are engaged," she said, "Oh, I've been worried about you."

Guo Zhi was speechless. Fortunately, Sister Zhang is not the first, nor the only one who is not optimistic about her and Liao Yuan. When Guo Zhi made up his mind to be with Liao Yuan, he no longer cared about other people's eyes and opinions.

She smiled lightly: "Well, let's count it as an engagement. The main thing is that he is too young to get a certificate."

She reached out and showed Sister Zhang her engagement ring.

"Tiffany, it's very beautiful" Sister Zhang praised, always a little unbelievable, "I really need to get the certificate"

Guo Zhi has been with her for a long time, and knows that she is not a bad person. She is like this.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Yeah. I plan to go to the house after the holiday."

"I'm going to buy a house." Sister Zhang was surprised, "Really, it really does make money quickly as a star. How long does it take?"

"I can't think of it. I told you not to be angry at the beginning. When we were chatting, we all thought that you were trying to raise a little white face. It's fixed, who would have thought you were so lucky?" Sister Zhang sighed.

Guo Zhi: ""

So, she didn't worry, Liao Yuan didn't work hard, all thanks to "luck"

Guo Zhi really thinks that it is very hard to work alone. Before she left it, she was about to roll her eyes at Sister Zhang.

But now, she can still hold the cup and keep smiling.

"I remember your birthday is in March, will you be 30 soon?" Sister Zhang asked with concern, "You are turning 30, so hurry up to have a child after you get the certificate. Anyway, your situation Well, you can see that your company is operating normally now. You are the boss yourself, so you don't have to be afraid of delaying your promotion like me. Then ask for it quickly, it's really bad if it's too late. You don't even know, I'm pregnant now What a pain in high blood pressure"

Sister Zhang is kind. She conceived her own child too late, because she was an advanced pregnant woman, and her physical condition was indeed very bad. It was only a few months before she suffered a lot of crimes.

Guo Zhi sipped his coffee and listened in horror to her about the various discomforts after pregnancy.

"I tell you, after you get the certificate, hurry up and get it. Don't delay any longer, you're really old."

"No no no" Guo Ye has always been bold and daring, and was frightened enough by what the eldest sister said, "I will not give birth"

She said in horror: "Liao Yuan told me, we will not have children in the future, we Dink"

, he can't go down either, sooner or later he has to want a child."

"Look at Shang Hua in the past. She has been with her husband for so many years and finally has children. Do you remember the time before Shang Hua left, her husband was like twenty-four filial piety every day Come and pick it up. This is the person who swore before that he wanted Dink.”

"I'll tell you, don't believe what a man said when he was young. He said that if he didn't give birth, he wouldn't give birth. You wait a few years and see it again"

"No, no" Guo Zhi refused to believe it.

Liao Yuan personally promised her that she would not give birth

She's not afraid of anything, it's just that it's too scary to see others turn from career women into child slaves one by one

She is determined not to give birth, not to mention that her company is just beginning to improve. What Sister Zhang thinks is really simple, being the boss by herself, and leaving the mature platform of a big company, it is impossible to enjoy leisurely.

For at least five years, her energies must be focused on developing her career.

Have a baby

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