MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 100

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Liao Yuan's development is completely in line with Limbaugh's expected trajectory and has become an upward arc.

In April, Lin Bo talked about the next costume drama. Originally, the producer was only willing to give Liao Yuan the role of an ancient god, and the role was optional. The appearance is extremely beautiful, the lines are very few, and the main thing is to sell face.

But in the end, Liao Yuan brought money into the group and won the third male role. The quantity is not the same.

Liao Yuan closely observed how Limbaugh negotiated, won and used his skills.

"It's amazing." He sincerely praised.

"Of course, otherwise why would I end up with him as an agent for you. Limbo, it's absolutely reliable." Guo Zhi said indifferently.

Limbaugh's ability, she is very clear.

Her words revealed complete trust in Limbaugh, and she said it naturally, without any further thought.

Liao Yuan stared at her for a while with dark eyes, and before she realized it, he lowered his eyes to cover his complicated eyes.

"When will I join the group?" Guo Zhi asked.

"Hengdian," Guo Zhi said, "I haven't been there yet. I heard it's beautiful there."

Liao Yuan didn't care if she was beautiful or not. The thought of being separated from Guo Zhi for so long made him gloomy.

"What do you do with dinner"

"Eat outside."

"No soup again."

"I'll just order soup."

"Restaurants are cheating. They say how many hours it takes to cook, but in fact they are all seasoned with flavor."

"Then you can't put me in a box and take me away." Guo Zhi was speechless.

It's because he can't take it away in a box that he's so depressed. It would be great if you could take it away

The large canine humanoid pet "Guo Zhi" hugged her waist again, rubbing against the back of her neck.

Guo Zhi itching to laugh: "Don't make trouble, let me finish this thing."

In the end, she listened to her husky and asked tentatively: "If I can make a lot of money in the future, would you like to quit my job and go home and be with me every day?"

Guo Zhi rolled his eyes and asked, "What do you say?"

Liao Yuan muttered: "You definitely don't want to."

"I know and ask."

"I'm just asking."


"Just ask."


"Really, really. I just hope, I know you won't."


Liao Yuan: "I was wrong." Please don't "heh".

"Pfft" Guo Zhi couldn't help laughing. "Just kidding. I'm not angry."

But I couldn't help but ask: "Why do I suddenly have this idea"

"Someone talked about this topic at the dinner party." Liao Yuan said, "Actually, there are quite a few men who would like their wives to stay at home. As long as they are financially capable."

Guo Zhi is the most annoying man.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"There are companies, and there are others." Liao Yuan said, "You don't know, there are quite a lot of people. But"

He continued: "Brother Lin also supports this family model. He said that this model is relatively stable. For men who work hard, it is also a kind of emotional support and The results are positive. Everyone thinks what he said is quite reasonable."


This time Guo Zhi didn't say anything. She gritted her teeth secretly.

Dead Limbaugh

"So you want me to be at home in the future, you think you are successful" she asked, grinding her teeth.

"No" Liao Yuan was unhappy, "I just don't want to be separated from you. It takes two or three months to film a movie, even four or five months long. It's unbearable to be separated for so long. "

Guo Zhi: ""

Guo Zhi felt that if any man she knew over the age of 30 told her "I can't stand being separated from you for so long", she would probably feel numb .

But if Liao Yuan said it, she was very useful

The little anger in my heart just now disappeared in an instant.

"I lost to you." She said angrily.

Throwing the notebook on the coffee table, turned over and pressed Liao Yuan

"Be careful."


"The sofa can't be turned over anymore. Last time, the aunt downstairs asked me what's the matter."

"Shut up"

Liao Yuan immediately shut up obediently, looking up at the woman under the light with a smile.

No matter how strict or fierce she is usually, at this time, she is just a woman.

Have him fascinated.

The sofa did not turn over.

Not even the screeching crunch of the floor. Because Liao Yuan had already bought rubber pads, which were glued to the four feet of the sofa.

Promise that it will not affect the downstairs neighbors anymore

Guo Zhi has a few days of annual leave yet. She has already applied to Boss Xu, but because of the progress of some projects in hand, Boss Xu has not given her approval. She had already planned to leave in late May anyway,

If Boss Xu keeps delaying to grant her annual leave, she can only convert the annual leave into her salary.

But Liao Yuan's confession made her think again. She went to Boss Xu again, and after all, she asked Boss Xu to approve her annual leave.

She didn't tell Liao Yuan, and quietly called Limbo to ask Liao Yuan's specific arrangements.

Lin Bo said: "You want to visit the class just so I have to go too, let's go together."

The two flew from the imperial capital together.

On the plane, she scolded Limbo vigorously: "Don't give our family Liao Yuan any ideas"

Lin Bo eloquently said: "He is already an adult, if he has any ideas, it is only after he is influenced by the outside world, he absorbs, refines, and selects it himself. Who can instill something in him as such an adult? I can't bear this pot."

"Do you feel that you have a good position when you say that others have instilled him in him?" He said sarcastically, "I think you have a lot of fun playing with it."

"Oh" Guo Zhi retorted, "When I knew him, he was already nineteen. You said it yourself, you are an adult, if you don't use these online languages ​​well, Don't force it."

What can I wear to catch the trend of the times.

Limbo, who was ridiculed for his age, was furious: "You dare to say that you didn't affect him. He said it himself. Since I met you, my thoughts have changed."

"The one I transmit is called positive energy." Guo Zhi is righteous, "It's different from you. You are a disease, straight male cancer"

Limbow made her gasp.

He turned his head to grind his teeth for a long time, and then turned back, only to find that Guo Zhi had ignored him.

No matter what kind of haze and rain it is under the clouds, above the sea of ​​clouds, the sun will always be bright and dazzling.

Through two layers of glass and shot into the porthole, it shone on Guo Zhi's cheeks and neck, penetrating the pale blue blood vessels under the skin, making the skin appear transparent.

The neck was white, slender and graceful.

The urge to kiss.

Lin Bo remembered that he used to like Guo Zhi's neck very much, no less than her bright eyes. He also liked her particularly slender waist, as well as her long, straight, tight and strong legs.


Such a number, suddenly found Guo Zhi, there are too many things that he likes.

He couldn't help but feel a little dazed.



"It's okay"

"It's all right." Limbaugh returned to his senses.

"It's fine. It's scary, look at me." Guo Zhi shuddered, "It's like falling in love with me."

She used her eyes and expression to vividly interpret "Oh my god, you made me sour and numb."

Limbo's liver hurts and don't look away.

I want to throw her out of the plane

Guo Zhi suddenly appeared on the set, of course Liao Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

However, Guo Zhi is more emotional. She took out her mobile phone, turned on the "camera", and put it in Limbaugh: "Help me take a picture"

I went over and put my arms around Liao Yuan and put on various shapes, but I didn't even praise: "It's so beautiful, so beautiful"

This is an ancient costume fairy tale drama. Liao Yuan plays the male lead's younger brother. He was wearing a hosta, half of his long hair tied behind his head and half draped over his shoulders. A white, cross-collared robe with big sleeves and a light gauze material, not to mention elegant

Guo Zhi only knew that Liao Yuan looked good in fashion and sacks, but she didn't expect Liao Yuan's ancient clothes to look so good

The word "beautiful" was made for him

Liao Yuan is a model and knows how to pose for photos. Put her arms around her in all kinds of beautiful and sweet poses.

Limbo raised his mobile phone in a heartbeat to take pictures of these two loving goods.

The photos are full of dog food. It made Mr. Lin, who was just in the window period recently, want to vomit.

Limbo: ""Mom

Guo Zhi also checked into Liao Yuan's room without having to book a hotel.

Little is better than a newlywed. Liao Yuan went to work the next morning, and Guo Zhishi didn't get up until Lin Bo called her to have breakfast.

Yawning and appearing in the restaurant, the red plum blossoms bloomed on the neck that was still white yesterday. You can see how intense the battle was last night.

The 20-year-old is the age of vigor and energy. After tossing, Guo Zhi, an old driver, felt that it was really enough.

Limbo's gaze swept across her neck and averted his eyes.

The Studio City occupies a very large area and cannot be played all day. Liao Yuan was filming, and Lin Bo accompanied Guo Zhi around.

Guo Zhidu was surprised: "Aren't you busy?"

"It's all on track, so I won't be so busy." Lin Bo said without changing his face.

When he said this, Guo Zhi didn't take it seriously. After playing happily for a few days, she and Liao Yuan were tired and tired every night before she returned to the imperial capital.

As soon as I returned to the imperial capital, I heard something from Gu Qingxia that made her dick.

Li Sheng, he ran away.

What the hell?

Read The Duke's Passion