MTL - The Public Enemy of Tower Defense-Chapter 442 Yu Baichen

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The Demon Temple is a well-known main artifact. It has existed for a long time and has always been a symbol of the power of the Demon King. It is rumored that it has the inheritance of the Demon God, and it also houses the skill books of all series of Demon God professions. The master of the devil, except for the players of the demon family under his command, no one has entered it.

After the fall of the Great Demon King Hasadon, many strong men who were trapped in different dimensions learned that this main artifact had come to the main world through various means, and immediately launched various methods to make people under his command look for it its charged.

However, until now, except for the gray-haired weirdo, no player has found him.

Because the location where it landed was too remote, in a wild place, with no people around, but there were many wild animals and poisonous insects, and the nearest village was hundreds of miles away.

The first people who discovered this temple were two great adventurers, one named "Hu Yanduo" and the other named "Lin Zhendong".

After discovering the Devil Temple, the two great rangers were amazed at its magnificence and concluded that it was a miracle. Unfortunately, they were mortals and tried many methods, but they were unable to enter the temple. A few gold coins left angrily.

Then the two had a rift in their hearts, and they both wanted to share the secrets of the temple to themselves, so they plotted against each other, and finally they broke up and became enemies. One went to Liang Country, and the other went to Yue Country.

Liang and Yue are two small countries within a radius of 10,000 li. The people in them are mainly human beings. Because of the proximity of the land, they have been fighting for years and are enemies of each other.

The two great rangers had similar thoughts, and in exchange for high officials and generous salary, they reported the matter of the Demon Temple to the courts of Liang and Yue. Until now, there are soldiers and horses from the two countries fighting here.

The appearance of the gray-haired weirdo caused chaos on the battlefield, but the battle would not end because of his few words.

"What monster?"

"Is it a human or a beast?"

"But the orc, report your name!"

"The general has an order to kill those who flee!"

"Don't retreat, all rush forward!"

"Kill that orc..."

The banners were raised again, and the swords collided again.

Some soldiers who were naturally bold, or who were ordered to suppress them, raised their weapons and approached the gray-haired strange man.

The strange man kept walking, but no one could get within three feet of him. Those who approached only felt an invisible wall of air blocking the front.

Gradually, the weirdo was less than a hundred meters away from the demon temple.

Also at this moment, boom boom boom boom boom...

The clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, a strong wind blew up for no reason, thunder rang, and lightning slammed around the demon temple, flying sand and rocks, shaking the earth, like the end of the world.

The weirdo stopped in his tracks, looked at the Demon Temple, and said coldly: "I don't know the spirit of the weapon, and you still want to block my footsteps?"

He gently raised his hand, and black and white qi appeared from his palm, chasing and spinning, turning into a Tai Chi disk, which quickly became larger and flew into the sky, as if it was about to turn into a sky.

"Mortals here, stop fighting. This seat will take over this temple. After two hours, within a radius of ten miles, it will be turned into scorched earth. If you don't escape, you will die! Run for your life, this is not something that ordinary people like you can touch. thing."

The sound is not loud, but it is transmitted to all directions, and all the soldiers here can hear it clearly.

While the gray-haired weirdo was speaking, the hair on his body disappeared quickly. After a short while, he turned into a burly human male with loose long hair and a handsome face.

Also at this time, in the square of Bliss City, after a flash of light flashed, Lei Chi's figure appeared, and behind him stood Jinxiu and Tianzhen, two artifact spirits, and behind them was the Temple of Molten Fire.

Now Lei Chi is very proficient in the application of the lotus on the other side. The lotus world can be displayed at will, and it can also be easily connected to the other side world to store and withdraw items.

Lei Chi showed up here, of course to see Li Daxing.

A moment later, Deedlit rushed over with Li Daxing and Yao Kang.

After some inquiries from Lei Chi, he learned that Li Daxing's injury was mostly healed, and he would recover after a period of recuperation, so there was nothing to worry about.

"It seems that the healing effect of the Demon God's Coffin is quite good." Lei Chi nodded, looked at Li Daxing, and said again: "My plundering Great Heavenly Lord, I heard that you became a tomb robber and even dug out a monster."

Li Daxing looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Boss, I have overturned this time, so I must be careful next time."

Yao Kang grinned next to him, and said, "Is there a next time? I won't go with you! I still want to live longer!"

"Xiao Yao, you have become a god. Why are you so timid? Don't worry, I didn't prepare enough this time and dug a grave that shouldn't be done. Next time I pay more attention and I'm sure you'll be fine."

Li Daxing patted Yao Kang on the shoulder, "Believe me, I'm still very reliable."

"Digged a grave that shouldn't have been dug?" Lei Chi was quite curious about the god's tomb, and asked, "What is the monster you released?"

Li Daxing's expression became more serious, and he said: "According to the information obtained from that tomb, it may be an ancient saint, and his tomb may not be built by the system, but built by himself, that is to say, he directly Hiding myself in the tomb of the gods, I suspect that this is a kind of self-seal, I accidentally opened his coffin, and he woke up."

"An ancient saint?" Lei Chi frowned slightly, "What is this setting?"

Li Daxing said: "Ancient sages are very ancient players. I once read some information in a classic. It seems that the system setting and cultivation system in the extremely long ancient times were different from the present. At that time, becoming a saint was equivalent to becoming the main god. , I didn’t quite believe it, but after seeing that gray-haired monster, I had no choice but to believe it.”

"So, you are equivalent to releasing an ancient main god?" Lei Chi frowned even tighter. An ancient main **** was not blocked by time and space, and came to the main world. This is not a good thing for him.

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Li Daxing laughed, "But boss, don't worry, when the ancient sage just woke up, he probably wasn't sober, that's why he attacked me. Later, when he regained consciousness, he recognized that I was a human being, so he stopped in time, so he didn't beat me to death." , and told me it was a misunderstanding, I think I should be kind to him, so don't worry, boss, he should not become our enemy."

Yao Kang said in shock: "There is this thing? How come I don't know?"

Li Daxing rolled his eyes at him, and said, "You're just a driver, what do you know? If you hadn't broken through the space to escape, then the ancient sage would have healed me on the spot."

"So you still blame me?" Yao Kang was dissatisfied.

Lei Chi pondered for a while, and said again: "Li Daxing, do you know the name and level information of that ancient saint?"

Li Daxing said: "The time I communicated with him was very short. It seems that he called himself Yu Baichen. I don't know other information. It's all Yao Kang's fault, which made me miss the opportunity to make friends with a big boss."

"Yu Baichen..."

Lei Chi memorized the name, and said again: "Next time you go to the world of the tomb of the gods, tell me not to be too reckless. I don't think the list of gods may be able to keep the soul alive. You should be more careful."

"Okay boss!" Li Daxing arched his hands, "Actually, the time and space coordinates of the world of the tomb of the gods are constantly changing. I only have three chances to capture them, and I have already used one, so I can only go two more times. In the future I will definitely cherish it, and I will go when I am fully prepared.”

Lei Chi didn't say anything else, he returned to the Temple of Molten Fire, and equipped his avatar with equipment.

Half a day later, Lei Chi's incarnation carried a large number of Hongchen gourds, and left the city of Bliss on the divine beast [Qingyu], heading for the windless sea.

During the journey, Lei Chi did not place his mind on the incarnation outside his body. He sat cross-legged in the Temple of Molten Fire, summoned the Spirit of Molten Fire, and chatted with him.

During this period of time, Lei Chi provided a large amount of charcoal fire for the Temple of Molten Fire, and the sacred fire of faith in the Flame Cauldron had accumulated a lot. Lei Chi asked the Spirit of Molten Fire if he could create a spirit for another artifact.

"Great Lord God, although the Temple of Molten Fire has accumulated a lot of sacred fires of faith recently, the quality of your artifacts is too high to be enough to shape their spirits for them. In fact, it is not necessary for small ones. The sacred fires of faith are very precious. The power is also very precious. I think that apart from shaping the spirit of the main artifact, there is no need to waste it on ordinary artifacts. The Great Demon King Hasadon has mastered the Temple of Molten Fire for two eras, and he only shaped the spirit for the Temple of Demons. That's all."

Molten Spirit in the shape of a little fat man sat in front of Lei Chi, and he asked Lei Chi for a tiger-headed hat, while talking, he played with the tiger-headed hat.

"Is there a weapon spirit in the Demon Temple?" Lei Chi became a little interested, "Since you have created a tool spirit for the Demon Temple, you should be familiar with it, tell me, what abilities does the Demon Temple have, and what skills does the tool spirit have? "

"The Devil's Temple... It's actually an inheritance artifact. It can collect the power of faith and help the demon **** ignite the fire of faith. It is equipped with a pool of gods. Apart from that, it has no other functions. It is the Great Demon King Hasadon. There are a lot of gold coins, gold bricks, god-level materials, etc. stored in it. If you can get it, you will get rich overnight. But..."

"But what?"

"However, the Demon Temple is not so easy to subdue. The spirit I created for it is named Sana. She has a physical body and has a complete inheritance of the Demon God. Unlike me, she has combat power. After so many years, I estimate that she is already extremely powerful now, and may even have the combat power of the main **** level, so it is impossible for ordinary people to subdue the Demon Temple."

"Is it?"

Lei Chi wondered if Katinaz had found the Demon Temple. According to Molten Spirit, even if he found it, it would not be easy for him to take it for his own use.

Molten Spirit was very talkative, and then he popularized a lot of knowledge for Lei Chi about the uses of belief in divine fire and becoming the main god.

According to what he said, although Lei Chi now has the sacred fire of faith, it is because of the function of the Molten Fire Temple. If he wants to become the main god, he still needs to rely on his own power to ignite the sacred fire of faith in his body.

But how to ignite the sacred fire of faith, Molten Spirit doesn't know, he can help Lei Chi become a **** with faith, and also use the sacred fire of faith, which can consume the power of faith to help Lei Chi become a lower god, middle god, and upper god.

"Faith becomes a god, isn't that a false god? Ignite the sacred fire of faith to become the main god. No matter how you look at it, it seems like the advanced route of the false god. If a true **** wants to become the main god, he must also light the sacred fire of faith. Becoming the main **** also ignited the fire of faith?"

There are many thoughts in Lei Chi's mind.

When he put his thoughts on the avatar outside the body, the avatar outside the body had already arrived in the windless sea.

There is no wind or waves in the windless sea area, and it looks calm and peaceful, but there are more and stronger sea beasts here than in the stormy sea area and chaotic sea area.

Lei Chi sent his avatar here, first to meet the 10,000-meter giant snake and see if he could communicate with it, and second, to find Zhang Taichu and others.

Zhang Taichu and others have been at sea for a long time. Although Lei Chi can judge that Zhang Taichu and others are still alive through the prayer ceremony, he is also concerned about their status.

It's just that Lei Chi rushed to the place where he had seen the 10,000-meter giant snake according to his previous memory, but he didn't see the giant snake. He searched for several days, but he didn't find any trace of it, nor did he find Zhang Taichu's fleet.

"The avatar outside the body can only exist for seven days, this time is still too Chi sighed, and his mind controlled the avatar outside the body to rush back the same way, this short trip is nothing to gain.

Three days later, nine envoys from the stars under the emperor came to visit. The leader was named "Li Wantong", and his status seemed to be higher than that of the two envoys Lu and Ma.

Lei Chi greeted him in person, and after some courtesies, Li Wan, the envoy of the stars, said, "I am waiting for the presumptuousness of coming here this time, and there are two things."

He respectfully presented a token to Lei Chi, which was exactly the same as the real dragon token that Lei Chi had obtained before.

"The first thing is, I will follow the decree of the True Monarch to hand over this True Dragon Token to God Lord Leichi. The True Monarch cannot come now, please pay attention to reading this token, and please accept it from God Lord Thunder Chi."

"True Monarch has a heart, and I would like to thank the True Monarch for the power of faith that was bestowed on me before." Lei Chi accepted the True Dragon Token, and it was not suitable to communicate with Huangtian True Dragon's spiritual thoughts at this time, so he collected it into the Lotus Platform of the Other Side.

Li Wantong continued: "The second thing is, when I learned that God Lord Lei Chi has conquered the holy land of Black Water Miyu, and intends to demarcate a concession, I will take the liberty of asking for a concession, but I don't know if Lord God can do it."

Lei Chi smiled and said: "Your news is well-informed. This is a trivial matter. Go to Heishui City. I will personally instruct this matter. The Blackwater Miyu Domain has been divided into 36 areas, of which there are four core areas with the most abundant resources. Originally, it would not be rented out, but I can make an exception to let you one, and you can also rent other concessions, with no limit on the number."

Li Wantong was overjoyed when he heard the words, cupped his hands and said, "That's very good, thank you, Lord God."

"You're welcome."

Lei Chi waved his hand. He thought that in this way, he had cooperated with Huangtian Zhenlong, and he thought that the defense of the Blackwater Fanyu could be more stable.

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of Tower Defense: Public Enemy ()

Read The Duke's Passion