MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 53 Qi Wu’s vows! (3)

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Chapter 53 is a vow! (3) "Because of Jiang's affairs, Zhang has been arguing with me. The Emperor also called me to reprimand him several times. But although he was angry, he was relieved of my heart, because I did not agree with Zhang. Zhang Jia will not be united with me. Besides, a Prince who only cares about his children's personal feelings and ignores private morals has no threat to him. As long as he is willing, he can seize this handle at any time to abolish me."

I didn't feel surprised. I didn't even think about it and asked: "He is your relative, isn't it?"

With a glimpse of it, the brow was wrinkled.

I pondered a bit of a grind and felt that something was wrong with me. I was busy explaining: "I mean he doesn't look like your relatives."

Qi Yan brows more tightly, under the moonlight, the face is black and lacquered.

When I was nervous, my tongue began to knot. The more I was worried, the more I said, "The emperor is your relative! Absolutely! No! No! No! It is not said, it should be..."

"Enough!" Qi Hao suddenly shouted coldly.

I consciously lost money and closed my mouth honestly.

The two men met silently for a while, I just had to open my mouth here, and Qi Qi was subconsciously frowning. I hurriedly raised my hand and declared: "I want to ask then? Then what?"

I don’t know what Qi Zhen thought of, and suddenly I looked at me and smiled. After a moment, I smiled and smiled. I turned my head and stopped looking at me. I only said faintly: "I told Zhang. I am unclear with Jiang. It is because of her fact that she is married to the fifth, that is, my sister-in-law, I can’t have any affair with her. But Zhang refused to believe that everything was against Jiang’s. Then it happened to fall into the water. Later, you will know."

I didn't think much, and then I asked: "And then?"

He groaned a little, and thought about it before he whispered: "I later learned that because of my sake, the old five had tortured her to death because of love and hate. She suffered many of these crimes. However, he never complained to me half a minute," his voice became more and more low, and at the end he almost talked to himself. "This is what I am sorry for her. She is not afraid of life and death for me, but I can only give her a food and clothing." No worries."

When I heard this, the story didn't need to be told anymore, but I asked for a moment and asked if I didn't even think about it. "And then?"

Qi Yan turned to look at me, and the corner of his mouth stretched down.

I suddenly reacted and hated to shoot my thigh. You said that it was done. The story should be applauded at this time, or you should shake your head and sigh. If you want me to endlessly ask "then"!

I was really sleepy. I just thought that I could go back to sleep early, see him so look, and try to make up for it. While shaking my head, I sighed and sighed: "Oh, it is a good marriage." But this kind of man is not married to another woman, but unfortunately, sigh, make people!"

When the words are finished, this is good, Qi Qi’s face is really dark.

Qi Hao silently looked at me for a long time, and then asked: "Hey, you really can't understand, or are you confused?"

I am very annoyed that he is not willing to say anything in this way. If you want to understand the habits yourself, I bowed my head and looked up at him. I opened the door and asked, "What do you want to say?"

I am screaming at me, not talking.

I wondered if he didn't understand it, and then changed the saying: "In other words, what level do you want me to do? For example, see you in a few days? When you meet, say a few words? Passion Is it good or cold? If you smile, what is the most satisfactory angle of your mouth?

Qi Wei still did not speak, only the chest ups and downs.

I am really afraid that he will be bombarded with a slap in the face. All of them are open and said: "Qi Wei, in fact, I heard the things you said very well. You just want to explain, whether you are for power. Zhang is also good, or forced to give up Jiang, you are helpless, you are essentially a person with a sense of righteousness. However, the Zhang you are worthy is dead, you are sorry This Jiang, you have come into the palace, this is the truth! You have to pull down Zhang, now, you have to come to me again. Is it?"

Qi Qi and his fists clenched and stood there silently watching me. After a long while, he slowly spit out a breath and asked in a cold voice: "Do you think so?"

My leg was empty for a long time. I felt a little numb. I couldn’t help but lift a leg and put it on the railing. I looked up and looked at it. "You can’t blame me for thinking like this. You have been doing this, lad! I said Qi Qi. Ah, you can't live with a woman in your life? You have learned so many emperors' hearts and minds, how can you remember to remember a beauty plan? Don't talk, there are another thirty-five It!"

Qi Hao stared at me, just asked: "Hey, you hate me, are you?"

I think this question is very subtle and it is a bit difficult to answer. I thought about it and decided to change my mind to solve the problem. I quickly replied: "I don't hate, I understand you very much. This is the truth. For me to be your seat, I have to cut off the wings of Zhang." I am now a queen, it is a queen from Zhang. If you cut off the power of Zhang, it would be like pulling my hair. What do you think of me? You pull one, I am so happy?"

Qi Qi did not answer.

I licked my mouth. "Well, even if I am not afraid of pain, I don't want to be a Raozi bird. But the question is, if you pull me into a bald chicken, then point to me, not to say that it is a phoenix. Who are you fooling? Who believes?"

Qi Hao stood silent for a long time and whispered: "You see it so clearly..."

I sighed: "Everything is here, I don't think it's hard to understand."

Qi Hao smiled and laughed and said: "I know that you have been fooling me."

I shrugged my shoulders helplessly. "I am stupid and hard to install."

Qi Hao looked at me for a moment and said faintly: "The old nine is not a good match, do you really believe him?"

I widened my eyes and looked at him in surprise. "No, I don't even believe you, can I believe him? Well, we both have a bed and have a sleep, what can I have with him?"

Qi Wu was speechless, only watching me sigh.

I smiled and said frankly: "But I understand now that Zhang Jiahe and Lao Jiu can't fall down. I still wait for them to lift my queen's big sedan. Besides, the emperor doesn't have to hurry. Have to get rid of them, the monarchs are not all about balancing checks and balances? Is it not good for them to check and balance each other? How much people can lift the sedan!"

Qi Qi also smiled. "Hey, you are a woman I have never seen before."

I nodded, "Well," he said, you have never seen a woman like me. If you wear Zhang, you probably haven’t seen a man like Zhang...

Qi Hao suddenly reached out to me.

I suddenly stumbled, I don't know what he meant.

Qi Qi’s hand stopped in the air and slammed it at me. I hesitated to put my hand on his hand, Qi Qi picked me up, suddenly took my hand to my waist and lifted me to the railing, then turned my body and told me to face the pavilion. .

In the distance, looking up is the twinkling stars in the night sky. Looking down is the light of the stars in the city. The night winds are coming in, with the scent of flowers in the spring night.

I wiped, although I am a man, I have to admit that Qi Hao’s trick is really wonderful!

I heard it and said softly behind me: "Hey, we both bet, okay?"

I looked at the steep terrain under my eyelids. I wondered if I said it was bad. Will he push me down and cause an "accidental suicide"?

Maybe because I didn't talk for a long time, Qi Yan gently put his forehead on my back, softly, and asked me lowly: "Well? Hey?"

I was so nauseating that I couldn’t help but take a nap. I took a deep breath and turned back to look at him and asked: "What is the bet?"

Qi Yan looked up at me, and the bright moonlight in his dark scorpion glowed with radiance, and replied word by word: "Jiangshan, there are you, me."

I asked again: "How is a gambling?"

Qi Qi replied: "Bet I can protect you all the time."

I smiled and didn't speak.

Qi Qi said: "If I lose, I will give you Jiangshan. But if I win," he paused and looked at me deeply. "You have to be single to me and accompany me to reward this miles. country."

I replied quickly: "No gambling!"

Qi Qi slightly stunned, it seems to be some accident, asked: "Why?"

I couldn't help but smile: "Do you treat me as a little girl? If you lose, it means that you can't protect me. At that time, can you give me the Jiangshan? You are Jiangshan's own pants. Want to take off?"

Qi Hao looked at me quietly and did not speak for a long time.

I can't help but feel a little guilty in my heart, wondering if I am too rude to talk.

Qi Qi finally smiled, folded her arms and took me off the railing and said, "Go back."

He couldn't help but say that he took my hand and walked outside the pavilion. I tried to pull back a few times, but he grabbed it more tightly. I had to die, and I was half a step behind him, letting him walk.

The two men were silent all the way, and they sent me outside the Xingsheng Palace, and then they turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion