MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 50 The queen is happy! (8)

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Chapter 50 The Queen is happy! (8) I never thought that this kid could be so tempered, and I couldn't help it. I interrupted him by saying: "The emperor, you can discuss the question of whether the child is alive or not. What?"

Qi Hao lowered his eyes and didn't speak for a long time. He only waited for me to be anxious. Then he listened to him and asked softly: "What do you want?"

I saw that his tone was dull, but the hand that could be placed on the lap was already tightly clenched into a fist. He guessed that he was actually very nervous in his heart. He felt that whether he believed it or not, he should still show him a table. My loyalty is good. When I thought about it, I said frankly: "The emperor is right. In order not to let Zhang’s forces flourish, this child is still not good!"

Looking up at me, staring at me, asking: "When did I say that I don't want this child?"

I am angry and angered. When you entered the door, you just said that this child is really what you want. How can you not admit it? Is this still a man?

I endured anger and asked Qi Qi: "Then you said that the child is going to be?"

"Yes!" Qi Tong’s attitude was very firm. After he finished speaking, he leaned closer to me. The cold voice threatened: "If you dare to touch this child, I am not finished with you!"

I raised my face and confronted him. He asked, "What about the family?"

Qi Qi readily admitted: "Take it down!"

"What about me?" I asked again.

Qi Qi replied: "You will always be my queen."

I am also anxious, do you fool children? Who believes! I reached out to push him and angered: "When Zhang is convicted, can I continue to be a queen? Are you stupid?"

Qi Yan reached out and grabbed my hand. The body did not move. He only said: "You believe me, I will be able to keep your queen!"

When I couldn't push him, I simply went back and sneered, "You also believe me, I can only call Zhang to be a loyal minister, not a generation!"

Qi Hao finally loosened his hand and stood up. After a long silence, he sneered softly and asked: "You said that Zhang Jiaruo knows that your daughter is actually a fake, how will it react?"

I couldn't help but squat, I rubbed, you got on the throne, and this is thinking about using this threat to Laozi? I sat up from the bed and replied in a serious way: "The Zhang family only gave birth to Zhang Wei and Zhang Er girls. The two prostitutes are qualified to be queens. If they were before, they know that I am a fake. I, then sent two girls to be the queen. But now..."

Qi Yan looked at me and asked very cooperatively: "What is it now?"

I sneered and said: "Now Zhang and the girl are afraid that it is already cooked rice, and Zhang Jia naturally dare not put this green hat on the emperor!"

Qi Qi looked changed and looked at me fixedly.

I feel that I still can't get rid of it, and laughed and said: "But it can't be said to be absolutely absolute. Even if Zhang Er is a lover of He Bing, then Jiang is still the wife of Zhao Wang. The emperor is not taking her. Hiding to the Temple of the Orchids! The Emperor is the Lord of the World, and the belly can accommodate the people of the world!"

Qi Yan’s face is already iron blue, and it seems to be able to come out of the fire.

I didn't feel a little scared for a while, and I thought that this kid would be mad at me. Turning to think about it, in fact, it is not bad to be mad at this. Although it can't be done too late, if it supports the lavatory prince, it must be regarded as a meritorious deed. Even if it is done to the world, he can't be treated badly. I am this former queen.

When I thought about it, I couldn’t wait to say a few vicious words to get angry. But I still didn’t open my mouth, but suddenly I felt a pain in my lower abdomen, and I couldn’t help but scream, and bent down.

Qi Qi stepped up and asked in a hurry: "What happened?"

I have a stomach on my hand and asked me what happened! Can't you see it? I fell down on the bed with my stomach and replied with a sigh of relief: "My stomach hurts!"

Qi Qi’s face was even more tense, and she called the hedge to come in, and told people to pass the doctor.

After a while, I saw Song Tai doctor sprinting back from the outside. When I entered the temple door, I asked the hedge first: "Can you see red?"

Listening to the hedges did not answer, Song Tai doctor clearly relieved, this came to ask me which specific abdominal pain, go to the clinic.

Qi Hao has been holding his hands on the side of the bed, and he does not speak. He only looks at Song Tai’s doctor with his mouth bent.

Song Tai’s fingers are still on my wrist, and I’m silent.

The pain in my belly is already a lot of past, and I feel a little strange when I see it. I can’t help but whisper to Song Tai’s doctor: “What’s wrong? Is the fetal image unstable?”

On the forehead of Song Tai, the tiny sweat came out of his forehead, and his eyes sneaked a sneak peek at him, turning his voice down and asking me: "Women, what have you ever eaten?"

I glimpsed, I haven't answered yet, and the hedge next to me has replied quickly: "The goddess hasn't eaten since she got up in the morning, only half of the half of the melon that tribute to the Cuishan Fire Dragon Valley."

The melon was crisp and sweet. I thought it was all eaten. As a result, the hedge was afraid that I would eat a bad stomach and forcibly took away half of it.

Song Tai’s face showed a look of ignorance, carefully looked at me, and squinted at the corners of his eyes, that is, he did not speak.

Qi Qi, who was on the side, was so impatient, and asked coldly: "What the **** is going on?"

"No problem," Song Tai doctor replied, but he looked at me and asked in a discussion tone: "Would you like to give the girl a bit of a fetus to eat?"

Hey, look at the euphemism you said in this case. You directly said that I was eating more fruits, so I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable! I waved my hand helplessly. "Forget it. You still have to hurry."

When Song Taiji heard this, he was stunned and carefully glanced back. He hurried back.

I also looked at the eyes and found that the face of the kid was really bad. He quickly told the hedge that: "Take the melon to the emperor and taste it. It tastes good!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qi Qi’s face was blackened by three points.

The hedge sneaked at me and turned to the door.

Qi Wei turned around and looked at me. I bitten my scalp and looked at him. I suddenly discovered that the boy’s scorpion was so dark and dark, but it faintly revealed some blue heads. I didn’t feel a bit embarrassed at the moment, I heard it in a low voice and said to me: "Give me another time!"

When he mentioned the word "letter", my heart suddenly became angry. Then he nodded quickly. "Letter! I always believed!" Suddenly, he tempted and asked: "Qi, I can ask you. What is it?"

Qi Yan’s eyes lit up, and even the faint blue was faintly jumping. He raised his jaw slightly and asked me, “What do you want to ask?”

I hesitated a moment and asked carefully: "What is the blood of the Hu people on your ancestors?"

It’s all right.

I pointed my finger at my eyes. "Then, your pupil has a blue head. This is not like a purebred Nanxia. Is there a relative of the Hu people on the ancestors?"

Qi Qi did not make a sound, only looked at me quietly, but the blue in the eyes was deeper and deeper. I can't help but be amazed. Qi Qi was suddenly smirking, and closed his head and closed his eyes. After a long while, he turned to look at me and said softly: "You are very good, really good."

Yeah! I still boasted about me! Didn't you hear that I was jealous that he was a hybrid?

He boasted like this, but he boasted that I was guilty. I was busy and modest: "No, no, no difference, still learn from you, study hard!"

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance came, I looked up, and I saw a cut melon on the side of the hedge and went into the temple lightly. I was happy, and I reached out and said hello: "Try it, it's really good." I didn’t send them to other places, I’m all here.”

The hedge is a trepidation, carefully putting the fruit plate in front of Qi.

Qi Yan bent his lips to reveal a light smile, gently raised his hand, but it was a fruit bowl that flipped over the hedge. The fruit plate of sterling silver fell to the ground, and the hedges were soft and immediately fell in front of Qi.

Qi Qi turned his head and looked at me and said softly: "You should raise it well. If the child is lost, I will take him to the entire Xingsheng Palace to be buried with him!"

After saying such a threat in a fluttering manner, it is a habitual leader. I have become accustomed to his naive behavior, and I have been stunned for a long time. I only sighed.

I heard that the hedge over there also sighed long.

I asked her: "What sigh you sigh?"

Hedgehog Answer: "The slave sighs that the singer can make the emperor look like this. It is obvious that the emperor is really on the sissy."

I looked at the cantaloupe that was on the ground and it didn't make a sound for a long time.

Hedgehog asked me again: "What does the girl sigh?"

I turned to ask her: "Do you say that this woman has a special child?"

The hedge said that he didn't talk for a long time, then got up and walked over to my bed, kneeling down and looking at me, whispering: "Mother, let's believe in the emperor again."

I also looked at the hedge and asked her, "Do you believe that an emperor will suddenly become a love?"

The hedge was slightly open, and I couldn't speak.

I smiled and reached up and lifted her chin, and told her to close her mouth and said: "Hey, don't be stupid, he is not a kind of love, he just loved it, and the object is not Zhang Hao! And will not be in the future! Hurry up, pick up the melon on the ground, wash it and see if you can eat it!"

After some words, the hedge has been heard, but I only feel tired, just want to lie down and take a nap, and think about it, the child of Jiang’s stomach suddenly came to my stomach. In the end, how can I explain to the latrine?

(End of this chapter)