MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 101 Oh, I am happy with you! (3)

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Chapter 101, I am happy with you! (3) In this way, I was mixed in October. On this day, I was leading two little dolls to wander around in the Imperial Garden. The close-fitting female lady near the Empress Dowager suddenly rushed to find it, saying that it was the Queen Mother’s Queen who asked me to speed. past.

The Empress Dowager has long been in charge of the harem. On weekdays, there are things that are more than called the palace people to come over and say it to me. Today, suddenly, I am so anxious to call me in the past, it must be something big.

I vaguely had some speculations, and forced myself to calm down the emotions. I told the people around me to go back to Xingsheng Palace with Qiqi and Qiqi, and then I went to the Empress Dowager with the palace lady.

When the palace lady took me outside the hall, I stepped back and whispered: "The Queen Mother invited the niece to go alone."

I was very surprised, and I coughed softly before I entered the temple.

In the inner temple, the old lady stood alone against the window with a cane, and the back was rare. When I heard my footsteps, I slowly turned back to see me. "Queen, you are here."

The sound is not big, but it reveals the unspeakable majesty, which is totally different from the gentleness and kindness of the past.

I took a glimpse of my heart and responded with respect and respectfulness, carefully asking her what happened to call me.

The old lady pointed to the book case. "Let's come to the north, look at the queen."

I took the close-up on the book and looked at it. It didn't matter. The sweat on my back popped out.

In the secret, it was very simple. The Northern Expedition was all smooth, and the various army's great military reports were frequent. After the reaction of the North Desert, the national army was quickly mobilized to resist, and the war suddenly stagnated. At this time, Qi Hao suddenly was assassinated in the army. Although he did not hurt the key, the assassin's blade was poisoned, the toxicity was very overbearing, and there was no detoxification agent in the army. Qi Qi suddenly broke his arm.

If the emperor died on the front line, and did not say that the army would be in chaos, even the middle of the country would be turbulent.

Although he was poisoned, his brain was still awake, and immediately succumbed to the assassination of poisoning. On the one hand, he ordered the army to stop in the small desert of Beimo, and he sent a person to quickly send the assassin’s weapon back to Shengdu. The hospital developed detoxification agents.

I looked up at Mrs. Lin and asked, "The hospital can produce poisons?"

The old lady’s face is strong, but there is a sorrow in the voice. “It’s already being developed, but even if it can be made today, it will take more than ten days to get to the emperor. I don’t know...”

She couldn't say it, but I already understood it. The subtext is that even if the pharmacy has been sent, I don't know if there is any such thing to use.

The slain of the squatting master actually succeeded? Qi Qi really wants to die like this?

I can't say whether my heart is nervous or excited. It is a surprise or a shock. I feel that there are thousands of feelings coming together, but my heart is blank, and I can only stand stupidly.

The old lady looked at me with this look, her eyes were red, and whispered: "Good boy, you have to hold on."

I can't even say my lips. Old lady, where do I want to hold it now, I have to be steady!

Qi Qi is now married to a son. Although he is only one and a half years old, he can be regarded as the heir to the throne, and the support of Zhang Jia and Mao Dianjun. If there is no big accident, the throne will be passed to him.

Once my son has become an emperor, my mother can also be promoted to be a queen! And it is still a great power!

The knife on the top of the head was finally withdrawn, and it was no longer necessary to look at the face.

This is obviously a happy event for the big day. Why is it really so sad and uncomfortable in my heart? Is it too deep for me to play here?

The old lady’s face was very sorrowful. She stepped on the first two steps and said, “Oh, you must not fall down. The emperor still needs you.”

I glanced at it and looked at the old lady in confusion. Where do you need me?

The old lady stared at me intently. "The nephew wants to call you in the past."

I was shocked. People almost didn't pick up from the ground, and suddenly they played. I rub, no? Even if the emperor is dead and someone is going to be buried, isn't that our work? I haven't heard that the Queen has to follow a piece of live alive.

"Call me in the past?" I asked hesitantly.

The old lady solemnly nodded, her eyes were red, and she was in tears. She took another letter from her arms and handed it to me: "This is what your nephew gives you."

The one I just watched was a secret play, which was written by the confidant of the confession. It was an internal official document. This one in my hand should be considered a private letter.

Whether it is a document or a private letter, the first delivery is the Queen Mother, here, it is obvious that Qi Hao is extremely trusting to his grandmother.

There are only eight words written on the letterhead: life and death, only one side.

I also lived in Daming Palace for a while. I was too embarrassed to write my words. I also held my hand and taught me to write big characters. I am very familiar with his font. Although the handwriting on this paper is a bit messy, it is really a handwriting.

I took the letter and I was a little embarrassed.

I heard the old lady muttered and said: "You can't go out of the palace in the mouth of the emperor, let alone go to the war, but this is a deaf child..." The old lady stopped and took a deep breath before continuing. After saying it, "Hsu is the last one. Since he has this wish, the queen will go."

I jerked back and looked up at the old lady.

I haven't waited for me to speak, and the old lady continued to say: "The Queen is relieved that both the nephew and the nephew are raised here. As long as my old woman is still alive, no one dares to turn the sky in the capital!"

At this juncture, my tears finally came down.

go to hell! I don't believe that I have such a weight in my heart. I feel like I don't see me before I die. He will die.

There are too many doubts in it.

First of all, since Qi Qi had already known the plan of Mao Dianjun from Yang Yu, he will definitely be strictly guarded. Why is there a stabbed poisoning end?

Secondly, even if this time is the success of the squatting priests, since Qi Qizhen did not die immediately, why did he not punish the latrine? Didn’t even mention the latrines on the secrets?

There are too many unreasonable places here.

My heart was quickly and cost-effective, but the face was pretending to be a strong tear, and no hesitation nodded and said: "I will go, I will rush to Mobei."

The old lady looked at me and nodded, finally gratified.

Just returned to the Xingsheng Palace, the news of the Queen Mother Song was also sent over, Qi Qi has indeed been poisoned.

Until now, I really believed in the assassination of Qi. Then, I began to consider why the Empress Dowager and Qi Qi forced me to go to Jiangbei.

Thinking about it, Qi Yi really wants to see me and tell me something. It’s just a few words to run a thousand miles, and it’s too romantic, and it’s not in line with Qi’s character.

Thinking in the bad, they are very likely to be afraid of the weaker mother and the foreigner, so I have to take this opportunity to remove my queen.

The more you think about it, the more you feel that "going to the mother" is their true purpose.

For this, Qi Wei also wrote the eight words that were extremely sensational, and clearly meant to mess with my mind. I didn't see the letter, this grandson and grandson still don't know how to count me!

So, do you want to go there?

Go, it is probably a dead end. But if it is strong, it will be the same as tearing the face in advance. I don't know if I can't die, I don't have a way back. It's the Queen Mother. I don't know how to fight. One is not good. I am afraid I have to walk in front of Qi.

This old lady is getting better.

I was lying in bed and thinking about it for one night. When I got up early the next morning, I saw the man in the mirror, who was very beautiful.

The freehand thoughts were very shocking and stunned: "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

I didn't bother to think about her, and sent her to the Empress Dowager to ask about the detoxification agent.

Freehand went out, I also told Xiaofuer to go to Zhaowangfu and sent a letter to the hedge.

Two days later, the Queen suddenly felt that the wind was cold and bedridden. After the diagnosis of the doctor, although the queen's disease is not serious, it needs to be rested. The emperor was not in the palace, and the queen fell ill again. The palace was a bit heart-wrenching.

At the crucial moment, the old comrades stood up.

The Empress Dowager not only resolutely took over the affairs of the palace, but also connected the emperor Qi Qi and the princess to their own palace. There is such a Lafayette guarded, and the palace suddenly settled down. The Queen began to stay in bed as a doctor, and the Xingsheng Palace also closed the door.

At the same time, my Zhang Huan is already a woman dressed as a man, with a personal maid, with more than 20 martial arts high-powered escorts, secretly out of the capital to go north.

Along the way, the whip was swaying, and the speed was extremely fast. It took a few days to get to the edge of the Wanjiang River. As early as the ship was waiting on the riverside, when our pedestrians boarded the ship, they immediately sailed and sailed to the north bank.

After passing through Wanjiang, the group is still day and night, along the Taixing, Yuzhou, and Xiaozhan lines, going northward, intending to go through Jingyang, and then head straight to the Qiqi army, north of Pingning City.

When I was out of Jingyangguan, it was October 17. From the day I left the Shengdu, I had been on horseback for eight days. Don’t say that the legs were already worn and bloody, even the little life was Lost more than half.

After resting at the edge of the woods at noon, I could not climb to the horse back. Freehand from the side supporting me with the body, with a crying voice said: "Mother, you take a break."

I opened her, grabbed the saddle with my hand and continued to climb up. After I fell to the ground again, I heard the **** captain whispering a "sinful, goddess" and then held it with my hands. I knelt down and put me on the horse.

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion