MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 59

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Cool and clean fresh snow.

Liang Xiao's heartbeat was fierce, and she was not very clear, so she subconsciously twisted herself.

…wake up without pain.

Huo Lan closed his eyes and kissed him with all his attention, his deep eyelashes quietly gathering in the light.

Liang Xiaogang honked the horn and drove out of the car for a moment: "..."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes, looked at Liang Xiao who was stunned, his eyes darkened: "I'm sorry."

He propped on one arm and wanted to get up to go out, but suddenly Liang Xiaoyi grabbed his arm.

Huo Lan tried his best not to look at him, and turned his head: "Don't be afraid...don't worry."

Huo Lan whispered: "I'll go now."

Liang Xiao tried his best to calm his heartbeat and breath, and pressed his forehead: "Mr. Huo."

Hearing that his tone was wrong, Huo Lan tensed his shoulders and closed his eyes.

…I didn’t even say hello, so I did this to Liang Xiao.

It is light to say that it is offensive.

Huo Lan didn't want to make him more angry, so he was silent for a while, then said in a low voice, "Go to sleep."

Liang Xiao was enraged by him: "Can I sleep?"

It's okay not to let you touch and take off your clothes, Huo Lan is upright and upright, and Liang Xiao can understand that he can't do such a thing.

How can you just kiss and run away without taking any responsibility? !

Liang Xiao couldn't figure it out.

Huo Lan frowned, not daring to compete with Liang Xiao, was dragged back by him, and reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed: "Sorry, I—"

Liang Xiao did not interrupt this time, nodded and waited for him to continue.

Huo Lan was silent for a while, having nothing to say, closed his eyes.

Liang Xiao was stunned: "Mr. Huo?"

"It's me who underestimated you." Huo Lan, "As you punish."

Liang Xiao was slightly dumb: "A punishment can do anything?"

Huo Lan nodded, was silent for a moment, and held his hand: "...don't go."

Liang Xiao was accustomed to the fact that Mr. Huo would always worry that he would run away, so he nodded and said, "I definitely won't leave."

Liang Xiao let him hold it and moved with one hand: "Huo Lan, do you know—"

Liang Xiao's ears were burning, and he coughed: "It is said on the Internet, what are the boys doing with their eyes closed?"

Huo Lan didn't know, and shook his head.

I have never seen this kind of kissing, but not responsible after kissing. Liang Xiao originally wanted to scare him, but he noticed that Huo Lan was sweating on his palm, and his heart suddenly ached.

Liang Xiao turned his wrists, clenched them back, laughed, and unbuttoned his pajamas one by one.

Huo Lanhan rarely sees such an attitude of him, so he was really uneasy, he opened his eyes subconsciously, and suddenly froze: "Liang——"

"It's not cold." Liang Xiao lowered his head and raised his hand accurately, "Don't look at it."

Huo Lan dazedly covered his eyes with him, did not say anything, and closed his eyes as he said.

Liang Xiao exhaled and twitched the corners of his mouth.

They have never been so embarrassed.

The pajamas were all unbuttoned by him, and they were extremely messy.

Liang Xiao admitted that he was taking advantage, closed his eyes, and put his arms around his waist.

Huo Lan's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Liang Xiao looked calm, but she was actually nervous, holding her breath, trying her best to hold the steering wheel.

The next morning.

Liang Xiao was tossed by the accident for most of the night, physically and mentally exhausted, and fell asleep, holding the human-shaped pillow firmly with her hands and feet.

Mr. Huo opened his pajamas and embraced him with one hand.

The clothes are disheveled.

The housekeeper was so pleased that he almost asked Zun Yue Lao to come back, tightly covering his mouth, and cautiously going out, Huo Lan stopped him in a low voice: "Contact the agent and ask Mr. Liang to take a leave."

The housekeeper nodded quickly: "Good good..."

I tried my best to keep her voice soft, but Liang Xiao still heard it somewhat, frowned, and was urged by the biological clock to open her eyes.

Huo Lan blocked the light for him and whispered, "It's okay, sleep a little longer."

Liang Xiao was very obedient, coughed twice, and buried his face back in his chest.

The housekeeper felt that something was wrong and was a little worried: "Mr. Liang...are you uncomfortable?"

Huo Lan touched Liang Xiao's forehead: "It's alright."

Huo Lan coaxed Liang Xiao to fall asleep again, carefully placed the person under the quilt, touched his hair, and whispered a few words to him.

Liang Xiao fell into a drowsy sleep, murmured, and instinctively rubbed his palm.

Huo Lan got up, buttoned his pajamas, and left the bedroom, closing the door gently.

The housekeeper squatted for the night, and became more and more nervous by the development in front of him. He was half happy and half worried: "You——"

"I was yesterday." Huo Lan closed his eyes, "Kissed Mr. Liang."

“…” Butler: “Oh.”

Huo Lan inexplicably disliked the housekeeper's tone and added, "Mr. Liang also kissed me."

The housekeeper was in a complicated mood. He wanted to send him a little red flower, but he was worried that Huo Lan would be unhappy: "...Oh."

The housekeeper turned sideways and moved the door stopper without a trace.

…at least twenty years ahead of the doctor’s forecast.

You can exchange for a free consultation.

The housekeeper did the math, felt a little comfort, and handed Mr. Huo a warm towel.

Huo Lan frowned at him and continued: "Mr. Liang didn't blame me for being frivolous. He asked me last night if he knew what to do with his eyes closed. I didn't know, so he let me Don't look at it."

Huo Lan felt that it was inappropriate to say such words, but there were no outsiders in the room at the moment, so he was silent and tried his best to simplify: "He took off my clothes and his..."

The housekeeper lost his voice: "No need to elaborate on this paragraph!"

Huo Lan's most wanted sentence was cut off by him, frowned, and opened the door of the master bedroom.

The housekeeper stood in the goose feather snow for two seconds: " said."

"Mr. Liang hugged me and kissed me."

Huo Lan: "Tell's the happiest thing in his life to meet me."

The housekeeper was startled.

Huo Lan didn't sleep for a whole night, and was always thinking about a sentence.

Liang Xiao was so exhausted last night that he couldn't say anything more to him, so he kissed him hard and plunged into Huo Lan's arms.

Mr. Liang expanded and contracted with heat and became a small lump.

It took Huo Lan more than ten minutes to finally unfold him carefully, circle someone in his arms and slowly pat him, making him fall asleep.

The housekeeper was stunned for a while, and suddenly understood what Huo Lan wanted to hear, his eyes were hot, and he smiled: "That's good."

The housekeeper is very firm: "Mr. Liang likes you and is happy to meet you. I will be able to be with you all the time."

Housekeeper: "Together for a lifetime."

Huo Lan stood for a while without answering, turned and went to the master bedroom to wash.

The captain of the bodyguard touched him quietly and asked in a low voice, "Is Mr. Huo still angry?"

The housekeeper shook his head: "Mr. Huo is not angry at all."

The captain of the bodyguard saw that the snow was too heavy and did not dare to come over. Hearing that, he did not believe it: "Really?"

"Really." The housekeeper dragged him away, "Mr. Huo is crazy with joy."

The captain of the bodyguard has been in Huo's house for many years, and he has made a lot of calculations. Only when the housekeeper gave gifts to Mr. Huo under the guise of Mr. and Mrs., he saw Xiao Huo Lan looking crazy with joy.

The captain of the bodyguard could not be contacted no matter what, he was stunned and looked back: "Does it snow when Mr. Huo is happy?"

"It will go down now." The housekeeper explained to him, "It won't happen in the future."

"Now that Mr. Liang is here, Mr. Liang will teach Mr. Huo little by little how to relax and how to be happy."

Housekeeper: "Huo always learns by heart, and he must learn quickly."

The captain of the bodyguard was also a little happy when he heard the words: "Mr. Huo learns everything very quickly."

The housekeeper nodded, looked at the master bedroom with the door closed, quickly wiped his eyes, and dragged the captain of the bodyguard out of the suite.

Mr. Liang didn't get up, Duan Ming helped the crew to ask for a half-day leave, and came over at noon to report.

"It was right not to be there in the morning."

Duan Ming drooled and had a lingering fear in his heart: "Jin ignited the crew and almost burned the hair of the life producer."

The housekeeper asked him: "Didn't Mr. Liang invite him?"

"No." Duan Ming shook his head, "Three cameras were found in other rooms. Fortunately, they were found in time, and they didn't have time to flow out."

This kind of thing happened just after the machine was turned on. Jin Zhenbo was furious and scolded the relevant staff for a whole morning.

"It's not like this happens when I turn it on."

The housekeeper is an outsider, so he can see it more clearly: "It is only when there is a lot of things at the start of the machine that people with a heart can fish in troubled waters. I didn't want to let Mr. Liang find out on the first day."

Duan Ming twitched the corners of his mouth: "Yes, the production director also said... The crew shares this feeling."

Duan Ming glanced at the side and lowered his voice: "How are you?"

"It's okay." The housekeeper nodded, "A little cold, not serious... The doctor said it was mainly due to tiredness."

The housekeeper was afraid that Duan Ming would be worried, and explained: "It will be fine if you get enough sleep. After a few more days, there will be no problems at all."

Duan Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "I know."

Duan Ming twitched the corners of his mouth: "He wouldn't be in trouble so early in the past, most of the time he was waiting for all the dramas to finish, and he would be ruthless when he could go home..."

The housekeeper hardly knew which one to love, so he nodded after a while and solemnly assured: "It will never happen again."

Duan Mingcheng thanked him and was about to speak when the side door was pushed open first.

Liang Xiao put on a coat and pushed open the door sleepily.

Duan Ming saw him, his eyes brightened and he walked quickly: "Are you still uncomfortable? Don't worry about the crew, the progress is still stuck in the morning, no matter how slow you are, the afternoon will pass without delaying things... "

Liang Xiao hadn't woken up yet, so he heard him talk for a long time: "Brother Duan, what about Mr. Huo?"

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming does not have Mr. Huo, so he hates iron for not being steel: "What about the future?"

The housekeeper was happy to see it, and smiled and said hello.

Liang Xiao remembers what happened last night quite clearly, but he can't tell which is real and which is dream. Seeing the butler coming over, his face instinctively became hot, and he instantly became sober: "..."

"Mr. Huo is working in the master bedroom." The housekeeper reported to him, "I specially told you to tell you that when you wake up, don't rush out, put on more clothes, eat well, and don't go out when you are acting. Distracted."

Duan Ming was quite happy at first, but the more he listened, the more wrong he became: "Mr. Huo...Is it the master bedroom of this presidential suite?"

The housekeeper nodded: "Yes."

Duan Ming was at a loss, looked up at the master bedroom door that was close at hand: "Why didn't Mr. Huo come out and say it directly?"

The housekeeper actually didn't understand: "Mr. Huo said that the flowers and leaves will not see each other day and night."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The housekeeper tried to guess: "Maybe Mr. Huo read some poem..."

Liang Xiao listened to the two people discussing in a low voice, all the way from the discussion of poetry and dictionaries to Buddhist verses, took a deep breath, and pressed his forehead hard.

Last night, in order to lie on his side, Liang Xiao tried his best, and made a lot of mischief.

Unexpectedly, they heard this sentence.

Liang Xiao himself felt that this idea was too maddening and dared not admit it.

"Tell Mr. Huo, I understand."

Liang Xiao coughed: "Let Mr. Huo be at night - don't work too late at night, rest early..."

Duan Ming stared at him in disbelief.

The housekeeper has endured too much, and there is nothing unacceptable. He nodded and wrote it down: "Okay."

Liang Xiao originally wanted to give them a good morning hug to Mr. Huo, but now it is neither too early nor too late, so he stood at the door and thought about it for a long time, feeling a little discouraged: "...No more. "

In addition to worrying about sleep, Huo Lan occasionally gets into some logical dead loop that he still can't figure out.

Liang Xiao thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't think of anything that could be instructed.

Since Huo Lan listened to what Huo Lan said last night, according to their strict self-control, the two of them might really be able to live in the master bedroom and the side bedroom without seeing each other. a month.

Liang Xiao felt terrible when she thought about it, swallowed it dryly, and stammered: "Mr. Huo said..."

The housekeeper is curious: "What?"

"...I said so." Liang Xiao stumbled, "When will the flower visit Ye's place?"

The housekeeper thought about it carefully, but had no impression: "No..."

Liang Xiao coughed and said with difficulty: "Well, what if Ye wanted to go to the door of the flower in the middle of the night?"

Liang Xiao: "Can the flower press the leaves to spank?"

The housekeeper has never heard of this, although he didn't know what he was talking about, he hesitated for a while and said, "Is it important? Let me ask you a question—"

Liang Xiaofei quickly declined: "No."

The housekeeper was a little worried, worried that this was a very important issue, so he opened the notebook and wrote it down.

Liang Xiao leaned against the door, calmed down for a while, and pressed his temples.

Liang Xiao was so excited last night that he thought it would be nice to live so close to him. After thinking about it, he realized how terrible this plan was.

He came back to live every day, lying on the side bed, separated by a wall was Huo Lan's master bedroom.

Liang Xiao carefully thought about the layout of the two rooms, and reached out and gestured to get out of bed.

Liang Xiao was even more worried: "What kind of man-made world is this..."

Both beds are next to the wall, the same wall.

This kind of wall is not a load-bearing wall. Liang Xiao worked as a construction worker in the past, and he can probably figure out the thickness, which is no more than a palm at most.

At such a close distance, he turned over in the middle of the night and accidentally kissed the wall, maybe the opposite was just their boss Huo's chest.

Then is he kissing the wall, or kissing their boss Huo's chest?

Liang Xiao leaned against the door thinking wildly, a thought suddenly popped into his mind, and his face became hot.

If they turn over in the middle of the night and accidentally hit the wall...

Duan Ming watched him turn red, startled: "What's wrong?"

Liang Xiao murmured to himself: "Ye Ke is too rude."

Duan Ming was stunned: "Huh?"

Liang Xiao was so hot that she didn't dare to think about it anymore, so she turned around and went back to wash up.

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