MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 43

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Liang Xiao lay on Mr. Huo's bed for three whole days.

The estrus period is well-deserved, and on the third day, Liang Xiaocai was able to save up some strength to stand up.

Huo Lan went to the company, and Liang Xiao couldn't lie down. He flipped back and forth on the bed a few times, put on his clothes, and walked out the door.

The life assistant was at the door and was startled by him: "Mr. Liang——"

"It's fine." Liang Xiao smiled, "Breathe."

The life assistant was provided by Xingguan to Liang Xiao. I don’t know Liang Xiao’s origin. I only know that it is an artist who Mr. Huo attaches great importance to.

Liang Xiao has spoken to him several times, but he is not very familiar.

When Mr. Huo left, he specially instructed Mr. Liang to take good care of him. The life assistant hesitated for a while, and said carefully: "Where are you going? I'll help you—"

"No." Liang Xiao was very kind, "I know the way."

When he performed the contract before, he actually came to Huo's house.

He has been in the master bedroom these days, the side bedroom is next to the master bedroom, and the side bedroom is the office.

There is a small bedroom around the office.

Liang Xiao was especially fond of the bathroom in the small bedroom, and smashed heavy medical knowledge on Mr. Huo's head in the small bedroom.

Liang Xiao just wanted to get some air, didn't ask the life assistant to follow, and walked slowly for half a circle according to the familiar route.

I haven't been sick before, but it's different from the inexplicable powerlessness this time. The glands in the back of the neck were endlessly tossing, and obviously I didn't feel any specific discomfort, but I couldn't use any strength.

Liang Xiao was stunned and opened his eyes: "Brother Duan?"

"Mr. Huo asked me to come with Xiaogong."

Duan Ming knew what he was going to ask, and answered in advance: "I'm afraid you won't be used to the people in the villa."

Liang Xiao didn't expect Huo Lan to even think about this kind of thing, he was stunned for a while, then smiled: "I'm fine... I've worked hard for you."


Before, every time I waited outside for Liang Xiao, it was the first time the assistant entered the villa, and I couldn't be more excited.

Duan Ming was afraid that he would cause trouble, so he pressed it all morning, and waited for Mr. Huo to leave before letting people out to watch the fun.

"Tell him." Duan Ming said, "You are only allowed to stroll outside, you are not allowed to enter the house, and you are not allowed to touch anything."

Liang Xiao smiled: "Actually, it's not that strict..."

Duan Ming: "Be strict."

Liang Xiao's dizziness has not yet completely subsided, so she stopped talking, nodded, and closed her eyes for a while.

"Are you alright?" Duan Ming was worried and supported him, "Is it so dizzy, has it been like this for the past few days?"

"It was more serious a few days ago." Liang Xiao opened his eyes, and his heart lingered, "I feel like I rolled in front of the waves on a choppy boat."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming had the heart to ask him where this metaphor came from, but couldn't bear it: "Mr. Huo has been with you?"

Liang Xiao was slightly surprised: "Brother Duan, how do you know?"

Duan Mingxin said that I was afraid that the entire Huo family would know about it. He patted Liang Xiao on the shoulder and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

In the past three days, Mr. Huo has not come out of the bedroom. All work is communicated by the housekeeper remotely. Even the meeting is only a short text discussion, and even the video has not passed even once.

The star crown is far away, and there are not many people who know the inside story.

The Huo family's nanny, chef, and bodyguard team discussed quietly in private. Mr. Huo was only afraid that he was really caught by the omega he brought back this time.

"These three days..."

Duan Ming couldn't help gossip, and lowered his voice: "What has Mr. Huo done with you?"

Liang Xiao thought hard in bed for three days, and then prepared such a question: "Temporary mark."

"My glands need stability."

Liang Xiao was well prepared and explained calmly: "Taking temporary marking a few times will help to clear the pheromone. Mr. Huo has been active in pheromone during this time, and can also be stabilized by temporary marking."

Duan Ming was a little surprised when he saw Liang Xiao's calm posture, and stared at him carefully for a while.

Liang Xiao nodded: "Mutual benefit."

"Mr. Huo bit you." Duan Ming thought about his answer carefully and translated, "It took three whole days."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming doesn't know much about temporary markers, but according to the length of time that Liang Xiao went to make money transactions with Mr. Huo, he always felt that such a thing would not take three days: "No, before you-- "

Duan Ming raised his hand and shook it in front of Liang Xiao: "What's wrong?"

Liang Xiao was caught off guard, opened her mouth, and said nothing.

"..." Duan clearly understood: "Ah, ah, it's too thorny-"

Liang Xiao steamed: "Brother Duan!"

Duan Ming cooperated: "I won't ask."

Liang Xiao's glands were a little unstable again. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly several times to cool herself down.

In the past three days, Huo Lan has indeed been marking him temporarily.

Mr. Huo is...a great talent.

It was the first time that I pressed my left arm and couldn't hold my right arm, and I couldn't hold my shoulders to hold my waist.

Now I can hold him neatly and comprehensively in my arms, whispering to him not to be afraid, while biting him with my wrist, and biting his neck skillfully.

Liang Xiao was powerless and bitten for three days.

Duan Ming saw that his expression was changing, he had basically guessed the plot of the three days, no longer stimulated Liang Xiao, and changed something: "Your pajamas have arrived."

Liang Xiao was still in a trance. Hearing him talking about pajamas, he couldn't help but remember that Mr. Huo hardly slept in taking care of him for the past three days, and he didn't even take off his clothes: "What pajamas?"

"Didn't you buy it?" Duan Ming was worried that he would be bitten and touched his forehead, "For Mr. Huo, for walnuts."

Liang Xiao tried his best to recover, remembering the beginning and the end: "...Yes."

The walnuts have been eaten several times. Mr. Huo has a strong obsession with walnuts during the susceptible period. There are still a lot of stocks in the bedroom.

When Liang Xiao felt uncomfortable, when he opened his eyes, he saw Huo Lan guarding him. When I feel a little more lethargic, and occasionally wake up in a daze, I will see Huo Lan peeling walnuts under the light.

Skilled movements, light and silent.

Liang Xiao's consciousness is chaotic these days, and sometimes he can see it, and even think this scene is a little familiar.

Duan Ming saw him suddenly dazed, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Liang Xiao: "What are you thinking?"

Liang Xiao pondered: "I wonder if Walnut and I have an unfinished relationship."

Duan Ming was stunned: "Huh?"

Liang Xiao couldn't explain it to him, he was very deep, and waved his hand: "Let's talk about it later..."

Liang Xiao was so dizzy when she was helped into the door, she didn't pay attention, she slowed down and looked back at the bookshelves on the whole wall behind her: "Is this a study room?"

Duan Ming hurriedly told him to sit down, but without looking carefully, he raised his head in a daze: "Yeah."

Liang Xiao hadn't seen Mr. Huo's study yet. Thinking of his obsession these days, he suddenly couldn't help but want to find two books.

Duan Ming was stunned: "What book?"

Liang Xiao is still thinking about what Mr. Huo said at the beginning, these three days have passed in a daze, and now he thinks about it, and his ears are hot again: "It's the book. "

Duan Ming remembered: "You asked Mr. Huo to mark it for three days in a row, you two **, lonely A and widow O, highly matched, but you still can't forget, I want him to say It's good to hold you and study."

Liang Xiao just had such a dream, gritted his teeth, shameless: "...Yes."

Duan Ming took a deep breath: "Mr. Huo has a little yellow book here?"

"..." Liang Xiao turned away from the front of "One Hundred Years of Solitude": "No."

Duan Ming almost wanted to donate two books to him. Looking at the bookshelf that Liang Xiao was spinning around, he pulled people away in time: "This is an economics book, Currency War."

Liang Xiao changed sides.

Duan Ming raised his head to help him read: "Philosophical theory."

Liang Xiao changed again.

Duan Ming: "The mystery of the universe."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao doesn't want to realize his dream anymore: "Are there any novels?"

"The History of Modern Chinese Fiction Genres." Duan Ming helped him find, "The Columbia History of British Fiction, The Brief History of Chinese Fiction."

"..." Liang Xiao buried her dream with her own hands, swayed holding the bookshelf, and went out.

The meeting of the star crown started soon.

Huo Lan briefly explained the necessary affairs, asked the secretary to summarize the documents, and asked the assistant to drive back to the villa.

"Mr. Liang is asleep."

The housekeeper greeted him: "I just slept for a while, but I haven't woken up yet."

The meeting was delayed, Huo Lan was worried about Liang Xiao, and asked the housekeeper to rush back first.

The housekeeper arrived earlier than him and picked up Mr. Liang who had lost his dreams and withered on the road. He didn't know what to do and sent him back to the bedroom: "Mr. Liang is not in a good mood today."

Huo Lan frowned and nodded: "Got it."

"Don't let Mr. Liang use the inhibitor?"

The housekeeper hesitated: "Mr. Liang doesn't seem to be used to pheromone being so active."

Huo Lan: "No."

Seeing that Liang Xiao was so uncomfortable, of course he felt distressed.

But don't be soft-hearted.

Liang Xiao has been using a special inhibitor all these years.

Liang Xiao probably felt it himself, and instinctively adjusted the frequency of dosage according to the frequency of pheromone. Huo Lan checked his dosage, and he couldn't hold it down almost a week, and he had to replenish it from time to time.

How can the side effects be better when used like this.

Now I found out, try to ask him to reduce the dosage of the inhibitor, and after a few months, the sensitivity of the gland to the inhibitor can be restored to some extent, and the dosage can be appropriately reduced by then.

"Mr. Liang is not very good at taking care of himself." The housekeeper thought for a while, and then sighed, "If it weren't for you—"

Huo Lan: "No."

The housekeeper was stunned: "What?"

Huo Lan closed his eyes, instinctively reluctant to ask himself to think more about Liang Xiao's experience over the years.

It's not that Liang Xiao doesn't know how to take care of herself.

There is really no choice. If you don't work hard, you can't earn your life. If you work hard, you can only suppress the overdraft of the inhibitor.

This kind of thing can't blame him.

In these years, how did Liang Xiao come here and what happened. Even if you think about it a little bit, it is a knife.

Huo Lan pressed down his chest and instructed the housekeeper: "In the next few days, I will send the work to the bedroom as usual, no video conference, and I will report something in text."

The housekeeper nodded: "Yes."

The housekeeper hesitated: "But——"

Huo Lan: "What?"

"Don't work too hard."

The housekeeper hesitated, and whispered to him: "How much rest."

Liang Xiao does not use inhibitors, every time the pheromone fluctuates, she must rely purely on temporary markers to comfort her.

The omega pheromone is very active during estrus, tossing around day and night. Of course, Mr. Liang himself was not feeling well. Huo Lan didn't close his eyes properly these days, and it wasn't easy.

"It's Mr. Liang who has worked hard."

Huo Lan felt that he was worried about the wrong person: "I don't work hard."

The housekeeper looked at him worried: "But——"

"No need to say." Huo Lan said, "I don't need to rest."

Alpha's physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people. As long as it is not disturbed by pheromones, it is rare to get sick and weak.

Huo Lan temporarily marked Liang Xiao, and also relieved the pheromone in his body. These days, the symptoms of the susceptible period are gradually reducing, and he does not feel that he needs to rest.

The housekeeper did not dare to persuade him, he helped him open the bedroom door, sorted out the documents to be approved, and left quietly.

Huo Lan closed the door.

The bedroom is quiet, the sunlight outside the window is tightly blocked by the curtains, and the bedside table light is soft.

Liang Xiao hugged something unknown, curled up at the head of the bed and fell asleep, holding a book in his hand.

It was rare for Huo Lan to see him reading a book, and inexplicably gave birth to some unexplained relief, lightly walked over, held the book in his hand and glanced at the cover: "..."

The Dictionary of Contemporary Medical Knowledge.

Liang Xiao slept unsteadily, and suddenly woke up: "Who-"

Liang Xiao was slightly startled, looking at Huo Lan who was holding his book: "Mr. Huo, what's wrong?"

“…” Huo Lan: “Headache.”

Liang Xiao choked, coughed twice,

Huo Lan really didn't want to see this book.

Liang Xiao felt a little guilty. Thinking of what happened back then, she couldn't help but want to laugh. She endured the pain to the extreme.

He entered the study with a dream in his head, but he couldn't see the books on Mr. Huo's bookshelf, remembered the only one that had a little affection for him, so he asked Duan Ming to find it, sent it over and flipped through it .

I couldn't bear to see that before falling asleep, Liang Xiao was also vaguely awake, realizing that it was really inappropriate for Mr. Huo to read this book that was once used as a murder weapon.

I just didn't expect them to come back so early.

Huo Lan put away the keys, suppressed the unpleasant memories in his mind, got up and went back to the bed.

Liang Xiao's body is still empty, laughing for a while, she is tired, rubbing her eyes and lying on her back on the bed, her eyes are full of small stars moving.

Huo Lan hugged him, told him to sit up a little, and leaned on his shoulder: "Missing books?"

Liang Xiao didn't expect that he still remembered it, so he was stunned for a long time before clearing his throat with burning ears: "...I think."

Huo Lan raised his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead: "What do you want to hear?"

Liang Xiao was stunned: "Can I choose?"

Huo Lan didn't understand what was strange, so he met his gaze and nodded.

Liang Xiao opened his mouth and hurriedly braked.

...He even wanted to ask his agent to support two little yellow books for a moment.

This kind of thought is at best just thinking about addiction, Liang Xiao tried to make up the picture, but before it took shape, the whole person was already in Mr. Huo's arms.

"Uncomfortable?" Huo Lan frowned, touched his forehead, and leaned over to check the pheromone indicator on his wristband.

"No." Liang Xiao woke up and was about to speak when he suddenly realized that he was still holding something in his arms, "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan raised her eyes.

Liang Xiao coughed: "...this."

In the circle, he wants to communicate with people, and he has sent people and things a lot, but it is the first time that the gifts are so personal and the object is so special.

Liang Xiao didn't know what to say, so she cleared her throat and decided to let the gift recipient experience it herself, closed her eyes, and shoved the pajamas into Huo Lan's arms. .

Liang Xiao closed her eyes and held her breath.

Liang Xiao couldn't hold back, took a breath, and opened one eye.

Mr. Huo sat on the edge of the bed holding what he had stuffed, nothing changed from just now.

There doesn't seem to be any experience.

Liang Xiao hesitated for a while, then put his heart back: "Mr. Huo?"

Huo Lan shuddered, pulled back to his senses by his voice, and looked down at the suit in his arms.

The style should be pajamas, which have been washed and the labels have been deliberately removed.

The fabric is soft and warm against the palm of your hand.

Huo Lan hesitated for a long time, raised his hand and covered the neckline of Liang Xiao's original pajamas.

Huo Lan took a deep breath and closed his eyes, turned his eyes away, and untied his first button little by little.

“…Mr. Huo.”

Liang Xiao was waiting for him to be moved, but he didn't expect that Huo would always be moved to this point, and quickly shook the hand at his neckline: "It's not right."

Huo Lan frowned and stopped following his strength.

Liang Xiao stammered: "Light, broad daylight."

In broad daylight, it is impossible to clean up their innocence.

Liang Xiao stopped once, feeling worthy of the housekeeper, shaking her hands away and closing her eyes bravely.

He tried his best.

If Mr. Huo unbuttons one more button, it is not something he can decide.

Liang Xiao's heart was beating fast, and he even thought about whether to hurry up or not before the situation became undecidable, so he simply donated his face to confess his passion.

He tossed and turned, but Huo Lan frowned and pulled his hand back: "Don't move."

Liang Xiao was taken aback: "Can't I move?"

"Inconvenient." Huo Lan tried his best not to look at him, "I can't remember..."

Liang Xiao was stunned and opened her eyes: "Huh?"

Huo Lan was slightly startled and met his gaze.

Huo Lan: "No—"

Liang Xiao: "Not what?"

"Want me-"

Mr. Huo is used to self-discipline and etiquette, and he respects him very much. He can't say such frivolous words.

"It's my delusion." Huo Lan frowned, "I shouldn't take you lightly."

Liang Xiao fell to the ground with a heartbeat: "…"

Liang Xiao breathed weakly, thinking that you are too light: "...No."

Liang Xiao really couldn't figure it out: "I want to change my pajamas, so I specially gave you my clothes and asked you to change them for me?"

Huo Lan couldn't figure it out either, but he didn't dare to ask, and staggered his gaze in silence.

Liang Xiao held it back for a long time, seeing them, Mr. Huo had a rare guilty conscience, and couldn't hold back the joy.

Liang Xiao smiled and sighed, her heart aching again.

"Mr. Huo." Liang Xiao said lightly, tugging at his sleeve, "Did anyone give you a gift before?"

Huo Lan was stunned.

"It's not a business kind, a sports car suit and a watch."

Liang Xiao looked at him: "Just... a friend."

Liang Xiao actually wanted to be cheeky and go further, for fear of scaring him and fooling him: "A gift like a friend."

Huo Lan stared at him blankly, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound.

Liang Xiao understood completely, rubbed his forehead, and pulled the corner of his mouth: "Pajamas..."

Liang Xiao smiled: "The pajamas were not bought for me."

"Two days ago." Liang Xiao was confused, "I made some money."

Liang Xiao said as he felt that his quantifiers had never been so accurate.

Watching Mr. Huo’s office in the bedroom for the past few days, Liang Xiao was facing the flow of funds of tens of millions of units. At one point, he actually wanted to shorten the pajamas and wear them by himself.

Now that I think about it, thankfully not.

"It's not that expensive." Liang Xiao smiled, "Wear it to play, if you don't like it, just take it out and put it away..."

Huo Lan suddenly got up.

Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then raised her head, watching them, Mr. Huo, rushing out of the door with pajamas.

Liang Xiao finished the rest in a trance: "...

"You don't like it..."

Liang Xiao rubbed her eyes, a little puzzled, and lay back on the bed to think carefully.

He was worried that Huo Lan was not used to the newly bought clothes, so he washed it with water and removed all the labels that might be worn out.

I'm too embarrassed to tell others, so I squatted in the bathroom to dry it with warm air.

Liang Xiao carefully recalled which process went wrong, and after thinking more carefully, she was stunned to realize that Mr. Huo did not seem to have worn pajamas much during the days they had known each other.


Shadows of childhood, watched horror movies about pajamas.

Liang Xiao thought wildly, regretted his wrists, and sighed deeply.

…I would have bought a walnut smasher if I knew it.

Mr. Huo took too long.

Liang Xiao leaned back on the bed, she was too idle, she had already made up for the tenth nightmare of Xiao Huolan and her pajamas.

Liang Xiaonao finished the last scene, opened his eyes and sighed in the background music of the boy Huo Lan fighting the pajama monster.

No matter what.

The carefully selected gift was sent out and overturned, and I was somewhat lost.

Liang Xiao was a little melancholy, hugged herself and patted it twice, heard the door slam, and looked sideways.

The housekeeper closed the door and entered cautiously.

Liang Xiao couldn't figure it out: "Isn't it?"

The housekeeper was stunned: "What?"

"I just sent a pajamas." Liang Xiao couldn't believe it, "Mr. Huo is so angry that he doesn't want to see me in person anymore?"

Liang Xiao looked at the white-haired housekeeper, and said reasonably: "Can you come to sleep with me? No, I can sleep well by myself, but I might draw Mr. Huo on the bathroom mirror. Little man, please find someone to wipe it for me tomorrow..."

"What did you say——" The butler listened for a while, then suddenly reacted, "Did you send the pajamas?"

Liang Xiao surrendered: "Yes."

The housekeeper realized.

Mr. Huo just forcefully stated that he did not need to sleep, and suddenly changed into a set of pajamas that he did not know where he came from, and explained to everyone that he would sleep with Mr. Liang in the bedroom today.

Bodyguards squatted at the door and outside the window.

Mr. Huo, who only accepts text reports now, is wearing that set of pajamas and holding an emergency video conference for the management of Star Crown in Huo's office.

"It's alright." The butler let out a sigh of relief and sincerely thanked Liang Xiao, "Thank you."

Liang Xiao was still thinking about Huo Lan, a little embarrassed: "What?"

"Mr. Huo——" The butler didn't know what to say, and smiled a little embarrassingly, "Mr. Huo has never been so happy."

Liang Xiao was stunned.

Liang Xiao carefully recalled the posture of Huo Lan going out, how could she not think of a connection with happiness.

Except for the "everyone whose anger value rose sharply and was excited by Mr. Huo was fired".

"Huo always..."

The housekeeper inhaled lowly, his heart was so hot that he almost choked up: "I'm so happy, I don't know what to do."

Housekeeper: "He has never been happy in this house."

Liang Xiao remembered what the housekeeper had said to him, and after a long silence, his heart also became heavy, and he nodded without speaking.

"Thank you." The housekeeper thanked again, "Can you sleep with Mr. Huo today?"

Liang Xiao was at a loss: "Didn't Mr. Huo sleep with me?"

"Mr. Huo hasn't calmed down yet..." The housekeeper was very familiar with their temperament, "When you calm down, you will definitely regret it, and feel that what you just did was too light for you."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Housekeeper: "If Mr. Huo regrets it, he will punish himself."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Housekeeper: "Every time Mr. Huo punishes himself, he will force himself not to do what he wants to do most."

"The thing that Mr. Huo wants to do the most." The butler's logic is very clear, "It's to sleep with you."

Liang Xiao was convinced: " are right."

"So." The housekeeper begged him with difficulty, "It's up to you..."

Liang Xiao continued numbly: "Let me be shameless."

The housekeeper immediately sighed: "Yes."

"..." Liang Xiao weakly nodded: "Got it."

When the deputy director of Tianxing killed the star crown, I was afraid that he was right at all.

Traitor O and bring disaster to the country.

Liang Xiao faced the shadow, a little sad, hugged herself comfortably, rubbed her face and took a deep breath.

Put on clothes and go out and go out with Mr. Huo.

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