MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 37

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General Manager Long Tao was disheartened and hurried away with a gloomy face.

The housekeeper went out to see off the guests and hurried back: "Mr. Huo——"

"Today's matter." Huo Lan said, "Don't mention it to Mr. Liang."

The housekeeper was stunned, opened his mouth, and swallowed all the words: "...Yes."

Long Tao signed the letter of intent, and the contract needs to be sent back to the legal department of Xingguan for unified approval. Huo Lan reviewed it page by page and handed it back to the secretary department.

"Up to five days to a week, they can't take advantage of the formal legal process."

The secretary of the department has been chatting with the captain of the bodyguard these days. He is somewhat aware of the key points that Mr. Huo cares about.

Huo Lan nodded: "Go."

The head of the secretary department was very neat. He packed up the contract and went out to connect with the legal department.

The housekeeper closed the door, looked at Huo Lan for a while, and hesitated: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan closed his eyes and pressed his eyebrows hard.

"Mr. Huo." The housekeeper probably knew what he was thinking, and persuaded in a low voice, "They are don't need to take Mr. Liang's words to heart."

From Long Tao's point of view, Liang Xiao is just an omega that has been ruined by the failure of the next set.

These people are accustomed to stalking dogs, and they are even more outspoken when they are in a hurry.

But Huo Lan undoubtedly couldn't hear this.

...Not only this, but when Mr. Huo heard "sleeping with Mr. Liang", he felt that this kind of remark was light on Mr. Liang.

The housekeeper was unconsciously worried, pulled back his mind, and whispered to him: "If you bought Longtao, they can't slander Mr. Liang."

Huo Lan listened and nodded: "Yes."


Huo Lan was told by him about the central matter, he closed his eyes forcefully, and the knuckles of his left hand were clenched blue and white: "...Yes."

The housekeeper quickly sent a message to the captain of the bodyguard, telling him to buy a pound of thin-skinned walnuts, and then turned back to accompany Huo Lanai to calm down: "Mr. Liang has been wronged, and he must feel uncomfortable."

Huo Lan clenched his hands even tighter and raised his eyes silently.

"When people feel bad."

The housekeeper cleared his throat and said cautiously, "It's not all ... peeling walnuts."

Huo Lan: “…”

The housekeeper quickly changed his words: "You peel."

Huo Lan is only in the susceptible period, not hurting his brain. He looked cold and turned on the computer: "No need to say."

"When people are have to coax."

The housekeeper just pretended not to hear it, Heng Hengxin continued to say: "If you coax Mr. Liang, Mr. Liang will not be wronged."

The housekeeper was secretly delighted, and struck while the iron was hot: "Mr. Liang is almost better, do you want to go to bed with Mr. Liang tonight?"

Huo Lan released the mouse and looked up at him.

Housekeeper: "Before going to bed, send something to Mr. Liang."

"What?" Huo Lan asked.

"It's fine...don't write a letter." The housekeeper thought for a moment, then suddenly became alert, "Also please don't ask Mr. Liang to write another post about your letter."

Huo Lan's plan was so brutally rejected, he was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes, and said nothing.

His brows are sharp and cold, so silently and constricting his eyes, it makes people look flat and soft-hearted.

The housekeeper held on for a while, then sighed and gave in: "You can write a letter..."

Listening to Duan Ming, Mr. Liang was also very moved when he received the apology letter, and he would take it out to read it from time to time.

It was also placed in a hidden folder, with two layers of passwords, and they would not share it with them anyway.

The housekeeper no longer expects Mr. Liang to give Mr. Liang a tooth mark on the bed. After thinking about it carefully, he thinks that occasionally writing a letter may actually be fun: "Mr. Liang's language is not good, Don't force him to write after reading."

Huo Lan nodded.

"The contract has not been finalized yet." The housekeeper asked, "Are you going to wait until it is completely finalized before telling Mr. Liang?"

Huo Lan would undoubtedly not admit it in normal times, but after all, the susceptible period was frank and silent for a moment: "His birthday at the end of the month."

Although I heard Liang Xiao say that he was picked up by the head of the orphanage when he was a child, it was counted according to the day of the account registration, but it was a birthday after all.

Huo Lan disregarded the rules and suppressed Long Tao to such a degree that he had to sell the contract in advance, and he had this idea.

For the first time, the housekeeper witnessed the transition of Mr. Huo with his own eyes.

"Is Mr. Liang born in a leap year?" The housekeeper flipped through the calendar and quickly wrote it down, "It's been four years since that incident, erase the past and start anew, this gift It could not be better…"

Huo Lan didn't have much confidence in his heart, but when he saw his approval, his expression relaxed a lot: "Before this—"

"Don't tell Mr. Liang." The housekeeper understands, "Secret, surprise."

This is the first time Huo Lan has done this kind of thing.

The housekeeper was happy for a long time, completely relieved, did not cause any more trouble for him, tidied up the room and left quietly.


Liang Xiao finished her sentence without further explanation.

Chi Che greeted him with bright and clear eyes, pondered for a while, and vaguely understood: "Okay."

Chi Che came to Liang Xiao just to repay the favor. Seeing that he had made up his mind, he didn't say more: "If something happens in the future, Teacher Jiang's studio can help at any time."

Liang Xiao smiled: "Thank you."

"I should thank you." Chi Che reached out to him, "If it weren't for you, I might—"

Liang Xiao: "You will survive too."

Chi Che was stunned.

The assistant director had already come to urge him by the side of the shed. Liang Xiao didn't have time to say more, and quickly took his hand and shook it a few times.

Chi Che froze in place, stood for a while, and looked at Duan Ming who was packing.

Duan Ming guessed what he was going to ask, smiled and said politely: "There's nothing that can't be said, just ask."

"Mr. Liang..." Chi Che had only vaguely heard about the events at the time, and considered his tone, "At that time—"

"It's not easy either." Duan Ming put down his things, exhaled and looked back, "Looking back now, we have hardly seen him cry for so many days."

Duan Ming didn't notice that he was different, so he rarely recalled his past events and wiped his face: "He doesn't look sad, and he even joked with us... We are also big-hearted, so we just assumed he was okay. "

Chi Che frowned: "Did something happen later?"

"It doesn't count." Duan Ming shook his head, "We were gone in the middle of the night, we were so frightened that we searched for a long time to find it."

Chi Che was nervous: "Where?"

“…in a flower bed.”

Duan Ming pressed his forehead and smiled bitterly: "I don't know where I bought the beer, but I drank less than half a can. I thought I was on the rooftop, so I called and cried and said that the rooftop is so cold and windy."

Chi Che: "…"

Duan Ming is actually not too embarrassed to talk about this dark history, but Liang Xiao explained it in advance and told him to tell the other party to be relieved.

Chi Che compares his heart to his heart. He was already ready to hear a particularly tragic past. After a long while, he reluctantly nodded: "Yes, it is not easy."

"It's not easy." Duan Ming sighed, "Don't let go of the street lamp, we must tie him a safety rope."

"..." Chi Che was completely speechless, and after a long stretch, he couldn't help laughing.

Duan Ming was relieved when he saw him laugh, and smiled at Chi Che: "Go back quickly, Teacher Jiang is about to fight with the field manager."

This time back, Jiang Pingchao seemed to be much more nervous than his manager. When Chi Che was talking to them, he stayed beside Liang Xiaopeng.

Duan Ming looked over there several times and felt that the other party might not even move.

We waited for three days for this scene today, and finally got people together. Director Song refused to delay for another half a minute. The assistant director led three scene managers to persuade Teacher Jiang to do makeup. If it doesn't work, it seems that the killer will take the person away.

Chi Che recovered, glanced at the side of the court, quickly thanked him, and hurried over.

Duan Minggong retired, packed his things and went to the dressing room.

"Brother Duan, did you say it?"

Liang Xiao was asking the makeup artist to adjust the shape of her eyebrows when she saw Duan Ming in the mirror: "How's the effect?"

Liang Xiao smiled.

Duan Ming looked at him for a while, sighed, and pressed his shoulder.

There is one thing that Duan Ming didn't tell Chi Che, that drunkenness was the only time Liang Xiao cried happily in that half year.

Duan Ming couldn't think about his state of mind at that time, so he pressed his thoughts to change the subject: "Mr. Jiang has been staring, probably because he is afraid of what will happen again."

Liang Xiao said to the truth: "It's really sweet."

"..." Duan Ming was angry, he was angry for a long time, and vaguely reminded, "It's the last game."

After filming for so long, Mr. Huo has only seen one scene, and it is still a deleted clip that is not officially broadcast.

Although Mr. Huo really manages all kinds of opportunities, no matter what you say, this play is of great significance to Liang Xiao after all, and it is the finale of the finale.

Duan Ming also wanted to be serious: "Can't you tell Mr. Huo?"

Liang Xiaoteng's voice was hot: "No no no no."

Duan Ming rarely saw him stammering, and looked at him inexplicably: "Why?"

"Affect Status..."

Liang Xiao explained one sentence vaguely and recited the "Pure Heart Mantra": "Director Song asked me to be ethereal and not ethereal, real and not real."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming: "Can I add a translucent effect for you?"

It's not a fantasy drama, obviously not. Liang Xiao sighed lightly and temporarily suppressed the picture of sitting on the desk, and continued to concentrate on finding the state that Director Song requested.

The appearance of Yun Lian will be the only pure bright color in this scene.

"Do my best." Liang Xiao nodded, "I'll try."

Song Qi also knew that the request was too perverted, he waved his hand to drive away the others, and said to him alone: ​​"Come here."

Liang Xiao put down the script and went over to find a Maza to sit down.

"You didn't intend to live."

Song Qi: "Now that I am alive, there is nothing to do, no place to go."

"The sky and the earth are big." Song Qi asked, "Can you find this sense of daze?"

Liang Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"But you won't be stuck in this daze."

Song Qi changed his words: "You have never stopped anywhere, you are used to living like this, and even if you encounter something again, you will not feel extra sad."

Song Qi: "Don't allow yourself to feel sad."

Liang Xiao lowered her eyes and thought about it: "Yes."

To this level is actually all Song Qi's original requirements. The screenwriter insisted, Song Qi fought with him for three days and could only take a step back: "But this time, you suddenly want to live a good life."

Liang Xiao: "Why?"

Song Qi was not angry: "God knows."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Song Qi is a professional director after all, so he suppressed his anger and said to him again: "Maybe you found something or someone."

These are all extensions behind the lens, and they will not be included in the main line, but the blank space in them can bring people endless reverie.

Song Qi thought about it for a while, and gave him a rough idea: "For example, a person... With this person around, you suddenly feel that you can take a break and be better to yourself."

Liang Xiao was stunned and raised his head.

"Duckweed has no roots."

Song Qi sorted out his thoughts and finally settled: "This time, you won't be able to float."

Song Qi: "Because of this person, you suddenly feel tired, so you want to stop. It is also because of this person that you are determined to keep going."

Song Qi looked at him: "Can you find the feeling?"

Liang Xiao sat for a while, his throat moved, and he did not answer immediately.

"Yes." Liang Xiao said.

Song Qi doubted: "Really?"

Liang Xiao smiled and released the lightly clasped hand: "Really."

The last scene was semi-outdoor, with natural light in the mirror, the executive director was counting the time, and it happened to be stuck in the pale evening sun.


"Don't lean on the railing alone." Song Qi shook the script, and finally helped Liang Xiao to find the feeling: "The tea room is on the second floor, there are lights shining through, the dark scene between you and others is torn apart. Yes, but you're actually with them."

Liang Xiao nodded.

Song Qichao gestured to the executive director, turned and went downstairs.

"Ninety-one scenes and three scenes of "The Age of Removal", action!"

The aftermath of the bombing fades away.

The strength of the enemy was almost completely destroyed, leaving only an abandoned city.

Destroyed, the crowd moved slowly, gathered, and rubbed shoulders with each other.

Jing Zhe staggered up from the ruins with blood on his body, looking dazed.

This daze only existed for a moment, he stood still, raised his head, his eyes lit up, and stumbled towards the lover in front of him.

The road was so ruined that it was impossible to pass the car, Jing Ming dumped the Jing family's entourage and drove the horse all the way to death, almost vomiting blood.

The ruins were all over the place, Jing Ming reined his horse fiercely, searched for several times, and finally fell out of the crowd.

People wandered, looking for their way back, hugging each other in blood and tears.

The main camera does not stop deliberately, but slowly turns the panorama, the cold gray ruins, the new or sinking blood, the dim light of the setting sun, and the street corner Tea house.

Yun Lian leaned against the railing, dressed as usual, with a warm expression.

It is impossible for him not to be injured, except for his pale complexion, but there is no more clue.

The light of warm tones came out from the tea house, reflecting the fireworks that had nothing to do with him.

Liang Xiao closed his eyes, thinking about Song Qi's words.

The sky and the earth are huge, and I am alone.

Liang Xiao mobilized his emotions, opened his eyes and was about to match the plane, when he was suddenly startled.

Not only... he seems to have seen Huo Lan.

The staff is busy, everyone is focused on improving, and they are so hard to sharpen the most important long shot, no one pays attention to the sidelines.

Huo Lan didn't get close to the crowd, there was no housekeeper following him, and he stood a little further away.

It's too far to see. But looking at the general direction of Huo Lan's line of sight, he still vaguely felt that... Huo Lan might be looking at him.

Liang Xiao, in order to find the feeling, the memories of the pictures in his mind suddenly scattered cleanly.

"I miss the person you met." Before going downstairs, Song Qi turned around and reminded, "You have no place to return."

The director of Group D looked at the monitor, his eyes lit up, and he silently grabbed the cameraman's arm.

Yun narrowed her eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.


Song Qi threw the script and couldn't hide his excitement: "That's it, the last scene ends!"

Liang Xiao hasn't made a full play yet, and is trying his best to come back from Schrödinger's hazy: "Director Song, it's not right."

"What's wrong?" Song Qi was inspired, and he was not allowed to speak at all, "This shot is all cut! How is the D group? Keeping two close-up shots, this state can be If you can't ask for it, I guess he won't be able to shoot it again..."

Liang Xiao: “…”

"It doesn't matter." The screenwriter patted him on the shoulder, not in a hurry, "Yun Lian is a character outside the whole story, in other words, only in his perspective, this is a character Full story."

Screenwriter: "He is a player and an observer. The end of the story is just right in his eyes."

Liang Xiao always felt that the screenwriter had a plan: "Mr. Jiang and the others—"

"There will be no opinions." The screenwriter said, "Everyone has their own highlights. As long as they are arranged properly, there will be no robbing."

Liang Xiao was speechless and smiled helplessly.

"Don't think too much." Su Man also grabbed a monitor, watched the last shot, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's so beautiful, I'm the director, I'll show the title of this shot The last scene of the song."

"..." Liang Xiao quickly stopped her: "Sister Man."

Su Man was behind Song Qi, raised his eyebrows, no longer pretended to accidentally remind Song Director, and slapped him on the shoulder: "Congratulations on finishing, the future is promising."

"Congratulations on finishing." Meng Feibai came over and smiled at Liang Xiao, "It deserves its name, in five years, this scene will probably appear in your performance inventory. "

Meng Feibai and Jiang Pingchao both had explosive scenes in the last scene. The two brothers fought fiercely in the ruins. Halfway through the fight, I didn’t know who hugged who first, twisted into a twist and cried bitterly After a game, I just came back from washing my face, and I am still somewhat embarrassed.

Jiang Pingchao was busy staring at his agent, turned his head one step at a time, and shook hands with Liang Xiao: "Congratulations..."

"..." Chi Che couldn't stand it any longer and stood behind Liang Xiao.

Jiang Pingchao breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Liang Xiao: "We will work together in the future."

Several leading actors had no problem with the last scene, Liang Xiao didn't want to say more, smiled: "It's an honor."

Filming a month-long war scene.

Liang Xiao is very popular in the crew, not only a few leading actors, but also the assistant director, screenwriter and producer came over to shake hands and hug each other, congratulations on his successful completion.

The screenwriter also shook hands with him, smiling and chewing on the words: "People don't know Lingyunmu at that time, just wait until Lingyun starts to be high."

Liang Xiao smiled: "You are wrong."

"It's not wrong." Song Qi interjected, looking at him with rare appreciation, "Go ahead, the future will be like a sea."

No matter which month the war scene was filmed, it was the last day of filming in Jiangnan Field. A group of people were lively, shouting, booing each other and working hard. In a blink of an eye, it changed from celebrating his completion to a housewarming party for the crew.

Liang Xiao was surrounded by the crowd, and finally thanked Duan Ming for everyone.

Duan Ming followed: "What are you looking for?"

Liang Xiao whispered, "Where's Mr. Huo?"

"Has Mr. Huo come?" Duan Ming was stunned, "I didn't pay attention, I was staring at you at that time..."

Liang Xiao thought about it for a while, looked back, and felt that Huo Lan might not be able to smoothly integrate into the crowd behind him rolling in the smoke-filled ruins.

He especially wanted to see Huo Lan at the moment, so he took off his coat and shoved it into Duan Ming's hand: "Brother Duan, cover me."

"..." Duan Ming stared at his back, sighed heavily, put on his coat and worried: "Run slowly! Don't catch a cold..."

Liang Xiao waved his hand and quickly left the studio.

It is rare to see the teahouse without being disheartened. Liang Xiao changed his clothes, took a quick shower and changed his clothes. He moved as fast as possible, but the sky was still completely dark and the sky was full of stars.

Liang Xiao did not ask the assistant to follow and entered the elevator.

Sitting at the desk, Huo Lan looked up when he heard the door slam, and was stunned.

Liang Xiao had been on the set for a long time, and when he saw him, he felt hot: "...Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan narrowed his eyes.

Liang Xiao closed the door with her backhand and walked towards him.

"Congratulations...on completion."

Huo Lang was not familiar with the traditions of the crew, so he learned to congratulate him with the rustiness he heard, got up and stretched out his hand to him: "It's hard work."

Liang Xiao was startled.

He knew that Huo Lan went to the studio, but he was surrounded by people when he came down. He didn't know when Huo Lan left.

Having learned even this sentence, they may have spent a long time together.

Liang Xiao's heart beat a little faster, and with a long memory, he didn't dare to ask Huo Lan whether he was waiting for him after waiting on the sidelines for so long.

Huo Lan waited for a while, and seeing that he didn't mean to shake hands, he didn't force it, and withdrew his hand.

Liang Xiao recovered and cleared his throat: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan raised her eyes.


Liang Xiao hesitated, completely shameless: "Do you have a gift for me?"

Huo Lan: "Yes."

Liang Xiao has made up her mind, as long as Huo Lan does not have it, he will take advantage of the situation to get Lai into their Boss Huo's villa for a few more days.


He didn't know if he could stop, but he really wanted to stop and walk with Huo Lan.

Liang Xiao deliberately made a belly draft, and was about to speak out of luck when she was caught off guard: "…Huh?"

Huo Lan opened the drawer, took out a small paper bag, and handed it to him.

Liang Xiao took it in a trance, opened it carefully, and looked at the ten walnut kernels that were completely peeled: "..."

Huo Lan helped him repack it, put it in his pocket, and bent over to hold Liang Xiao's wrist: "Have you washed?"

Before Liang Xiao came out of the shock of walnuts, he nodded subconsciously when he heard the words.

Huo Lan touched his wrist, tried to hold it, and led him to the master bedroom.

Liang Xiao felt that she might have opened the wrong door, so he led him to the bedside and muttered, "Mr. Huo."

"..." Liang Xiao wasn't sure if she should call the housekeeper: "Do you—do you need any special services?"

It was the first time Huo Lan became a pillow, how did he know what special services he needed, he frowned at him: "Not enough?"

Liang Xiao: "…Huh?"

Huo Lan didn't know if a good-quality throw pillow should be worn with a shirt, but after all, today was a special day, he had the heart to celebrate the completion of Liang Xiao's work.

Huo Lan closed his eyes and unbuttoned his shirt with one hand.

Liang Xiao banged and burned on the spot: "Mr. Huo Huo."

Liang Xiao see no evil: "It's not right..."

Huo Lan was impatient, closed his eyes to suppress his temper, picked up the man with one hand, lay down together, and held his arm around his waist.

Liang Xiao: “…”

Huo Lan lay upright, his hands resting on his legs, and closed his eyes: "Go to sleep."

The night was quiet.

Liang Xiao was trapped on the bed, hugging Mr. Huo who was stubborn, and touched his clothes pockets in a trance.

I took out a paper bag from the inside, opened it, took out a walnut, and ate it.

Read The Duke's Passion