MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 102

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Liang Xiao put down his hand.

If there is no agent by his side, he almost thinks he is having another dream.

The best dream in years, everything in the house is the same as before, there are books on the table, the lights are dim, the exercise books are meticulously piled on the top of the bookshelf, the TV plug is strictly with a small padlock locked.

Not an inch of land.

Liang Xiao touched the wallpaper with a familiar material, wanted to enter the door, and took her hand back.

"Isn't it—"

Duan Ming looked at him and asked hesitantly, "Has Mr. Huo been back?"

Liang Xiao found his voice: "I don't know..."

Liang Xiao grinned reluctantly: "Or - I made a mistake before, accidentally entered someone's model room, and slept..."

"Bullshit." Duan Ming glanced at him, "The way home is a good dream."

Liang Xiao's last breath was also stabbed by the manager. He leaned on the door frame and bent down, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and woke up for a while.

…not a dream.

Not such a good dream.

Liang Xiao felt a little pain in his internal organs, opened his eyes, and whispered to his agent: "Brother Duan—"

"..." Duan Ming glanced down at the hand he was holding his arm, and held back: "It's not a dream."

Liang Xiao hugged her little water gun: "Really?"

Duan Ming really didn't think about how Liang Xiao hid a water spray gun from his body all the way, wiped the water on his face, and used to him: "Really."

Liang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief: "Then you push me..."

Duan Ming is inexplicable: "Why?"

"Push me." Liang Xiao was a little embarrassed, "I can't walk anymore."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming stopped being hypocritical with him, rescued his arm, and kicked the artist who had been dawdling at the door for five minutes into the room.

The house is almost the same as it was back then.

Liang Xiao checked the rooms one by one.

Duan Ming was afraid that he would turn into a fountain if he didn't pay attention, so he wanted to accompany Liang Xiao to talk more: "This is your position?"

"Yes." Liang Xiao touched the table and whispered, "I was here at the time. If I threatened Mr. Huo if he dared to force me to endorse it, I would jump out of the window."

Duan Minggang brewed an emotion: "...Oh."

Liang Xiao wanted to touch everything when he saw it, and fiddled with the pen holder on the table for a while, then leaned over to pull the drawer: "Then he went out to buy me snacks."

Duan Ming: "In order to coax you to endorse?"

Liang Xiao shook his head: "To coax me down from the rooftop."

Liang Xiao still remembers the situation at that time, seeing things and feeling love: "He was afraid that I would fall, and he had to make me tie a safety rope first, and then be careful to come down, he followed me below... "

Duan Ming didn't quite understand what the youth of these two people had to miss. He moved a small bench and sat on the side, clapping together.

Liang Xiao thought very emotionally, and searched for treasures in the drawers one by one: "I saw him follow me, so I deliberately stepped on the air to scare him."

Duan Ming finally found an opportunity: "Will Mr. Huo hug you for comfort?"

Liang Xiao: "Mr. Huo will hold me and let me write a review."

Duan Ming: "…"

Liang Xiao failed to find out his own review, and turned through a few drawers, saved a handful of candy, peeled one and stuffed it into his mouth.

The young Huo Lan was very serious at that time, far more flexible than now, and his life entered the stage of unsmiling sunset red earlier. It is never clear the difference between joking and serious, and there is hardly any interest in life at all.

When he was young, Huo Lan could not snow, so he was so angry that he could only criticize him severely. He held Xiao Liang Xiao all the way and poked it back to the floor in the room, and took a stack of manuscript paper for him to write examine.

Xiao Liangxiao was so annoyed at that time that she collapsed, and several times she wanted to draw a cat on the face of a serious fat sheep all night.

Liang Xiao pulled out a large marker and thought about it carefully. For safety, she carefully hid it in the deepest corner of the drawer.

“Can you eat sugar?”

Duan Ming took the candy and looked at the production date: "It's okay, I thought Mr. Huo even kept the candy from that year..."

Liang Xiao smiled: "Actually, a lot of things are new."

Duan Ming was stunned: "Is there?"


He actually didn't know very well how Huo Lan found almost the same style as back then, how much effort it took to find these, and when did he start preparing.

The pictures in my memory are all held by the familiar room, and they are pieced together little by little, and they are vivid and ready to come out.

Liang Xiao clenched her cuffs, rubbed her eyes quickly, and confiscated the candy that her manager was about to peel.

Liang Xiao was also embarrassed: "Downstairs... in the car, we bought it."

I have to stay at home and wait for Huo Lan to finish work, a whole day is not necessarily enough.

Liang Xiao was really reluctant, so he protected the pile of candy and pulled it into his arms twice, his auricles getting hot: "It's also from this brand, just take it..."

Duan Ming finally found an opportunity, got up and left the stage immediately, left him alone, and strode downstairs.

Liang Xiaoyao stood at the stairway and waved the manager away, closed the door, turned off the ceiling light in the living room, and walked to the window.

He was worried about Huo Lan, and the manager was worried about him. In fact, it was inevitable that a certain moment had come, and most people could hold it.

But there are a lot of ironing posts.

Liang Xiao walked to the window, watched the car parked downstairs double-flash several times, opened the window, and waved down.

The nanny car honked its horn and drove out of the community in a circle.

The house suddenly became clean.

Liang Xiao didn't want to ruin the bedroom, picked a pillow, leaned back on the sofa, and took out his phone.

As soon as people are busy, they suddenly become unaccustomed to them. He has never stopped spinning like a spinning top over the years. During this period of time, he has settled down and took a few breaths. He has never had such a time to do nothing.

Liang Xiao opened Weibo and glanced at the half-truths.

The response plan given by Star Crown is already very comprehensive.

The best for all.

Liang Xiao read the manuscript for the interview several times, and recited it almost.

He actually slept on this bed more than the bed in the bedroom. Huo Lan often learned late at night. Useless thing.

The overly serious and mature teenager in my memory is boring no matter how you look at it, so boring that people can't help but worry about it.

Liang Xiao has always lived a happy and comfortable life. Whenever he sees Huo Lan making a frame and trapping himself, he can't help but wipe the frame for him, and pulls people out.

After dragging for a long time, I suddenly realized that they became two people who couldn't let go.

Liang Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the desk beside the sofa for a while, and a particularly relaxed laziness and tiredness surged up, dragging him back to the long-awaited tranquility.

He hasn't had a dream about a teenager for a long time, this time, he is going to dream of Huo Lan.

Huo Lan finally escaped from the program group, it was noon the next day.

Liang Xiao got up early, went to the morning market that was about to be demolished, bought rice, noodles, vegetables and meat, went into the kitchen all day, and made a full Table rare serious dishes.

When Huo Lan entered the door, Liang Xiao was smashing walnuts with all his heart.

Unlike Huo Lan, who has been skilled for many years, Liang Xiao has no experience in this kind of thing. As soon as the hammer came down, the walnut almost flew out of the door.

Huo Lan got out of the way in time, watching the walnut slammed into the wall all the way, and jumped downstairs: "..."

Liang Xiao held the hammer: "…"

Abide by the law and jointly maintain a good environment for the community.

Avoid all kinds of personal injury and property damage caused by someone accidentally stepping on walnuts when going down the stairs.

Liang Xiao couldn't control his conditioned reflex, jumped up from the sofa, shoved the hammer into the hands of Mr. Huo, who had come home in a hurry, and went downstairs to chase walnuts.

Everything happened in a particularly turbulent manner. Huo Lan held a hammer and stood at the door for a while, before seeing Liang Xiao rushing upstairs.

"How's it going?"

Liang Xiao ran fast, with a little sweat on his forehead: "Why so fast? I saw Director Yin posted a message about hitting a wall in the circle of friends, and I thought it was going to be filmed at night..."

Huo Lan stuffed him into his arms and closed his arms.

He let Huo Lan hold him, bowed his head and remained silent, pursed his lips for a while, and his eyes were red.

Liang Xiaohui hugged Huo Lan and rubbed lightly between his neck: "Welcome home."

Liang Xiao had to speak again, the arms behind him had already tightened as much as he could, and the heartbeats of his chest and shoulders were tightly stitched together.

Liang Xiao rubbed the cloth on his shoulder, raised his head to meet Huo Lan's gaze, and smiled at him.

Huo Lan pursed the corner of his lower lip and wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound, raised his hand and gently rubbed his head.

Liang Xiao generously let him knead, and took the initiative to rub the warm palm that covered the top of his hair.

He didn't know how many times such a scene appeared in Huo Lan's dream, maybe every night when he opened the door in his dream, Huo Lan also had the same dream.

Open the door, open the door, open the door…

Open the door, and then nothing.

Liang Xiao held Huo Lan's hand and let him press it on his chest, landing on the heartbeat that lightly hit the chest wall.

Huo Lan hugged him and closed the door.

"It's hard." Huo Lan kissed him, "I'm here."

Huo Lan: "I'm here."

During a meal, Liang Xiao was calming down and holding back tears, trying to stop the hailstorm, and no longer had any more concerns about why Yin Dao hit the wall.

The two of them hadn't had a good meal at home for a long time, and finally put down their chopsticks. The time was completely past the afternoon.

Huo Lan got up to wash the dishes, but was dragged back by Liang Xiao: "No hurry."

Huo Lan stopped with his strength: "What do you want to do?"

Liang Xiao's ears became hot, looked at the sofa carpet that was warmed by the sun, and dragged Huo Lan over.

I would rather bump my head and remove the bookcase, just to let the sunshine out.

Liang Xiao has been looking forward to it for a long time, because the young Huo Lan is either in class or studying in this precious time period, and has never practiced. Dismantled and changed.

Huo Lan never knew that his sofa could be deformed: "When -"

"It's been possible." Liang Xiao yawned and dragged Huo Lan into the nest together, "You can still take off the table top of your desk."

Huo Lan: “…”

He had never paid attention to what Xiao Liang Xiao was doing at first, and when he was pulled by Liang Xiao against the sofa, he suddenly realized: "Is the clothes hanger modified by you?"

"Yeah." Liang Xiao adjusted their boss Huo according to the shape of the sofa, "It's a human shape after a little change, how easy it is to dry clothes without wrinkling..."

Huo Lan pondered for a while, but still didn't mention the fact that the nanny came to pick up the things at home late at night, and was frightened by the clothes floating on the balcony hanger and resigned that night.

Liang Xiao was very excited, Huo Lan looked at him quietly for a while, smiled, and reached out to take him into his arms.

The time is right and the place is right, Liang Xiao got up too early and was almost too sleepy to open his eyes: "Seriously, this pheromone is really useful in summer..."

Huo Lan looked down at him, smiled, and put Liang Xiao in his arms: "Go to sleep."

Liang Xiao was a little worried that he was going to sneak away to study again, and barely raised one eyelid: "How about you?"

"Together." Huo Lan said softly, "Not before you wake up."

Liang Xiao was satisfied, she rolled into the arms of the natural air-conditioned pillow, and fell asleep peacefully.

Huo Lan hugged him, stared at him for a long time, kissed him between his eyebrows, and closed his eyes together.

After another day, Star Crown’s team came over specially to pick up the two to the reserved venue.

The publicity of the press conference is still centered on "Sui Chu". At the end of the press conference, Huo Lan will attend as an investor.

According to the arrangement, the reporter in the business section will ask questions first, and Huo Lan will first reply and explain the recent big moves of Star Crown. When someone on the entertainment page provokes Liang Xiao's matter, he will take out the contract prepared in advance, and at the same time let Liang Xiao formally come forward and give a clarification and reply together.

Star Crown has deep resources in the circle, the arrangement has already been arranged, and the reporter's questions have also been fully prepared. In order to avoid accidents as much as possible, the reporters in charge of "challenging matters" have specially arranged their own people.

There has never been such a formal press conference. Liang Xiao didn't have time to enter the venue. First, he was surrounded by the overly excited media, and then he suddenly got a real sense of the popularity.

"We've already blocked several calls, and there are still many of your fans who came to squat in advance... There are also many reporters."

Duan Ming rarely dealt with this kind of situation. Before he got out of the car, he felt nervous, and explained in a low voice: "You will be a little fiercer in a while, you are not allowed to say anything, you are ready to be bombarded. Just go."

"..." Liang Xiao was stunned: "Can't you be gentle?"

"You can't be gentle, after all, it's an indifferent money transaction." Duan Ming patted his shoulder, "Protect yourself."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming added: "Heavier."

Liang Xiao just revisited the old dream of a teenager with passion last night, but he couldn't bear it: "It has to be brewed..."

Duan Ming opened Weibo and stuffed it into his hand.

The real hammer on the opposite side will not be released until 0:00, and Star Crown will also hold a press conference before that to clarify that both sides are accumulating energy, and the wind direction on Weibo is uncontrolled for a while, and it is noisy No deal.

If there is fire, there will be black. Star Crown has been maintaining Liang Xiao's comment area during this period of time. tragic.

Everyone insists President, wanton cynicism. If you don't believe it, you also secretly poke the connotation, implying that Liang Xiao took advantage of the situation to take advantage of his incompatibility.

The more the two sides quarreled, the more intense they became, and even a lot of the old events of the year were revealed, and there were even some people who had a strange connotation of Long Tao's events five years ago.

Duan Ming couldn't stand it anymore, frowned, holding the phone with two fingers: "Are you ready?"

Liang Xiao nodded sincerely: "It's brewing."

Liang Xiao smiled: "I know."

"It's a big deal to find a mountain to film for half a year, just to seize the time to win an award, and join the actor to return to his hometown, and join forces."

Duan Ming cheered him up: "At that time, I said that although you and Mr. Huo were only contracts at the beginning, they were biting and biting for a long time to develop love..."

Liang Xiao cooperated and sat up straight, nodding: "Bite out the emotion."

"Yes." Duan Ming supported his shoulder, "Are you indifferent?"

Liang Xiao: "...indifferent."

Duan Ming glanced at the crowd of people outside the car, opened the door, and dragged him out of the car.

"Mr. Liang is ready."

The head of the public relations department came over specially, watched the staff take the microphone for Huo Lan, and lowered his voice: "Our public opinion is almost in place, as long as you clarify here, we will immediately link up there. ."

Huo Lan took the prepared question draft and put the tablet aside.

"It's just for a while!" The head of the public relations department saw the Weibo comment above and quickly explained, "These gossips are the least memorable, this time it is completely clarified, and a little operation in the future will be able to reverse Turn back."

The Minister of Public Relations has done a lot of this kind of thing, and he is very sure: "No one will remember this in the future. After all, the circle is still respected by strength. Mr. Liang has a work to come out, and these criticisms can be made. Press it down."

Huo Lan's expression was flat, and he buckled down the tablet computer: "I know."

The head of the public relations department lost his confidence: "This kind of thing is the norm in the circle, no one can completely clean it up, someone likes it and someone scolds it, without this handle, there will be another..."

"It's not easy for you these years." The Minister of Public Relations whispered, "The rise and fall of the stock price has little effect on us, but you have paid so much for the Huo family, these years—"

The host was already inviting investors to play. The head of the public relations department was inexplicably uneasy, and took two steps back to make way for him.

The head of the public relations department whispered: "Mr. Huo... Do you want to return Mr. Liang's innocence?"

Huo Lan lowered his eyes and touched the cufflinks lightly, and meticulously said: "No need to pay it back."

The Minister of Public Relations was stunned: "What?"

"There's something that maybe some people have forgotten."

Huo Lan: "Mr. Liang is clean and innocent from start to finish."

The head of the public relations department was stunned for a while, then a thought suddenly popped up in his heart, he didn't know whether to persuade him or not, he opened his mouth and looked at Huo Lan anxiously.

Huo Lan was not looking at him, his line of sight crossed more than half of the venue and landed in the dark corner where the door was tightly closed and connected to the backstage.

He has had countless dreams and pushed open countless doors.

The camera turned around, the noise of the scene was vaguely quiet, and the chasing light shook people's eyes.

Huo Lan got up and walked towards the microphone.

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