MTL - The President Asked Me To Go To Her House Again-Chapter 63 The president accompanies me to her house again

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It wasn't Lin Sheng's cell phone, her cell phone was in her trouser pocket, and it was Xu Nan's cell phone ringing.

The moment the phone rang, Xu Nan opened his eyes subconsciously, and saw Lin Sheng pouting and looking at her aggrievedly, Xu Nan patted Lin Sheng on the back: "Okay, I'll take a call."

Lin Sheng said quietly: "Can you ignore it?"

"No." Xu Nan calmed down, sat up straight, wrapped his arms around Lin Sheng's waist, and hooked her to the sofa beside him, "Sit, don't move."

The phone is still ringing constantly, and there must be something wrong with the call at this time.

Lin Sheng was full of resentment, but he was also sensible, and did not force the boss to give employee benefits.

Instead, she buried her face in Xu Nan's neck, hummed a few times, and hugged her waist.

Xu Nan also let Lin Sheng's temper, patted her back with her left hand, stretched out her right hand, took the mobile phone of the coffee table, and glanced at the caller ID, she was an important customer of the company. incoming call.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

Listening to Xu Da BOSS on the phone, his tone was calm, and he proficiently uttered a bunch of business terms, as if he was talking about the company's project.

The benefits were not delivered just now, and Lin Sheng was thinking about waiting for Xu Nan to finish the phone call before sending them, but the unpleasant customer was pestering Xu Nan, talking for half an hour without stopping .

What's more, if you rely on Xu Nan so much, more people will come to work in the company later. Seeing her coming out of the general manager's office and rumors coming, it's not easy to deal with it.

Lin Sheng reluctantly raised her head from Xu Nan's neck and gently pulled the dress around her waist, Xu Nan felt it, and looked up at her while talking on the phone.

Seeing Xu Nan looking over, Lin Sheng didn't make a sound to disturb her, she blinked her resentful eyes, raised her finger and pointed at the door, the expression on her face was a little aggrieved.

Xu Nan smiled lightly on her lips, kneaded Lin Sheng's small earlobe, nodded to her, and nodded lightly.

Out of the general manager's office with a depressed mood.

Lin Sheng went round and round, instead of waiting for the elevator, she went downstairs to eat in the cafeteria, but went back to her office and ordered takeout.

Lying on the desk with her hand on her forehead, Lin Sheng frowned slightly, playing with a lipstick between her fingers. This was the "welfare" given to her by the big boss just now.

interest of.

Perhaps because of this, Xu Nan had some concerns and was ambiguous with her, but he hesitated to respond to her and refused to agree to be with her.

Having experienced a failed relationship, Lin Sheng doesn't have much sense of security about this road. She believes that Xu Nan is just as insecure as she is.

That's why Xu Nan would say this on the night of the banquet. If you like it, you may not always be together. This is her reason, and she didn't get carried away by emotions.

But no matter how I say it, the little hands are pulled, the kisses are kissed, and we have slept together. The relationship is progressing by leaps and bounds. According to this progress, it will not take long.

Raider Xu Da BOSS!

Enable self-release mode.

Lin Sheng thought about it again, and when the strategy is successful, she and Xu Nan will officially be together, and then she can live the small life of her dreams and madly sprinkle dog food.

Although there is no gentle lady, but one Xu Nan is enough, she is a lady with various attributes, perfectly gathered in one.

I thought so happily.

Lin Sheng was instantly full of ambition, and she solemnly decided that tonight, she must climb to the big boss Xu's house, that soft and fragrant bed!

The bell rang at five o'clock.

Lin Sheng sat motionless, staring straight at the computer screen, fingers quickly tapping the keyboard, still immersed in the busy work, various settlements at the end of the month, various reports, really too busy .

The entire finance department is busy.

The mobile phone next to her rang suddenly, Lin Sheng was in a daze, and quickly credited the money into the account. Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at him, and the caller ID was "Auntie".

This is worth it, Lin Sheng quickly picked up the phone, and when she connected, she heard a whisper from her aunt: "Sheng Sheng, it's almost six o'clock, when do you get off work?"

"Auntie, I'm still a little busy now, so I might have to go back later." Lin Sheng replied.

"Okay, my baby Sheng Sheng is also a busy person." Lin Su smiled lightly, "I'll buy whatever food you want, and cook it for me when you come back."

Lin Sheng turned the chair and snorted softly, "What kind of dishes do I like to eat, doesn't my aunt know yet?"

"Of course Auntie knows." Lin Su smiled lightly, "Alright, I'll pick a few dishes you like, get off work early, and I'll wait for you at home."

"Okay auntie, I'll be back sooner."

Hang up.

Lin Sheng remembered another thing.

Tomorrow, as the president of LT Group, my aunt came to XS Company and the general manager of XM Group, namely Xu Nan, to discuss the cooperation between the groups.

My aunt's business acumen is very shrewd. In the past few years, my aunt has taken over the LT Group. The rapid development of the group is inseparable from my aunt's presence everywhere.

Xu Nan is young and can manage a group as big as XM by her own abilities and means, which is not inferior to her aunt.

The ultimate boss of the two groups will finally sit together tomorrow and face to face.

Lin Sheng shivered just thinking about that scene.

I quickly shook my head, tossed away the messy thoughts, and continued to work on the few remaining tasks.

Lin Sheng picked it up and took a look, a little surprised, when he called "Xu Da BOSS", Xu Nan rarely called her, and took the initiative to call her to explain that there must be something wrong.

Connected, without waiting for Xu Nan to make a sound, Lin Sheng asked, "Boss, what are your orders?"

"Not yet, I'm getting off work now." Lin Sheng said and turned off the computer, "What about you, when do you get off work, and do you have to get off work overtime until late at night?"

"Well, there are still some things, I may have to get off work later." Xu Nan tapped the table lightly with slender fingers, "So I want to ask you for a favor."

Lin Sheng teased: "What's the matter, you big boss can't handle it, you want me to help you."

"Help me pick up a friend from the airport."

"Male friend, female friend?"

"A good female friend in a normal relationship." Xu Nan was rather helpless, "Is there any time? She will be at the airport in half an hour, and I can't get away."

Lin Sheng didn't answer right away, he glanced at the time, it was almost 6:30 pm, and there was still half an hour left for the plane to land, pick up and return, that is, to be able to go home around 7:00, which is not too much. Night.

"Okay, help you." Lin Sheng snorted softly, "What is her name, what does she look like, what is her phone number, and where did she get someone."

"The name Su Bei'an, what she looks like, you will know when you go there. I will send her mobile phone number to you later and bring her to my house."

Lin Sheng stared: "Do you live at your house?"

"Um, a problem?"

"No, no problem."

It seems that there is no chance to climb on Xu Nan's soft and fragrant bed tonight, and my aunt is waiting for her at home.

"You drive my car, the car key and the home key, I have asked Ye Tong to bring it to you. After you get off work, go to the airport immediately."

As soon as Xu Nan finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the office. Lin Sheng raised his head and stood by the door, looking at her with a smile.

"Okay, I know, that's all, I'll hang up first." Lin Sheng hurriedly answered and hung up the call.

Ye Tong walked in at the right time, put a bunch of keys in Lin Sheng's desk, and chuckled: "Sheng Sheng, this is what the big boss asked me to give you."

"Thank you." Lin Sheng stood up, picked up the key, took the bag hanging beside him, looked at Ye Tong, and smiled, "You didn't get off work so late?"

"Well, just finished the meeting." Ye Tong nodded with a smile, "Let's go, I'll get off work together."


It was only a 20-minute drive from the company to the airport. Lin Sheng drove to the Z city airport and stood under the big screen, waiting patiently.

This Su Bei'an should be "An An" who called Xu Nan yesterday. The relationship between the two must be very good, just like she and Pingping are best friends.

There are people coming and going at the airport, Lin Sheng looks at the airport aisles from time to time, and looks at his mobile phone from time to time.

As time passed, it was finally time for Xu Nan to send the plane to land.


The phone rang suddenly, Lin Sheng hurriedly looked at it, it was an unfamiliar number, and it belonged to City S.

Lin Sheng raised her head, answered the call, searched the crowd, and asked aloud, "Hello, Miss Su, are you here?"

"I'm here." Su Bei'an replied with a chuckle as he walked, "Miss Lin, where are you waiting for me."

Lin Sheng took a few steps: "On the left hand side of you when you came out, did you see the big screen above, I was under the big screen, wearing a white shirt and black pants."

"Okay, I see." Subei'an stopped, walked sideways to the left, looked up at the big screen not far away, and walked slowly through the crowd.

Lin Sheng watched everywhere, searched for a few minutes, but found no abnormal woman, so she couldn't help asking, "Miss Su, have you seen me?"

Subian chuckled: "Don't worry, I see you, I'm walking towards you, don't move, yes, I'm right at your position at two o'clock."

Hearing what she said, Lin Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and he stood still, turned his head hurriedly, and looked towards two o'clock.

In the crowd of people, Lin Sheng only glanced at this, and his eyes locked on the woman walking towards her.

Pink shirts and jeans, simple, capable and youthful dress, even so, they can't hide their beauty and beauty, showing a touch of water and delicacy.

Su Bei'an saw Lin Sheng wearing a white shirt and black trousers from a distance, tall and beautiful, so this was Nan Nan's little nanny.

Su Bei'an walked up to Lin Sheng, stretched out her right hand, and chuckled: "Hello, I'm Xu Nan's friend, my name is Su Bei'an, nice to meet you."

"Hello, my name is Lin Sheng, and it's a pleasure to meet you." Lin Sheng held Su Bei'an's hand. After all, it was the first time we met, and he smiled shyly.

The two let go, and Su Bei'an smiled and said, "Since they are all friends of Xu Nan, I will not be seen outside. Don't be polite, just call me An An."

This Miss Su looks more lively and cheerful than Xu Nan, this kind of temperament is easy to get along with, Lin Sheng does not hesitate, nodding with a smile: "Then I'm welcome, you don't need to See you outside, call me Shengsheng."

"Okay, I often hear Nannan talk about you." Su Bei'an blinked slyly.

"Tell me?" Lin Sheng was stunned.

"No, no." Lin Sheng shook his head hurriedly, "She didn't hit me, I accidentally hit me."

"That's good." Su Bei'an seemed relieved, "I thought Nan Nan bullied you again."

"No, how could she bully me." This is very false, Lin Sheng said it out of conscience.

Faced with Lin Sheng's denial, Su Bei'an just smiled. With the strange temperament of her Nan Nan, the better the relationship with her, the more she likes to bully others. She doesn't believe it at all. Nan does not bully the babysitter.

"Okay, let's go, let's go back and talk." Su Bei'an took Lin Sheng's arm naturally and smiled lightly, "Little driver, please take me back, thank you."

"Not hard, not hard."

In order to catch Xu Da BOSS, she has to maintain a friendly relationship with her friends.

Go to pick up the checked luggage and come out. Lin Sheng drove Su Bei'an home. It was the first time they met, and they were somewhat restrained when they got along.

"Sheng Sheng, let me tell you, don't look at Nan Nan's normal quietness, if you really irritate her, then you have to be careful, she may not know when, Just stab you in the back."

"A changeable temperament like Nan Nan sold you, you don't know yet, count the money for her."

Lin Sheng has a deep understanding of this. Last time, he really angered Xu Nan. Regardless of his image as a domineering president, he pounced on her and bit her neck full of dog teeth marks.

Driving the car, Lin Sheng asked casually, "An An, have you known Xu Nan for a long time?"

"Well, it's been a long time." Su Bei'an smiled lightly and counted, "Nan Nan and I are university classmates and have known each other for ten years."

"Oh." Lin Sheng replied softly, then rolled her eyes, "For a girl as good as her, there must be many people in the university who like her, right?"

No one cares about it."

Listening to Su Bei'an's words, Lin Sheng's eyes lit up, and Xu Nan's eyes were high, when fate really came, it wasn't because she was a rookie who captured her heart.

The airport is not very far from home, and it only takes ten minutes to drive. The two of them chatted and laughed, and soon reached the gate downstairs. Lin Sheng stopped the car.

I looked at the time, it was about 7:40 p.m. when Xu Nan sent a message that it was 8 o'clock, and there were 20 minutes left. The car was here, so I had to pick her up from get off work.

"An An, I have to go back to the company." Lin Sheng took out a key from his pocket, handed it to Su Bei'an, and pointed to the corridor next to him, "This key is for you, Xu Nan lives on the third floor, the house on the left."

"Okay, I will." Lin Sheng responded.

Watching Su Bei'an get out of the car and remove the luggage in the trunk, Lin Sheng rolled down the car window, waved to her, and drove away.

This is an independent house with three floors in total, with two households on each floor. Going to the third floor, Su Bei'an stood in the stairwell, looking left and right, it was very embarrassing.


She just looked around here, her memory was blurred, and her memory was short-lived. To put it simply, she forgot whether Lin Sheng was talking about the house on the left or the house on the right.

"I remember, it seems to be the house on the right, and it seems to be the house on the left." Su Bei'an shook her head, she would not call to ask about such trivial matters, "No matter, try Don't know."

Subei'an is an action figure, and she has always trusted her intuition and sixth sense.

So, she decisively chose the house on the right, took out the key, and went to open the door.

The key was inserted, but with all her strength, it couldn't turn, Su Bei'an looked embarrassed, and said to himself, "Is it wrong, isn't it this one?"

Just as he was about to pull out the key, there was a sudden sound from the door, Su Bei'an was stunned for a moment, the inner door was opened, and through the outer door, it was faint, as if to see clearly Zhang Guangrun's beautiful face.

A familiar woman.

Subian took a few steps back in fright.

Just like that, the outer door was opened, and the figure of Pingting seemed to be coming out.

I don't know why, but Su Bei'an was not nervous when she didn't see Lin Su, but when she saw Lin Su suddenly, she was inexplicably nervous, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead instantly.

Surprised that the key was still inserted in the lock, Su Bei'an stepped forward subconsciously and reached out to take the key off.

Su Bei'an's eyes widened, and she didn't lean forward, so she stretched out her hand and closed the outer door again, only to hear a heavy "bang", And Lin Su's muffled groan came.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, you open the door, are you alright!"

Lin Su passed by the door just now, heard someone open the door, thought it was the little niece coming back, opened the door and saw a strange woman standing outside.

I wanted to ask what was going on, but before I got out, I was caught off guard and was hit on the head. Lin Su squatted down and covered his forehead.

Ignoring the woman outside, knocking on the door, and yelling.

"Sorry, are you alright!"

There is no way to apologize, Su Bei'an watched helplessly, Lin Su stood up gracefully, turned around again, and closed the inner door.

However, the moment Lin Su straightened up, Su Bei'an had sharp eyes and clearly saw it, Lin Su's smooth forehead seemed to be swollen by a small hill...

Twenty minutes later.

Lin Sheng picked up Xu Nan from the company, and there were people waiting in their homes, so they went back to their respective homes.

Lin Sheng opened the door, and while changing her shoes, she shouted excitedly to the inner room, "Auntie, your dear niece is back."

No echoes were heard, Lin Sheng was surprised, changed her shoes, went into the living room, and sat on the sofa, with that graceful and graceful figure, she was not an aunt.

However, the atmosphere seemed to be a little wrong. She didn't seem to make her aunt angry. Lin Sheng walked over, sat beside Lin Su, and whispered, "Aunt."

Lin Su raised his head, looked at his little niece, and smiled lightly: "Sheng Sheng is back."

"Well, I'm back." Lin Sheng originally wanted to hug her aunt and act coquettishly in her arms.

Looking at each other, Lin Sheng looked at the small hill on his aunt's forehead and was stunned for a moment. Lin Su was also stunned when he saw the small hill on his little niece's forehead.

Speak at the same time.

"Auntie, your forehead..."

"Sheng Sheng, your forehead..."

The swollen hills of the aunt and nephew are all on the left side of the forehead, exactly the same.

The two aunts and nephews have a very tacit understanding. I will take a look at your small mountain bag, and you will look at my small mountain bag.

No more talking...

The author has something to say: the two are in one.

Good evening~

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