MTL - The President Asked Me To Go To Her House Again-Chapter 37 The president coaxed me to go to her house again

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In retrospect, she was kissed by two women at the same time, leaving two lip prints of different shades. Most importantly, she didn't even know it!

Xu Nan's trick is too damaging.

I found that there was a lipstick mark on her face, so I didn't remind her, even if I didn't remind her, I even got into trouble and left a lipstick mark on her face.

What's more annoyed is that Xu Nan obviously took her to go shopping, but in the end he refused to take her home and left her alone.

Turn off the faucet, Lin Sheng stared at Xu Nan's lip print with a hesitant look on his face.

Why did Xu Nan kiss her?

Thinking of Xu Nan kissing her, with a half-smiling face and a cold voice, Miss Xu is indeed a little angry, but what is Xu Nan angry? Lip print?

Anyway, playing tricks on her?

After all, she has made fun of Xu Nan so many times, Xu Nan must have hated it for a long time, such a good opportunity, Xu Nan will definitely not let it go.

Lin Sheng hummed softly, she must be tricking her!

I figured it out, Lin Sheng wiped off the lip print on Xu Nan's face.

Although he was thrown away, it was strange that Lin Sheng was not angry at all.

Because today, Xu Nan took the initiative to hold her hand and kissed her face, so that her mind is still full of white clouds, and she doesn't know what to say.

You must know that when one person behaves against another person, once they do not grasp the scale.

More than one ambiguous line of friendship, especially in the case that both parties do not hate it, and neither of them mind the ambiguous behavior.

And it works so naturally, no doubt, it's very frustrating.

It's like being stuck in an endless loop, constantly doubting it all.

Lin Sheng turned on the soul flying mode.

In front of Ye Tong and Luo Huan today, Xu Nan took the initiative to hold her hand, and kissed her on the street. His behavior was a bit domineering, as if he was jealous, and he seemed to be declaring some sovereignty.

Hey, she, Lin Sheng, is not a love idiot, so she can't even feel this.

But their current relationship can only be called friends at most. Will friends be jealous?

Or did Xu Nan have plans for her?

The more Lin Sheng thought about it, the more she felt that Xu Nan was going too far. He did such a thing to her, and he was not responsible or explained.

Slapped her **** and went home, leaving her to think about it all by herself.

She must be crazy, she actually climbed up the pole of an ambiguous relationship.

By the way, who is Xu Da BOSS, how could he like her?

Lin Sheng slumped on the sofa, clutching at the pillow, like a schizophrenic, screaming to death.

"Lin Sheng ah Lin Sheng, what are you thinking about, you are just a little shrimp."

"Xu Nan is the big boss of the company, how could he possibly have plans for you? You have watched too many dog-blood TV series. You think the overbearing president is in love with you."

"You like Miss Gentle, Miss Xu is not gentle at all."

"Xu Nan is black-bellied and bullying, which is good, not good at all."

"Your salary will be deducted for a lifetime."

Lin Sheng bit the pillow angrily.

"But she held my hand, kissed me again, and her salary was deducted for a lifetime, did she... or did she... like... ..."

"Although she is black and bullying, there are times when she is gentle..."

With a "pop", Lin Sheng threw down the pillow and covered his red-hot face with both hands.

"Please stop being narcissistic."

"How can I like you."

"How long have I known each other."

However, she seems to have something special towards Xu Nan, otherwise, with her temperament, how could she be willing to be Xu Nan's little nanny?

And a free babysitter for life.

This discovery shocked Lin Sheng.

Did not dare to send a message to Xu Nan, grabbed the mobile phone on the table, and quickly called Pingping.

She wanted to ask Dr. Shen Da if there was something wrong with her spirit, why she was always on the move recently, and she was always thinking about it.

Shen Ping listened to what happened to Lin Sheng this month, pondered for a while, and smiled back to her: "Sheng Sheng, there's nothing wrong, your spring is coming."

Say goodbye to the past, say goodbye to Wen Yiyun, it has just passed the cold winter, Lin Sheng is incredulous, and asks: "Where is my spring?"

Shen Ping replied: "Next door neighbor."

Lin Sheng hummed softly: "She is my nemesis."

Since she met Xu Nan, she was stepped on by her high heels, helped her buy aunt towels, and cooked for her, Xu Nan properly became her nemesis.

"Think about it and ask your heart, does it like Miss Xu?"

Do you like Miss Xu?

It doesn't matter if YY is in my heart. When this question is really raised, Lin Sheng is very embarrassed. After being silent for a few seconds, she has some scruples and asked softly: "Pingping, she is the big boss, Can I like the big boss?"

Shen Ping asked, "Why not, you are still troubled by the past?"

Lin Sheng sighed: "You know, my relationship with Wen Yiyun has never been made public. She is afraid of being known about this abnormal relationship."

"That's Wen Yiyun, not someone else." The voice paused for a while, "I just heard your tone, do you really like the neighbor next door?"

Lin Sheng pouted: "I can't tell, but it just doesn't feel right."

"Don't be afraid, what's wrong with the big boss, as long as you like each other, then be together."

Lin Sheng blushed and had a thick neck.

"I haven't decided whether I like it or not. Maybe people only regard me as a friend. I am me, I am too self-motivated."

"How can you be so smart, how can you become emotionally insensitive, whether you are stupid or stupid, Miss Xu is holding your hand and kissing your face, I don't like you "Why did Miss Xu treat you like this?"

Lin Sheng muttered: "I still think it's impossible, she can't wait to strangle me."

"If you like it or not, just ask if you don't know." Shen Ping chuckled lightly, "Sheng Sheng, it's not because she is the big boss, you should back away."

Ask Xu Nan? !

It might as well kill her!

How can she ask this kind of thing? Facing Xu Nan, she has no courage at all.

It's not like she was in her student days, she was innocent and reckless, she likes to be together, she is in her twenties, so she can't be so impulsive.

The window paper is pierced, and it is difficult for this friend to be a neighbor. Look up and see you down.

Still in an embarrassing situation.

A few minutes passed, but Shen Ping didn't hear Lin Sheng's voice, and laughed again: "This is not like your temperament, when did you have so little confidence in yourself."

"Besides, my family Shengsheng is also a very good person, he can earn money and support his family, he can talk about coaxing people, he can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, if she likes you, that's her fortune."

Lin Sheng was dissatisfied, and said angrily: "I can even go to the kitchen, and the monthly salary I earn is not enough for her to buy a pair of high heels."

"Afraid you can't afford it?"

"Why can't you afford it? You haven't given up on these eight characters." The mocking tone on the phone made Lin Sheng's face even redder, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, tomorrow On the weekend, at nine o'clock, see you at our old place."

He thought about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and then Lin Sheng went out to buy the ingredients for tonight.

No matter what, dinner is still to be done.

When I was still in the International Plaza at noon, I discussed with Xu Nan what to eat for the evening. After talking about it, Xu Nan rejected the idea of ​​eating meat.

Still insist on being a vegetarian.

Eat meat at night, indigestion.

This is what Miss Xu said.

Xu Nan is not short in height, but very slender, holding her waist in her arms as if it is not enough to hold, so it is not enough to eat more meat and supplement nutrition.

After buying the vegetables, Lin Sheng hesitated, but sent a text message to Xu Nan.

“Come to your house to cook, or to mine?”

She was thinking, would it be awkward to meet?

After all, her mind was out of control, and she thought of Xu Nan as that kind of relationship.

Ashamed, ashamed.

No reply, Lin Sheng held the phone and waited for ten minutes, but Xu Nan still did not reply to the text message, and after a few minutes, he made a direct call.

"It's next door, why are you calling?" Lin Sheng muttered and pressed the call.

Xu Nan came from the phone in a slightly hoarse and lazy voice: "Little nanny, the capitalists have decided to let you go for the past few days and not oppress you."

Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

She asked why instead of congratulating herself on her liberation. Xu Nan rolled his eyes and smiled, "I want to go back to the head office."

"Oh." Lin Sheng responded, "When are you going back, and are you coming to eat tonight?"

"I'm at the airport, I'll be leaving soon."

Xu Nan at the airport? ! Taking back what I said last night, the big boss is not idle at all, the big boss is the big boss, and he is busy regardless of time and place.

So, Xu Nan won't come to dinner tonight, and won't come for the past few days...

She was silent. Xu Nan's leisurely voice came again: "You, a working people, can stand up and don't have to cook for the capitalists, are you happy?"

The working people really stood up, and it seemed that they were not as happy as they thought.

Xu Nan had just done such an extreme thing to her, and now she patted her **** and flew away.

Are you not responsible!

Lin Sheng grabbed the pillow and said nonchalantly, "Nonsense, if I don't cook, I must be happy, the working people are going to die of happiness."

stand up.

Soon, Xu Nan's voice came word by word: "The words are false."

Lin Sheng was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes: "What, how can I be duplicitous, resisting you, a profiteer, I'm so happy that I'm flying fast, okay?"

Afraid that Xu Nan would not believe her, she even looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, Miss Xu, did you hear me? I'm happy."

Xu Nan took a breath and interrupted her: "Okay, stop laughing, laughing so terribly, it will frighten the employer and deduct your salary."

Lin Sheng curled his lips, leaned on the sofa, opened his notebook, and while entering the XS company's website, he replied indifferently: "You buckle it, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's all I was deducted completely by you, and I also deducted my whole life salary, how can I still deduct my salary for you now."

He asked in a low voice, "Xu Nan, when are you coming back?"

"Well, I'll let you know when I get back." Xu Nan's voice paused for a while, and then came out two clear words, "Cooking."

Lin Sheng clicked into the company forum, and when she heard what she said, the finger that entered the account froze for a while, and soon returned to normal, and replied to her naturally and casually: "Miss Xu, then you just don't come back. Well, as soon as you come back, the working people will kneel down again and want to squeeze me."

Logging into the company forum, Lin Sheng was taken aback, the top post of "Vice President Luo Chasing President Xu's Road" disappeared, and the title of the top post was pinned.

Replace with: "The big boss is crooked!"

No sound came from the phone, Lin Sheng saw such a shocking post again, and read the title of the post like a ghost: "Is the big boss crooked?"

At this time, the "Da Da Da" high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the ground, accompanied by Xu Nan's brisk voice: "Little nanny, I'm going to board the plane, do you have any? What do you want to say to me?"

Lin Sheng flipped through the posts on the company forum and replied, "I wish you a smooth journey."

"That's it, gone?"

Lin Sheng blurted out, "No more."

Xu Nan's breathing was obviously heavier. When she reacted, Xu Nan snapped and cut off the call.

Lin Sheng put down the phone silently.

After a few minutes, he snorted softly: "I want to tell me again, think beautifully, but it's not that I don't come back, say something, if you have something to say, come back and talk about it."

My eyes fell back to the computer screen, and I clicked on the top post. There was a lot of writing in it to verify the fact that the big boss was bent, and it was written from beginning to end.

However, in Lin Sheng's opinion, most of them are non-existent, except for the last one.

The big boss holding hands with the beautiful woman appeared on the street at 2:38 pm today—

This beauty, Lin Sheng doesn't want to admit it.

It's her.

In the evening, when the plane arrived at S City, Lin Sheng sent a message to Xu Nan, but Xu Nan just replied coldly "it's here".

If you send a message again, it will not be returned.

"Ignore people and ignore people, forget it, ignore them and ignore them!"

Lin Sheng angrily threw down the phone and fell on the bed, heartless, and fell asleep.

After spending the first night without Miss Xu, it was the weekend. Every weekend, as long as there was nothing shocking, Lin Sheng would go to the gym.

Having been in this city for three years, no matter how busy or tiring work is, Lin Sheng will not give up the important thing of fitness. Keeping a slim figure starts with exercise!

As for Miss Xu, it will be a long time in Japan.

Read The Duke's Passion